-♦■■♦■OPieAN OF-t-» I The Free Will Baptist Chiiroh, NOETH AND SOUTH, Published Weeky THE-f* ‘fREE^iU BAPEISTPUB, CO- LET BROTHERLT LOVE CONTINUE" Vol. Ayden, N. C., Wednesday, December ii, 1901. No. 35. I All Kinds of Job Work j I Neatly Executed at J y This Oftice. ? i WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. OFFICBRS: W. R. Eiawyer, President, Florence, N. C. B. E. Dail, Vice Pres., - • Renston, “ J. M. ilARFi£LD, Treas., - - Ayden, '• E. T. Phiix'ps, Sec., - - - “ U )ARD OP MANAGERS. Walter Barfield E H Craft, A. T. Dawsox, LD F. McLawuo: Lu-CB McLawuon, G. W. n.uL, - Eld. P T. LuC's. - Ayden, N, C. - Institute, “ , - Wiaterviflc, “ - • Ayden, '* - Lticaina, “ AL.'iCL.E.-3 OF fcAlTll .1 ttcr. •j hu* ■> •liv I'trnAl G.iJ, the Father )f wiioni treat! things, fro imYirlAstiiig to ever'®’! tag. gl i'-ioas an I iiti'jiutahlo iu all Hiaatui- Tutu) —I -.)r. Viii, (}. isa. 2I, 3S. i, -Vj DsUeYQ that uere is one LordJesut Jlirist, 1)7 who.n are ill things, the only byjitsA d,Ta or God, born of the Virgin .vTary, whom Gol freely seutinio this-world. I'cetute 01 too greit loee-wherewith he loved th- w >i'ld; and -Jhi'ist as freoU' gave himself a ransom tor all, usting aeath ibr every ra\u; w 8 buried and rose again the tnirddvya id csoeo.led into Ile.iveu, froir wh4u-e wo l-'Ok/or i-IioT, the second time, in hoobaliiif Heaven, at the last day to ju Igt h ivl) quick and dead.—1 Tim. ii, 5, (1 licb. ii, 9; 1 ioha ii, 2; Rev- i, 7; Acts 24.16 Jolid iii, Id. it We believe that ibero is one Poll Gti)3t, the precious gitt of the Ftther, ili-i den- S.m, unto the -world, wht quiokenoth and drawoth sinners home to God.—John xvi, 7 and 3; Acts ii.4; iiph. iJi 1; Bpli. iv, 4,6, 0. 4. We oalieira that la the beginning God jiido mn up--ight, and placed him in a statD of glory without the least mixture ol misery, from whfih he voluntarily, by tra-iisgrcssion, fer., and by that means broughloii bimselt a miserable and mortal state, subject to death.-- Gen. ii, 17, iii, 16, 6. Wo heltove that G-.-d is not willing that any sLouid purish: Rut that all should come to repcntiiioo and the knowledge of tlie truth, th-at they might be savod; & which end Christ hath commaided the Gospel to he proachod ainong all 11 itioae, and to every creafira—.Mark xvi. 15; Luke x-iv. 47; J-Ta .u,15-17; 1 rim. ii, 4. 5 SV.‘heliave that no man shall suffer in ncll for want of a Christ who died for him, but as the dcriptarc Lui said, for denying the Lord that bought them; because they believe not in the name of the only begotten 8 >1 of God. Unbelief, therefore, being the iause why the just and righteous God of iieavon will condemn the children of men; if follows against all contradiction that all in-^n, at one lime or other, are found InBUCh a •'apicleyas that through tiie grace of God they -niy be i;tera-ally saved.—Acte xvii. 8>. Hark yi. 6; deb. lii, 10; I John v, 10. 7. Vi -jollove the whole Scriptures are in ftllioly Iran, and tli.at th 'y are tfie only d. -V ; ifi'thc .loccrine of General I’rovi^ioa -naJe of God in Ghnsi. for the lenefil of ill mankind, who repent and be lieve the -Gospel.—Luke xiv, '.ti, 17, 18, 16, 10; .Hatt. Ytviii, 19,3ti; i.uke xiii, 3-6: Luke 1X17,47; Votilii, IJ; Mark i, 15 9 We oelicve that sinners are drawn to Go-i the Father, by the Holy Ghost, through Ohriac His 5 )n, and that the Holy Ghost offers his livlne aid to all the human fami ly; so as they all might be happy, would they give place to His divine teaching; whereas, a'uch who Jo not receive the Divine i apieesioDs of His iloiy Spirit, shall, jit a i'ltureday, own their condemuaiion just, ail charge themselves with their own d . naation, for wilfully rejecting the offers of sovereign grace.—Matt, si, 37; John vi. 4t, 00; Ps. i, 1; Tit. ii, 11, 13; Jer. sxii, 89. 10. We believe that men, not considered simply as men, but ungodly men, were of .>bi ordained to coudcinnation; considered such who (irn the giace of God into lasciv- L.msness, denying the only Lord God, ana our Lord Jesus Ohrist who boui^ht them, tad therefore, shall bring upon thcmselvc: swift ■k-si.