E. Hatcher Ajux, Hato^ier is now a ’/ifAAC at Ft* Oplothorpa, Ga, Rafora entering he nyA/^c's, Margaret was the reoentionist "t the main office. Sh" liVee Amv life fine, ha has had K. P. dtrty already. The President’s Visit to Fort 0 lethorpe o^f^red a "-r^at "*’111 for the ■'VAAC'S there. vVe have en.loyed your interesting letters, Farraret. Pone will have a pass to Rnoky SSount soon. fgZT V, caskILL Aut. Gasklll, alss at Fort Orlethorpe. No news to the n“W8 from An?y yet. oba^>jy 'yAAG life is '•eoninr Anry very ' usy. T.et ”s Pear From you soon .’ifAAG FasPill. ~ylill^__2hoar1n I'essar® r^’ceivod from Aot, Jn’ia Fhonrir unor arriving "t ’"ort OoletPorne, JuTia is there ■'or i'as’o training too. She was a weav r on the 2 nd s^’i "t at Garomotmt. ® feel sure sho will ma’-ce a fine '.VAAf. The 2nd shift weavers send their b«st wishes to p-od luck. L. Ward Aux. Fine ‘'■’'erd also left with this contingent whi ^h landed ••t ’’’ rt 0 I'^thor'^e. iJ-reg G^lcth-^rop and ■^ays, "our tim'' is well taken up -—It’s a ■*’ine thinr for a young - ^l”, weavers have been asking about you too, Nina and wo ars glad to ronort you ore tonR« Jo ^ D. iicCorkle Tyn^oubtedly Oorooral WcCorVle by f-^'s time Still -niovln- Army life. tha ® ■fcraininp' to b© a laboratory technician, WcCorkle is at Camp'ifhite Oregon. Keen up good work. Corporal, lldai Collie Pvt. Collie has finished his basic training at Camo Blending and has moved Id ■ >"16 hiYls of Tennessee, He has b«on living "out in the field" since leaving Florida. ^1* the Icnv hikes Fo11o5» tbrouvh mod and water, "They oven keep us busy during our Ote * cleaning our rifles and other eouipment". Glad to learn that ether boys in your ^P^tty enioyed thit. news sheet. Finish the iob and hurry home, Pole Vick Lester is now in the "Sunny South", Jacksonville, T'le. Clad you have a reavT“the mud o-f* former camp. Lester says "I will have a 21 weeks course here. •yo ^ ^*^**3 but I shall do my beat. It’ll Pay off later". That's the real sniritoW ffa know . the 3ltmtivn well in hand, L ^^aker AMM S/C"—Ra>er has seen a large norti of the world since 1-avlng Caromount* the Havy, he can reveal no localities. He s^nds this oersonal message —"Tell jjjP* William D. Holden of the Greenville Army Air Pass that if the Army doesn’t obliterate "tba Navy will be heme to do the same". Raker stands by on the U, S. S. St. Louis, 'Valker Word received fnom Pfo. -Valker now of Hawaii. °e8*rb1«’ul Irland, bt»t tha Hg ^ be^tHnTuT n-irl he left behind. Sorrv to learn James was in the hosoital—ho’'e all now. pfo, 7/alkcr has served his d'diy on F. p. All othe’- news was strictly on the > list. Your ooonornti on with the hoard of Censors la the tvne of ooooeration needed ^'iotory. u,t. J|!pftrthur For the first time, we hear from WcArthtar—Now Coroorel T^oArtbur. Carey .-y" 7th Armored Division, He rode the traYn into the desert as '’ar as it kha+ travelled :50 mil-JS farther by truck to reach Camn Coxc-'mbe, OgHe, Here's hoping I 'McArthur has oaid his rosoeota to Hollywood and Los Angles bv this time according "lane. From Lo’-isiana to Collfomia—sli ghtlv cross country travel. Hern's booing the desert understand and agree with each other. Good luck* Corooral. Bass Cpl, Bass likoe Texas 'ine oxceo-fcing the dust. He likes the Army fire and ‘SVa- ■»» .. . «. _ - , , .. . .... rood iob" is being done. The mofn im who have conCidenoe that the .iob Is **®ll done the sooner the victory. VVe agree with you, Cnl»»>a good ,1oh ia being dons.

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