PAGE TWO THE ORANGE ECHO MAY — 1945 THE ORANGE ECHO VoL. i:-i — No. 2 Cevts Per Coi’Y P'.bJi.shed by sttndrnl.^ of Oranye Coimhi Traivinf! Schonl i)i ('luiprl Jill. North Carolina. The Orange Echo is approved by the Chapel Jl’ll Marchant.H' Associntiov as a standard advertisement medium. STAFF iloARCE Brewer Editor-in-CMef CtEORoe IIamsey Associate Bditoi ViRGiNA Edwards Business Manager Lillian Nunn - Circulating Manager Warren Jones Feature Editor Joe Durham Sports EdUor Dorothy KInq Secretary Charles Farring^ton Ti/pist Reporters Virginia Edwards Mattie Atwater Joseph Gotten Otis Pettiford Annie Boll Byrd O. T. Edwards Ada Marie Jarnagin Josepli Neville Ruby Atwater Evaina Brown Mary Woods Marie Brooks Elizabetli Regestcr Lillian Nunn Ulysses Burcliette EDITOR’S FAREW ELL As we approach the commencement season, whieli means to some of us an exit into we know not wdiat, we ex perience wliat prospective graduates must have felt down through the ages —a deep regret over much wasted time, and the impulse to give advice to the students being left behind. In all seriousness, most of us liave need for rogret. How few of us have worked up to our greatest capacity! How few of us have used study periods to prepare the next assignments, or to read books and magazines to broaden our knowledge of what is going on in our own times, or what boys and gprls of other places and other lands are thinking about! Yet, our whole career in high school has been spent in, perhaps, the most challenging era for youth that the world has ever witnessed. The fact tliat tl\e call tu oclTicc in xliy m-my and the navy placed such evaluation on a healthy body and an alert mind did not stimulate us to greater efforts to develop those physical and mental qualifications. So most of us have been content with merely getting by, when we should have worked to be come educated boys and girls. So we leave this parting word to our schoolmates: Take your career in high school more seriously. Consider that a world so torn as our is today needs men and women superior to those who brought this chaos about. If we are going to really fill our places as citizens, we must have some part in setting things right. You will be much better prepared to take your part, if you are thorough in what you do. My farewell message, then, is arouse yourselves, and as Presidenl Truman says, worJc, work, work! help of our people in buying stamps .uid bonds, and by staying on their jobs until the end, our boys too will iiave a Victory Day in which to let (i'cmselvcs go in jubilation. It is up to the people at home as to how soon the .Taps are vanquislied. Unless we do our full share in this se cond half of the war for peace, in the way of writing letters to keep up the morale of the fighting men, they will not soon have a real V-E Day. V-E DAY-WHAT IT MEANS . May 8, 1945 was a very important day not only to the Americans, but to people who had lived in dreadful pri son camps; those who lived on slow but sure starvation diets, those brut ally beaten, those people who are once again, living as human beings, the people of Europe. V-E Day was made official at 9 A. M. May 8, by President Truman. There were people who were glad to know that our boys had not fought in vain. The bell tolls were for aU boys, but especially for those who were not .able to see the great day for which they fought. There were other people who under stood V-E Day was a day for giving thanks to God or praying; not for boisterous celebration. The boys on the front bad no cele brations, because they knew that the job of cracking Japan would be much tougher than the job of cracking Ger many. They felt like rejoicing, but their t^me bad not yet come. With the WITH OUR EXCHANGE 0. C. T. y. students are, no doubt, acquainted with the various exchange newspaper that have been posted on the bulletin board for reading in the English clas.s room. There are several notewortliv ar ticles in them that may be recalled upon my mentioning them here. I feel sure that most „r y,„ the merit of the ones I have chosen to comment upon here. In the issues of The Highlight from the Horace-Mann Lincoln School, we find witty feature stories which seem to have a two-fold purpose. The immediate purpose appears to be to give the youngsters a good laugh without which any school paper would be dull. Secondly, they serve as a clever means of teaching a moral. One of the feature stories is ^‘Feeble Fables No. 2.” The story is about a penguin named Morton, who once resided in the land of the Eskimos. Having lived a secluded life from his fellow penguins, he regard ed their favorite game of sliding along the ice as being foolish. He de cided that he would journey to Horace- Mann-Lincoln, because, he said, he wouldn’t find students here indulging in that kind of silly sport. Surely enough, he didn’t but he found them sliding along the halls, shouting, ^'the last one in the elevator is a rotten egg. The moral is we claim to