!115 fiiu uiLL FRFF'iViLLBAPTISTGHURCH — OF — North Cai’olina. ft'Ui^ISJlRD WEEK" Y — BY riiK — FREEV.'!ll3a?TlST PUB. CO. I'Ll). ’■). Davis. Pres. £. B. Dail, Yice-Pres. BOARD OF DUiECTOKS Walter Piarfiei.d, ]■:. H. Craft, N B, Gasktn.s. \V. R SaW’i r.K, f,. McLawiiox, W. Dail. Bli>. P. T. Cocas. ViLD. J. M.B.\iFiELD,Treas W. n. Moyk, Sec'tv. PCJir^liS GUURJiiTED und^ r'r.so:* tb’e rondiilon^ Our FKFH 9Gp-(;« DKiistoE’s Fracllcsl t-Kiiics? toJJ.® fiASHy T fi a anj Ts'e- jisDhy. vvu sppiia iiioro mar.rv I tbe imoiesi cf fu: llxa BtiAnc.'.^ 1 We belt true a are all iiig. gli ARTICLES OF FAITH. that, rhero, is brut oae li7UJ? FRI-:£ WILL B.\PTISTGEN- PR.\L CO.NFJvRENCE. buF's 2. ■) Cbrist. b besotHii -I C'] ,ia God Ir tbog and Chrii (lj.L'c 1? Lord Josus b OTiy i t;:c Tiipii ITii L Job;. e‘ii by tb; ^ -\Yepiy S3, cash for ill ya- reported (o us, provl^uci vve fill saiiie filth f means so much more thanx ?yoj imagine—serious and "C ■fatal diseases result from4, 'trifling ailments neglected. *![, Don’t play with Nafuie’si ’greatest gift—health. ^ iIsfE'SSl iiiii Br-ll'i'Yiron’Wi': i . A lew !xii. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver ^ Neur.b'j'ia, Troubles, 'Constipation, Bad BIooJ ' Malaria, Ner\ ou3 ailments ‘J Women's complaints. / :t only the gLuuinc—it hns crossed red F 1 on Ihe wrapper. All others aie sub- \ to;, f.iueccii.lof two2c..■uam,.s^^e S’ send svt of To.i Beaul'iful World's ■« Vliws atul book-lrce. / ’ BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. MO. \ A. NEW DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL ELECTRICITY, BY 3. P. Beclvwith, M. D., 114- E'ifth Ave,, New A'ork, by which ozone and oxygen are liberated and conveyed with medicine into the blood. Itis employed by thousands of physicians who testify that it will cure all inflamatory dis eases, nervous prostration, rheumatism, etc. in less time tlian wiien medicine is admin istered in any other wa}'. It is especially adapted forborne treatment. Families are sup plied with the Thermo Czone Batterv’, Box of Medicine, and wired Wood Pulp Tablets. Its use will cure the majority of disea.=e at its beginning. Send for pamphlet containing the princiiile anh philosophy of the invention and evidence of its cures. Liberal commis sion to agents. 13-30 AJ»rl3; YotLii:* W wilbltidtlir.clok Icdtiiblt \VE5. BAUMGARTZW, Ziy E. Fayotto St.) WiiiMwd.— ;'c?]/i'"iTChay i John 11 .. ... 3. We bul'evj C'lat Uicrc w one i^itiv I f-hoat, thft [ir.-o'cas gilt of the ! '..hrongh ILs ’'.edi' Son. to I onick.jpeiji. t 3. ii, 4; Eph. ii r 1; Kph. ir, 4,5, (i. I 4. We belie\e th.\; in the beginning Qoc ir.aJs i;mn upright, and placed idm in a ' ati’.te of glory without tho lefibt niixitire oj ji'.isery, from wliicb he volunt.’.rilv. l.y tvansgi'esBion, tell, .au.i bv Lhi-.i Uioiii’s brought on hill It 1 ra rial bt; le, subject to neat.i.—Cion. 1.. Ii. in. I'J. 0. We believ to f that any should pensb: but tuat ail ivi.ouid ooinc to' rei-c-ntimco ituc t-.c ituowlcage ci the In-.tii. tha.t they mii-ht be saved: -L lid Cbrifet hath c ominandod Lie Gospel to be preached an;.;ng all r.atii.hs and to every creaA'.re.—Mark-Tvi, 15; .Luke 5:;iv, 47: )din iii.lS-l?; ITim. ii,4. C- \Vc b( lieve thut 110 man .-'hall s'lffor in hell for wa.'ii of a Christ who died for him, but as the Scripture hr.s Eaid, for deiyiug the L'.rl tiiat bought C.cui; b';cr.iise tlisy believe not in the name of tie only begotten Fouci’Gixl. Unbelief,ihercibie, being th.u cause ■«};>■ the just ano righteous God of Heaven will condemn the children of men; it foD'.'wa ;igain5t all (:ontn'..ivliou Uiat ail men, at one time or other, are fou.nd in such a capacity as Cirt tbrougli the gruie of God they may be eternally s.lvpd.