-..THE.—w FREE WILL BAPTIST, j 4+ORGAN OF4-4 "S I The Free Will Baptist Church, | I NORTH AND SOUTH, | ; Published Weeky | ' ■♦■♦BY THE44 ® TREE will baptist pub, GOJ W’. R. Sawyer, President, Florence, N. C. B. E. Daiu, \ iee Pres., - - Renston, ** J. M. IlAUir'iEi.D, Treas., - - Aydcii, " E.T. I’HiLi-'PS, Sec., “ Bi).\RD OF MANAGERS. ' Walter Barfield - - Ayden, N. C. B. H. Craft, - • Rountree, “ A. T. Dawso.y, - - Institute, “ Eld. F. .McLawiion, - Winterville, “ l.i'KK McLawhon, - • Ayden, “ O. \V t'ArL, ... Ei-ii. P. T. Ldcvs, • Lucama, “ "LET BROTHERLY LOVE CONTINUE' Vol. 20. Ayden, N. C., Wednesday, February 12, X902. No. 42. CIRCULATION. 1850. All Kiiuis ot Job Work Neatly Execiitesd at Tliig Ottice. WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE, ‘i AUTICliES OP PAlTa. ’ V - .'O tlii.i, -.if 'lo is Hut oiioIivi'Jli trae and o' -snial God, the Father jf •whom arpal'. things, from eyerlastinR to ever'«9t- ing, glorious and iramutablo in all His attri- Dutos.—ICor. till, 0. Isa. xl, 38. 3. We believe that acre isone LordJesus Christ, by whom are ill things, the only begotten don of God, born of the Virgin Mary, wh'om God freely sentinto this world, because ol the great lo've wherewith he loved the world; and Christ as froelv gave himself a ransom for all, tasting aeath for every mau; who w .a burled and rose again the third d ly and iscended into Heaven, from whence we look for Him, the second time, in the clouds of Heaven. lU the last day to judge both quick and dead.—I Tim. ii, 5, 6 Heb. ii, 9; I |ohn ii, 2; lltv. i. 7; Acts 3-1.16 John ill, 16. 3 We holiore that there is one J^oly Gh')st, the precious gilt of the Fathsr, through His dear Son, unto the world, •who quickouetb and draweth sinners home to God.—John xvi, 7 and 8: Acts ii. 4; Bph. iii Ij Eph. iv, 4,5,6. 4. We believe that in the beginning God made man upright, and placed him in a state of glory without the least mixture of misery, from which ho voluntarily, by transgression, fel'., and by that means brought on himself a miserable and mortal state, subject to death.—Gen. ii, 17, iii, 19. 5. We believe that Qod is not williagthat my should perish; but that all should come to repentance and the knowledge of the truth, that they might be saved; for which (»id Christ hath commanded the Gospel to be preached among all nations, and ',o every oroat'iro.—Mark xvi. 15: Luke xjiv. 47; .T.ik.i iii,15-17; I Tim. ii,4. 6. Wo believe that no man shall suffer in nell for want of a Ohrid who died for him, but as the Scripture Las said, for denying the Lord that bought them; because they believe not in the name of the only begotten BouofGod. Unbelief,therefore, being the lausewhy the just and righteous God of Heaven will condemn the children of inert; it follows ag.iinst ail contradiction that all men, at one time or other, are found in such a "apacity as that through the grace of God they may be eternally saved.—Acts xvii. 80; Mai'kvi. 6; Eleb. ill, 10; IJohn v, 10. 7. We believe the whole Scriptures are in fallibly true, and that they are the only rules 01 laun and piaCticu. II 'fim. li‘,''6.17; 8. W'e believe in the doctrine of General Provision made of God in Christ, for the oeaefit of all mankind, who repent and be lieve the Gospel.—Lukexiv, 16, 17, 18, 19, aO; Matt, xxviii, 19,30; Luke xiii, 3-6; Luke xxiv, 47: Acts iii, li; Mark i, 16 9 We believe that sinners are drawn to God the Father, by the Holy Ghost, through Christ His Son, and that the Holy Qho« offers his divine aid to all the human fami ly; 80 as they all might be happy, would they give place to His divine teachitg; whereas, such who do not receive the Di-vine impiessiona of His Holy Spirit, shall, at a future day, own their condemnation just, and charge themselves with their own damnation, for wilfully rejecting the offen of sovereign grace.—Matt, xl, 37; John vi, 44,66; Ps. 1,1; Tit. ii, 11,13; Jer. xxil, 39. 