"CARO-uiOUNT MWS i-OR SERVICE »iEK aND ;Oi5EN« Sidney Bluraenthal & Co,, Inc, •I. X Rocky Mount, N, C. uarch 15, 19^3 KO. If "VIC TORY'* Germany, .Vhy? Right VICTORY-—In war-- Soldiers, Sailors, iiarines—they are the answer to our victory. "The writing is on the wall". The armed forces, the j'Jhuction facilities and resources of the United Idations will devise a solution ^ ‘he problem. ,;hen? The day, month, and year is not yet known. '7henever time, It will be far too soon for the axis time table. ..here? and Italy will regretfully know. How? ^dlitary secret. '‘eth over wrong. ‘ VlcrohY On the home front— Production o.t amraunitlons, planes, battle- P®» and other war supplies soar to new heights. The present crisis bring roh ingenuity into action on an incredibly high scale never kriown before. °h Ijjth, -aaierican oitizens are willingly paying their heavy tax turden. the month of «i»aroh, americans will meet the quota of 5il2;j,000,000 in Qp tbutions to Red Cross, ce are adjusting, our lEode of livin,” to the rationing Sraui, Q^J ef forts at hoaie are diverted more coiicletely and totally toward each day. '^iCIURy-.—In strent;,tn or spirit Boys in wuadalcanal say, “There are no in foxholes", ho you not experience a greater faith in Cod and your v.Teneral i-rCarthur said tiiat divine guidance enabled the Li. 8. toY> ces j —v.Tcxicjia,x mui jsaj.vt uatcti, guidance the great Japanese Convoy of twenty'two ships recently. Cnee this strength of spirit is per:nanent. ^iCrohY—-In peace— This must be the culminating and everlasting victory. Ug. Victory uflist banisii rule by 'the sword once and forever. The cause for ^^ieht and sacrifice is the cause of all men everywhere. Let us hope !ta outcome will define tne rights of luen wherever they may be in accordance I ‘ '^nelr way of life and governinent. mount hews for Service -iien and ,'Jbmen" is published and edited by R. 1^80^ '^ard and .^re, Rommie Lanlels (the former hiss Virginia Gardner) of the department. The following euployeea have contributed to this, third the "OaromoJnt dNews for Service Mon and .omen". v^f^drd Adame yditer ureemnan Hatcher ‘ii Lawson 0. B. Solomon Jimmie Speight i-iiss Iris Stancil Randolph Sutton R. ». Tippett ^ Jf>etting a greater portion of our news from the scores of letters from the men in the service. Please continue writing letters to an|l of