-uctioB; iiut we observe that they, and such too A[>03tlo salUi because they re ceivenot the Jove of die truth, thst they might be save'l; therefore the indignation and ATtlh of God is upon every soul of man that doctb dvil, living and dying therein; for there is no rospwt of jicreoaB -with God. -Jade i, 1; 11 Peter ii. 1; II Thos it. 11, 12; iloruauB ii. 9 and It 11. We ociievt tnct all children dying in inflinoy, U’.vlag not actually transgressAd against the law of God in their own per sous, arc only subject to the first dcalu, which w.ts brought on them by the fall ol the fl«t Adam, and not that any one of 110 Q lying in th.M statu, shall euft'or pun- ish.n-'nt in hell by the guilt of Adam’s sin, for uf such is the kingiiom of God.—I Cor. tr, 32; Matt, xviii, 8, C, 4,6; Mark ix, 36, J7. Watt, xix, 14. 18. We bnliove tiiai. good works are the fruits ol .1 saving laith, and tnat in the use of the moans of grace, and not out of the use ofthoso meaiiA, eternal life is promised to men.—Rev. xsii, 14,16; Isa. i. 19. 80, Matt vii, 8; Jer. vi. Id; L-uke xiii, 34, 33. 18. We believe that no man has any war rant iu th'.> llolv Scriptures ibr juv.iJlcation belore God thr-o'ugb his own works, power, or ability which he has in and of himself, ocily as h" by grace is made able to como to Olid, through .'e-Jus Ohrist; believing the ri.ghtet'usness of Joc.fs Christ t--> be imputed to all believers for thO eternal acceptance with Gkvd.—Rom. iv, 24; Jer. xxii, 16. 14. Wo belbve that all things are foreseen In the wisdom of God, so tlis God knoweth what-Toever can or cftiiuotcoiuu. t> pass upon all RV-ppo.s.i l conditions: 3'ct not as having iooriu'-t any person to everlastinv death or sveilasting life, viut-'f respect or mere choice, (arlher than He hath appointed the godlv auto life, aud the ungodly, who die in sin onto death.—Hcb. iv. 13; Prov. viii, 22, 23, >4 85.20,27,28,20,30, 81; .Matt, xxv, 31, 12, 33,34,35,36,37.38. 36.40,41.42,43,44. t.6 46 15. We believe, as touching Gospel ordi- •mnee®, in i«elicveJS* baptism, laying on of the hands, receiving of the sacrament in -irc.ad and wine, w.nshuiz the saints’ feet, anointing the sick with oil in the name 01 the Lord’, fasting, praying, singing praise to Gmi, and the public ministry of the wonl, with every institution of the Lord wo shali in! ill the New TestameuL—Luke iiii, 19 80; John xiii, 5 to 17; James v, I** 16 We believe the Gospel mode of bap tism is by immersion, and that the believers iro the onlv subjects for baptism.—Matt 111 1«; Mark i, 6. 10- Acts iii, 83. 89, Horn vi; 1. Uoi. ;=- 12 IT ire betirve in agem-ral rvsurrectior . .^1 the de‘d and a final ji’dg'r-ent at thi last day.--.Tohn.V 2S. 29; II I'or v;10; fa We believe the happiness of tbt r ghieutts is eternal and the torments of tbt wicked are endless. -Matt, xx.ldl. “I had a most stubborn cough for many years. It dcpn"ed li.i ; of sleep end I grew very thin. 1 then tried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, : ' and was quickly cured.” f 1 IJ. N. Mann, F.-’.!lMi5is,Tor.n. \ Sixty years of cures p I and such testimony ns the c above have taught us what ” I Ayer’s Cherry Pectorai [| I will do. ^ yc We luiow it s - he great- 1 est cough remedy ever j made. And you will say [ so, too, after you try it. I Tnere’seureineverydrop. TSreciizst: ZSc., SOc., tL Alltfrunists. Town Directory. CHURCIIEB. Free Will Baptist, services every 4t)) Sun day at J1 o’clock A. l'I.,and at night. Elder G. C. Viiuse pastor. Prayer meetlHg every Friday night-'Sunday school even Sunday morning at9;30,\V. F. Hart, Sup’t M. E. Ch-aroh Sorth, services every 3rd Sunday at 11 o’clock A. M., and at night. Rev F. F. Kuro, pastor. Sunday school at 9:00 A. A., J. S. Ross, Bnp’t. Missionary Baptist Church, scrvicea every 2nd Sunday at 11 o’clock A. M., and at night, Rev. Mr. Faulkner, pastor. