LASH.—AIcWBKRjf TfE^F fJlClUA. F tB£E-fl;lLr BiPIlSf P. ff.. llEAW, - |ikV. A. J1 BKApBDKf, A, M. fcorreepondlug - _ - Jfitiitor. ryjj UBaAN WHjfc pAPnsT camicii of — ■iiljiiTii oakolina KAXfc Ob' SjnjSCBIXTlON, •One year^ |5l 60 Six IDOQlbfi^ ^5 i^our mcmlfte, :S(j mttbfey Bent by registered ibt- le at tlie risk of the editbh All coQimuuicationB itfiiSt be accompan.ied by a responsible name. Haskel Jones 43 the 4jeacrul agenv for the tree Will JS.ap- *, i"v 1 »,he gonGj'al Comer- BrSP^Eldev Daviiel Davie is Ibe gen eral agent tor llie Free Will Bapliat, lu the western part of the cotlfel-ence appointed by the ,gOQei'dt CoiitoreiiCe iy- Now no man .jrt libfe' tabie' fcn'e^f fbi wliat intent, be spafce this unto' biiD: For some of therd tlftiught, because Judas had the bag; Je||is had said unto him-. Btfy those things thai we have oeed qf jisgainst the feast} or :that,he should Soraetblffg to the poor. It is said, satan enterel into Judas. Oh when a perstm is imder the control of Satan,, he is ready for almost every kind of .wicJtednCsa. He can swear, lie, stealj take the nanle of God in -,&6kl. We roust take God’at .. . rd must believe, and accep 'db id'^'itations. We must hear, and obey ail his pfecepta, statutes,- comiitand- flfe'fits,-arid-ordina-aces Of die 2^ - ‘ gospel of the blessed God; We i iiist 80 believe him, as to do the whole • ill of GO?d ffOra the heart. We s.o believe him that we shall fear . > .s/n, yea, we shall fear to be tempted to gin We shall fear to have satan enter our hcar^, to have control of our iniudj. VI. Finally we must trust (iod. We must confide in Jhim; put all our iCEXANDfeR Hi STEPHiiNS. 1 'We have just received at this office boauliful lilllo volume which ought to find Us way into every Southern home. It is an excellent sketch of the tile ut aloxander H. Stephens, wri tten by Mr. Frank H. Norton, author of “ Tlie Life of Winfield S. tlantcuck, '* aud other works. . It .contains an ex cellmt portrait, and a fine view of Hr. •Stephens’ fate residence. A remarku^ Ule iealui'B of its work Is it- wowder- fully low price. Tho3gh a volurne one hundred pages, lacgcj liaiidsome lead^- cd type, beautifully printed on good paper, it costs only 10 cents in paper, or 25 CIS ib a very tasty cloth bound volume, and even at this rate large discounts are allowed to agents and blubs. It IS publishi d by John 13, Al- den, 1,8 Vessey St., Now York. It was with pleasure we attended the quarterly meeting at Kusscls Creek Cartrite county Last Saturday .and Sunday. S:'^•’-day night I preached . - lafgw, j ., uig- . ,-aa u^---j Oe- Lavod congregation. Wo apent the Fight with Elder J, B. Russel and wife, Sunday we met again at the ehurcli where we again preached the best w0 could to a crowned house. At n’ght brother Win. T. Gibble p'-eached * very instructive sermon. We spent the night with brother E 0. Springle and wife. We were sorry to find sister Slniijson quite sick. Monday morning wc arose ahoilt 4 o’clock and was conveyed to Beaufort by brother M. R. S[iruigla where • took the mail boat for Morehead, arid ^boarded the cars for New Bern where we arrived at 9 ; 50 A. M. The trip whs quite pleasant, we met with a rtarm leception by the cliurch and saw many friends we had not seen for years. May the Lord bless and pros per them. vain, break the Holy S.abbath, gamble, j interests for time and for eternity into drink himself drunk, commit aciullry, j his hands} and he will not sulFer sivtan cob God, commit suicide; murder, yea, ^ to enter our hearts, to contv. ] murder.'his own fathef; mother wife and ^ minds, or even influence us to do childTen. Yes he can betray the Lord' wrong} much less to betray our bles- of life and glOfy into the hands of ruf.' sed Christ into the power of wi-jked flans With a kiss. I ii^eu, who would condemn him and or- How corrupt Judas was I How de- j crucified. O how we as based ill his principles and heart !■ Itew i Christians, ought to trust the Lord, so tricked in his conduct! Hop- degrad-; “ 8™"- « grace.Jand in II ■ ' o«n • ed in his feelings and aspirations I edge of tfur Lord and Sat- ' IS p-jrpuse.