19- do 'S. The Caromount News PUBLISHED EACH MONTH BY AND FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF THE WILSON AND CAROMOUNT DIVISIONS APRIL. 194H VOL. 6—NO. 4 SIDNEY BLUMENTHAL AND CO. :NC. •lea n' W'l' in^ es ts Ugl I 0 ng‘ al> all- crQi o all -fo! 1 till i f s : e' fori nil’ ni3' rea lal till res- tli lui^ neo ;2L 13.' 13.' ;54.' si’’ 35! :no^ e uh* New Insurance Booklets Issued To Employees Janie Alexander, Naomi Stancil, J. K. Ainerson, and W. A. Haxley, of the Warping Department, are shown examining the new group insurance booklets which were recently distributed to all employees. This booklet brings up to date the many benefits added to the insurance plan during the past year and desci-ibes fully the complete plan which otters protection in ease of death, sickness, or hospitalization as well as medical and surgical expense benefits. This plan is entirely free to the employee. Your foreman will be glad to answer your questions about it. Plant Workers Donate rkree Drops Of Bkcd More than 300 eniplovees par ticipated in the blood typing pro gram sponsored by the Rocky Mount-Nash Chapter of the Am erican Red Cross. Through this project the Red Cross is setting up a Volunteer Blood Registry in Rocky Mount. Each individual was given a Red Cross identification card in dicating the blood type and the Rh factor. Local doctors have pointed out that the principal rea sons for being typed is to establish blood type and Rh factor in case a person should need blood promptly and to enable that person to be available immediately if a relative or a friend should need blood. Miss Penelope Jenkins, the Red Cross technician, set up her equip ment in the First Aid Room for drawing ‘‘the three drops of blood” with the assistance of Mrs. Mary (Continued on ViiKe two) Greenmans Are Shown Br fiingson’s Kypospray Dr. Robert A. Hingson, the first physician to use hypospray, visited Dr. Adam Thorp in Rocky Mount recently. While here Dr. Llingson jrrivately demonstrated the hy[)ospray at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Greenman show ing this method of giving hypo dermic injections without using a needle. This was the second demonstration performed in North Carolina. Upon learning of Mrs. Green- man’s illness and constant use of the hypodermic needle in treating her illness. Dr. Hingson offered to demonstrate the hypospray to Mrs. Greenman in order that she might look forward to less pain- Jul injections. This demonstra-' tion was (juite successful in prov ing this [)oint. Dr. Thorp commented, “In spite of Ids fame and world wide recognition Dr. llingson remains (Continued on I’iiko six) Safety Award Announced ^ Hie Sidney Blumenthal and Vo. Inc., Caromount Division, of Bocky Mount was among the 80 ttidustrial plants named b y y Commissioner Forrest H. | ^hufurd of the State Department Labor as qualifying for the i-abor Department’s Certificate of ■Safety Achievement. I he qualifying firms reduced dieir accident frequency rates by 40 per (;ent or more last year, ‘'otnpared with their 1946 rates, or 'Maintained accident rates 75 per 1‘eni lielow the Slate average for ^^*oir industry. I he safety awards will be pre- '"laited to qualifying firms in the (Continued on Page six) Camping Equipment A complete set of camping Cipdpment for a parly of six to i-ight members is available to em- l^My^es of the Caromount and Wilson Divisions who will be re sponsible for its condition and Safe return to the mill. The equipment includes a trail- tent, folding cots, stove, table, Hiairs, kitchen utensils and var ious tools. Applications for the use of this Equipment may be made at the 1 ersonnel Office. Production Curtailed The decrease in orders for cloth used in the cloaking and suit trades has resulted in a corr esponding decrease in production activities in the Caromount and Wilson Divisions. I’here has al so been a far smaller demand for the upholstery fabrics used in furniture manufacturing. Indications are that this cur tailment will be of short duration. I Our Research Department is ! constantly searching for new pro- I ducts and the sales force is al- 1 ways looking for new markets. Caromount Employees Visit Shelton Plant Minstrel Plans Given For an evening of real enter tainment do not fail to attend the Caromount Minstrel show now scheduled for Saturday evening, May 22. There will be plenty of good singing, soft shoe dancing, spec ialty acts and by all means those funny end-men. Rehearsals have been going on for some time now. The end-men have searched high and low for funny jokes, and you will be amazed at the amount of talent here at Caromount. Mrs. Audrey liiinier and Miss Aileeii Womble visi(*l in New York (Ity and South ()ran}>e. New Jersey, diiriii); March as quests of Mr. and Mrs. Hen Thomas of South ()ranf>e, former residents of Rocky Mount. Tliis Avas their first trip to New York, and their eyes are still as hig as saucers from all the heautiful sights that they saw. They say that they still prefer to live in Rocky Mount hecause evei’ything moves too fast in New York. While in New York Audrey and .\ileen visited the New York Ottice at One Park AA^enue and 14()(> Broadway, and spent one day at the Shelton Plant in Shelton, ("onn. The above picture Avas taken in the laboratory there. Mrs. Lanier stands by while Miss Womble is looking into the microscope.