MAY — 1945 THE ORANGE ECHO PAGE THREE THE EDITOR’S INQUIRY As V-E Day came so close to our graduation, we were forced to think of its meaning to tlie world and to us as individuals, standing on the thres hold of new experiences and broader contacts. The Editor posed this ques tion to each member of the senior class: What is your outlook for the to morrow, for yourself and for human ity? THE ANSWERS; John Allen, 323 McDade Street: “The outlook for myself is that when this war is over I will have equal opportunities Avith anyone, and be able to earn an honest dollar regardless of my color. ’ ’ • # « Eva Viola Barnett, P. 0. Box 764: “In the Avorld of tomorrow, it is my desire to be a first class seamstress, to be able to make things to please everyone, to create styles or models. I want also to knorv more about good grooming. I want to help others as Avell ns to help myself.’’ « # # Horace Brewer, P. 0. Box 294: “I am not very good at forecasting, but in the future I hope to be able to aid the Negro rnce in getting equal rights. T h.M"'. to bo able to do, not j.-si- one good deed, but many good deeds. I also hope to be able to fill my place In the Avorld of tomorrow, for surely there is a place for everyone if he will only find it. I believe it Avill be harder for an uneducated person to secure a job later on, and that it will be difficult for the uneducated peo ple to make adjustments to a world so high-powered as the post-Avar per- lOu iwoauseb lu x/v. • • Marie S. Brooks, P. O. Box 626: “I am not good at looking into to morrow’s Avorid, but for myself, I liave hoped for and planned toAvard being a nurse to help keep the fight ing men physically fit’’ • • • Lucy Cobb, P. 0. Box 265; ‘ ‘ My outlook for tomorroAv’s wprld for rpy- splf is to continue my education so that I iqay secure a job suited tq my ability, Eor humanity, T will try to liolp those Avho need help, including our children and our childronl’s children, so that there will not be as many unedeucated people as there are are today. ’ ’ • • • Joe Durham, 311 Sunset Drive: “For myself in tomorrOAV’s—world, I am planning to take up. a trade that my OAvn community needs, so I may help to improve our village and promote greater progress for all of \13. ’ 1 V ♦ Virginia Mat' Ihlwards, Lb (». Box 92: “’T am not very good in fqrGcast- ing tlie future, rfowever, as I look into tomorrQAv’s Avovld I see a variet5': of job opportunities. I can see my self as a teaclier of little children, and above nil, a friend of everyone.’’ « # • Oliarlie Farrington, P. O. Box 510: “My outlook for the future seems ra ther simple, and yet sometimes rather complex, I do not forecast things at all Avoll, but I am determined to at tend an institution of higlicr learning after finishing high school. After having gained some knowledge of the conditions of our race, I hope to do something great for the Avell-being of our people, in a Avay that it will be appreciated by all, to such an ex tent that it Avill inspire others to do something equally as great.’’ • « • Dorena Foushee, P. 0. Box 92: “I think after the Avar there will be many opportunities given us to go abroad. But my plan is to teach young I children here at home to help them as much as 1 can.’’ ^ * Levada Geer, General deliverey, Chapel Hill: “My outlook is definite ly personal as I am not gifted in pro phecy. I liope to secure a government job at Springfield, Massachusetts in June. With the saving from this job, I am planning to take beauty culture n the fall at DeSliazor’s Beauty College in Durham. After T finisli the course, I hope to establish a shop of my oAvn. Then T hope T shall be able to support my parents and younger sisters and brothers.’’ Jennie L. E. Johnson, P. 0. Box 213: “I believe the tomorroAv aauI] have perplexing problems in regard to freedom for all in occupations ainl in social adjustment generally. Hoav- ever, I am planning to go further in my education.’’ # « # Annie M. Mason, 19 Fowler Street: “My outlook ter tomorrow’s Avorld is ;i plan to help my parents as much as ])ossil)le, as tliey are getting old. I have applied for a government job already, and shall be leaAung for Washington to begin as soon as school closes. After the Avar, T hope to take a eo'.irse in beauty culture at Mayo Beauty College, then later to build a beauty shop on my fatlier’s lot.’’ # * # Alice NorAvood, 504 Sunset Drive: “i\ry outlook or hope is to get the Ix'st training T can, in order to be a good librarian, because I belileve in tlie Avorld of tomorroAv Ave shall be facing a drastic situation. T believe jobs Avill be fehver, and only tlie peo- ])le Avlio are speeially trained Avill be able to get good jobs. T also believe that food and clothing will be so high that tlie average person of little educa- (ion Avill be unable to .secure the ne cessities of life.’’ * # * Lillian Nunn, Route 2. Box 68: “In the world of tomorrow, I belileve that there will be a greater need for peo ple Avho haA’e cr'i’.cation. T believe that the Negro, especially, Avill occupy a more important place in society than this Avar. This World War IT is being fought for democratic reasons. If onv country is to support its OAvn creed, it viust be more liberal, more just than it has been in the past. As for rnysellf, I shall try to be ready to fill that place that I feel certain is Avniting for me, ’ ’ « « Dorothy L. 0’Kelly, General De livery; “1 believe tomorrow’s Avorhl will liave vast opportunities in the way of better education and better jobs. I have fully made u]) mv mind to become a nurse, in order to be able to help humanity and myself.” • • • George Ramsey, P. 0. Bo.x 951: “As Ave approach tlu; close of the second World War, I look forward to less racial prejudice and to better opportunities boili educational and social for all pcqples. My own plan is tq finish college, then Avork ami save enough money to purcliase a nice home, an automobile, and to live in a country Avliere a man is not dis criminated* agaimst because of race, creed, or color,’’ o « 4 .-Albert Regester, 120 South Gra ham Street; “T^Iy outlook for myself is to be a musician such as Mother and Father Avill be proud of. For humanity, T hope that all men Avill be given equal rights in the .social order. ’ ’ 4 4 k- Elizabeth Regester, P. 0. Box 454: “For my tomorroAV, I have hoped for and planned toAvard continuing my education, so that I will be fit for the opportunities the Avorld offers. For humanity, I hope to be able to help the people of my race stand for their rights.’’ 4 « * Allonious Rogers, Route 2, Box 3.0: “After high school, T Avant to do something to help other people that iii’f' ill need. T need to increase my le;iiiiiiig to the extent tliat others can profit liy it. f want to help hu- niauity iji the control of diseases and in delaying deaths. I want to be a nurse. ’ ’ * * * r.ucy M. Triee, Cliurch Street: “Jly outlook for tlie Avorld of tomorrow is to try to continue my education. If r should not succeed in going to college, Avliich I Avould like to do very much, I think T sliall take up a busi ness course or join some branch of the service that I know Avill be a lielp to our country and also to other countries. ’ ’ * * * •Vlvestn Walker, Route 2, Box 31: ‘ ‘ My plan for tomorroAv’s Avorld is to be lielpfu! to the victims of the Avar- torn world. T aim to help rebuild the wastes that Avere caused by this terri ble Avar. I intend to help in America as well a.s abroad.” # * * Marie Watson, Route 3, Box 230: “My plan is to see more of the world, more of the beautiful things that Nature has put liere for us to enjoy, such as Niagara Falls and tlie Great Salt r^ake. Then T intend to go to college to take training for teach ing in t)io elementary field.” * * * Mary Williams, 404 West Franklin Street: “1 believe there Avill be a world-wide plan for education and job opportunities. I Avant to be a nurse, because of the large number of .soldi'.' . tiiat Avill be returning Avounded. I think it my duty to help giv(‘ the,se men health again.” .•\iiuis Winstead, 123 Graham St.: “Tn the tomorrow, I Avant to be a very good tiouseAvife. ” * * * Fred Winston, 110 North Graham Street: “1 look forAvard to liave a vc'i'v plea.snnt, life in the world of fo- iiiori'tnv. : pia-j ro increase my edui*!-- tion extremely,' after my graduation from liigli school. I am determined to do scrnetliing for the good of man kind, .something that all tlie Avorld can l.-enefit bv.” WINNING ESSAY T. B. Information, Please! By Lillian Nunn The essay in this column, Avritten by Lillian Nunn, Avas tlie first prize study in. the contest sponsored by the Orange County Tuberculosis Association. How like a snake in the grass it attacks one! Hoav like a fire that de stroys the house just after the jnsnr- aiice has been dropped, does this dread ed disease dq its subversive Avork! .