*, I lOtives, ■' - - andplans! How aTarlcious; sells his; Wc ouuht. to grow in every Haste,r .under whese tuition and in-1elmuM increase in charity, love, stnlctibH-, he iiafl been for neariy three ' peace long sufforirig, gentleiie5s, meek years; sells him for thirty piebeS of ^ ness, patience kindness, -rocroy.'-.-mi- silver. If they were three cent pieces Pas sibh and benevolence. He s.u.uld he sold him for ninety cents. If hungry, clothe the naked, were five cent pieces he sold him for j '’‘sit the widows, and the fatherless in one hundred and fifty cents, if they' ^heir distresses, and cause their ' :-rte were teq cent pieces, he sold him for ; to sing for joy, O how much good three dollars. No wonder when he [ ^^bits can do-to bless their neighl>nrs saw Jesus was condemned, be brought | send; th? joy of sunshiao all atoU- back the thirty pieces of silver to those May t-he LoM aid us to do our who gave them to him; and when tliey *hole duty for Jesus o.ur Reapemet’s would not take it, he threw them down sake. Amen, on the floor, and went out, aud hung himself. He must have been In great distress of soul, in great agony of heart, when he saw to what a cruel fate he had brought liis loving roaster him, who had always done Judas good. The keenness of his remorse cannot well be described. Language cannot Well express it. The pencil canndt ihrhW it on cans-nss. ImaginaUon can scare I ““''“xed to his .ii.scil.!e8 cly conceije Ms a»fn! agonies. i -“’d toHnwtrs; He cmnmecoes by say. What lesson.! shbillj we learn from I ‘”8, who i» the Uessecl. We mast be Jndas-course and con,luct. j ''“f '» ^''o I. We should not allow evil thoughts ;“"8do“’ «f heaVen. The mourner to enter onr minds. The sentinal at! ““'H b» htohr-'tod. -The meek shall inliarit Llie cartti, such as Iniuger mul 8KB rCII OF A SERMON. iJT kLtJBR KBSfRV rARKi'R. TEXT.-Hathew 5. Cliap. 14th verse. “Ye arc the light of the World ” Tliis subject was spoken by the Sa viour in the racmorable sermon on the the door of our minds, should prevent wiokedthoaghts from entering. As "‘irtt after righteousness si,all he they come and wish to enter, be should ;®“; the merciful to obtain mercy, slam the door in their faces, and bolt [‘'‘“■r-'-to in l.vart to see Rod, e jic-'ce mek'-'-a paii.rtil ^ -ii i- .. great .langer lies, It lies in suffering Those who suffer persfeur. ,u wicked thbiighta to enter our mind.. *» rightcouancs sake, their's is the The watchman mast be stern, severe, hindom of hejveh. .Slich arc those relentless. He must forbid their ap. »'!»»'“'e World Will rCVlW and speak proach. But if they will approach, Blit the SaviOtlt tells then, , when they arrive at the door, he must : "j”™ ’‘"d S'-'d f” tl.eir reward is say, thus far and no farther. Here' Sr>h‘ h heaven, for they persecn- let thy wicked machinations stop. I‘'d‘he prophets before. He then says Here let thy wicked designs Stand i-’alt of H-o earth? This I was intendofl for liis followers throuijh -.T .a r.a-1 al J.a i i.,, i I «11 timc, tLougli ft liRS becii OYPf eiRljl II. But if eVil thougfets do bfeak . , , , . , . ^ ,, , ,, .a- a a ; teen huiulrod years since. It iS ju(>t through all opposition, and enter our i ,i - , • , . , , . ° . i't' - as applicable to Ills church to-dav as it minds, thev must be slrangled on their ^ ^ ^ ,, , , , ■ , , ® , I Was to the few that surrounded him on entrance. They must bo pitt dofrii}' . * • , , , , , , that occasion, and unless wo make out they must be chocked, throttled cliok- ... a u, • , , c. . . , , . : deeds righteous, WG ennnot obtain Lhiiv ed down. This is the unwouted pnv-' , . /•., j -u ... ... . , blessed promise after death—then as ilege saints have over their minds, we are tlie salt of the earth, we eytend over their Lhoiights purposes schemes..., . . . „ . \,. •- ® i)‘ J- • I that saving influnenee to the worL. iiitd.s, supp’oso a number of people wore walking some dark night through a wilderness wliefe there 'was many Paths Ic'adirig ffOm (he right one,- it Vroiild b« necessary to have' a torch Of iight fOr your safety? yoO would select a g*lide (O’ carry the light in fr'orit who knew the way well? Yon vfould place the ntmost confidence is him belie\ing that he codld conduct you safe, but