The Caromount News ——EACH MONTH BY AND FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF THE WILSON AND CAROMOUNT DIVISIONS VOL. IV—NO. 12 SIDNEY BLUMENTHAL AND COMPANY. INC. DECEMBER, 1946 grrg OII^nBlmaa an^l A Happg Npui Irar Wilson Employee Wins New York Trip President’sMessa^ej As the year comes to a close | 'our minds turn toward the^ Christmas Season. The spirit/ of teamwork always evident inj the Caromount and Wilson Di-j 'visions has contributed so^ much to our general welfare! during the year. | May I express the company’s fappreciation of your continued! friendship and loyalty. It is my fervent hope that^ you will he blessed with health/ land happiness. A very very Merry Christ mas to you all. H. H. Schell, President! Herbert H. Schell, Company President, shakes hands Avith Commo dore Harry Manning, master of the U. S. S. America, on wliich he re turned from the I. L. O. Conference, held in Brussells, Belgium. Textiles In Europe Face Many Problems The nursery rhyme about Old Mother Hubbard peering into her cupboard has more than a casual tesemblence to Europe today as Herbert H. Schell, president of our company, saw it in his recent trip lo Belgium where he was one of the American delegates to the Internat ional Labor Conference. There she iSj old and war-weary, leaning on crutch of government price fixing, staring at the out-moded ihachinery, overworked, war-dam aged or just obsolete. Apparently (Continued on Page Two) Christmas Bonus Caromount and Wilson em ployees will receive a Christmas oonus on Monday, December 23 According to this schedule an nounced by the company: One full J^eek’s pay to all those who have oeen in our employ one year or niore; One half of one week’s pay fo all those who have been in our employ from six to twelve months, nud one quarter of one week’s pay fc all those who have been in our employ from one to six months. Safety Officers Elected A reorganizational meeting of the Eastern Carolina Safety Coun cil was held in Rocky Mount on Friday evening, December 13th. Officers for 1947 were chosen as follows: Chairman, J. H. May- field, Rosemary Manufacturing Co., Roanoke Rapids; Vice-Chair man, H. B. Gaylord, North Caro- (Continued on Page Two) Caromount Cafeteria Is Open To Employees The new Caromount Cafeteria was opened recently for serving food to the employees. Ernest Tay lor assumed the managership of the cafeteria. He has had con siderable experience in managing and operating similar establish ments. Mr. Taylor stated, “We are serving approximately 400 em ployees.” The employees crowded the cafeteria to its full capacity on the first day. They have been fol lowing a routine schedule since (Continued on Page Two) THE LIFE OF A SUGGESTION An employee has a bright idea and he rushes to get a suggestion blank. He writes his bright idea in detail and places the signed blank in the suggestion box for the Suggestion Committee to con sider. Thus, a suggestion is born. The suggestion blanks are found beside the bulletin boards in the weave shed and dyehouse and by the time clock near the first aid room and near the bulle tin board at the Wlison Division. Periodically the suggestions are gathered and typed without signa tures for the consideration of the suggestion committee. The signa ture of the suggestor is withheld from the committee until they have reached a decision. This committee has a representative from each department. They dis cuss the suggestions in detail and send the suggestor their conclu sions and opinions. If the sug gestion will result in a wise economy for the company or an improvement in production, the committee considers the possibil ity of a cash award. After the dis position of the suggestion is recorded, it is carefully filed for future reference. The Suggestion System was ini tiated in June 1945, and since that time 176 suggestions have been dropped in the suggestion boxes. Three suggestions have merited cash awards. The winners of these (Continued on Page Three) Mrs. Frances Williams Wins First Place In Letter Writing Contest Mrs. Frances Pittman Williams, weaver in the Wilson Division was recently selected as winner of first place in the Letter Writing Contest sponsored by the Com pany. “How my Favorite Recrea tion Will Benefit An Employee Recreational Program” was the topic for this contest. As first place winner Mrs. Wil liams will be awarded a trip to New York with all expenses paid. The complete details concerning the trip have not been announced yet. Mrs. Williams declared indoor games as her favorite recreational activities and suggested the use of an “indoor game room” in the recreational program for em ployees. In her letter Mrs. Wil- (Continued on Page Three) Holiday Schedule The Caromount and Wilson plants will close for the Christmas Holiday on Tuesday, December 24, at 2:00 p. m. and reopen Thursday, December 26, at 2:00 p. m. and run Thursday, Friday and Saturday, with all three shifts working on Saturday, December 28, 1946. In order that we can take an nual inventory, both plants will be closed Monday, December 30; Tuesday, December 31; and Wed nesday, January 1, 1947 and will reopen Thursday, January 2, 1947, at 6:00 a. m. and run Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, with all three shifts working on Saturday, January 4, 1947.