-hud yet these hard, cold facts about tuliercuiosis have just forced them selves upon me, a senior in high school, within the last fcAv days, despite the information T thouglit I had about it since E Avas a small child, 'I’wo i-eceiit incidents caused me to stand up and look this enemy square ly in the face, and challenge him to a duel. Tlie first of these Avas the death of my record teacher from tiihcreulosis — ayoung, alert, well educated person Avitli much to live for, who only last year taught actively in my scliool. Tiic second incident that caused me to tliink on this subject of T. B. and to try to find out more about it was the recent iiitensi\'e educational cam- jiaign conducted by the Orange Cnuoty Health Tiepartment d’liis campaign consisted of a series of moving pictures, folloAved by lectures by a physician and a nurse, presented to parents in assembly at nigiit and to the students in assembly at school. The educational campai-gp, Avas folloAved by giving, the tuberculosis test to all scliqpl children. It Avas dur- ,tn reflect upon the fact that although ;AV.'; tliink Ave knoAV all- that i-fj. necessary 1 about tubercud-osig, to protect our- See WTNNINfl ESSAY Page 4 V A LEDICTORY By Lillian Nunn Ladies and Gentlemen: It is my pi'ivilelge noAv to give a last greeting to you. We have reached a decisive point in our lives — Ave the graduating class of 1945. The past, liowever full of mistakes it may nave lieen, is incapable of being changed, and the future is unknoAvii to us. But tonight, Ave are possessed AVith a feeling of hope and anticipa tion. As we pause on the dividing- gi-ound betAA-ecii two vistas in our Hvels — our past high school career and our journey in tomorrow’s Avorld -- looking back over the varied ex periences of onr higii school period, Avc cannot prevent a feeling of sad ness that comes Avitli the thought of imrting. But our sadness can hardlv excel that of our classmates Avho have been deprived of tliis opportunity, tliose who in the flower of their youth Avc-rc plucked as buds from the garden of promising beauty. Their education Avas important to them, but not so important as the protection of our country. What must bo the tiioughts, tonight, of tliose boys Avlio Avould be Avith us in tliis our class- night program had they not received the call to arms? Perhaps some of them Avill not even return borne from this battle for freedom. It is reasonable to believe that some of thorn Avill pay their great est sacrifice — their lives — lo liber ate our Avorld from the diabolical cruelties of Nazism and Fascism, not only in the European sector of the world, but in our oaa-ti home land Aviicre there is much to be done to educate the people on the mere super stition of race superiority. To establish freedom in such terms as our late President Roosevelt inter- r-iwteJ if-, uoj-rs wc-nt (•-vt:ragcouslv to ansAver the call, disregarding the and pride of a high school graduation. But it is on the basis of their sacri fice that Ave can look forAvard liope- fully to the future America, one that Avill be clean and shining, one that will hold a future outlook for youth that is free from the night-mare of a Guadalcanal or a German concentra tion camp, an America free from the curse of race discrimination and Jim Orownism, an America Avhose Statue of Liberty lifts her torch to light the Avay to every boy and girl, regardless of race, color, and creed. Our past is behind us, our future is yet to be realized. It is our high pur pose to make tiiat future one of notable achievement. By such achieve ment alone can Ave repay the debt Ave owe to all Avho are responsible for tills, our graduation. Our mental and moral possibilities are just blooming and coming to fruition. As tlie future beckons, Ave Avill ansAver Avith an undaunted cour age, equal to that shown by our class mates, Avliose absence Ave feel tonight, because they responded to a call to make a Avorld in Avhich Ave, tonight, can speak Avith pride and hope. Glass mates, there is no achieve ment in art or science that may not still be excelleld, no depth of philo sophy that cannot be deeper sounded, no flight of the imagination that may not yet be passed by a stronger, surging urge of youth. With this