iHwv.- vTHE^ ■ma^ ? FREE WILL BflPIlS " ♦♦OR«AN OF'f4- The Free Will Baptist Church, ' NORTH AND SOUTHi Published Weekly ; ♦♦■Y THE-f-f I : FREE Will BAPTIST PUB. CO J The Free Win. Baptist. ^^oL. “LET BROTHERLY Lif/E CONTINUE” Vol. 23. Ayden, N. C., Wednesdfty, October 12, ;t964. No. 16. One Ye«r in Advance. Six Honths, CIRCULATION, 2,200. All Kinds ol Job Work Neatly Executed at This Office. I WORK I>ONE ON SHORT NOTICE. pFPICEKS. Pretident. Florcucc, N. E. B. D*ti, Vice Pre«., Ren^tou, ‘ t.W. RAsmet.D.Trena.. Ayden, ‘ B. T. Pail.Ltpa, Secretury, Aydeo, ‘ BOARD OP MANAGERS. WaI.TSB BxRFiBLD. E. H. CaxyT, Ayden, N. C. Rourjtree, “ Institute, “ WintervUle, " Ayden, '* Ayden, '* Lucama, " iWnfort, J' 9. Koben^B, tore Eureka. w:i Kinston. f y City, Merritt. Deep Run. r w Ivucama, G. W.Dail. . Ayden X ^ E*ffin| Loenma, J.W. Swain • Tcrrr W.T. Kirby, 'T. ^T' E A W. Unsketh, °»» Holy Ghost, the piwious gift of the Father th rough Hla dear Son, unto the world, who qul^eueth and drawoth sinner^ home to Qod.—St. John xvl., 7, g- Acts U.. 4; Eph. H., 1; Eph. iv., 4, 6. g • 4 We believe that In the beginning ^ made mao upright, and placed 1^1 “ 1*. -without the 1^- Bilsery, from which Jnit tranagreaalow. fell, and by that meaus brought on himaelt a mleereble and raorfctl state aubject 19 death.—Oen. 11., 17; ill., 1*. 6. We believe that God is not will ing that any should .^rbn • but that kto call wx.r sinners to J.J..Wilson. Eld. G. C. Vauae, Eld. W. B. Avery, E. T. Hollnwell, Eld. R. l Corbett. Elder C. C. Kin, “ C. A. Jackson, “ R C. Jackson, “ J. P. HU./ “ W.H.A era, “ W. AUord. Kenlv, New UF^ht, Wilson, Oriental, I>OYer, Ncvtljem, Ayden D.rharo, Dunn, lleulah, S'mitl field, Kinston, ' PoUohsville, . G. Brittain, Mre. S. B. Stephens, Ayden K.R. Jones Foutitnin *' Mra. A. S. Dmsc, Cbeshi e, Ohio. Eld. W. P. Cause. Scranloa, S. C. G. B. Norton. Dunbar. *' Eld.J E- Kichburj;. Jr . Pore ton, “ Rev. B. L. StCloire. GlennviUe, Ga. Rev. T. W. Conrsey, I.vons, , •' Bid. W. C J >T>e», Cordele, \ *• Rer. W D. Gill, Stewart’s kftll. " E. C» Weaver, Sr., Hilton Sta. ' J. J. Davis Fairfix, J. W'. Aeglin SowhatclKe, “ Jefferson D. Stephens. Mimnunn, ^la. Eld. G. W. Cherry, Dothan. ■ R. L. Kendrick, i \V. D. Shannon, aamao Borders, Rnfun Stowers, ■ 1 J- Green, ConlviRc, Basgettsvi le, Tenn Ulysses, K>. Swect'..iid. W', Va Ash, N. C Town Directory. 0i.r it li . .LtT'.’.‘«llSr*H.t«' f’l: Barfield pcstov. Tisyer meetlnr every Fri day night- Sunday school ev'-ry SiindAV raornhig .\t 8 0 o'clock, I’nf. T E. I’oden, Sup't. Amphlctyon Society meets twery Tursday night. Missionary llapVst Cuurrb. services every Jnd Suud^'at 11 oVlci k s m and at night, Rc.