10. Webelievothat men, not considered simply as men. but ungodly men. were of old ordained to condemnation; considered such who turn the grace of God into lasciv iousness, denying the only Lord God, and our Lord .fesus Christ who bought them, and therefore, shall bring upon thomselve; swat destruction; but we observe that they, and such the Apostle saith because they re ceivenot the love of the truth, that they might bo saved; therefore the indignation and wrath of God Is upon every soul of man that dooth evil, living and dying therein; for there is no respect of persons with God. . ,Jude 1,4; II Peter ii, 1; II Thes. li. 11. 18; f^omans ii, 9 and 11 11. Wo believe that all children dying in infancy, having not actually transgressed against the law of God In their own per sons, arc only subject to the first death, which was brought on them by the fall of the first Adam, and not that any one of them dying in that state, shall suffer pun- iihmont la hell by the guilt of Adam's sin, for of such is the kingdom of God.—I Cor. XT, 83; Matt, xvlii, 8,8,4,6; Mark ix, 86,37, Matt, xlx, 14. 13. We believe tuai good works are the fruits of a saving faith, and that in the use of the means of grace, and not out of the use ofthoso means, eternal life is promised to men.—Rov. nil, 14,16; Isa. 1.19, 30, Matt, vii, 8; Jer. vi, 16; Luke xiii, 84,86. 18. We believe that no mau has any war rant in the Holy Scriptures for justification before God through his own works, power, or ability which he has in and of himself, only as he by grace is made able to oome to God, through Jesus Christ; believing the righteousness of Joeus Christ to be imputed to all believers for their eternal acceptance with God.—Rom. iv, 34; Jer. xxil, 16. 14. We believe that all things are foreseen in the wisdom of God, so that God knoweth whatsoever can or cannotcome topasBn]»u all supposwl conditions; yet not as having decrew any person to overlastintr death or everlasting life, out of respect or mere choice, farther than Ho hath appointed the godlv unto life, and the ungodly, who die in sm nnlodeath.—Hcb.iv, 18;Prov. viii, 33, 33, 94 25.86,27,28,39,30, 81; Matt, xxv, 81, 83| 33,84,85,86,87. 88,89,40,41,43,48,44, 45 46 15. We believe, as touching Gospel ordi nances, in bolievais' baptism, laying on of the hands, receliring of the sacrament in bread and wine, washing the saints’ feet, anointing the sick with oil in the name oi the Lord, fasting, praying, singing praise to God, and the public ministry of the word, with every institution of the Lord we shall and in the New Testament.—Luke ixii, 19, 90; John xiii, 6 to 17; James v, 1^ 18 We believe the Gospel mode of bap- ism Is by immersion, and that the believers are the onlv subjects for baptism.—Matt, ill, 16; Mark i, 6, 10; Acts iii, 88 , 39. Rom. vi: A; Col. ii: 13. 17. We believe in ageneral resurrection of the dead and n final judgment at the last day.'-Oohn.V: 28,29; II Cor. v: 10; 18. We believe the happiness of the righteous it eternal and thetonaents of the w^ed are endie3a.-Malt. xx.l6l. until I tried Ayer’s Cherry Pecto- rsl. Only one-fourth oE the bonie cured mel” L. Hawn, Newington, Ont. Neglected colds always I lead to something serious. They run into chronic bronchiiis, pneumonia, j 3s:hma, or coiisumptlon. Don’t wait, but take Ayer’s Cheriy Pectoral just as soon as your cough begins. A few doses will cure you then. TlrM sites: 2St., 30c..SI. All dnifflits. doctor. If tin a»y« uke it. If he tellt you nut don’t l«k« it. He knowa, IB. We are vllllnst. ;. ATltK CO., Lowell, Mass. Town Directory. CHURCHES. Free Will BaiiUst, servicco every 4th Sun day at 11 o’clock A- >f., and at night. Elder G. C. Vausc pastor. Prayer meeting every Friday night. -Sunday school every Sunday morning at9:30, W. F Hart, Sup't. . E. Church Soi'th, services every Srd Sunday at 11 o’clock A. M., and at night, ev F. F. Eure, pastor. Sunday school 10:00 A. A., J. S. Ross. Sup’t- Missionary BaptistChurch, services every 2nd Sunday at II o’clock A- M., and at night. Rev. Al r. Faulkner, pastor. Piayer meeting every Wednesday night. Sunday