suppose be become careless and come to tlie conclnson he could get along without the light and wAs to fet It go out it would be tbelDli-id leading the blind, and the Saviour says they would all fall in the ditch together? Tliis world is that wilderness,- the inhabi tants, the trials, a-H there is but one narrow way tliat leads to lieaveu,- and that is strait, while there are many places or ways where we may be led in that broad way that leads to de- stAictioa TIk^so people whom the Saviour was addreNiiig is the guaU-. *r!iich we ar,- ei.c. -01.1 with tnal l'!i,iJi', V , /ii “ye are the light of the world.” “Let, yt)ur liglit so shine before men that they may be cojiati'ained to glorify God which is in heaven;” are you let- ting that light shine as a faithful guide, or are 3’ou becoming careless? Oh, alas ! Ihuik for a moment, I fear there are many foolish virgins that have let tlieir liurips go wit, we are care less about going to ci.urclij and are growing cold atld stfftyirig off ftom the right path of liglitl' Matly say by their aolioas they have JIO tlecd of light that they cun get along Without It When they are enthusiastic after the blousilres of the world; and partaking dl tile hnlaw-* fill deeds. Come yc OUt fl'om amdflg them and be ye seperate, draw the litte of distinction that we may be seen and felt by the world that 5od’s people should be seperate. Let your light shine by engaging iri the service of God, keeping yourselves from the meryniaking of tlie w.-ilcl .and be sepetate as God requires; hunger and thirst more for righteousness and tlie Saviour saj's you shall be filled, keep your lights trimmed and burning as wise virgins, that when the bride groom comes, we may !ie prepared to enter in with him at the wedding sup per. Now my dear hearers taki- warn ing, if 5’ou turn a iJeaf ear to God you “work while it is day for the night of death eometli wlien no man can work.” Let the spirit of God be j’our guide and he will protect you, God said to Isrea! I will be your God and you iiHve none otlief; but they said give us a king that we may be like tile nations aniund us? lie gave them one and they went astray and forgot God, take heed brethren lest ye be led astray after god’s of this world and fall in like inailiier a-^ they did iu unbelief. through life and'when we come to die he will not forsake us? His strong arms will be thrown. around us, and when we pass through the dark waters he will whisper,- ’tis I? be not afraid? Our afllictiong Will all e'eSsp, our tears will be wiped away & We can join the angel band, and cast ottf ofbWns fit Jesus’ feet, and erj’ a loud that lamb WS.S obtained for us! Tlie afflictions here Which we rindergb, Shall cease when We resch the tfther' shore God^s hand SliflK Wifi'e' al'i teafS aWfiy,- There’ll bs ho h'igb(,- llirit iiridles^s day.- Mi-Rf T; TiRRiLE-.- motives and plans. By divine grace, they can repent, turn their minds I ever as salt which it was. intended; jtiie Saviour not only teaches liis lol- away from sneh vic.ons tlnnights, such evil nreditations, such wicked oonsidJ ^ S.alt is good, it crntlons; and then pkacc their niinds So is the Christian in- on good subjects, on divine llnd l-Mv- ^r otherwise it is not good for eiily things. I any thing, but to be chstoutby mei'. III. We must love God supremely [ jt is often done when they see Ihcir If we do not wish to fall into gross disorderly walk and hear their Ungodly sins, as did J udas. We must love the j conversation. The text says, “yv Lord our God with all oifr souls, with | the light Of the Wofld.’* Thefl, if ir-, might and strength. And, if we do it is great; the light Is Used in dune, thus loVe God, our heavenl}' father, ib ' will exclude all vain and idle imagina tions. Hi will shut the door of our hearts against everything, which woiild lead us to betray our heavenlj’’ master into the hands of wicked men. It would strengthen our minds in all good principles, and in good works and ways. IV; If we do not wish to run away fVota (aod, and betray our raas*^ev for thirty peices of silver, we must praj-. Wb must rua often to the mercy seat and beseech God to keep us, and not allow us to run into sin. I’rayer will For the FiiEK-ivxrj. Bactist. A Short Sermon, py REV A. R, BRADfibttV A. M. tEXT.