Calvih JONES? “Cal”, Jr, aeeme to be perfectly satisfied to be eeriring our oovmtry as a “Hairy Man”. He was previously employed at our Wilson Division, Thanks for writing us promptly after receiving the paper» We shall he looking forward to hearing from you often. There were lots of North Carolina hoys at Bainhridge some time aigo. Look around during your spare time and you might see someone you know. Lots of luck to you, “Cal", Lester cole VICK: Lester has finished his Aerial Gunner's course and is now assigned to a squadron of homhers, I know you have worked hard during the past months. Will you stay in Florida now or shouldn't We ask? We are glad you en^oy the paper. Keep us posted as to your whereabouts and we’ll promise you ’'News* each month. Lester writes “Keep the looms ri^ning and I'll keep my guns trained toward the “Rising; Sun*. Best wishes, Lester. CLYDE inrANfl: Ho word from Aviation Machinist Mate Evans for quite a While. We did rate a card recently. He is still In Vero Beach, Fla. we judged from hie card he would enjoy a glimpse of Rooky Mount his friends. Tell ua more about your Navy life. Best regards to your wife. Ruby. Hope to see you both In Rocky Mount soon. PFO. jyLlA 8HSARXH; Pfo. Sheerin is still at Camp Oampbell, Ky. doing 'l^ntal work and •diking it all the better”. She hopes to see Rocky Mount kgaln In Jan. or Feb, Ve hope to see you then, Julia. Write us more '^ften and send us a snapshot of.Pfc. Shearln in uniform. Pvt, wilt,I am P. PARRISH; "BIXI" is stationed at Fort Custer, Mich, and ’^'^w on duty as a fireman. Sven with the twenty four hour shift, (on 2H ^ours, off"2^ hours) Bill likes it fine. He says, “Michigan Is a 'beautiful state, but give roe ray home state anytime—North Carolina". ^il the fellows here at Caromount wish you the best of luck. Visit us during your furlough. glLBiiR nigAN WILLIAMS? Wilbur is our aost recent draftee. We have had jQwordTfrom him directly but we learned recently from his sister that was in the Field Artillery-—wasn't there something about mules, ^ilbur? Learning to pack and unpack a mule correctly doesn't sound so Very hard. Let us hear all about it, Wa really ralas you here. SAMTTEL LANGLEYS Sam, your letters ere greatly appreciated. We are ^blighted to learn that you and “Joe“ are still together. Hope such ;hok as that will continue. Glad you receive the "Hews'* each raotth. is really a pleasure to send it to you. Give our regards to Joe. sincerely wish you boys the best of luck. EZZELL: From your letter, Bill, we note that you ere Receiving and enjoying our "News Sheet“ a great deal. He enjoyed your *6tter just lots. In your next letter, ttell us all about your daily J^tivities that your array loyalty permits. Would you send us a picture? Would like to have one for our bulletin board. &SRa c. HEnaEPETh: We thought at one time that 8 2/C Hedgepeth had 5®*“gotten us entirely. We were quite glad to hear from her and to re- J*l-we the “picture greeting card." From your photograph. Flora, we see ard getting along fine. We hope the Caromount Hews will reach you promptly now that we have your new address. Write us often so Ke may keep in contact with you. We would certainly appreciate visit to Caromount during your liberty.