—Acts 3vii, 30; Markvi, C; H'b iii, I'l; IJoan v, iO. 7 H e believe the wnole Scriptares are in fallibly true, and that thcf are tiie only rules of faith and practice. II Tim.;ii,'(i,17-. 8. We believe in ihf; doctrine of Gencrai Frovision made of God in Ciuisl, lor the Doneflt of all mankind, •who repent end be lieve the Gospel.—Luh-j xiv, 1C, 17, 13, IJ, 20; Matt, xxviii, 10.2(; ] ,v.ko xiii, 3-5; Luke xxiv, 47; Act- iii, I'.i; Mark i, 16. 9 '•Ve believe tliat sini-.crs are diavis to God tlic Paihcr. by the Iloiy Ghost,through Christ His Son, and that the Holy Ghost offers his divine aid tc' ail the human Ami ly; so as they all migb.t be happy, would they give place to His divine teacliir.g; whereas, such whoilonutrf«s;ivctl e Uivin inipn.SKkuis 01 lits feo.y S.,:rir, ,P, Ht r future oay, own their cendemnation just, I and charge themselves with Ibeir uwe- damnation, for wilfully rejecting the offeit of sovereign grace.—Matt, si, 27; .lolni vi, 44, eS; Ps. i, 1; Tit. ii, 11, 12; Jer. xnii, 20. 10. We believe that men, no? considered simply as men, but ungodly men, were oi old ordained to condemnation; considered such 'who turn the gi ace of Ood into lasciv iousiiess, denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ wli> bought them and therefore, shall bring up/on themselvcn swift, destruction; but •we observe that they, nd such the Apostle saitli because they re ceivenot tlie love of the truth, that they might be saved; tlierefore the indignation id wrath of Qod is upon every ndnl ofmun that doeth evil, living and dying therein; for there is no respect of persons with God. —Jude i, 4; II Peter ii, 1; II Thss. ii, 1.1, 13; Romans ii. 9 and 11. 11. We believe that ail children dying in infancy, having md actually transgressed against the law of God in their own per sons, are only subject to the first death, 'hicii was brought on them by the fall ol the first Adam, and not that any one of them dying in that state, shall suffer pun- ihmant in hell by the guilt of Adam’s fin, for of such is the kingdom of God.—I Cor. XV, 23; Matt, xviii, 2, C, 4, u; M-ark ix, 8l5, 37, Matt. xix,14. i 18. Wo believe thr.t good works arc the ' fruits ol a saving failli, and that in the use of the means of grace, and 'lot out of the use of those means, eternal life is promised men.—Re,v. x.xii, 14,15; Isa. i. 1' ii, 8; Jer, vi 1(5; Luke xiii, 34,155. 13. We believe that no i.ian has any war- met in the Holy Scriptures for justification before Qod tlirougli his own works, power, or ability which he has in and of himself, oii'y as he by grace is made able to come to Ood, through Jesus Christ; believing the righteousness of Jesus Christ to be hnimted to all believers for their eternal acceptance with God.—Rom. iv, 34; Jer. xiii, IG. 14 W'e believe that all things are foreseen in the wisdom of Qod, so that GoJ knowetli wb.alsoevcr can or cannot come U'pass upon all tuppiisod conditions; yet not as having decreed any person to everl.iriimr death or overlastinglife.out ofrespector merechoice, nrrtherthan llehalli appointed thegodlv unto life, and the ungodly, who die in sin unto death.—Ileb. iv, 13; Prov. vlii, 22, 23, 24,25,26,27,23,29,80, 31; Malt, xxv, 31, i, 30, o7. 38, 39,40, 41, i% 43, 44, ii'istorioal Statement. Tiic first Free Will Baptist chiircli, of which we have any \ I certain lcnowh-.dge witiiin the ! nrettent bounds of the Lnitcd ' lSi.ai.es, wa.s organized at Pci- f, j (juhnor.s, North Caroliua, in . I ’ I'UJ. C'hc chiTv- Vssorigir \t- i.i^froni this germ planted u;;--'tr divine direction, by Ri V. Paiii Palmer, have spread over a good portion '>/OLir country and are in a more pro-'jwrons condition 1 liasi cvlt before. Ju;ic 30ih, 1780, R'.