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Sundae school, 3:30 P. M., W. 0. Jackson, Sup’t. Christian Church, services every flrsi Sunday at 11 o’clock, and at night, Elder C. VV. Howard, pastor- Sunday school ai 10 o’clock A. M., A. Joyner, Supt. Ladies’ Auxiliary incols every 3rd Sunday evening at 3 o’clock. LODGES. A. F. M., meets every first and third 'SUmlays, R. W. Smith, W. M. I. O. O. F. meets every Monday night at at 8 o’clock. To-wnCommissioners r-cctovery Mondsj night. J, J. Stokes, Mr-'or; J. W Quincr- .y, Cieta. Ayden Land Co. offers desirable Sui*ine6t t.nd dwelling lots at reasonable prices and easijr ^Bnns. Apply to 1. R. Smith & Bro. OUR AGENTS. N. 0. Ehl. W. W. Lewis, J. S. Roberson, A. S. Bason, M. C. Holland. Eld. B. iV.Tiopctt Eld. L. T Phillips, W. K. Sawyer, Eld. H. Cuiiinghan Bid. A. B. Rouse, Eld. P. T. Lucas, Ehi. W. P. Cause, S. B. Norton, G. C. Vnuse, G. VV, Dail, \V. [. Moore, Bill J. K. Ruffin. J W S-w:iin, Roberc Siat'liug, R.I.Coroett, Eider W 11. Ave . . Rev E. L. SfClaire, Gleniiville, J. .\I Einmajiuel. Summertown Rev. T. W Coursey, Lyons, " " ■ rVV G.Jones, Cordele, ” . S. B. Stephens, Cheshire, Ohio. Eld, G. i\. Cherry, Dothan, .41a. Our delinquents are requested to mak hmnediate settlement. We need "the money and rausc have it to run the paper with So please do not put the matter off but settle at or cc and everything will go 01. lovely and God will bless you for doing I- duty. Beaufort, Cove, Eureka. “ Kinston, “ Eat oil, v'jreenieaf, “ Florence, “ tn. Deep Run, “ Mt, Olive, “ Lucama, " Serantou, S. C Dunbar, “ Darlington, “ Ayden, N. C. Kinston, “ Lucama. '* .I'.n-ry, Kenly, " SiK-igVt'sBriSge, “ CIcss. “ Ga. BE YE TEMPERATE. Dear Editor;—Let me sa\ a few words to the readers o the Baptist on fhe subject; "Be j-e temperate in fill thing* ’ My heart was mad sorrowful on last Thursdayuight, when I saw’ two men nearly read\ to give down under the in fiuence of whiskey. Justafew ra nutes later, the clerk ol a church came up in liis buggy, got out, and kt the one that wasso far gone, thathe couh not walk, have the buggi. The ckrk anfl ihe other fello a , who had just I'eached tbt mimki3'stage—just as aciiv as he could be—(ieFirid tliai they should walk. So thej started on, and the ftllov who had almost reached th og wallow state started offii. the buggy. Here thev all 1' along livi'lv until ihe c! rk and the fellow who wa he monkcv state reached Here the clerk was handed the bottle, by the fellow with the activity of a monkey. The clerk gladly took it, thinking be was iu the dark,' wher' no one but he and h;s partner knew anything about his taking a drink. But the other Icllow who was almost in the hog wallow saw them, and he began to plead ior them to come and let him ave h's share ol'it In was not dark as it seemed to bo to the clerk, and the active kilow and they were not m^re than two blocks away before the clerk was in the monkeys. All of them began whooping and liollowdng. It was at this time that the'^ got out of iny sight, going anotlier way. I do noiknow the end of the journey, or the merry time they thought ♦hey were having. I c n’t sa\' what stage the clerk got into before he reached home. We read in tfiepreciousScriptures f our Lord and Saviour •aying that veare the light of the world. A city set on a hill can not be hid. Owliere was the light of this man, Chat ought to have been shin- I' g? Brethren, it had gone out. Just think for a mo ment what an awful condi tion this mail vtasin. Not caring for the solemn obliga tion that heentcred into when hejomtd the church. In Art. 0 of the church covenant, wi covenant and agree not to trj* me in the use of intox caimg otverages. Oh how little we care for one obligation know ing that the Scriptures teach iliac none but the pure in heart, can see God. Now Itl us look t)ack at the first quo- latioD that \\c have given. v\ hat did God mean when he wrote those words through • lispiration? Did he not ■nean for us to be temperate ind abstain from the use of ntoxicating- drinks and be itealous in all things, being in stant in season and out of 'eason. Did he mean when th«^ tempter came along ti- partake with him? No h( iidii’t mean anything of th. kind. He