iEE llltE UiiL3A!TiST .liDEN - - - N. C WEDNESDAY, Sep!, 8 '.897j NEWS SUMMARY. AT HOME A^D A^:JOAD. '-Cotton pickin.i:^ is the oru- er of thcdcu’. no]>cthc fni'ni' ers will get good prices. —Mr. R. C. Cannon went to Kinston TiiCvsda3-. —Mr. Carlos HarrisofGreen- ville was i'i town f\\esda\’’. —We expect to couiuience the protracteil meeting at Watery Branch next week. —Services at the Baptist oliurcl\ Suncla.v was largely attended. —Ayden is still on a boom, vSeveral new houses are beiii^ build. —Providence pernnting we will commenee a protracted meeting at Sts Delight on Thursdav night after the 3rd Sunday. —Mr Joseph Dixon, of Clay Root, has scr-eral wagons iiauliiig lumber to build a coach factry, he will soon have his building up. Mr Dixon is a hustler we welcome .such en terprising men, come we have a pleasant little town. VICTIMS OF A COLLEGE “KUSH.^’ —hlr. Ardon Tajdor, of Institute, was in town Sat- clav. —Mr.J. S. Ross went to Washington Snncla.v and re turned Monday. —Mr. E. C. Smith has moved into his new house near this office. —Providence perniis.]ng brother C.J. Harris willpreach Mr. Jones, of the firm of a* Rose of aharoii, Martin Jones. Lee & Co, commission nitrchants of Norfolk, was in town last week soliciting. —Misses. Kizzle Tavlor and Lovie Harrison ktt last week for Dunn, to see iheir father Mr. Lee, who is expected to die. —Mr. W. J, Salugbtcrspent a few clays in town last week. He is now stopping at Kins ton. , —Miss Anna Speat, one of Renstons fiiie girls, is visit ing at Mrs. Tuckers. —The school at C.C. College opened Monday morning with a full attendance. The facul ty anticipatesalnllschool this fall. —Mr.J.H Smith andfami ly spent Sunday in town visit ing friends and relatives. —Mr. Fred Allen .of Farm- vill, is .spending a few d'lys in town visiting relatives. —Miss Ida McGlohon, ot in town visiting her sister, Alr.s. Alahlone Tucker, —Miss Siila Speat, a pretty-, facetiously' young lady of Greenville, is spending a few davs in town with hiends Aycicn is gettingto I'leone of the finest little towns in the state. Its business is rapidly increasing a.'« well inhabitance. —Aliss Cora Bail, of Golds boro, is visiting relatives and friends, in and around town. -Misses BlancU- and Jeiinic — f. R. Smith & Bros store is lull of pretty goods. They lire selling wliole.salc and re tail. Noncbutfirstclassstock handled by them. A car of bayging and tics just rtceiv- vd. ■ —Aliss Stella Mumford, of Grifton, who spent last week i:i. town with her aunt, Airs. J. B. Garris returned home vSnnday. She said she likes Ayden—come again. Co. the 1st Sunday- in Oct at 11 o'clock a. 111. —Wc arc protracting a meeting at Little t_reek xhis week, lucre is considerable mtire-sL being mam tested Eid. J.,ewis is preaching some tell- mg sermons, brethren pray lor the success of the meeting. —The assertion that some day man will be a hairless an imal is scorned by scientists. Already Hall’s Hair Rciiewer is accompli.shiiig wonders in averting baldness. JEALOUSY AND TPAGEDY. —.\rter an illness of oyerten weeks sister T. N. Mailing of this place died Sunday night about 11 o'clock. Eld Man ning the old servant and fam ily has our hart felt sympa thies in there sad bereave ment. Mr. Wilson, the traveling artist, who'is stopping here, seems to be doing quite a nice business. J. R. Smitb & Bro. will have y'our jiicture taken if you NA ill spend $2,50 at their s'lorc They are having lots of them made. —.Ayer's Hair Vigor tones up the weak liairroots, stim ulates the vessels and tissues which supply' the hair with nutrition, strengthens the hair itself, and adds the oil which keeps the shafts soft, lustrous, and silky'. The most popular and valuable toilet prepara tion in the world. —Mr. Charlie Smith tells ns he is going to occupy the Gar ris gin house this fall and \vi!l see that your cotton is picked Abbott, of Granger,?, cjiterred clean. lie has had fifteen school at C. C. dav. College Alori- —Mr. Glen, left ye.stcr clay' for Florida. 