be a higher form of life than a penguin, but we often prove by our behavior that we show no better manners. '‘The Eye,” from Mt. Airy High School carries articles in each issue on library news in the form of a book review. The reviews are interesting as well as helpful in creating a desire to read new books. Another feature in The Eye that attracted my attention is an article giving the names of those students and teachers who have birthdays dur ing the. month in which the paper is published.' In the Proconian, an article entitled the facts behin4 the News dealing with Sweden, is an article which is particularly interesting, and gives much information concerning policy and strategy of Sweden during this war. Reading our exchange may smggest points of improvement in at least they furnish moments of worth while read ing. WIIITTER BOUND YOUTH By Litj.iAN Nunn A great flea! has hocn said recently nboiit juvenile (ielin(}uency, but re- 'K'aicli shows that not enougii is being done about it. Recent figures reveal that ninety- five percent of venereal disease is caused by immorality, and that thou sands of illegitimate cliildren are be rng brought into the world by girls between the ages of twedve and four teen. To tliinlc that America’s purit} is being demolished through the im moral state of the era we live in is enough to arouse any true American’s fighting spirit in an all-out crusade fipninst immorality. Rome time ago, a group of youn people met Mrs. Roosevelt at the train depot in New York and asked her what they could do to combat this na tional menace — juvenile delinquency. This incident .and the previously slated figures sliould bring us to ask ourselves the question: To what extent nre we contributing to this widespread delinquency? Arc we taking advantage of the cultural agencies of our com munity — the eluircli and the school? A general break-down of our moral ndards seems certain if something is not done to reverse youth’s present tendencies. The war on the battle front is backed with the assurance of victory but the war against juvenile dcdinuuency on tlie home front proves to bo a more powerful enemy. ‘Whatsoever a man sowetli that shall he also reap. — Galatians 6:7. A sacred burden i.s this life ye bear: Look on it, lift it, bear it solemnly. Stand up and walk beneath it stead fastly; Fail not for sorrow, falter not for sin. Butonwnrcl, npward, till the goal ye win. —Fri-nces^Anne Kemble To work is to wdrship, to be cheerv is to pray, to be happy is the first step towards being pious. — Steven son. Now is the month of maying. -- I'homas Morley. PRIZE WINNING GAMES For Grades 9-11 A Prize-Winning Game. Be the first tj answer all ten of the questions and collect your prize of fifty (50) cents. Test your knowledge by under lining the correct answer. The key may be found with the editor. 1. The country of Gliile at its wid est point is only, (a) 500 miles, (b) 250 miles, (e) 1,000 miles. 2. Which month is popular for rain? (a) May (b) .June (c) April. 3. Bill Robinson best known as (a) singer, (!)) dancer, (c) actor. 4. New York was first called (a) Gity of Gold, (b) New Amsterdam, (e) City of Winter Time. 5. Harlem is often called (a) Ne gro Capital, (h) One Man's Town, (e) Everybody’s Town. 6. Joe Louis is in the (a) Navy, (b) Army, (e) FAC’s. 7. The Afro-American is published in (a) Cliapel Hill, (b) New York, (c) Baltimore, Maryland. 8. Fisk University is located at (a) Nashville, Tenn., (c) Cincinnati, Ohio, (c) Raleigti, North Carolina. 9. The Negro National Anthem was set to music by (a) Henry Lincoln Johnson, (b) James AV^eldon Johnson, (c) Duke Ellington. 10. Up From Slavery' ’ was written by (a) Richard Wright, (b) W. E. B. DuBois, (e) Booker T. Washing ton. These girls and boys will be the men and women of tomorrow, and realiz ing the many change.s the post-war living will bring, they imist be educat ed for these clianges. OUR BOYS IN SERVIC^ By Virginia Edwards Do you ever stop to think of the great service that our boys, who so recently left us, are rendering to their country? Each of them responded to Uncle Sam’s call. Yes, Orange County Training School students are doing their part in this war. I am sure that you will never forget them. Do you remember the sad departure of STM Second Class LeRoy Clark and Seaman Thomas McDuffie, who were seniors of this school before be ing inducted into the Navy? LeRoy just returned from a nine - day fur lough, is at present stationed at Bain- bridge, Maryland. Seamen McDuffie is still on duty at Great Lakes in Illinois. STM Second Class Percy Booth, a former tenth grader of this school, who has just returned from a nine day furlough is at present stationed at Bainbridge, Maryland. Pfc. Clyde Williams a student of this school and a member of the ninth grade is stationed at Fort Beginning, Georgia. Now, students of Orange County Training School, you see what your friends are doing, and the party they are playing in this war. This is your