meant what h sniff, and be said for us to ab 'tain from the very appear- iiiceolcvil. Again he tells us that he will not look upon "in witii the least degree 01 -illowance So if we intend to rcacfi heaven we w ill bavt to do as God says, regardless iif what man may say abom us. The Bible teaches us. ii wo will resist the Dcvil he \ill flee from ns, but if wi isten to his ties and the word if influencing men, and do unchristain acts all will ena in woe. He wants you to clunk that the little word ‘no harm” is a small thing Here he eoines in the shape ol a man, with a bottle of whis key. and he will say take a iLink, It will do you good, but if you thank him and say 110 you don’t drink. He will -ay’it is no harm to take a Irink. And if he can’t get vou to take itand say you do )Ot think it is any harm to ^ cake a dram. Tnatis justl whac he w'antsyou to believe, and if vou don’t watch he will have you just like the a dark place, as they thought.* clerk that w'e have been talk-' ii'jg to you a! .' It. Sj look o’lt moderate dram drinker the Devii ha? got you just I W’here he \vn» x’d you. You area good r.ighbor and a good citizen' Yes, a good ' morai-devjl Ik ping him. He .finds a goot moral man, I whom father i as 8a«d was a 'good man. H keeps his whis- ’kev and takes his dram, oiiCJ iaday. Not*'i cre is what the ! young icU'.: w-ill say. “I 1 don't believe . Is any harm, j and 1 am goifr;; 10 get some and take me a dram every morning, and so be gets it and pretty S' in one is not enough and he takes two ano on and ()U mn il he hnsreacheJ tile state of a drunkard, and that good neighbor and moa- erate dram dr'.iker hascapt- ured a soul fo;’the devii. M3 God, what .re we doing? where are we standing? Is it true that‘.v- standing in the way of sinners, God for bid, but may we desire in heart to liv e ii.-aier the cross than everbeioie. It we clam; to be the children of God, le us prove tluxl .ve are by 0111 works Le’, ut- do his bidding and keep lus c-smiTiands. Ht tells--s, if '.Clove him, thai we will keep !mS ct)ivnnau(i>. He tells us i-, the epistle o J'.lin to keep -mr selves from wine and all • trong dr nk.s. Y’es some one is gfiing to sav that he is talk'-jg to the littU childn-n. Yes -Tud you sav i.liat.,v u. a’ ’ -.vhild ofGcd Ailti i ,.jy ta\ .s.uiie. 80 \\ t constitute children—there is not any way for you to e-om promipe with sin nor the things that ire ungodly. Hoping tbat * is will be edi fying and net destructive, and that the ight of God’s redeeming 'ovc may shine on the columns in which this ap- , pears. Yours in he Gospel, VV, C. JONKS. ADVICE T'»YOUTH.. Dear Editor —Please allow me space in t;ie Baptist to •«ay a fevv words of instruc tion to the youig people, who have enlisted m the great warfare, and who actinobed ience to hisconi! »ands. Tlii»se who have been baptized and comnietnorated the death and -ufFcring of tiie Lord. Mind ow you let yo'iF light shine •lefore y’our a.‘:2 iciates and to the world. Cinst said let vour light so shine before ■nen, that they may see your good works a •';)e constrain- d to glorily Father vnichartiu he he says, “If the fhat is in you now great is tint darkness. Watch your coi-versationand I he songs you Let them be spiritual scogs, singii.g with grace in y^m" hearts to the Lord. Be n t swayed by the multitude ‘"iDd carried down the strenn' toward hell. Let them go, y” shall have fietter coinpan; a he saints of God will lo"”- you. The angds of God w' I guard you The presence of ^od himself shall be wdth yo-’ Ifyoufiiid 3’ourself still iuc-med to do as the most do, i msider that you can not bar'’ tbot pleas ure in sin whicB others may. Conscience will 'U’x gall with ■ veil, -V^aiij, '.'fore the light ■le darkness, j the honey. When alone and away from them, it will read sad lectures to you and make you receive yourpast delights witli bitterness. Remember what Christ said, “Except your righteousness shall ex ceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Thiarisecs, ye can in no case enter into the king dom of God. Becarefu! what kind of books you read. Let tliein I).