-v, Bcn- j a m! n K a ;ul all o rg a n i zc d church of .seven nieinber.s Nc.v Durham. New linmp- s:i:re. j’(i.!s\ine also spread ’JtiLi it has branches in all the S'.iifccs c'f fli-j Union but three or f.iur. It wa'? many ycari? before these two similar bod ies line .v of each O'cliers exist ence. The Grst Quarterly M-.ctini' '-as i-ir.mcd in 17S3', and the first Yeariy Meeting in 17u2. Randall died in ISOS, having lived to see the Deuoannation with vigorous '.lie rapidly spreading over the \'i’e ;• re unable to state the time of Palmer's death, or much af.''Out !;is life, but the ! niaucnce of his work indi- ri'S uhat he wrought w.-il, id \v(’hojA- -f anv.one ’■’as c data from which a sketch of his useful life can be given, he will publish it f«9r the good of the Denomination and of our common humanity. 'j'liu first General Conference met at Tunbridge, Vermont, October ntii, 1S27. Five Yearly Meetings and one Qnartcrl3'' Meeting were rep resented by twenty delegates. Two Yearly Meetings, mak ing seven in all, from which no report was received, were recognized. The statistics of the N. C. Conference are given in the reports of the Stii and 9th General Conferences, but for some reason, perhaps thelong distance and inconvenience ol travel, it -never formally ap plied for admission as one cf the members of the body. A Constitution was adopt ed in 1841, by the 11th Gen- 20, Matt. Conference, held at Top- sham, Maine. It had been approved by more than three fourths of the Yearly Meet ings. We hope the Editor can find space for its publication in another column for our general information. It will be seen that it is as easily amended as any Constitution ougt to be. 10 TtiAmiyhiG. , La. D*-11- ^ ij* ^ 45 46 15. We believe, as touching Gospel nances, in bdieveis’ baptism, laying on ci the hands, receiving of the sacrament in ' brc-id and wiiie, washi'ig the SLuits’ feet, ' anoiiitiug the sick with oil in the rame ot j tlie Lord, fasting, nrayhig, siHpir.g praisv to ' God, and the piililii: ministry 1the word, | wiiii (‘"'iry institution of the Loj-tl we rJinli 1 find in the Mew Testament.—Luke xxii, 19, 30; Jo'.i I xiii, 6 to 17; James v, 14. I IC. 'VV(; iHrlk-ve the Gospel motlo of bap- ' tisni is iinmersion, and *hat the bcMevem are the only ruljec.ts fjr lavj.iiwu.—M„tt. • iii,8, If; Mark i, 5, 10; Acts viil, 35. 39- ' Rom. vi.-hlleb. x,S2. i 17. We believe in ;'. general resurrection 1 of the dt';.u and .a final j udgmcii , el the last _.jr,hu v,23. 'hi; 1! C-u-, v, 10. 18. We bflieve the haj pincss of the right- oous is eternal and the t'>rmept3 'if '.he ^ ■wicked arcondieea—Matt, xxv, 46. 1 OBJECTS. 1. Mutual acquaintance. 2. Union of our differentor- junizations, j 3. To promote uniformity i of practice. 4. To encourage the pulica- tioii t-fdenominational books, p.'pers, tracts, ibc. 5. To])roniotc Home Mis sion work. G To sustain Foreign Mis sion WOik, 0. A.!i i-hc.iei.-sLlioutinfring ing on the inti pend-nce of the churciies, or t’lc Iccal bodies composing it. TO UNITE '’rn ii tiiEgen- ER.VL CO.NFERENCE. Allan .Assoclpiun, Confer ence or A’carly -Meeting has to do is simp.y vn;e th ask ad mission as o’ 1 ,.hc equal members of t.\V leral Con ference, and sci.