—John 13: 21. When Jesus |iad thus said, he was troubled in spir^ it, and testified, end said, verilj’, verily I say unto you, that one of you shall iietray mo. w-«rda the ears of the apostles, Uko a clap of thunder froiii a clear sky. They were astonished, •mazed stunned. They could not con celve what the Master said. They looked one OR another, doubting ot whom he spake. Matthew sayst They were exceeding eorrowful, and began ever^' one of them to say unto him, Lord is it I? And he answered, and said. He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the saiq^ shall betray me. The Son of man it is written of him: but woe'unto that man, by whom the Son of roan is betrayed; U had been goo'l for that man, if he had not been borq. Then Judas, which betray ed him, answeired and said, Master, is |t I? Uf stiid unto him Thou hast. «aid. As much as to say uuto him; .Thou art the man. Judas, thou wilt |5*»tray me. Can it be possible ^ that Judas was so ignorant of himself, so (gnurant of the state qf his heart, so i^Iind in bis mind of what he was about to do, that he should put this question to the Master? It docs not seem pos- elble ho could be so ignorant. Jesus | enter into us, as he did into Judas, we j uouc others will be able to see their | bfe of the Christian and obey all his said to him what thou doest, do quick- must exercise more living faith in way. To present it more plain to your rtmmands, then God will bo with us AFFLICTION The Christians are warned of the trials and tribulations but as they look at their afflictions thej' must work to be steadfast to the end of death. If our eaithly paths Were strowed witli flowers, and we had all sunshine and nO clouds, we would be apt to forget that we are sojourning here onlj' ibr a sea* son? We know there must be a cross to bear, Or we can.iot Wear the crov/n of our blessed Saviour? Every cross Ida children has to beat first is the aflbctions jmu have to contend with J e»Us Christ; he had no place to lay his Omnipotent head. Every cross ' j'OU have to bear he has borned before. He '• ;-'.cquai.ited with grief and sorrow, ness, ill ohr o'-.-n leTllings to Riv.-. ^ ‘ heart almost broken by the light by night until the light of ds- I ’ iss of some loved one? remember it appears; it i® used -13- i;, . G-,-' ho took tiiein awa3’, He their journc3-, ur til. 3 .roulu ii,iss ded C: ' .i from eaith to heaven and way and be lost? “Ye, ni3- discij,.,-® , wiped all tears from their eyes, are the light of the world and have the . Li this world we all weep but in light, and the world is in darkness, heaven, God w ith bis own hand shall Therefore let your light shine in such a j '^ipc our tea‘8 never to weep again, manner that tlie world may be able to' Oh, how sweetl3' he speaks to us when see and come to light. Lest they con-! b® wys, in “the World you shall have tinne in d.arkness and miss the right j ’ ‘bulation but be of good cheer I have way and be lost.” Notice, there is ;■ : overcome the world.’’ Is not this great responsibility resting upon eviry • enough to cheer every Christians OBlTtJlRf.- t)'icd o'n Goose Cfeekih PaffilldO N. C. the 28 of April 1888 Sistef Sally Douty corisort of Thytnas Dority. Sister Douty was 69 or 70' years bid Sli'-: uniteti With the I'ree-Wil! BSptls! ab-."’*' fift- 3’ears • -v, ririd '^emid'-ed ‘ consistei.r, member until hef She had been alfiicted for several year's but bore her afflictions with Christian fertitude, she leaves behind a devoted and afflicted husband, who soon will meet her on the other shore, she leav. es tlitee sons Who has made the' good Confession, one of her daughters pass ed over the Jofdafl of death last fall, and flow mother atld daughter is on the other shore, aroUnd the throne of God. Let us say vo liei* dear ones left behind, look up hopefully. “ Not lost blit gone before.’’ Lost only like the stars of the morning that have fad ed into the light of a brighter heaven. Lost to earth, but not to us. When tlie earth is dark, then the heavens are bright. When objects ai'otind to be cotne indistinct and invisible in the shades of riight, then objects above us arO niofe clearly Seeri; So is the night of sorrow and nloUfiiing; it Set* sl^s doWu Upon US like tt lovely twi* llglit at the graves Of bUf fTieridS; but then alread}' thev' Bhiiie otlhlghi we weep they sing: While they are with Us upon eartli, the3* lie Upon out liearts I'efi'eslilngly, like the deW Upon flowers; wlieii thej' lisappear, it Is b)' a power from above that has drawn them upwards, and, though lost on the earth, thiay still in the skies. Like the (lew that is rbvorbod f oifl the flow ers. they will not return to us; b'.it like the flowers thenlSelVes, We will die, yet only to blcotn again in the Eden above. rejoicing. Tor every lariner may bo assured that he can never exhaust hi* oppoi'tuinties for learning somethiiq, riew;^ fShould we accept as true a ihait our ane'estof-s claim to have know about tilling or fertilizing the soil or what books teach upon the subjti evfeh then the matters upon, whio/ farmers differ are so numerous, lhatr life-tilue is not sufficient for on« U settle them all for hlRisslt; still it he improve his opportunities he will leafn a great many thing of which he is noW enlirel}’'I'gnofafit. 1 caifie to the point fforfl Which 1 ought to ffate started—-khat funda* mental principles shou'd be learned first, and method and systems after- vVSrds. There are principles, like drai- riffgO; irfigSlioti; natural; and other tillage,- fertillizatioL?, rotalioR of er'CpC,- Cie.,- that are iudispensible to suCce.ssful farmiffg.- These should be' Brideistood and there' ample iriearis iip'd feVefy lor learii ing them. With ac'-uripietekfiO'^lcdgCftl these the farmer will most likely fldopt # Course best suited to the fioCditioh§ arid circvrasliioces by Which he IS SBt* rounded. DEATH OF WILLIAM BATEMAN. heart while travelling through this vale of tears? If you are burdened with a broken heart, go to God and church member, each one composing that great light which is to light the naturally make Us heavenly min led. • world out of darkness. The sun is the, 'We shall be like liiin with Whom we light of the world 1-y day and dispe,-'- i be will bind it for a broken and con- associate. We sLaU be like him with ses darkness at its coming, bnt whci, ‘">tc heart-he will not aespise, and if whom we converse. And God will gone behind the western mountains all > you are an orphan and friendless, God aid us. He will liear our prayer and is dark; So If the light in you be dark-^ is a fatiier of the fatherless and a judge answer them. He will protect us from the power of sin, and satan. He will shield us from all our spiritual eneini- He will make us conquerors and more than conquetors through the blood of the Lamb, and tlie won! of our testimon}'. He will make us giants ill his cause. V. Then if we do not want to fall into sill, abanduu God, ai-d let Satan eiied, hoW great is that darkness, it ‘-f i.he widow? He has said that he gross darkness? Remember tliat vs e |'"’1'uot leave you comfortless-earthly are all journeying to eternity there f. ; -'I'l’nts will love their sick or afflicted receive our just rewards, eternal hap- ^ child in most all cases? So does God piiiess or everlasting punishment. ' iuve those that have no helper, The light of Christianity leads! he loves liis afflicted children for to everlasting happiness at God’s ri-;ht ^ he sa3-s “blessed are those that mourn hand in heaven, and “ye are thatUglit,’ ' ibf they shall be comforted?” Now jiold it so as to be seen, for without we lot us not mourn or comphui at trials, can not get to heaven ourselves and ! "v afflictions, but try to live 'the J3rot!ier Wni. Bateman while engag ed digging up a Well curb for his rela tion Mr. John M. Bateman in Martin county N. Ci, When in the ground about ten feet, the earth suddenly com* meuced caving in near the top, and buried him ab lit six feet in the ground feet foremost. There was four men present, and otie of those came very near being sank in but was led Out b3’ a rope. The alarm was given and soon gathered about twent3- five men and after four hours Jiard digging they reached him lifeness. A small cave of sand was under his neck and bieast, some supposed he lived about thirty or forty iiiimites, as the sand was dry. Brother Bateman united with the Free Will Baptist church at Corrinth about the 3'ear 18G6, and was a conflit* tant member. We look at the grave of our deceased brother and weep, but not as those wlio have no hope. 