school, 3:30 P. M., W. C. Jackson, Sup’t. Cliristian Church, services every first Sunday at 11 o’clock, and at night, Elder C. W.'Howard, pastor. Sunday school at 10 o’cix;k A. M.. A. Joyner, Supt. Ladies’ Auxiliary meets every 3rd Sunday evening at 3 o’clock, LODGES. A. F. A. M., meets every first and third Sa'.unlays, R. Vy. Smith, W. M. I. O. O. F. meets every Monday night at at 8 o'clock. C. Al. A mectJ every Tuestlay night at 7 o’clock. Town Commissioners meetovery Monday night, J. J. Stokes, Mayor; J. \V. Quinor- ly, Clerk. Ayden I,and Co. offers desirable basiness nd dwelilng iota at rea8 nahla iirieve -tid easy terms. Apply to T. R. S-uiTH & Bro- OUR AGENTS. Eld. W. W. r.,ewi8, J. S. Roberson, A. S. Bason, Al. C. Holland. Eld. B. W. Tippett, Eld. L. T Phillips, W. K. Sawyer, Eld. H. Cuniiigham, Eld. A. H. Rouse, Eld. P. T. Lucas, Eld. W. P. Cause, S. TL Norton, G. C. Vausc, O. W, Bail, \Y. I. Moore, Eld. j. K. Ruffin, J W Swain, \Y. T. Kirby. Beaufort, A Cove, Eureka, Kinston, Eatuion, Green leal, Florence, Deep Run, Alt. Olive, Lncama, Scranton, 5 Dunbar, Darlington, Ayden, A Kinston, Lucama, Jerry, Kenly, l-:id, E. A. W. Husketh, New Light, “ J. ( Wilson, Talbot, '• R.'l. Corbett, Speight’s Bridge, “ Elder W B. Avery, Closs, “ Rev E. L. StClaire, Glennville, Ga. J. M. Emmanuel, Summertown “ Rev. T. W Coursey. Lyons, “ Elder W. C. Jones, Cordele, “ Mrs S. B. Stephens, Cheshire, Ohio. Eld. G. W. Cherry, Dothan, Ala. Our delinquents are reqpested to make immediate settlement. We need themoney and must have it to run the paper with So please do not put the matter offbui settle at once and everything will go oti lovely and God will bless you for doing Your duty. FROM TYRRELL CO., N. C. Dear Editor:—Please allow me space in the Baptist to let its many readers hear from us at Free Union. We met at the ehurch on Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in Dec., with the expectation of meet ing our much beloved Pastor, C.J. Harris, iorhis first trip, but owing to his lamily being stek he failed to come; but he sent to fill his place, E. D, Hathaway, which he did. fhe weather being disagreea ble there were not many out. Alter service, we had about fifteen minutes intermission After which we entered into conference. All seemed to be in peace and union, Chen we celebrated the Lord's supper and washed each other’s feet We were '.veil pleased to have Bro. Hathaway with us. He gained many warm friends in our section. Come again Bro , you will be welcomed at anv and all times Yours in hope of Heaven, D. \1. Ratliff. REPLY TO ELD. H. S. DAV ENPORT ON FEET-WASH- ING. BV ELD. W. II. FROST. I find in the Watch Tower, of Jan. 24th, 1902. that Bro. H. S. Davenport makes an other attempt to reply to my argument in ray sermon on the Verb Ought, also to my reply to him. But the poor old iirother cannot get his oimd- ed eyes open far enough to be hold the plain teachings of the word of God. The dear old brother still continues to believe that peo ple will take bis sayings for absolute facts, whether they have scripture foundation about them or not. So far as his sarcasm and irreverent chat about mysHf is concern ed I shall not attempt to no tice for I would bring to pass the fulfillment of Prov. 26: 4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.",. And all in telligent people linow full well that making sport ol .a man’s name isnot logicor argument but only shows that the au thor is at sea to know what to say. Bro. Davenport never prov ed a word he said. He jump ed the questioh by first stat ing the question (2) by leav ing it and (3) by never get ting back to it. I have been taught that the hit one hollows, so Bro. Dav enport must be the hit onefor he is the first one to hollow at ray sermon on the Verb Dught. You may have melt ed a great many Frosts, but it will be the most stupend ous task to melt this Frost you have ever undertaken and unless you come before the reading world with bet ter argument than your two articles in tfe Watch Tower I think you will have to re main the rest of your days on earth in the Frost Zone. You say. “It is the truth that hurts,’’ hence the wail of Bro. Frost.” Then the reading world sees at once, it was the truth advanced in my ser mon on the Verb Ought that hurtjou and your feeble re ligion so bad that you had to cry out. Yes. I am sure the truth that I said, '‘That God would never send a soul to hell for doing that which he ought to do,” was what hurt you fo you could not keep still. Do you see how you clash yourself. Matt 28; 19 20. “All power is given to me in heaven and on earth. Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spir it. teaching them to observe all things wAa tsoever I ha ve commaniledyou.'' Then turn to John 12:’49, 50. “Fori have not spoken of myself; butthe Father which sent me. He gave me a commandment, what I should say. and what I should speak. And I know that His commandment is life everlasting: Whatsoever I I speak therefore, even as the I l‘'ather said unto me, so I 'speak. So the Apostles taught . feet-washing and they had to ' do that to carry out the com^ mauds uf Jesus for He told them “whatsoever I have commanded you.” “And the Father gave me a command ment, what I .should say, and what I should speak, - What soever I speak iherefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak. And when you quoted Acts 2: 42 as a pre tense of a proof against feet- weshiug in the public meet ings, you failed - iel! ns bchlicr ih^it was I omuiuii- ionornot, but quoted if for the people take, “The break-, ing of bread,” etc , as com munion. And you would have your readers all believe that just because the writer did not state that they wash ed feet, that they did not. Did Luke mention the wine in Acts 2; 42? No, no. Then you supposed that they also had the wine there with the bread, and why were \ou not honest enough to suppose they also washed -feet? One is just as reasonable a suppo sition as the other. Foejes- us told them to observe all things whatsoever He had commanded them and further said. He received a com mandment from the Father, what He should say and speak and declared that “whatsoever I speak there fore, were as the Father said ixntome,so I speak” “Ill then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that e should do as I hetve done to you.” \fou accept the iL .::ttney did have wine tbi re as the emblem of the spilt blood of Jesus. And still it-s not men tioned, and at the same time reject feet-washing because it was not mentioned. Away with your one sided chat. Reader look lor yourself at Bro. Davenport’s one sided conglomeration of state ments. Bro. Davenport said. “Pet er’s feet were black,” and for that reason Jesus washed them. He would have the peopleibelieve. Yet he fails to tell us where we can find the verse that says Jesus washed Peter’s feet because they were black. There is not a verse in the 13th chapter of John that even intimates that Jes us washed their feet because they were black. Poor as- summing brother, assum- ming that Jesus washed Pet er’s feet because they were black without one intimation that such was tbecase. Then he is bound to confess that sue I a statement was wholly a supposition on Bro. Daven- port’s part. As there isnot a verse in the Bible that says Jesus washed Peter’s feet be cause they were black. Then he asks, “Can I find a pillow large enough on which to rest my.overgrown head?” People who live in glass hous es should not throw stones. Look how he compares him self with Jesus and the Apos tles. Hesays, “Idonot agree with’jesus and the Apostles, and, he cannot then, be amaz ed that I do not agree with him.”' If that does not look like an oVergrown head—A poor weak worm of the dust —Comparing himself with Jesus Christ pjid the Apostles. It evidently shows a weak point somewhere and there fore f cannot wonder at his Scaying some one else needs room to lay an over grown bead, I was only quoting your rendering on the Verb Ought. Your words “All