'Ve wish him success, and a pleant time 'With the ladies. —There is being som«; much needed work done on ilie 'street, and more of it is still needed before the winter comes. —150,000 4 in. hand made ey'press shingles for sale by Smith Bros., also a thorough bred jersey cow and yoimg calf for sale. —Mr. Edgar May and fam ily, of Alaple Cypress, arrived Saturday'. Tliey occupy tlie new Ross house, and will •open a boarding house. y'ears experience in the l)usi- ness and is n pleasant ginner. There is nothing to prevent anyone concocting a mixture and calling it “sarsaparilla,” ancl there is nothing to pre vent anyone spending good money testing the stuff; but prudent people, who wish to be sure of their remedy, take only Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and so get cured. IVIuch in Little l3 cspeclsilly true ot IIooil’s Pills, for no mpij' cine ever cnntntncd so great curative pera-er in so small siiaco. Tbey nro-n wiiolo medleinc Hood’s Pills ilii'st, always re.Kly, ways elBcieot, always fsfaotory; prevent a or fever, cure all Ilvrr s'ck haatlaclie, jaundice, constipation, etc. 2W. IbQ only PUis to take wiUi Hood's Sartapanlla. Burkley', Cal., Sept. 2.- Therc will be no more ‘‘rush' at the University of Califor nia, if President Kellogg’s latest mandate is obcy'cd. In the last rush Benjamin Kurtz, wly' entered freshman, was disfigured, for life, and may have sustained an ir.jxtry of the l.'rain. Some one put his heel on Kurtz's face, ancl as a result Lis jaw is broken, a jnecc of flesh was torn fi ora the nostril, tlieuppcriip haiigs only by a shred, and all the front teeth are gone. Feur teeth were knocked put of the lower bone, and the bone in wliich they' had been iinbeded was broken off with them. Both the upper and lower jtwswcrc smashed, and the flesh of all the face was crush ed and bleeding. Marshall and Conlin, freshmen, each had a leg broken. NEWS OF Tiiiv NAVY. ■nectient, $1,000 by tlie town liii which the mr.rdcrxvascom- Carrier Pigeons Bring Messa-jniittol and ■iL'jSOO Iiy rcla- ges from Hie North Atlan- jtives. tic Squadron. I , Wasliingten, 1 bv "a carrie A message was received Sicard, on tit ANOTHER RICH GOLD TER RITORY. SaultSte. Marie,Alieh.,Sept. 2.—Later developments tend to substantiate all that has been reported concerning the richness of the reccntgoidflnd at AHchipicotem, and there is no end of excitement here in conseciucnce. The tug Annie Clarke returned from the new gold fields Tuesday evening with Mackic, one of the own ers of the first location. Air Mackie brought down with him 30 ounces of gold, valued at about $700. This gold was extracted from surface ejuartz. Baltimore, Sept. 2.—John \Y. Oliver, a stevedore, yester day shot Kate Oliver, his niece, and then shot himself. Both are seriously'-injured, the woman, it is thought, fatally'. Jealousy' is supposed to have been the motive for theshoot- ing. Oliver and his niece had lived together as man and wife for seven years. They are from Cumberland, Md. He is 36 years old and she is 24. LT SAVES THE CROUPY CHILDREN. Seaview, Va.—We 'lave a splendid sale on Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and our custo raers coming from far ami near speak of it ill the highest terms. Many have said that their chil dren would have died of croup if Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy had i.ot been given. —Kellam & ylurren. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by J. H. Cobb & Co. AND ITS '^CtTHS : Editor :—I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely uso thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power that 1 consider it my duty to jmd /aw boitUs fret to those of your reisers who liave Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or Lung- Trouble, if they will write me tlKlr express and postoffice address. Sincerely, T. A. SIOCUM, M. C.. 183 Pearl St., Sew terk. ai- The L'ditormI Anil Bsslnees MAaatomenl ol Uiis PwoT OiiaTADtee tbu aenerouA I'roposiwuu, A CURE FOR BILIOUS COLIC. Resource, Screven Co., Ga.—I hove been suoject to attacks of bib ;us colic for several years Chamnerlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the only- sure relief. It actsliKeacharm. One dose of it gives relief when nil other remedies fail.—G. D. Sharp. For sale by J, H. Cobb & Co. 'icriiigcon from Admiral flagship New Y'ork of the North Atlantic squadron,' at the Xwrfolk navy yard, at 8 o’clock this morn ing. A copy was iirimediaLe- h' telegraphed to acting Secre tary Roosevelt at the Navy Department. The message was as follows: “September 3d, 6. 30 a. m.