'I he decease leaves a wife and two children and many friends and reiar.Ives to mourn the loss of a loved one, but their loss is his eternal gain. ell done Brother, well done, Thy wearied nighl,^ are gone. Thy murmenug dawns on thee, Thy blisslul Jubilee. Well done Brother, Well done, Thy to thy rest hast gone, Clad with th3' armor on, Till Jesus called thee home.” W. W. Gurkin. HOW TO GET RICiL Nothing is more easy than to get rich, It is only to trust nobody—to befriend none—to get all you can and save all you g?t—to stint yourgelland every one belonging to you to be the friend of no tnail and have no man to be your friend to heap interest upon interest, cent upon cent to be mean* miserable despised for some twenty or tliirt'y years and riches will come as sure as disease, disappointment and death. And Mhfu pretty near enough we alth IS collected by a diengyd ot all the cbariiies of the liuroan heart atld at tiie expense ot every enjoy ment, death Will finish the work tho bod}- be buried the heira dance and tight over what you have left and the spirit will go—where? By all means get rich- it will pay. FROM JOHNSON'S MILLS. I’itt co l)K.ARBOTnERl-lEABN;—I Will 0h‘ dcs'vor ^vc jou.' .v from our vicinity to show what the farmers are doing. The most of mo farmers are plowing up their rice and planting over, the corn and cotton are looking well in some fields considering the cold spring, I hope we all will be blessed with good weather at present. I have been working for your dear paper, hope to send you a club of subscribers soon. Yours in Christ. Jerry Williams. BY A PRACTICAL FA KHE.R More exercise of tlie mind wouiSbe of vast benefit to most farmers mid to tlifcir sjiih. Tliefaimisa very siiiti-- bie place for study, just wliere oco can ohaerv© and reflect upon the Course of nature and the process ot cutUvaiiou; aid in order, to learn with coireoLiiess and satisfaction, aomoihing like a regular journal, should be k^-pi, in which both expel i- ence and observation can be noted down, then they may to some extent direct future practice. Tfie pleasure ot acquiring knowl edge 18 always piw^iblo with tlieUlh-r of the .'ioll. 'ill's t.) me is a laaHer ol TODAY AND TO-MORROW. To-morrow is like the raitibo'y which in our childhood, we thought we could touch by simply running a sliorl distance, but which, to our dis« may, we li.ntiid to recede as rapidly as we advanced; or like the horrizon, which we imagined our steps could easily reach; and we lie able to touch the sUnset glory gilding it. To-mor row we never see. To-day wo hold in a strong grasp. Uso it ere it pass ay. Time wbirles rapidly on. All the LO*morrow8 will be to days,, then yesterdays, and pass quickly far away inlQ the past till centuries hide them from tlie living. Time is for us to use It we waste it anticipating future good or iuluie ill, we lore to-day and all the days as they gs on , till our ' day shall fi.nd us i aud un L we!y. Bear your own misfortunes with half the resignatioi- you bear other people’s and you will be happy all the time. It is so easy to tell other peo-_ pie how to be heroic, and so diffl- pult to be courageous ourselves. Self-examination is a wise use of our time if we are honest in it, but it is the height of folly if we grow mor bid and blue, or if we be *puffed up and exalted by it. It must be merely as a safeguard, jnst as the general has his fortification examined to be certain there are no weak places. To The Afflicted. Are you suftering, with Rheuma- tirin, Piieuraigift, Headache, toothache in fact any kind of an ache or pains? Cali and get a bottle of Dr. Sootis Liniment; sati.sfaction guaranteed, to ail that uses if. Remember it you buy this medudne, Dr. Scoit will lake all the risk, no cure, no pay; office 011 South front Street between Hauocck and Middle Street. New Bern N. C,

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