■■WM. ySLL. IBALliAlictd & tob. Acrn. ts'"’ Ar5??.-"'^?nv \ORTH CAROr.IXA. ^IBEIBEE-WILLB-OT- R. K. ^(KWBKRN, N: C.MAT. 28 1883 ADTSBTihiKa Bates. iC^ne oiie insertion $1 QO ^usertioD^ I 60 Oik« MvliH, one month 2 60 •Oot three ih’ouths 6 00 (One six moRths 10 CO twelve months 15 00 Ver advettisemeois liberal ^^ALriTMU w^Ubemade. Ten cenu per tor 4r*t insertion tor adveitise- IntnU not eBp^ciaily contracud toi. ^dTtrtUeibeote must be ocnhned 4tri«tl]rt« tbebasiBsu oftbe udvertis* k*. V&h the FBBKJa’ffi4- BAmsr. « BBST AWHILE." JESUS; sr niiiir a. b. BBjj>sTJBt a. m. -wnre, yes, yes rest awhlev Best from labors, cares and toil. Rest npon God's Sabbath day. Only warship, sing, and pray. Rost from sorrows, tears, and gridfJ, ytnd in Him some sure relief. Lay aside, the works of earth, Xhlnk of Christ, his matchless worth. ;Rei^ awhile, yes, rest awhile, ,€iod and angeie dn yduf sniile, *TU a sinfol tiresome world. Satea has not yet bseii hilried. Loads of sin still weigh yon dowo^ Will; till yon obtain yoiir Wown, Best then in your Savioiif s arms, Nerer fear the load dlsripei Tbnndsrs roar, and eiftid^tihkos ithake, On the beach, fast billows bredk^ Rest in hope, ySSi fast in peaoe. jbet all tronbles, Stiffows cease. Rest* as you pass down td dekth, •¥Ul yon draw yoar lasted breath, Keror fear Us gloomy vail, Jmbb Christ will never JrLTIHCJ AWAYTOJKSUS. C. 0. Bieknell, a missionary of the American Baoday School Union m Mi* tdugan. ** At least tour onurobos hare jr ca* of ; /schools this «e?»«n. Two weeks ego a ebnreh odifiee was delcatod midway between two of my ■cbools. Revivwl iotcrosts are prevail ing in many of the schools. This Masons appears specially lavored by ingatherings among the children. Eroiu several schools I bare news of terrible sAietioa. The school at H. started under peculiar discouragements) yet it eoon grew to a membership of one b^ttdred. Large fthildrett bad never beard of JistiB Christ, except, as one girl said after a moment, ‘Jesus? Yts, ■yhat's the name my father says when he swears,’ At present the scarlet yevef, that scourge of children, is rag- jlng there, and sdrne have already been borne away to the'grave. Dying is now, to tlu'sje dear children, no leap in the dark., it is, iisone said liltlo girl flying away to Ji'Siis.’ A mother whu watched with one of the sick all night t^aid, ‘The little sufferer auddciiy r- us ea op and exclaimed, “Oh ! i am s-i gald I found Jesus!” "Don’t j’ou want to get welir, said the watcher. .“,Tu6t as Jesus pleases. He knvws best. It is all right,” was the answer." t>o this pioneer feunduy school work prepares tb* living to live, and «hose Vbo are soon to die, for death and the jkingdom.’’—S. World. word about courtesy. She never tiirns her head to speak to IVei' nei^ door neighbor in the pev^ li^h't oppos ite her. That part, fits Cot iia'#rtson to a T, He js always ineddliu^ 41ih' oiher pCo pies Uusiness. Wonder if Julia firo\fr'ri heard tWat part about burying old grudg^s^ She 18 always rehearsing hers. Oh, how t did enjoy tnat eermonl I went home Itfll of it; liow appro priate it was ! I exclaimed how well titled toour^ngfegdtiOii. Pretty good hit tor a stranger. Jrtst what I thought, said Ned toy youngef brother. Hope yoQ and Tom Barnes will ;^rotit by iu ifiss* ilAtfPElt'S WEEKLY. ILLUSTEATKb. Harpers W'eekly stands at the head o^ Atrierib’dn lllttstrated weekly jonni- ,81«. By its (itt»iarili»aii position lu pol- Jlrlos, Ua !i''‘id*Hble i.Jusiratioi s, ilK caretiilly chosen serials, short stoiies. sketjhes, and poems, cdntribnted bj' the fore tooSt khiislB and auihora of the day, it Carries instruction enterw tSihtoent to thousand of Araerihah homes. It will always be the aim ofihepub shera to make Harpers weekly the most popular and attractive family newspapers in the world. UAKPER’S PERIODICALS Peu Ykae HafpCr’a VVeekly §4 00 Harper’s Magazine. » 4 00 Ilarjier’s Bazaar 4 00 The three above publications 10 00 ; Any two above nattled 7 00 Harper's Young People 1 60 Harper’s Yonng People | Harp.iPs Magazine ) 6 00 Harper’s Erankliu Square Library, QiiC Ye.