as surance, we venture forth fired Avith ambition to excel. Our country needs ns to help slionlder the burden of Avar, to help in building a better tomorroAv Avhen Ihe battle has been won. The talents . Ave possess are for the service of all, the truth Ave hold is for all, and our energies and activities Avill he devoted to the progress of civilization and social adA’ancement. These things we shall accomplish by onr own will, and by our education in our various voca tions. Finally, Ave regret most keenly now. that many duties have been ill-per formed, not done at our best, and that See VALEDICTORY Page 6 SALUTATORY By Virgini.a. Edavards To the friends of the class of 1945, we are very happy to have you attend our class-night program, the second feature of cur commencement. It is because you — the Board of Education cur former principal, Mr. H. M. Holmes, our superintendent, Mr. A. W. Honeycutt, our present principal, Mr. D. M. Jarnagin, our beloved teachers — tiiat Ave can commeorate such an occasion as this. We heartily welcome yon to this our class night program. It is often said that this is a plea sure-seeking age. Whether it is a pleasure-seeking age or not, it is doubtful that it is a pleasure-finding tige. Could an age of unparalleled de pression, and of the most devastating warfare be styled a pleasure-seeking age? Most of ns Avpre born during the depression tiiat folloAved the First World War. We are spending our adolescence in an age of unprecedent ed regimentation. Those Avhom the nation has not called into service have been hemmed in by the most serious rr.ntrol of resources the Avorld has ever knoAA’n. Tliis control has followed us in our hief source of .amusement — tlie mov ing pictures. These have been made sordid and cruel byl the most drama- ic, nerve-straining scenes of air raids and invasions. If Ave wish to ride in the country and view the marvelous handiAvork of nature, the rationing board steps in and says thus far shalt thou go and no farther. We Avould serve our guests refresh ments, but OPA tells us hoAv little Ave have in foods. We Avould sit by tlie fireside and enjoy a thrilling romance over the radio. We are scarce- Iv seated before avc are interrupted by a special Avar bulletin, or a report that a certain number of Yanks have He* -'-‘Toners, find this or that place has been captured by some avmv. Yet, they tell us Ave are a plea sure-seeking age. I doubt we are a pleasure-finding age. Too, let it not be thought that high school is a place for constant enjoy ment and pleasure. No one yet has invented a Avay to inject education in to tlie brain like injecting a fluid into the arm. Education is still to be attained by hard Avork. Thru those Avho Avould say that Ave are a pleasure seeking age should see that ours has been a most serious age, and that avc have accepted the situation AA’hieh our elders brought upon ns as our patrio tic duty. It is tnie that we haA-e had greater advantages than our fathers had. There is, on the Avhole, less poverty, and more Avealth for the common man. Through the efforts of our late Presi dent Franklin Delano Doosevelt, more and better chances to gain wealth Avere made. Many more people became millionaires, and the small business man has risen to the position of great er importance. The opportunities -for dvancement have increased because of the interest tiiat our late President held for the lesser man. FelloAV-students, liaving been born in this age of higii tension, let us gear oursehus to be active partici pants in the making of a better to- iiiorroAv. Let us look beneath the sur face of things and discOA’er the great needs of our race. T/ct us prepare to serve those needs. To do tills, Ave must have faith in the essential goodness of our felloAv- mcn. We must liaA-e faith in ourseh’es. Most, of the great achievements have been Avon by people of average ability. Even the electrical magnate, Thomas ,-i. Edison, Avhose Avoiiders in electri cal research illuminate and energize onr daily life, was said to be a d'di student in nnithematies during his school days. '' Let us look at education as didl Henry \^an Dyke. avIio said: “It is a mistake to say, today, education ends. tomoi-roAV life begins. The process is continuous, the idea, into thouglit, the See SALUTATORY Page 6

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