CAROMOUHT NEWS FOR SERVICE MEN & ffOMEN Sidney Blumenthal & Co., Inoo Rooky Mount, No Oe May 1944 !??«9ra :dltor ” Ro Quillen Ward .esitant Editor - Evelyn Crunpler Art Editor “ Margaret Oookrell P.nT’ Walter Greenman, Oaoar Satterfield, Bill Lawaon, Snhiii^®2’ Edwards, Cora Wester, Howard Landis, Ray SSht Young, Paul Wells, Randolph Sutton, Jimmie ’*eka S* Oavia, Lee Robert Joyner, Alma Lancaster, Knox Ellis. Josephine' JHe ' Trevathan, Oal Jones, Tiny Sutton, and Pete Thompson. 4.!?® Margaret Cookrell-Peggy, Sptr«rt Laboratory. Tennyson “a often quoted line ^^8 tft +K® spring a young man^a fancy llKlitly h\x} 2® thoughts of love''l.*2We think Peggy has done a swell jobi Don't ^ '^^0. mv^®. With the drawing~~and with a certain young man®e fancy shanks and congratulations to Peggy, • » » 9 • E*’4 • « SELECTED ftUOTATIQWS ^Ink on these things for as a man thlnketh in his heart so is he, tr5%?®? something and fail are infinitely better than those y to do nothing and succeed.--Lloyd Jones. ovL^! Yaith, there would be no living in this world. We oould- ® eat hash with any safety if it wasn't for faith,—Josh BilllngSc IVi yo® oa® afford to keep your temper; when you are wrong ^ afford to lose it,—E, M, Statler, ® those who have waited for ohanoes, but who have ^^® olianoe, conquered the chance, and made the ohanoe ®ervltor,—Selected, »ho nil STAFF SERGEANT ALBERT P, ROYLE AWARDED AIR MEDAL Connect lout* article which appeared in the New Haven Register, New 10«: “®^0AL to STAFF SERGEANT ALBERT P. ROYLE OF ThS^^JHITNEY AVENUE WAS ANNOUNCED RECENTLY SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND, FOR “EXCEPTIONALLY MERIT0R0U8 ACHIEVEMENT WHILE COMBAT MISSIONS OVER ENEMY OCCUPIED CONTINENTAL HUSBAND OF MRS, JOSEPHINE D, ROYLE, STAFF SERGEANT PRIOR TO THE WAR WAS A CHEMIST IN THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY, HE ^ «0W A WAIST GUNNER ON A LIBERATOR BASED IN ENGLAND." ">6?® ^® Royle, WeKnew that his fine record would surely to J'P*' attention although he has modestly failed to mention this achieve- ®8o Beat of luck and kindest regards from Oaromount to S/Sgt, Royle,