- good book';. Not dime novels or love stories, which liil the mind with un real imagioa'.ions 'and .injure the nieiiiorv'. Be ' sure you read your Bible Let no day go by without reading some portion of Scripture. Fesure that this is done. You will find it very profitable to be gin the dfiv with such a con verse with God. See I he com maiul of Christ. John o. 39. •‘Search the rfcripturcp, for in diem ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which 'estify ofme ” Ilearthc coin.- mand of God with a priimise. fosliua 1: 8. This bo(«k >1 he law shall not depart out •if thy mouth but thou siialt nediiate therein day and light, that thou mriye-t ob- ■ierve to do according to all -hat is written therein, for then thou siialt make thy vay prosperous ami tticn tliou shall havegood success.” fiic vSenptures discover sin ind the Devil’s devices. It Iiscovcrs duty' and tiie iovenf TO'] and Chj-ist. it di'.c.ivcrs vour strr'pgtli and encourage nents, 'i'liere ;ire the ,prom ises ofassisiing and of crown ing graces. By these the spir it acs. The devil is con[ucred and the soul is comforted, fhrough these the eye offaith can see Chri.“t in all his beau ty, the grace ol God and the glory’ of heaven. This is the word of reconciliation and trutii. The power of God to salvation. Therefore every -lay look into these (iraying for the Spirit’s teachings and mixing taith with what you read. See what Paulis direc tion was to Tirrothy’. “Let 00 man dfspiie thyyouth but be thou an example of the believers in word, in conver sation, in charity, in spirit, in faith and in purity. Till I come give att-ndance toread ing, to exhortation, to doc trine.” Remember you have engagedyoursdftoGod. You must keep yourself from idols. You have given up yourname to God and you must give up your heart to him also. Von have made a covenant with Go( by sacraments If satan or thi-world a»c suitors for your r.carts, ted them you arc •ilrcady dispose fi of Y ui .u'l- pro engaged to G.hI. W.u have chosen yonr tiod ;ind you must not think ofeharig- ng Ill'll. It ph.-nsts the I^ord tnsee just one simicrtuni and follow him. Now let ns see if wc can’t live for God, and not the di-vil. Let us continue lo pray for one anoiiicr. that we may be found fid'hful, when the Lord Je'-us comes to re ceive his own. May God bless these fi w lilies. Your si 'ter in Christ, Mendia Godwin. VYhatisput into the first of life is put into the whole of life. Start right. -SUNDAY SCHOOLS. LITERATURE. To my mind the Bible itself IS a vast collection of litera ture; that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished to everv good word and work. 1 am no more opposed to Sabbath school literature than I am opjiosed to reading any other good books. Inmy ojjinion Sabbath school liter ature is the very best litera ture that can be put into the hands of children. Of course we are opposed to theattach- meut o( anything likecate- cliisras. Mucli of ihe opposi tion to literature is brought about by the incompetent use otit. Nothing is so sure to vesult in failure as the incom- pt^tent u?e of literature. One that would substitute Ibc cx (ilaiiatioii of the Ics.'Ons for the Bible is tc be pitied. Sundav school literature is oiilv a sy stciaatic order of Bi ble Ksmuis « ith a few defini tion and t-xplanations added. Tlic sj siematic order, defini tions, explanations of the text, and daily readings are only HuivS to ‘.he study of the Bib!i- X') one should rest satisfied vvitli only the ques tions and answers laid down. These po nc our something dcfi-ii'e to be learned, but shoidii be bupplciuentcd. Oijv grand Ijature of the S. S Iberaturc i-s systematic order of lessona. .