commands are in the impera tive mood, and there is usual ly a promise and threatening attached.” Tl.en .1 showed from your statement that such was a command. For as quick as Peter refused to have his Icet washed, Jesus threatened him with these words. “If! wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.” John 13:8. There wasthreat- ening attached at once. And the promise was if they prac-i ticed these things (John 13: 1, 17) they should be happy. So such was your own ren dering and now why do you cry to twist out by using a lot of slang? Stick to the subject and your own confes sions or forever abandon some of your erroneous ideas, uch as feet-washing was a Jewish custom and for filth. Bro. Daveupost did not tell us where we could hnd the book, chapter and verse that said that feet-washing as taught by Jesus in the 13th chapter of John was a Jewish custom, No wonder he did not for there is not such a verse in the Bible. I will ac cept his deffiuit'on of Sandies which-consisted ofa sole fas tened to the bottom of the loot stro.pt-.“ ’ •.uin ' O'-' cept the Bible statements Matt, 3; 11 said “shoes.” .Again Jolm 1; 27 says ‘‘shoes.” Matt. 10: 10 says “shoes.” John said “shoes,” and as my worthy ..brother is so exact ing, I only'Want what the Bible said about it .The Bi ble does notsay in Gen. IS; 1, 4, that feet washing was a Jewish custom, neither in Gen. 19; 2, neither in Gen. 24: 32, neither in Gen. 43; 24, nor in Exo. 30; 17, 21. nor in Exo. 40: 30. 32. nor in Exo- 30: IS, 30, Bro. Davenport finds him- selflost for Scripture to prove that feet-washing as taught by Jesus in the 13th of John was a Jewish custom and like any other drowning man catching at a straw, he plays off on his name. As though that will give a right to the tree of life. Brother, the label isnot the medicine, and many limes the label says one thing and the thing within is al together another. And it proves to be very fatal indeed. For the words ofjesus forever settles the question Luke 6: 4‘6, “.Vod why call ye me. Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say.” So how can we be a true disciple of Jesus and do not the things He says for us to do. I do not want ' any victory over you (as you seem to want over me) when you say “that you i)roposecither with or without my consent, to melt the frost and let the wind escape.” I only want to show yiju your mistake or absolute falsehood when you say Jesus washed the disci ple’s feet because ihcy were blacker as a Jewish custom. Peter knew that Jesus was washing the disciples feet, but did not know for what pur pose or design. 1 did not say that Peter did not know that Jesus was washing the dis ciple’s feet, but to forever set tle the question that it was not for filth, or a Jewish cus tom. I used the words of the Master, when He said to Pet er, “What I do thou knowest not now.” And any cme -with cornm«.‘n intelligerice can sec from the very face of the state ment that you are wrong in your statements that Jesus wat.licd the feet of the disci pies because they were black, or a Jewish custom. Peter knew the (ewish customs, but yet did not know what Jesus washed the disciple's feet for. Peter knew whether his were black much better than Bro. Davenport, but still knew not what Jesus washed the disciple’s feet for Jesus said John 13: 7. “What I do ihou knowest not now.” Reader,’ I am sure you see how absurd Bro. Davenport’s Statements are, and tliat they are wholly without Scriptural foundation. Now iny dear old brother do as you arc taught to do in John 5:39. ‘ SearchtheScriptures; (or in them Aetliink ye have eternal life; and tliey are they which testify of rne.” CHRISTIAN WORK. BY K.VTIE,SAWYER. The field for Christian labor lary., it includes rin-- whole wotld, and earnest workers arc heeded. “Say not ye, there' areyet four months, and then ciomeththe harvest? Behold I say unto you, lift up your eyes; anil look on the fields; they are whitealready to har vest.” Y’es the harvest is now white, there is work for