-J its letter and delegates to its session. It is lioped that all the Free Will Baptist orpaizations in the United State.' will lie np- resented without fail, in tlie coming session at Nashville, Tenn,, Oct. 7, ISSG,at 10 a.m. The writer belicvcsit tlieniost . important Gencrt-! Coiifcrence ever iuld, and is very anxious to see all the Soutbei'n organ izations fidlj, rcpr« .ented. Nashville ir. a beautiful city. Our chnrcli t'ntrc with its earnest pastor, is prcp.aring to give ns an old fasiiioned Free Will Bajitist welcome. Don’t allow a little expense of time, or money to Iceep you ^l\^ ay, bat for the Cuusc oi th.e blessed Savior, represented by our Denomination, be there with a r.iin-J to w.-jrk. This is the first sessio.T in theState of Tennessee, aUhough the Cumberland Association, whose guests we will he, is fti'ty-two years old. and there ■ire several other - rginiza- Thomas E. Pedem, Cik. . STRIVING AGAINST GOD. BV REV. F. B. M1:YER, A. M. give !ii:i brother, but he said • no lie siiould not! it was not | his pl-ac'.; let tlrcbrothcrmakei an apologyi and then in | Highest of ali in Leaveomg Poi\ 01 latest U. S. Gov’t Report The j cir-' the I ;ind I Let us consider twoorthree places where men have block ed God. V'/e were once con ducting a meeting for a minis ter who was slave to tobacco. I am not denouncing tobacco, because it is one of those matters in which every man must be guided by his own lately sense ot duty. As soon as we began preaching in this cler gyman’s church he fumed and fretted. He did nutsaj’ very much, but ] was sure there wrts something that was cursinghim. At the end of the ■week when lie was passing with me over a bridge, he took out his pipe and tobacco pouch and threw them over into ilie tide. Then he told me ih.at for months the Spirit of God had boon dcaliug with him on thri. one point and he was fretting and resisting. _He bad said, v am not go- iiig to give that up for anj body. Plenty of men smoke, and I shall, I am net going to yield.” God’s Spirit dealt with him, blow after blow, but he refused and stood out. And he told me that all his spiritual joy anti [tower, and a knovviedge of the Word of God, stood right still. God was blocked. There was another man T met who liad some trouble wltli his brother i would forgive him, I'jrottier ^^^Ts in very l.iad cumstances, and again voice ot God stud, “Go hell) liiin,’’ lint, lie raid, I will not.” Tiicn Ibe lirotli- cr'is wile; uv.'‘, and there was an i-pportnnity Jor him to go and bo kind, but he did lu.t. Thou a ehil'i died. “Wlien lio cotnos au'l nsl8 iny forgive ness r will go. and not before.’ Gol liept dealing with that man uniil at last he ciun' in ut ter desnortu ion a: d ictid, “.1 do not know how il is it seems !is if Cod were miles awav; 1 fuiV'ilost nil my joy and jieace ai d re.T.” I said, “You have thwarted God, and you must gn to your broihi.;!- and ask Itiin to torgive you; you must liumble youT.ioli': yon will never be rirlit until you do.” I never sliiill Lrget an old man coming to my house, who said to mO, ‘‘Do you tiiiuk i: is right v.'h u yon aie paying rnon ey ihal you took wro-'gly, to give your nano at the same time?’ I said, “What do yon mean?’ “Well, ’no said, “i took thirty pourii.s’ tvortli of eon’.'har. did not belong lu mo, and I f-ec'l m'serable. Wlion 1 :etuj5 to speak for Cbxl, it seems as if soaiothing choked PWJfSE money niatt'crs when tlic la ther died. Hj was a v(.ry proud man. lliis brother g-ot into difficult circumstances. 'I’lie brother had vvroug'cd 7. To build and sustain | him, and this man said tisat Itelmt'ls and Colleges. jhe would never speak 10 him 8. Anything tliat ProYi-' again until the broth.',- c-m- dence indicates for the glory (fessed that lie had done the of Goil and the good ot hu-1 wrong. Go.1 dealt that riSim I 1 tlie letter box of tile firm T defrauded, but tint (Jid not make me any happier, and so I put ill another ten pounds. 