—Position 30 degrees east northeast Cape Charles lightship, distant 65 miles. Thej?quadron, consist ing of the New York, Brook lyn, Alassachuscits, Indiana, 'i'e.vas and Mai is approach ing the southern drill ground and -will probably' anchor abotitS o’clock. Will dispatch anchorage later. The Puritan is in sight.” At the Navy Department this is said to be the first in stance in our naval history' of the successful use of the cai'ri- er pigeon as a means of cem- municatiou between naval •essels afloat and the shore stations. It is the result of several months hard work on the part of the eqtiipinent 1m- reau, which has collected aboard the sbipsjiigeonsfrom various Atlanticports, so that the commanders might be pre pared to dispa^tch messages to any' desired naval station' The result is highly gratifying to the Department officials, in dicating as it dqes the possi bility of developing a most valuable means of communi cating w'itli our offshore fleets. Later in the day another message was received from Admiral Sicard by the means as the nsi:—a carrier pigeon. Tills stated that the water was so rough that the ships could notundertaketar- get practice so .that they had turned to fleet evolutions. Health, Voice, Appetite and Strength Failed—Coinpletcly RO" stored by Hood’s OarsaparlMa. “ Myi.^jalth failed ealiroly aadpamlysb .’tarod me in the free. Idy limbs v.ere so weak tl^at 1 could sc.'-’fi’cly v.'alk, and heart trouble was ono cf rr.y ailinuits. I liftd no uppotire and suffered with eonsti- patlon. My voice (aile d me in t he pulpit, and li/e had become a burden to me. I bcRan taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla ancl very soofl oaw a groat inprovemeiit. lu the winter I was attacked by the grip which led me in a bad condition. I was weak and prostrated. I went back to my old friend. Hood’s Sarsaparilla. After taking a few bottles I fel( like a new man. Hood’s iJarsapariUa seems to be the thing for me, and I find Hood’s Pills the brat cortoctor of the liver and stomach.” P.KV. C. S. Beal'LIEC, Howellville, Ohio. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is f':p Oil.' Trdc Blood Purifier. All druggists. $i i si for Sfi. C. I. Hood & Co., I/Dwell, M.ass. HoikI’s Pills Sic\ Ileji • Ills and FREE WllL B.iPTIST HISTORY —BY— ELDS. T. HARRISON AITS J. M. BARFIELD IT WILL BE ISSUED SEPTEMBER 15th, 189Y. It IS a book long prayed for and will be read by Preachers and people everywhere with great deiight. There have been many l-’istories wrltrim. ‘rnr this will bo the first History of the Original Free W ill Baptists ol North Carolina that has ever appeared This work takes up the history of the Free Will Baptist, or the principles ot Cliristianity promulgated tliroiigh the Free Will Baptists from sixteen hundred and seventy five to the begin ning ol the year eighteen hundred and ninety'-seven. The authors, historically trace these humble children of God through all their-davk ages; shows theirafflictions, persecutions, ups and downs for over two hundred years giving a graphic picture of their great struggle for liberty and their fidelity to all the commands and examples of Chriat and the Apostles to the present. Shows the first Free Will Baptist church organized in America. How Free Will Baptist preachers direct from London, England, organized the Original Frefi Will Baptist church in North Carolina in 1690. They prove by history that they are 95 years older than the Free W’ill Baptists in the Norrb. They trace their progress and shows how and when the first Prim itive Baptist church and the Kehukee Association were lormed out of Free Will Baptist churches. Their dark days from i755 to 1794. How the little vine climbed over the wall; the awful struggle with secret societies, and a general record of all theCon- It IS the duty of every man to! North Carolina and elsewhere. The Fives of our old AIAKE TrlE MOST OF YOURSELF. make the most of himsdf Wliiitcver Lis capacitie.s u.ay bo, he is sure to find some place whore he can be useful to himself and to oliiers. Bnt he cannot roach his highest useful ness wiihout good health and he cannot hive good health without pure blood. Tlie blood circulate.-: (0 oyery organ and tissue and when it is pure, rich and healthy it carries hoalt.'i to the entire system, but if it is impure it scatters disease wiioc- ever it flows. Hood’s Sarsa parilla is the one b'ood purifier. It cures s?dt rheum, serolula, catarrh, di.-jpepsia and rheuma tism becaiiift ihe-sC diseases havG their- origin in the bIoo-1. ERAUDULANTMONEY OR DERS. Wilmington, Del., Sept. 2.