each one to perform. Look into the churches, Sabbath schools and prayer meetings, do we see the number there we ought? I dare say no. There are several children that should be brought to the fold of God, and look around you; we see parents who are seldom seen at reli gious service and their children are permitted to use their pleasure as to bow they spend their Sabbath, I say ’tis time we were awakening out of our state of lethargy, and as we have therefore opportuni ty, let us do good unto all men especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Those who have confessed Christ and grown co'd in His cause, we should goto them as a gentle brother or loving .sister and persuade them to help advance Christ’s cause, and those vvho have recently come intolhe fold weougbtto spend time with tfieni engaged in religious conversation; reading and coversing God's word together and often pray ing witli and for one another. In this way wo will grow stronger in (Tod's love and be encouraged m this noble work. Did von say yon could do no good? You ar«i mistaken every one, tliougti he he very young c.'ir do some kind act, as an. evange'ist oncesaid “If thire is 11'* oiiicr work yon can lo. you can smile for a soul for God.” We can watch foropportuiiities to do good and never i)errait one moment to be lost. “But whatsoever thy hands find to dc, do it with thy might; for there is no work nor device, nor knoweledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, wither thou goest.’* If we are prepared for Christ's coming then we can work while God has given us an opportunity, for when death has closed our Hps, stopped our breath, and en ded our existence in this world, opportunitiescease. If we have added a sorrow to the soul, or furrow to the sil vered brow of an affectionate parent; or done an unkind act to a brother, orfrosvnd upon a sister, or spoken an unkind word to a friend. It will be too late to recall ungracious acts after death has laid his cold hands upon us. So now is the time to work the work of him who sent us, while it is day for the night cometh when no man can work. We should work with an earnest spirit, be willing to ask the Lord, “What will thou have me to do?” And ready to say, “Here nm I. send me.” Then when we hear him say, child go work to-day’ in my vineyard, we will not linger and ponder over the work, but go at once and do our duty. W'e should begin at home and bring our brother and sister to Jesus. We mav go into the city and tell the people to come and Christ. he.' "hil';.). join thyself ui. co someone and explain God’s word and good ness unto him. Preich Jesus unto the sinners for God is able to make all grace abound toward them, therefore we should work with more ear nest zeal. Have you friends who are in the darkness, who have never tasted and found Christ precious unto them, then be an ins.ruiuent in God’s hand to bring them in to the fold of Christ. For they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as tlie stars forever and foi - CLristian comrades, be strong ill the Lord and iu the power of his miglu. “Put on the whole armor of God, that \c may be able to stand against fie wiles of the Devil,” That no temptation which which Satan may sec before you, will allure you from the right path, but “study to siiow yourself appoved, a workman tbatneedelli not be ashamed lightly dividing the word of truth,” then we will be better prepared to meet the tempter. And Christ has promised to aid and strength en all who will come unto Him and he is the one to look to for help in Christian work. ‘•During the winter of 1893 [ was so lame in my joints, in fact all over my body, that I could hardly hobble around, when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. From the first appli cation I began to get well, and was cured and have worked steadily all the year.—R. \Vhee( - KR, Northwood, N. V. For sale Jesus atid one smile may win ' by Cannon & Tyson.

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