1 ihoiighi I would take anoLher ten puu.id.s to-'niade it thirty, but do you think ,I ought to confos-5 i.?'' I “Ccrtuiidy, you must bj am I' you ni iit own up to it.” IF; fftid, “Do you mind going and s oi’ig the governor for meV ’ So I went to il'.is man and siiid. “Yon have '.liad some money sent Inve you not?” Yes,” he Sind, “I never heard of such a tiling; I have two tf’n-pound nofe.s put in the let ter bo.'c.” I said, “1 can leli you about it,” and I (i'd. He said, “Well, that is a sh-iking thing.’' I heard ahorwnrd ’luit lie was so struck with it tliat ho tcld his managt r Ihoy would bri-ak off doing a certain practice that was not perfectly honest, be cause he was not quite right in his conscience. I said, “There is another ten pound coming, but the rna'i i.s po-ing to bring it hinueii'; 1.0 v.'ai'its to own up to it,” He said. “All right I shall be only too glad to grip him by the hand as an lioncst man.” And that man after he had done it siiot right up into iho sunliglit! A wom.'.n came to me one day ill groat darkness of soul, and 1 bog-n to inquire the cause, and foiiud !l;at ion years ago ;yo;ir iijirt i- .v.ns greatly t; oubk-d on iho {you Can say iiiTilc'r of 1 riicver.s 1 p■•,^ it away I imiciion, oihc; wi.-:> , b.' UTipu^.Llble. n h(1 fV'dd r.oi: e.'Oajie one das*, iu the school wi.hoiit injury, and a wise feac')i-jr will not nlb.'w it to iiive its way hi such a matter Lie will keep the little stubborn niturent'lio jx int whicli i:i its obJiiracy it has shirked un til it is ma-tored, and God is loo wiso to allow any one of u^ to evade any piece of discip’ino winch he knows is necessary for our triio growtli and welfare. Fe will come back to it perpcnial'y. doing all lie may to carry- liis point. ItisoriD aftO’’ ho has been I'cpoatcdly ioilod and ihuar.cd tha^ h.i will surrend-^r his purpose and allow us to have cur way, which is franglit with WOO in ourselves. ILlsliaz- zer rebcllofl, a.n2 l.is king.lorn was ficc.-tr;)yc-l; Indas did it, and hanged hims'.'lf; fihePhar- isecs did it, and their city was destroyed; Julian, the Apos tate, did it, aud‘ falling back npou the. fields of battle, said, “Thou h.Tst conquered, O Gaikean!” Tim f.hores of the sea of time are -o'a vviLl: the wrecks of men who nave striven against their Maker and perislied miserably. Have you been doing this long years? If so, let this be the close'of a rebellion which can only bring misery in thi# world and the next. Canon VVilberforce told me •a story of Herkomer, our great poi trait pain ter. Ilerko- mer has an old father who lives with him iu his splendid palace at Bushev. In his ear ly life he used to model in clay. He has taken to it a- gain, but his fear is that soon his hands will lose llieir skill, and his work will show the marks of impetfection. It is his one sorrow. At night he goes to his early rtst, and when he has gone. Herkomer, the talented son, goes into the studio, takes u-p his fath er’s feeble attempts, and mak es it as'bcautiCal as art can make it. V.’hen the oM man comes down in the morning, be takes tin* wuidi and looka at it and ndis bis ban L and says, “Ha, I can do as wclias ever I did.” So Christ comes into your broken life and mine. If you will let him he w.ll come at once. He will take out the marks of failure and sin and imperfection and l.e will give you a new, fair start. You will now take the'posiii m that all ■'pO'ii to God; that Yes' to (.rod a 1 up'isMi. I bout cvorytiiii’g; th.it you yield i'Oin lirr to !iim your wli'flu bei.ig, Write u-.uMjFROM