FAITH Let ^8 have faith. Surely, as never before, we need everlaating *h God and Mankind. Faith in victorious events to come and the peace to follow. Faith in the United States and the United Faith in our fellowmen. It ' hii ^®bld seem that men end women In the service of the armed forces Jo best opportunity ever to secure an insight on human nature- ^ 8u> , means of judging and festabllshing fal|h in your fellowman. meet all tjrpes of individuals who have had all sorts of ex- |ht, ®®"**“the rich, the poor, the proud, the humble, the wrong, the ^ person has something to contribute to your life and you in ' ^ pft* contribute good to their lives. Make good use of this opportunity, ^aon you understand well means added faith in mankind. I >e8®g®I^li8h greater faith in the United States and its leaders for herein "the fate of our future. Sure mistakes are made and will ever be government leaders and your Haval and Military leaders need i ® votes of confidence. Let us have faith in and become the greatest the finest product—The United States of America. And then faith integral part inculcates faith in the whole—The United Nations. in God lends toward an air of security, of optimism, of happlnncss, ^oiJ®c^®ent, of solidarity into the events to come and the world of peace V. May we all share it and be a part of it. Lincoln significantly stated, "I have faith in the common people. People the truth and the Nation will be saved". VISITORS FROM THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES MG ARTHUR: Sgt. MoArthur visited us September 2nd. His Army jv to pCeen oo'mposed of the following proceedure; Inducted at Fort Bragg, hiv ® tav ^ Folk, La., Fort Knox, Ky., and then to the deserts in California. jJ training In the Tank Meohanioal Division. Sgt. McArthur likes the has been lucky to have been associated with several boys from to n®_^aa on his tour of camps. We enjoyed your visit lots, Sgt. Hurry Sg^yiLLIAMS; Pvto Williams came by to see us recently. You old