\nothcr Latun IS il.c dailyhomeiead- ing-.'wliieh require the daily r.aiingof Scripture bearing on the lesson. Each teacher should see that these daily readings are read by each member of the class. If the tedchrr cannot encourage tbe class to read and study them it is good evidence of incom petency and a remedy or res ignation should follovii’. The same should be doueby super intendent if the lack of inter est is thus manifest in the school. If the school does not encourage the study ol the Bible it should be reor ganized or dismissed, I will not say that there cannot be a well organized Sunday school without litera ture, but I have to confess tiiat I have never seen one witho’utit. Generally there is very poor classification or none at all where no litera ture is used. Generally th- training of .mall children i» entirely neglected. Almost always there is no system ol lessons HJid thus no chain of thought is formed in the mind. Sometimes the quest’o..s are more than half answered by the teachers by a sort of (iravviog out procc-s Some times singings or something ol that sort arc allowed to take alternate Sunda; s. It is sad to know that so many of our churches allow the time and iqjportunity to pass without having a well organized Sunday School wh.ere young and old can be trained every Sunday. Let ns have Suiiday schools. Let us have compeieni teacheisif they have to be sent 10 tbe 'bttrar\- .-‘-hool for training. I l.et ns u?c- •-nr own litoralure. William T. Hendrick. ' 'McCa’.Ui, Ala, NEW FINDS IN BABYLON. One of the most interesting archolcX'Ogical finds, says the inclepcndenty ever made in the Bible lands is reported by Dr. Koldcwey, who has been at the head of the German expe dition that for nearly two years has been digging on the side of ancient Babylon. This is the ancient Babylon. This is the famous throne room of Nebuchadnezzar, a rnagnili. cent structure, 55 feet in width and 157 feet in length, and directly opposite the en trance isfound theniche where at one lime stood the throne of that mighty ruler. On both sides of the niche are still seen the remnants and remains of the former splend.ov of the room, magnificently colored decorations iu the walls that are of great imporiance lor the history of art. Li addi tion to this woik ill the old castle, or Kasr. and long the old processional .street of ^Iar- duk , the Germans have been unearthing, the treasuias of the city proper, near tbe mod ern village ofjin'jitna, and in a comparatively short time have found an abundance of new tablets with important inscription'^, which, accordir’g to Dr. Woissbaeh, the Assyri- ologist of the e.qjcdition, con tain letters, psalms, contracts, word lists, etc , all Jocuirunts that appeal to the '.ntetes*s of wide circles and w ill direct ly or iiviTreetiy add toThc terial that can be used for the interpretation of the Old Tes tament, both histericaliT and linguistically. In the near Iu- ture the work is to be exten !- ed to the hill, called .Xinraa- bar-Ali, and tha exc.vaiion of this unique PanlJ.Ci'ii of the Babylonian metropolis, >\ ii'ch lies so deeply imbedded in the ruins of centurie-, promises rich returns. Th-v work of the expedition i - not to be re stricted to Babylon, as the managers have secured the right to make diggings in the neighboring hills of l'ara and Abu Ilalab. which, in all probability, belong to the so- called pre-Sargon period, dat ing from the fourth millen nium befo-e Christ, and will doubtless furn'sh data for the very earliest history of man kind. These two hills are not far from Nippur, the old home ol .Vbraham, where the Amer icans have been so successlul. In addition to t c work of the expedition us such, individual members have been publishing the results of their own inves tigations, chit f of these being a brochure, t nti' le “ Von Bab ylon nach lien Rumen von HI- rn und.Huarnag," by Bruno Meissner, on the historic ground of ancient Chaidea. In this connection it should be added that Koldcwey’s re port shows that the accounts published in New Y’ork papers to the effect that the banquet hall of Belteshazzar had been discovered by the Germans, with the picture of the Lion of Babylon, and even with the words Mtne, Mene, Telkelin large letters, weretheproduefc of a vivid imagination.—Gos pel Messenger, Find your purposeand fling your life out to it. Try to be somebody’ witball your might.