CASjf.Y’S CU.MM Dear Editor. Please allow-me space in your valuable paper and I will endevor to let our sister churches hear from ns. Our beloved pastor, Eld. J. F. Hill, met with ns on Satur. day before the third Sunday in May, and preached a very in- interesting sermon to an atten tive audience. On Sunday morning we met again at ten o’clock and held Sunday School. We have a large and flourishing S. .S. there being about 65 enro'Ied and a. regular attcndence cf forty. After S. S. was closed we had an intermission of ten minutes, Then we reassembled for ser vice. Bro. Robt. Strickland preached an able seimon. On Sunday night Bro. Strickland preached for ns again and then bid us adieu, to go home and join his good family. Wc hope the good brother will visit us again .soon. Yours in the clos est tics of Christian love. ?Casuv’ OBITU.IUY, O.n the 1-ith day of April 1896, death entered the home of Eld. R. II. Harris, and took fi-Qtai him his loving compan ion. Si.ster Harris wasabout 5? years of age. She united vvith the Free Will Baptist church at Reedy Branch, Pitt county, about 27 years ago and was baptized by Eld. M. Manning. Her membership nimaiiied there for some time, after which she moved it to Core Creek with her husband and children, where she re mained a consistent member until death. She lingered with dropsy for 5 years and was confined to her room 12 months. She leaves a hus band, 3 sons, and2daughters to mourn their loss, but they mourn not as those having no hope. Dear relatives, prepare to meet her ill heaven whcic parting will be known no more. The funeral was preached by the writer to a small, but verv attentive con gregation—Text: Heb. 4:11, after which her remains were deposited in the grave yard at Centennicl Methodist church, there to awair the resurrection morn. R. F. Daugiiety. H URsi PTfi (jssi'iu lial lo- thIt. to yoiu'lu'other and r .m-3 Ic: 3 am. luss, a: d ub i.iit ’ riuko it I'igiit with him. Jvnelose iliola'vay. As it d-icliued lu-r that jnoimy in an envolopu I ])eace nnJ joy decliiif J. I told t';030 v.'liom you has'c kept out her ilia’3hc was striving with of f eir ji'st ear ing^. Make her Maker and blocliing hi-n 1 i^bt ill •; wmorg llmt lies back Dr. Rumptirey* Speclfii'a aroittlKntiflcallxsuid carrfuiir prepared Kemjdies, fur T«,*rf la pri-raro pracUew nad for or« Uilrty y»aio Vy tha liSopl.i with entire succor*. IIvi-it.- iiingie tpocUle a special cure for (lie illsco.'o namr.:!. Tbcy onro n-ltl-oav druggliu-. iniivinsor i-edm'lng tfiesyatcroapdaroln ftict auaseudlte ftovcrcica Remedies of (lie World. 1—Fevern, Con,-s»don4,Infi.-.iniiaiIon*..’"aS !4—Worms, Worm i-aTcr, Worm Celle -jg 3— Tocihiuif|rCd9c>^ld«.WBXnftflacM 4— Diarrhea, cf (3)lldrep. er AdaOe ss y—Coupbs, CoMit. BtoaoWlis ag 5— TooUiacho, yeeearhe ‘id ()—Skk T'ev.daeke, yctlgo,. ,25 l’)-’)y6PJF in. B'Uo-M::ir-J.Coo«llp«*ion. ll-Si-nnTCMsoJorPftnjfairerladB .. .•J3 l-i-Wnlte-, ’XooytoriBertrledj ,3g 13~C l.arynKltie, Hoorwrem... 14-Solt Itho-ni, Xrrilielr :U I lhat maiiitv. man, prompiin" him to (or- ic p-jint, aiul IhiiL i,i ’.Id po ’i.a''.k 10 the place; c ' -lie had dropped tho )c ;f io\'al obedience, and oh -!'■ I L; ! 1 It. V. n.-ay tnat curs- r.i-i, a: f.r ns and “M'oe to him -Sfalarla, Chill*.Fjrerend Ar»i la-C.-ttarrh, Influoira, C.-.IdM tlieltod. .85 !iO-Vi’liooplntf Ccittfh .’i? 2'»-KIdptrDi«oR.i0B aS—rr->ryoL# D-jbllUy l.O# 30—Url'jarr WeaUneas, Weta-ie Bed.. .36 IICMPBREyfl* WITCE HAUBri OIU " The Pile Otntment.*’-Trlai gUo, Sf Cu. Chi'Ist in 1 Si c ifio in- ibat s cth 'vih ).Ls Ma’^ SPECIFICS.

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