Page Two THE LINCOLN ECHO April, 1957 THE LINCOLN ECHO Studenf- Council Yearbook Clinic Your Leisure Time Published Six Times Annually By The Students—Chapel Hill North Carolina THE STAFF EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR SECRETARY MANAGING EDITOR ADVERTISING NEWS EDITORS FEATURE WRITERS BUSINESS MANAGER ASSISTANT BUSINESS CIRCULATION EXCHANGE . SPORTS . - TRT \LUMNI EDITOR - William Nunn Marcia Williams . . . Espher Foster Joseph Burnette Nathaniel Farrington, Richard Fikes Delores Edwards, Carlotta Farrington Delores James. Shirley Merritt . ... Wallace Oldham MiANAGER Delores James Edna Guthrie, Hugh Strowd Markethia Baldwin, Faye Brooks Hilda Pendergraft. Wallace Oldham Warren Jones . Floyd Hogan By Shirley Merritt By Helen Jones For Personolity A Letter From Growth The President By William Nunn Dear Students: Searching fnr some tips cn im proving your personality'.’ Here a lui.ouia for imprfU'ing your :neecn. You should work at it little at a time until good speech becomes a part of you. A good speaker must keep three things m mind to develop this talent: (t) Thi mechanics or technique of his .-vn speech (2) The subject 0 -‘ter ■'■ri (3) His listener or aud", ’*■' c. : ■ the mechanics of speech she' ‘d a.war's try to sharpen v' n pronunciation. Your friends mign' know what you mea:’ but inan: people will not. Dun'' .putter. l! coi! have difficulty with -.''Op words, take your and proi, -mce them slowly. Vary your tone and your pace.' It makes your talk sound interesting, lively and you’ll not be misanderstocd so often. Don t tfy to talk rapidly or your words ■ ’ CO r^se. Also be sure as can h- vf)ur grammar is correct. What Tn Talk About? Well, talk about the things that your friends are interested in. Be sure you talk in a firm quiet voiced manner, and that you give the other people present a chance to get in now and then. Do not let the conversation become a monotone. You should try to avoid deli cate topics like religion or poli tics as a general rule especially if there seem to be wide differences of opinion on the subject and try not to get stuck in the conversa tional rut either. Always try to keep a touch of humor in your talk and discuss things of general interest so a friendly feeling may develop between you and your listener. Looking forward to furthering ' nur educatoin is a very impor- trUit and exciting prospect. In ad- rlition to being enjoyable,, the thought of a further education should stimulate the mind of ev ery young person. Consideration for a further ed ucation does not concern the sen iors alone: as manv of us believe. For you students, other than sen iors can be considering your pro spective field and preparing your self for them by getting all you can here in high school. The choice of college or univer- . '^y is of great importance, and much consideration should be .given in making this choice. I hope this will convey to you to prepare yourself for a success ful jareer and. an effective citi zenship in a community. Mary M. Mason. President Wishing to establish in our stu dents a deeper respect and higher regard toward scholarship, the ^•tudent council is now initiating a poster contest. Each poster serves in some «mall way as an incentive for students to do more studying. "Student Day" is another (went planned by the Student Council. Teachers are to select students whom they feel are capable of taking their places for the day. Our principal's office will be op erated by the Student Council president. Lots of fun is in store for those I students attending the Spring Ball. Plans are being made to have a bigger and better frolic this year. Election of officers for next \voar’s council will take place soon. Students wishing to vote must register. It is hoped that these events 0-111 be highly mpported by the , student body sii.ce it is the deci- i sive figure in the of these ' events. Miss Dooley Does Practice Work In History Department By Delores James Miss Betty Dooley, a graduate of this school in 1953. returned three weeks ago to do her prac tice teaching in the Social Science Department. At present, ."'he is a senior at A & T College, Greensboro, North Carolina. There, she is a member of the Future Teachers of Ameri ca Association. Geographic Socie ty, and the Y. W. C. A. Miss Dooley states that the stu dents at Lincoln are very easy to get along with and she enjoys her Do Interest’s Change? By Hilda Pendergraft In the fall, Miss Dooley plans to attend Atlanta University to receive her Masters Degree in Sociology. On Friday. April 5. 