-ir (52 Numbers) 10 00- Postage free to all t^rihscribers i-t the United ISlates or Canada: | 'I'he volnmi-sof the Weekly begin with the first Nnniber for January o) each year. When no time is mention ed, it will be understood ihal the sub scriber wishes to commence wit'i the Nuinbei ixt alter the reoipt of or 'i'he last lour annual volumes oi Harper’s Weekly m neat clotli bind ngs •will bo sent by mail, po-tase pun; by express free of expeus.iK, (pi >vi- ded the freight does not exceed on- dollar per volume) for 70o per vo’ lime. Hemillanoes should be made b;. post oitiee money order or di sft i avoid ulisnees of loss. Newspapors arc not to copy it. adverlisomeni without, the t•xpl'es^ ' derc'f I1aBpkr& Brotiieks. Adiiress f.AKi'«r. ifc Buotuers. Nev York. S'twi.ig Machine \vt: well lor i „ ■ i>ollar?, It it in every rcsf c*. very best of the Singer Siy!>‘.'t •' elii’rt'es'.- Finislicd 111 llic l.wtt • with the latent imorovcn'cnt. , e ihg the bobbin, the tyle of table, wilha cxii’U!-. " large drawer and beaniilii! ci 'i'lie King of Sewing Miicnm. • do not ask yon to pay iov it ni.'.ii sefe wiial you are buying. wishloknow ihatyou rcali', to buy amacliine and are wii.n pay twenty dollars fur thcbcM ; market- Write to ns,' seinli'".' name of your iKoivur.;; r.iih: . sion and we willeend yon tin- and give instrnctiona to ultf.u j examine il before you p.ay for U. WJLMAUTH &CO., 1882^ North 20th Sf., i’hilaJci .p’ Pa, :d ill'' ii:- 1) MICE M.AKEE b'.rne. N C. inform the ]mblic tliat he ! lo m.'i.'c',' fiiK, boots' and !• .id kiii ls of repairing at ; ■rO:-c.. Pi ices love and I/c sure to give Si. two dw..r.-: Hern • "''"l ~ n FOTTN-T) o’- - t f-ta jiowiocT. CO’S #rv-.-4j.-|.rvi- Hiirtinn (10 SPKUCK YORK. M’’e can furuisli the General Baptist by T). ’ at$l,r,a. This I ' • '■ and progM'flj- of ' io Europe ard t fie gives tlife History o? Baptiat in North Carol' APFLYIN(4 A HE SERMON. ' meiu JiV H. fl W, f 1 can rememb';!' the hei-nj •moagli," biv'rt a i»1, ju t i. from the Sabbatii ice. I bent loo well. “ ioh I could somciiraes. The trouble isn’t iu re* ipemWiiug but apply ug. Last Sunday the minister preach- » surmon on charity: The text was, ‘ Let brolhsriy love continue.' it was an eyc«lle»t discourse* loiighi to have taken it home to myself. Do yon suppose ^ did? all did I ^ kept fsy-Pg to tojse'l the ttioe: itow wel[ tliat part ^ts Mr. King aver there. No fonder he colors. )Iow appropriate those seminary uai^hvfs' ^ho have j net beer; seltfug fheir sphol^rs acopy 'in ;^uarreliug a^d ifiikindncss amo.ig themmdves. Don't beJipVjS |.ho Brof. wifi eome ne|i Sunday. ‘How wolf that coal ^is stingy old >ti* Neal. Wonder it he wil| pf{t jl The most successful Remed ever discovered as is certain in its ei- feou and does nut blister. Read proof below, SAVED HiM 1.800 DOLLARS. Adams N. Y. Jan. 30- 1h82i Dr. B. J. KcfidaU Co. (-er.ts Invmg ' n.‘*ed i good deni of y-ur kenduil.