-. T. H. Kiog, |»^tir. Sun day school 8:30 p. m., W. t . J»ck«>n Supt- M. E. Church Sorth, services every rrd Sunday at 11 o'clock, A. M,. and at nijhi. IldV. Vtantield partor. Sunday i- hool st 8 o’clock, 1‘ M , W. M >Aiwtr.l*.Su|i't. Christian Church, servlets every third Sunday at 11 o’clock, and at night, liev, D W Davis, pastor. Sunday «hool at ido’cbxik, A. M., K. VV. Smith. Ladies’Auxi iarj- meet* every Jr.l Sunday eveuing at 8 o’clock. St- Jame*’ Eds^P'1 cinr h, s-'-vIce# every 4ti* Sundiy, «a apt month*c-mlajo- ing five Sundays then on filth Sunday, Rev. J. H. Griffith,. Jr.. Kinsi »a. N. G . rector. Sunday School every snaday af ternoon at »J0 o’clock, B. G- Gox, Sap t, LODGES. . A. F. A. moeG every first and third Thursdays. R. W. Smith. W. M. I 0.0. F. meets every Monday nigbl at *8 o’clock. IMre Lolge d KeLckaL meets every Friday night at 8 ■ c ock. Town Commivaiuners most second r n- dsv night in every inin-h, J. J. Stokes, Mayor, R \V. Smith. OUrk. Ayden Land Company offer* dds^blt- btiMness and dwelling lots at reasobsblc prlc» •«. .«y t«m.. B.n AN HONEST OFFER. Here is Your Opportunity. To aoy one sciidinj; iis $l.25we will send both the Baptist ami the Home and Farm for one tear. The Home and Farm :s a well known farm and Household jour nal issueil scijji monthly at 50c per year. It is'a larpre l‘i page pape'r. There is perhajis no better ^tes. It contain.- iri ti-;l€s ,wnc- ten bv able writers Irbn. Maine to Teiai No larmei who to be well iniormed nboiU field and household con well afford to be without it. Hdl Arp s letters, I n- cle Zeke's letters, a dati> and poDltrv. department, womans work department and answer to correspondent^ well worth the of both papers. Send us 11 25 and both yourf for twelve months. Address for twci Baptist * Ayden, N. C, ^ ARTICLB8 OF FAITH. Ktb?r. of "J^HMiing.giortouB Md jeaus aon of 0*xb The only God thfl Virgin Mary, « of the “Jj this wor a fjr,„,«1 the great love freely gave IDoi* / world: and 'tastlBg death for / self a raoaoin for an. rose every man: end ssroniieil nto the third davan^d Heaven. in the cloud* of Him. lb« ^^^"‘'liirday to Judge bott Heaven, at the ^ tt.. 5. J. the .*p? 5ohn U1. Ki iilr.; w. 1- *• might be aavad; Coi V .» hath commanded the ^ M to be preached anuong all Da«p:» and every creature.—Mark xvL 15; Luke xxlv., 47; John 111., 15 l7i-JE Tija, II.. 4. . Wr believe that no nui shall suf fer in hell for want of ii?rhrltt who died for Mm. but ai the iferlpture haa said, tor denytug the LMtCtliat bought them; heemuse they beW^ not in the name of the only begow-'’- Son .>f Ood. * Unbelief, therefore, bui{^ (h( 'cauae why the Just and rlg^’.'*ns Ood of Heaven will eondemn. children of men; it followa igatnat ail oootradic- Uon that alt men, at oue lime orwthftr.. are found in such a caimrity aa' that throegfa the grace of God they may be eternally saveA—AetJt zvH., SO; Ifark vi., 6; Heb. ill.. lo; T. John v., 10. 7. We believe the wboj- Bcripturei are Infallibly true, and that they are the only julee of faith ab'l practloa— II. ■nm. III.. 1«. 17. A We believe in the ^'CtHne of Gen eral Provision mode of G*i la Christ. for the benefit of pll mankind, who re pent ond believe the Gwh;*^!.—Luke «lv., Ifi-SO; Matt xx\ii>.. JO; Lake zll!.. 3-S; Lake ziiv.. 47: Aets liL, 19: Mark l.p 15. ’ 9. We believe that slnnefT are drawn to Ood. the Patl?.'r. by the ‘»'fly Ghost, through Christ Hla Sffit, «jia that tbs Holy Ghost offerakts dlritt aid to all the human family: so ca they alt might b* happy, would tbr' give place to Hia divine teaching; wkereas. each who do not receive th#* Di'lno Imprss- sloos of HU Holy 8p4r4t. •ball, at a future day, own their ■ e'i(t*niaatlon Juat. and charge ttaemMivat w!