challenge, students of O. C. T. S. Take the opportunity you have to further your education^ before you too are asked to join forces to wipe out the Axis rule. Keep up the morale of our s:ervicemen and preserve the ideals of the horaefront so that our boys who are fighting to save these ideals will not have fought and died in vain. Games For Grades Three To Fight Be tbe firct ],ii answer this game correctly and present it to the editor- in-chief, Horace Brewer, and receive a 50 cents award. NAME BY NUMBERS Frequently authors, playwrights, and composers use numbers in phras ing the titles of their work. Just to prove tliat it does happen more often than now and then, we have listed a few titles of books. Probably you have heard or read some of the stories, the titles of which include figures. In each case you are supposed to supply the correct number to complete the title. Each answer correct counts ten points. A score of 2-4 is fair, 4-6 is good, 6-8 is very good, and 8-10 is excellent. 1 — - of Seventeen 2 Linking Great Oceans 3 The Railroad 4 Around The World in Hours 5 Giants of tlie Seas ^ The Moon ‘ - — Processes Formal Trailer Ride •— - Helpers Today'’s N. C. Poem MEN ANT) ATONKRYS. Beprinted from The News And Observer Alliimigh it’s true a lot of us may have a funny face, I can’t believe that monkeys are the granddads of our race; And anyone who claims such things, and calls it evolution,; In my opinion, should be kept within an institution. It isn’t fair to classify a human with an ape, Though I’ll admit they look alike in countenance and shape; And wlien I sny it isn’t fair, don’t get me wrong my dear, ; I mean the monkeys that I’ve seen surpass ns humans here. For instancM', take orang a tangs, they don’t invent big guns, And once eacii generation kill oft their finest sons; And siiow mo a gorilla who think a limousine Entitles one to go high hat, and smirk, and sneer and preen. A monkey’s just a monkey, but he knows what’s good to eat. He wouldn’t burn up wheat. And though, sometimes, the times get hard, a monkey boars his grief. He doesn’t write a Congressman, and beg him for relief. Oh, I’ll admit they’re comical, when hanging by their tales, But after all, tlie laugh’s on us, for they stay out of jails; They’ve never heard of taxes, nor paid a nickel’s rent. Oi tried to dodge the grocer, ’cause they haven’t got a cent. .\ lady monkey never wears a crazy looking hat. She wouldn’t gasp in girdles, just to keep from looking fat. And monkey males don’t pick up sticks, and knock a ball around, They’d rather find a shadv spot, and stretch out on tlie ground. An aoo wUfi mimickod TTVlor, in -iUe land Avliere monkeys tiirive, t'ould never got a toe hold, they’d soon skill him alive, Ihe other monkeys wouldn’t wait, until he grew quite strong. Before they put him in his place, and tried to right tlie wrong. So when you hear somebody say Great Grandpa was a monk. Don’t haul the family musket out, and shoot him for a skunk, In fact, it would be awfully nice, if folks like me and you Would only live as sensibly as lots of monkeys do. J. Gaskill MuDanirl. New Bern, N. C. 8 Andy’s 9 Dan’s .. 10 HI EVERYBODY! This is opportunity knocking at your door again. Of course I only knock once, but, I just had to come here again. Take the stoppers out of your ears, and maybe you’ll hear me rap on your door this time. So please let me in at the first rap. Opportunity is a great friend, so please don’t hurt my feeling. I’m sure, when it comes to having a good time, no one desires to murder opportunity. It is only in case of tackling hard work that I get kicked aside. So be sure boys and girls, while you’re kill ing time, pleRse don’t murder oppor tunity. Don’t kill me. I might come back as a ghost to haunt you in your declining years. E A good archer is not known by his arrows, but by his aim. — Proverb. VICTIM OF LOVE One of the Junior class’s notorious young trouble makers, Riley Barnett,/ ri was found apparently dead Monday morning May 7th at 9:00 in the science room. He was slumped appar ently motionless across the corner of a table. Investigator Norman Barbee who examined the body, reported that he had been in this position for an inde- fmiate period. He had eighteen holes in his coat which seemed to have been made by a twenty-two calibre rifle, his body showed signs of poisoning, and his head was either flat from na tural causes or by accident. The entire high school was ques tioned and held under suspicion. Al ready fourteen persons have onfessed to maltreatment of the victim. In vestigator Barbee could make head nor tails of the case. Later clues led up to the fact that be committeed suicide, because of frequent quarrels ■with his girl friends, as disclosed in numerous letters found at his resid ence. What a joke on Riley! His honor is engaged to save The meanest of His sheep; All that His heavenly Father gave His hands securely keep. Anon.

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