*- - pa VIII u^e with gr'''-". suoce>s, 1 tluiug'O, i would lot you know what it Ims vlone fm- me. T«o years ago I had as “y.eedy a colt a,'^ evtr raisevl in Jeller- , County, when 1 breaking iiim he ‘j Kicked over the cross bar and got his leg tore all to pieces. I einoUived the best larri'iis bui tlo^y ail said he was spoiled. le had a very large tijOioiigli-pin. And I used two but lies of \Our Kendall'S spavin cure, and it look the bunefi eiitirriy ofi*. and he sold attervfards lor §1800 1 have u.ed it lor bunt Spavin and wind galls and It has always cored completely and left the legs smoolh. It is a splendid »eiiieiy for rb^uma* tism. 1 hive.H'occmmended it lo a great many, and they ad say il does the work. I was in itherington tfc Kneelands drug store, in Adams, and saw a very fine picture you sent them, I tried to buy it but could not. Tliey say if 1 wrote to you you would send me one. I wish you wcqld and J will do yoii aU the good H»o^ ought to reoion^bor that ,,l obo. Very respectfully, K. S. Lymau E'folfrES . .. , Bl'T OCR F.NOi. "KGofCOTE id THE beet" I OF ALL LINliEITSP FOB Mam Am beass, Pot more than a third of a oentury the fc! MexloauBIiiatangXilivtmenthashocn V known to millions all over the wor’il }:bt . the only safe reliance for the ro'lecvi't' accidents and paiii. It is a medioinefi above price andpraise—the 'best or fts 7' bind* rorovoryfoimofextcruali. viz , ~ umm Mustang Llnlihont is withort an equal. It penetrates flesh and mmclc to the very bone—making the continii-B. anoe of pain and inflammation impos-p Sible. Its effectsupon Human riesh anil i the Brute Creation arc equally wonder-1 lUl. The Mexican ^ MUSTAflli Liniment is needed hy eomebody ln| everyhonse. Every day brings news off the agony of an awful scald or bnrik Bubdoed, of rheumatic murtyra x i>- 6tor°d, or a valuable horse or ox saved by the hcallng power cf > 2!'’ 1,1, s,.l .■storKl to sniiiid kSJ i'iiU liavft no i.'iit by mail for '>■ r-p ns'n^ ; y Xr'i ;■ w:' * 'j » ^..1. f->rr' ‘ r .s, LiNlMElt ■irtfleh speedily intres such ailments ■. 'f;: the HtmAN FLESH as Rhenmatism, iSwoUttigs, . Xolnte, Contracted Bluscles, Buri:' ; and Scalds, Cuts, Bruises au.i, Sprains, Poisonone Bites si..-, . Stings, Stlfihess, Xinnxcness, Oi, / Sorea,tTIcers,Proetblte8,Chflblt.l.'i;i- Sore nipples, Caked Breast, vi.rtu indeed every form of external dfs-i, ease. It heals wlthont scars. . EOT the Bbdtb Ceeatiok It cures 'Sprains, Swlnny, StiiF JTo!:. Ponnder, ITarness iMres, Iloof i!>i, ■' eases, Foot Rot, Screw Worm, S Hollow .Horn, Scratches, W'-.-" galls. Spavin, Thrush, Bingliooe, . Old Bores, Foil Bvil, Film , '* Sight and every other ailut.-. •. which the occupants of .A; Stable and Stock Vai-d are ; The Mexican Mustang ' always cures and never dl and It is, positively, '> 'ii :1c' i'rkk ki,;.' ■ k near (!ie i c .cii d' i. , r; • . c . k d’(icccs, roa. ‘a: jtnrt :)'( Tiy CcedE’’, ’ncoiQi ond B:aoq s WOODS’*:; E . ( A r. n. TSS FUSE Wir-Ii BAPTIST, PublisheiJ at NEWBEl^N, N C.,- R. K. HEARN, Editto Devoted to Religion, Literatbfa News and (ienersl Intelligence. Pubiished in the Interest of the' FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH 'I'lie only psper-pablislied in the ^OC’i'Iljtliat advocaCrs th'eFa'itb and' f’ 'elriiie of tlr.- FREE WILL baptists* IT HAS A LAUGH bCliE.lSl\'{l (]18(JCL1!10.V, At 81 50 pe%' year c disappe’e: THE^BEET OF ALI. LIHIMEKI: F03 MAM OB BBASil. , v f vh e ritomacS, Liverj 'rZ-.M,’. and Blood, f iVZcaoy in heal- . .nj-ct di.£^a3eSJ and pro- THE WILIa '□ad Offers to Uusin-ess Men generally tiVP tuo« l.\ OUCKMEjfTS —(ioj— TA,ir iJJJSJ:,' 53 gg in tie cojfcra.aK's. It liaa an extensive, oireulatlo li Eaalern North Carolina especially 1 the Counties of ■Tfi- RHOWJT TOMAN. WATA'Ji, FITT. EDajliC Oi. h! :-i ■. io ft;J^yspepsia. t. X. T S V’ ANTE D.TET ;• -yp: .,l cv,' 'k ork City. Druggists sell it &OS.OO •FOE ONLY \l . ■ ,1.0. RCS. J .1 1.:.-.. Dsntli. ;r, ,1;- i',b> tcl.*OUC4-el03. ; ’X Refe'ii!vr'.ic';893.00r^:;7“fS?S'-, ■' * ‘ .•,!■■■ .'V.'r.i'"- ^ ^ ^ 1 ' "‘f- « ’ J* . . . jV U-.x'-df, LCJ-LjA. t'A-iIi*. QllLLUH LAI'jLj LLSom, PAMLICO . L’i'. / .\Mf A', I: . XARTlh\ -i.iX-.’i AIJ LLALLA\ ; : ’ / . .UUd.'lidMKUlli' i jdrj "134^251 to'-^Al'oclundf, jrachrs and tier, b.’-lsr-i-.-il I •T- S l.t v.v S N’TJov Addre^^ U. K. liEAEN, Editor and IMarager, ^ New Pern N, C,