Page Four _ rill THE ORANGE ECHO ,,v- '/ i/ fit^v SCOUTS (oontinued from pag6 one) Pcout Clarence Hars^avccs, pa trol leader; Plorace Tatr^*' leaucx, and Cla?*- ocout Johnnie -*> patrol leader, ihe Troop at present, being v/ithout a scoutmaster, is under the supervision of Mr. Eugene White. There are about fifteen Scouts in the troop. A program of unusual features is being planned for Boy Scout Anniver- .sary Week. All the Scouts being interest ed in advancing, they are work ing to become first class Scouts and to increase the number of ■second class Scouts. FACULTY (Continued from page one) Miss A PARENT’S PRAYER “P^ar Lordr^^^||^j7 You gave youi;"son' to save the v.’oHd, You didn’t count the cost In blood and sacrifice; You gave your son that we might live. ^--.r Lord— v^aii i UO less ? i give the world my son That he may help to .save things for which your Son So nobly died. If when the victory’s won. dear God, And you send back my son. Ill press him to my breast and thank you. Lord. joi" your Son, aadcratand, And through my tears, rejoice To know that my son and the Son of God Go hand in hand. Amen.” ildwell is a former instruc- Count^.Training School in Smith- field, N. C. Mr. B. F. Ga7-r-..f+^ graduate of Hampton Institute and. a former teacher of agriculture at A. and T. College in Greensboro, N. C., • fills the vacancy of Mr. R. d’ Smith who has entered the Armed Forces of the United States. Mr. Garreti is also an instructor of chemistry. Mrs. R. M. Stanford fills the ^ vaca^y of Miss .1. J. Jones, fcv. mer tiacher of the fifth and sixth grades. Mrs. Stanford graduated from Shaw University in Raleigh, N. C. She was a former member of the faculty : JAinsonville High School in Jonesboro, N. C. Miss Georgia R. Duncan fills the vacancy of Mrs. Smith while Mrs. Smith fills the place of Miss Johnson. Miss Duncan comes from Hamlet and ^’r.r a former teacher at Marlboro County Trairang School in Beihieiisville, S. C. She is a g'T-nduc^-e of Fay- ettevflle College in Fayetteville, N. C. Carol lo Be Given Tuesday, December 19 Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, « play in three acts, will be given in the school auditorium, Tuesday night, December 19, at 8:15 o clock. The program will be di- r^ted by Mrs. E. S. Ragsdale and Mr. Robert Hopkins. The cast of characters is as fol- lows: Mr. Scrooge, Larry At water; Bob Cratchit, Joe Durham- Mrs.. Cratchit, Alice Norwood; Martfla, Betty Brooks; Fanny Le nora Geer; Dick, Willia.. Stroud; Nephew, Otis Pettiford; Peter Herbert Paylor; Belinda, Thelma Goins. Ad,rfssi„„ will h« tree to all. The students and general public program Or the Christmas season. UNIVERSITY hardware East Franklin Street library (Continued f'ront page one) ley. The Negro (Genius, Wuiher- tiftg heights. Inside Europe Undercover, New World A-Con^ ing. These are but a small- num ber of the new additions. As the library is open through out tne day, all students have the opportunity of making their study periods and recess period count for something worthwhile. How ever, while the library w-elcomes all students, .at the .same time, it • must have regulations that will operate for the ben. fit and pleas- of all who use it. Disorder has no place in a i.?ad;nj,. room; i-’is unnecessary talking could not be permitted in the ^-ary. | Too, the policy of the library ‘ IS to encourage order anc clean « ^^mber 18, 194:1' n HAPPENINGS IN LITTLE PLACE By J. H. Jonett Our Lord Jesus lived for 30 years amid the little happenirtfs— ''' of the httle Jv^vvn of Nazareth. ^ Little villages spell nut their stories in small events. And He the young Priest of Glory, was’ in the carpenter’s shop. He moved amid humdrum tasks, and petty cares, and village gossip, and trifling trade, and He was faith ful in that which is least. He wore his crown on other ’'tiran-^ state occasions. It was never off His brow. -s vv’e Gladly Serve You liness. No one who comt, in to read should find it necessary to litter the tables and floor with waste paper, thus leaving an un attractive place for those who come in afterwards. I am a man who lived in Bethany with my two sisters. Who am I? CHAPEL HILL FL0FJ3T SHOP OPPOSITE WESTERN UNION h Weaver’s store. Meat Market & Woodyard ‘Service With A Smile” BROOKS STREET -t' CAROLINA PRODUCE CO. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Poultr>‘ and Eggs. —Pho«e 90G6— HOLLYWOOD THEATRE GOOD PICTURES AT LOW PRICES See “WHITE SAVAGE” —ALWAYS COMFORTABLE— 99 MID-WAY BICYCLE SHOP repair and rental SERVICE ben BALDWIN, Prop. Opposite Hollywood Theatre Va >4 FOR Bicycle Paris and Accessories; Aufo Parts and Accessories; Tires Recapped and Repairs —VISIT— PATTERSONvfIRE COMPANY 421 JVest Fra\,klj„ stre^ w