— A man giving the name of John E. Ford, and claiming to be from Ohio, was arrested here Tuesday ntght. after he had passed an alleged fraudu lent money order on William T. Alearns, a Alarket street merchant, in pay'ineiit for a. hat. Y’esterday he was turn ed over to the federal raitlior- ities. Ill Ford's possession was found a set ot rn liber stamps like those used in the forfillingoutmoney orders. Ford, it is said, has confessed that he was a mem ber of a gang that had been operating -with these monev money orders throughout the county. The jiostoifice at Belmorc, Ohio, was recently robbed of a book containing $30,000 in blank money' or ders, audit is supposed tliat the members of the gang filled out these orders and worked them ofi'iu various cities. '•My boy catno home from school one day with his hand badly Ecerated ami bleeding, ame uud sufitiring great pain,” s iys Air. E, j. b'ch?i!}, with Meyer Bros.'’ Drug Co., St. Louis. Mo. “I dressed ihoivoLimi and applied Clmuiberiain’s Pain Balm freely'. All pain ceased and til a romaricably short time it liealed wiihout leaving a soar. For wounds, sprains, swellings and rheumali>m, I know ol no modiciiie or prescription equal to it. I consider it a household neceisity.” The 25 and 50 cent sizes or sale by J. II. Cobb & Co. CFURGED WITH THE NIC HOLS MURDER. Clearfield, Pa., Sept. 2.— David lUeeks, one of the two men wanted for the murdero1 George MarcusNichols. which occured on the Daniels’ farm at Trumbeli, Fairfield county. Conn., on July 20 last, is un der arrest here. He gave his name of James Dougherty. A reward of $4,500 was offered for the arresr of the murderer. $1,000 by'the state of Con- NEW ^ e* Champion'Washer. t wash Gleaner, Qvjckcr, with mor. ca-e ;i ;d le.'.r, injury to Ik dothes than sny machine n use. Over 7i;,000 soli^ all gh-inff satisfaction! with ihe V/ashing L'.ClioihVl-RyONU. • C-EMD FOR CIRCULAR. Ciiaiiifioa Wasiiing ilastiine Cs., nia Vcbt rear! St.. tlXCIXNiTl, OHIO. TUB LfllSON, AN ELECTROCURE. AGENTS WANTED BOTH SEX. Goods sent to reliable persons to be paid for after selling. Agt nts ,'wll Ironi I to 25 a day. It gouerates from i to 8 volts electricity, and lias two powerful Magnetic BHlt’erics that will turn_ the Compass needle through a. two inch plank. Cures Rlieiur.alisin, Weak Back, Kidney Disease, I'oinalc Troubles, Lass Manhood, and all d; leases arising from a lack of nera-e force. lOR ADVERnSINO PURPOSES, we will give one BFLT FREE cf any cost to one person in each lorality. Address TAYLOR 8; SMITH E. A. Co., Department B Vinel.ind, New Jersey. pioneer Preachers. The faith and practice of the Free Will Bap tists vindicvtted, etc. etc. The book will contain about 400 pages, printed on good paper and neatly bound. PRIOE Books now open lor subscription. Any person sending six subscribers for the Free Will tist and $6,00, will get a History free. Address all orders to the Authors, or Publisner. W. E. MOVE, publisher, Ayden, N. C. HAME HOOK ^ l^fT HOOK-' Ci-0S£^ eco Patented May ISih, 1897. Is the Cheapest, Most Convenient, and nomic Time and Labor-Saving Device that has EVER BEEN TL.acED WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL CI.A.-'SK.S OF FARMERS. 11 is so simj'lo that any one can quickly and easily adjust it, •and so cheap that it is within the reach of even the jx^oresc. No farmer can afford to be without a supply. They can ha bought f/om your hardwareman at a dollar a dozen orjten cents arhece. just remember that your broken Hooks can'be replaced in a moment’s time i.-ith a Doubille Steel Hook that will be worth more and cost lees than half than it you had to take it to the blacksmith shop for repairs. For further information call on or address, Pollard & Co., Ridj^e Spring, N. C. FREE WILL B.IPTIST PLi LI GATIONS.; BY REV. T. F. HARRISON', ONE OF THE TWIN PKE-VCIIERS. Serraons—Vol. 1. Price 25c. Tract on Feet-Washing 10c. Five Discourses DeliverecHn Re ply to the Late Kev. Henry Win field, on the Subject Feet-Wash ng 25c. A Hundred Facts on Believer’s Baptism lOc. Address all orders to RivV. T, F. Hakkison, Ayden, N. C. Gilbidge sonted. Yii H’rm I am in a position to ser'/e my friends and patrons with DRYGOODS QROORIKS- Sec me and 1 will save you money. No trouble to showooods. Companies Repre- All kinds of Insur- Life, Fire, etc.,in theleadingOld Line Companies of the World. 0 Accident, Fire, and Death INSURANCE, is something that every body needs, and can get same a con servative rates at W. Jas. jor dan’s RealBelate and Insurance Agency, 8now Hill, N. C None but tlie best companies represented. All losses prompt ly paid. All in need of Insurance, Life, Fire, or Accident, will call on, or address, W. J'eMara, SNOW HILL. N. C. Come one and and be convinced. Yours to please, T. N M.\i\’ning. all ) P. S. Six years in busineas and never failed to pay a loss Try me if you want to get in good Companies. W. Jas’Jordan. MaliSSm Msmsssb tasammim