1957. Joseph Pettifore, Joyce Minor, and Helen Jones attended , the Second An- : nual Campus Echo Publication 'Conference, held at North Caro lina College in Durham. This con- ■ orence was sponsored by The Echo/The Eagle, and the Ameri can Yearbook Company. Mr. Charles K. Stanback. a Durham photographer, and a rep resentative of the Josten Ameri can yearbook Company of Owa- tanna, Minnesota was the chief consultant. He was assisted by Mrs. Anne P. Tolivf:r. chairman I of Publications at Stephen-Lee I High School in Asheville, North ' Carolina. All sessions of the yearbook Clinic were held in Rooms 305-307 , of the Education Building. • First Mr, Stanback gave us the make-up of a yearbook. He’ also told us how to plan the con- 1 tents of the book and illustrated j It by using what he called "The I Ladder Page". He told us how the ' yearbook staff should be selected, '• using representative.s from each high school class, and the editor being chosen by the faculty. The yearbook should contain : school work, organizations and 1 their activities, school events -• ; ithe calendar year), schoiT sports. I advertisements, and the albums. Mrs. Toliver told the clinic how her school. Stephens-Lee, financ- I ed their yearbook, and Alfred Ri- ' chardson, editor of The Eagle, I gave us some hints on selling ads. ; It was said the income for the yearbook should come from the ■ sale of the books, advertising i space, and patrons. Mr. Stanback said also the problems of putting out the book are the three ‘’M’s" —rntmey. make-up and mechanic. At .seven o’clock that evening, the Newspaoer Group and the yearbook clinic met for a social ■‘Vno Recreation Room o-*; the' ' Science Building. Activities By Hilda S. Pendergraft An examination of your leisure time activities can help you to know yourself. While in school, many of urs loin clubs whose activit’es lie in soeciai fields. The clubs we join and the activities in which we participate are early Indications of our vocational pre ferences. This does not moan that because we were reporters on the .school paper we will enter the field of journalism, but it does indk'ate that we have interests that fit us for work in the field. Our entry into the field depends npon mors than interest, however. We need training, opportunity, and the necessary ability. Let's Grin Some WANTED Lonita: "The man I marry must shine in company, be musi cal, tell jokes, sing, dance and Harold: ‘'You don't want a hus band—vou want a T. V. set!" Excited Juniors Education Is A Challenge By Delores James Today, education is the key note to all jobs that man can ob tain. regarciless of race or reli gion. A high school education is even required for those who want minor jobs such as baby sitting, and domestic work. When one enters and completes the senior year of high school, he is faced with the big problem of whether to further his education or not. This is a big problem to many students because of finance, lack of ambition, and just not knowing'what he or she wants to do. Some students may even go to college and later flunk out be cause of lack of interest. The majority of students at Lincoln have not and are not studying enough to be able to answer the challenge in the fu ture. We should all. as students and future citizens begin to put more time on the primary things of life and let oleasure be second- One is not born with interests I already developed. He acquires them through experience: ! t h r o u g h widening contacts, through daily living. When you were a child, many of your am- ' bitions pointed toward vocations ' that seemed glamorous to you. but other and more mature inter- I ests have usually replaced those , childish ones today. Your matur- i ing outlook and experience nat- ^ urally influence your interests. ; Your environment, too, affects : them. If you were to move from apartment to a farm, you might discover a new interest in - caring for animals, one you had never identified before. Associat ing with new people often un- . covers new intei’ests. Just as . strong abilities tend to persist, so I do strong interests. These are the interests we should trust most in • vocational planning, particularly ! when we have related abilities. We will assume, then, that your interests , will change with the ’ years. Imaginary and immature ; ones will tend to vanish; strong ; ones will tend to continue and to develop. Lincoln High School Camera Club Ent-erlain Responsive Seniors By Warien Jones The School Year Ends By Lillie Suit! As this, school year ends, there will be a lot of interesting