The Caromount News PUBLISHED EACH MONTH BY AND FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF THE WILSON AND CAROMOUNT DIVISIONS VOL. 12, NO 2 SIDNEY BLUMENTHAL AND CO., IN(\ FEBRUARY, 1954 President Of Turkey Visits Wilson And Rocky Mount roiu ehle rist* hese for duty Mr. pent par- IFort list* and re- jyed dge' lest? . T. sud' wish eaV' the rnie hile yer- brey lent- the roit* L a d 3 whe his ha^ President Bayar (left) an'ived at Caroinoimt In an open car. Honorable John F. Slnunons, Clilef of Protocol of the State De partment, (right) rode with the President in tlie pai-ade. Lt. Pol. Alpkartal, Aide to tlie President, is shown getting out of the car. In the background is Sgt. Keiuieth Sutton of the Kocky Mount City Police Dei>ai*tment, who helped provide security for tlie Pi-esident during the parade. .Also seen in the background *h*e news caineranien photographing the President’s arrival at Camjnount. During Ms tour of the Caroniount plant, President Bayar (left) stopped to speak with many of the employees. In the above photo he is shown shaking hands with Cl.yde EViuis (right) in the weaving dejiartment, which is typical of his keen interest in the spirit of American w'orkers and theii* outstanding produc tion records. Bayar stated that he wanted to see, tallc with mid be seen by as many Americans as possible while in the Unitel States Free X-Rays At Wilson There will be an X-ray unit at ‘he Wilson Division on Tuesday, March 9. from 10:00 a. m.-4:00 P- m. Everyone over 15 years of age Should get a chest X-ray. It takes *^hly a minute or twm to be X- rhyed. There is no undressing. • here are no charges. Every person who is X-rayed ‘^^®*ves a written report by mail. ‘his chest X-ray survey is h^iade available by the Wilson ounty Tuberculosis Association, Wilson County Health De partment and the N. C. State Board of Health. Every employee should take ad- '^antage of this opportunity. Rrstl954 SafetyMeet ‘he first meeting of the East- i^^hrolina Safety Council for Was held in Rocky Mount h Iriday, February 26. J°hes, Safety Chairman, ochanical Department of the At- Coast Line Railroad talked h the “Personal Side of Safety”. Teachers Tour Plants At a wind-up dinner meeting February 23 Chamber of Com merce and city school officials termed Rocky Mount’s first Busi ness - Industry - Education Day a success. The dinner meeting at the Ricks Hotel wound up a day in wffiich the teachers were given a first hand view of the operation of local manufacturing, distributing and service firms. As an additional feature of the day, a panel of business men pre sented a program for students at the high school. Miss Ruby Vause, Mrs. Sue Bowden and Lee Chapman who visited Caromount were greeted by Vice President E. H. Suess- muth who discussed company his tory and management problems. George Harper took them on a plant tour followed by explana tion of our production by Howard Snedeker, Randolph Sutton and Clayton Hedgepeth. The program was planned and directed by the Chamber’s educa tion committee headed by Quillen Ward. Bayar Sees Plant Operations And Talks With Employees Turkish President Celal Bayar was enthusiastically w'elcomed by thousands of school children and adult citizens as he visited Wil son and Rocky Mount on Febru ary 19. Due to his particular in terest in schools a special route, decorated with American and Turkish flags, was designated taking his official party by the Woodard Elementary School, and Charles L. Coon High School in Wilson, and the Rocky Mount Senior High School, Braswell and Wilkinson Elementary Schools in Rocky Mount. Our Wilson employees greeted President Bayar as he passed the Wilson plant which had been dec orated with American and Turk ish flags. Upon arrival at the Caromount plant, President Bayar was welcomed by H. H. Schell, Chairman of the Board; Andre’ Blumenthal, President; and E. H. Suessmuth, Vice President. All of the officers and members of the Board of Directors were here for welcoming President Bayar. His party was taken on a tour of the Caromount plant, this be ing the first textile plant Bayar had visited in the United States. The President’s interpreter, Orhan Erlap, Director General, was at Bayar’s beckon call for expla nations and interpretations. A luncheon w'as held at the Caromount Field House for the members of the official party and invited guests. In his words of welcome, Chairman H. H. Schell stated, “The Directors, the Offi cers, the Department Managers and the Production Employees of the Shelton Looms feel greatly honored by the presence of your Excellencies here today. Along with the citizens of both Wilson and Rocky Mount they have ask ed me to express their apprecia tion of your visit. We hope you will find your short stay in our community not only a pleasurable one but a profiitable one. Wilson and Rocky Mount are the two smallest cities which you have chosen to visit within the understandable limitations of the time you are spending in the Unit- See President Of Turkey Page Three