1 PAGE TWO THE LINCOLN ECHO NOVEMBER, 1953 The Lincoln Echo is published every six weeks by the students of Lincoln High School In Chapel Hill, N .C. THE ECHO STAFF Editor-in-chief Jean Wright Asst. Editor Gloria Vickers Staff Reporter Faye Atwater Asst. Staff Reporter .. Leo Leake Bus. Manager Alien Mason Asst. Bus. Manager Annie M. Jones Secretary Katrena Baldwin Sports Editor Betsy Ann Cordal Asst. Sports Editor Elaine Harriston Feature Editor _.. Barbara Burnette Alumni Editor Ernestine Powell Society Editor Alicia Jones CirculaHon Man Roberta Morrow Ex. Editor Bertha ifcaden Roosevelt Colson Advisory Com Mrs. R. A. Smith Mrs. M. G. Frazier Mr, R. D. Smith Mrs. M. D. Turner Mrs. C. H. Barnes Objeclives of Ihe Lincoln Echos 1. To supplement reading materials. 2. To encourage free expres sion. 3. To interpret the life of the school to the community. 4. To promote greater school spirit. The Editor Speaks The spirit exhibited by the members of the faculty and stu dents in the recent bus drive proved the famous saying, “To gather we stand; Divided we fall.” The Need for a Bus In recent years ail school activi ties which required travel such as trips by the band, footba'I l”am, basketball teams and other " bool organizations, had no means of transportation except Mrs. Weav er’s bus or the Carolina Trail- ways. These means of transporta tion proved very expensive to all organizations concerned. The success of the bus drive re vealed how all the school worked for one common cause. The efforts put forth to pur chase the bus shows the great pride which is taken in our school. “Where there is unity there is strength and from this combination of unity and strength comes success.” Gloria Vickers, Assistant Editor Coionial Drug Co, Always Ready to Serve You With Our Well Stocked Fountain Prescriplions Promplly Filled Phone 9-2981 My School Activities AUDREY LLOYD 10-B When the school doors have opened. And the bell has rung, I go to my classroom For school has begun. When the devotion has ended. And the reO ‘ms been called; My first c'- History Right across hall. When History is over And I’ve done my best. It’s time for Home Ec. There to finish my dress. My third class is Biology Room 103, Then straight to lunch Where I’m longing to be. My fourth class is English, And there I will go. To diagram some sentences And so and so. After English is over My last class is Band There to play pur music As well as we can. When our school day is over. And work is all done. Then we are ready to go To our very own home. New Lincoln I am a new pupil from North- side Elemental^ School, I have worked hard for the day to come for me to come to Lincoln High School. I am glad that I am here in the new school, and I want to help keep it new. In order to do this we must all work together. For example, we must not write on walls and seats, or stick chew ing gum on seats or trays, or throw paper on the grounds. If we do this Linr-'ln High School will always be new. James Douglass Wilson, 7-B Our Science Class Halloween On my way home, I saw a large bat, A screeching owl, and an old black cat. Then I met a witch on a broom. Who was all dressed in a funny costume. The witch came riding over my head. Then bump! bump! What r- '>! I fell out of bed. ;■ I a Jean Jones—10-B The story was told of an Indian who was given a watch for some honor. His watch stopped ticking. He took the watch apart to fine the trouble, not knowing anything: at all about watches, he found i dead bug. He exclaimed, “Uh' No wonder watch not run, en gine dead.” In our Science class we have been studying about plants and animals. We decided that we would like to make homes for them. First we made an aquari um. We learned that it takes a gallon of water to one inch of fish. We also learned that plants in an aquarium help to supply oxygen for the fish. The two kinds of plants we have planted were Sagittaria and Elodea. There are also rocks and shells in our aquarium. Snails help to keep it clean. We also studied about amphib ians. So we decided to make a vivarium. We began to collect materials for it. We got five pieces of glass, tape, plaster of paris, a board and made our vi varium. When we finished it we didn’t have anything to put in it. So we decided to take a field trip. Some of the things we caught were frogs, fish and salamanders. We also collected some plants be cause we learned that plants and animals could live in a vivarium. On the way back from our trip we collected some of the various rocks found in our community because rocks was to be our next unit. Some of the rocks that we found were granite, quartz, slate, flint, sandstone and limestone. The quartz were so pretty that we thought it would be a good idea to make sets for rings out of :it. . We did not know if the rock we caUed limestone was really lime stone or not. So we made a test to prove it. We poured hydrocloric acid on it. And it bubbled. There fore we knew it was limestone. We learned the names of the rocks that we did not know from a collection of rocks we saw at the North Carolina State-Fair. We also have a pickle jar ter rarium. We used a large pickle jar and plaster of paris to make it. Then we placed some rich soil, plants and shells in it. It was very interesting making home for these plants and animals. All of us en joyed our science class very much. Gloria Faye Brooks, Grade 7-B LHS Football Squad The members of the L.H.S. football squad for 1953 are as fol lows; Captain—Robert Winston, Co-Captain—Arnold Harris, Cur tis Minor, Rufus Minor, James Guthrie, Prince Taylor, Joe Par rish, DeLeon Bynum, Roscoe Jones, James Perry, Nathaniel Farrington, Cletus Clark, Alfred Parrish, Joe Farrington, Joe Far rar, William Norwood, Rufus By num, Robert Parrish, Joe Card- well, Wayman Hargraves, Alfred Foushee, and Nathaniel Hairston. Total Statistics of Lincoln High School's Football Team Record L.H.S. Opponent 0 Rocky Mount 19 0 Hillside High School 19 0 Horton High School 0 0 Henderson Institute 12 41 Warren County T. S. 0 6 Burlington 12 Betsy Ann Cordial Elaine Hairston S&W Tailors Suits made to measure Alteration Press While You Wail 406 West Franklin SL Char-'l nUL N. C. Shield's Food Store E. Franklin St. Chapel Hill, N. C. TOWN . AND CAMPUS Clothiers for Men Monk Jennings Bob Cox Chapel Hill, N. C. Service Prompt. Courteous, Efficient J. J. CAB CO. Dial 9-8871 18 Hours Courteous Service 408 W. Franklin St. Chapel Hill, N.C. Coiolina Cleaners Phone 9-2711 Chapel Hill, N.C. ^