things , for some of us tO' do. Especially ; for the Seniors who are Graduat ing. The Freshmen are glad this 1 year is ending. Not because we ; hate school but because we are tired of being known as green. The latest additional organiza tion that we now have at Lincoln High is the Camera Club, which was organized under the super vision of Mr. P.. D. Smith. The club consists of twelve members. They are as follows: Betsy Battle, Carlotta Farrington, John Ray Davis. Frederick Weaver. Gloria Williams, Janie Harris, Deanna Alston, Warren Jones, Helen Jones, Richard Hackney and Ri- chaPd Fikes. We are a sma.. group as of now but we are hoping to have addi tional members in the future. The club meets tw'ce a month and plans activities for the entire month. There will be displays of the work of the camera club in the future. The officers are as follows: Warren Jones, President: Shirley Merritt, Vice President; Carlotta Farrington, Secretary: Helen Jones, Assistant Secretary; Busi ness Manager, Deanna Alston. The Senior Class was honored j on April 12th by the Juniors at ; Lincoln High School’s annual 'Junior & Senior Prom. ^ Decorations were surrounding , the gymtorium on a very beauti- ' ful spring scene. Two large I revolving Candelbra were center- i ed on each end of the floor with a pool and fountain in the center of CAUTIOUS Teacher; “This gas is deadly poison. What steps would you take if it escaped?” John: ‘“Long ones, sir!” j the floor. Refreshments were the ) beautifully decorated j Junior Class colors. I Music of much splendor and variety was supplied by the Joy- makers of Hillside High. I The advisors for the Prom were ; Mr. J. B. Christmas and Mrs. j M. D. Turner. j Entertainment at the intermis sion w'as gi\-cn by the Modern Dance Group of L. H. S. The Junior and Senior Classes sang their class songs. Just- For Laughs By Larry Lloyd Life for Mother — Titles — (Continued from Page 1) A young mother of four con fessed: When I had my first baby, I phoned the doctor every time he sneezed. My youngest swal lowed a nickel the other day. I just looked at him and said “young man. that money comes out of your allowance'’. How Juvenile Delinquency Sta rts By Kozie Pendergraft Most childrei; that live in slum areas are the one’s who are juvenile delincuents. Their par ents leave them anyplace with anybody, let them go and come when they wart to, most of them start when they are young. First they will lie, cheat, steal and murder, until someone catches them. The crimes they commit will then go on a criminal record under juvenile delinquency. Wise, N. C.: Thomas Hammond and Charlie Anderson, Quiz (Tie) Little River School and Franklin County Training School respec tively. The Federation Banner, given annually to the chapter making the highest number of points was awarded to the Little River Chapter by Mr. C. A. McDougle, Principal, Lincoln High School. It was accepted by Mr. J. L. Mof- fitt. Teacher of Agriculture and the chapter president. The follow ing boys were elected as Federa tion officers for the coming year: Mozelle Long, John Honor, Thom as Hammong, Herbert Powell and Henry Purefoy. One woman to another. My dear, we’re having such trouble with young Tommy. He’s too young to be left alone with baby, but too old to be left alone with the baby-sitter. Policeman to driver of a long, long new car; Look, lady, if can't park it all, park as much of it as you can. We should, however, cultivate hobbies and leisure-time activ ities. Many psychologists believe this is one of the best ways to develop a wholesome personality and broaden our interests. We should remember that engaging in worth-while leisure-time activ ities is our environment. We can do nothing about our heredity. We have little control over our home and schooling, but we can control the kinds of experiences we have. We can make sure that these experiences contribute to our personality development and vo cational growth. By Jeff and Bug The trouble Is—"Grandpa, why don't you get a hearing aid?” Don't need it. son. I hear more now than I can understand. WHO, ME? Teacher: “So, you said I was a learned jackass, did you?’’ Andrew: ‘‘No, sir. I merely remarked that you were a burro of information." DEW OR FROST Tony: "Your eyes fascinate me —they’re beautiful ... I can see dew in them.” Chick: “Take it easy. son. That’s not do—that’s don't.’' As our 17-year old started out in the family car for a Saturday night date, I gave him the usual caution about the dangers of week-end traffic. Don't worry, Mom, he said reassuringly. We’ll park.