*h ta^r own damnation, for ailfu'.ly rvfRcthig the offers of - sovereign frees.—Watt.- xl. n; St John vi.. 44 an i 5; Ps. 1.. 1: Tit. a.i n. W; Jer. xxl*. M. to. WsjbellsTS that r not eoa- ■Mered swpt/ as mt:a...at unfcodlr men, were of old ordatr d m con- deianatlca; ceuMdgred n ' wboUum the gtacs}^ Uod u.ito I -iviousness, denylog tno 6n»y TiOrd»' *1. au*l oar and lt‘'ferofe etisll bring • prm them- •elves'ss'lft iliwtru*«lon: Imt we ob serve that they, and such ihe Apostle SRith lerau** they receive aot the love of the truth, that they mlg' t be saved; therefore the Indignation tnd wrath of God is upon every m-uI of man that doeth evil, living and d*lng therein; lor then* Ir do respect of persons with God.—Jude 1.. 4; IT. Pei'r ll.. 1; 11. Thes. II.. tl. If: Rom. il, Ml. 11. We believe that all children dying in Infancy, hatini; not artually traneprreased against the law of God. In their own persons, are only subfeet to the first death, which was brought on them by the fall of the first Adam, and not that any one ot them dying In that st*te, ahsll tuffer* punishment in hell by the guilt of Adsm’s sin. for u* such la Ibe kingdom of tjod.—I. Cor. XT.. £2: Matt xvtli., 2-5; Mark lx., 86. 87; Matt xlx.. 14. 12. We believe that goo.l works ars the fnilG of a aavlng faith, and that in the use of tbs means of grace, and not out of the use of those iDsans. sternal life la promised to men.—Rev* ixii., 14. 15: laa. i.. 19. 2t): Mntt vil.. 8; Jer. vi.. 16; i.uke xlll.. *t. 85. If. We believe that no man has any warrant In the Holy Sertpiurss for Jus tification before God through his own works, power, or ahility which he has in and of himself, only as he by grace Is made able to come to God. through Jeeus Christ: believing the rlghteous- oess of Jesus Christ to be imputed to all believers for their eternal accept ance with God.—Korn. Iv. 24; Acta Till.. 20. 21. 14. We tK'Ilerc that all things are foreseen in ibe'wlsdom of God. to that God koowetU whatsoever can or can not come to pass upon all supposed conditions; yet not as having decreed any peraon to everlasting death or everlasting nfr. out of respect or mere choice, farther tlian Ho bath appoint ed the godly unto life, and the un godly. who die in sin unto death.— Heb. It.. 18: Prov. vlli, J2, 23. 24, 26. 26. 27. 28. 29. 80, 31; Mstt xxv., 81. 22. j» *i ??,SC 46, 46. 15. We believe, as toucl ing Got^I ordinances, in bellevera’ baptism, lay ing on of the bands, receiving of the sacrament In bread and wine, waabing the saints’ feet, unolntlng the sick with oil in the name of the Ix>rd. fasting, prayer, singing praise to Ood, and the public ministry of the Word, with every Institution of the Lord we shall find in th« New Testament.— Mark. xvi.. 15. 16; Acts vlii., 17; Acts xlx., 6: Luke xxli., 19, 20; John xill.. 5-17; James v., 14. 16. We. believe the Gospel mode of baptism Is by Immersion, snd that the believers are the only subjects for bap tism—Matt. HI.. 16; Maik I.. 9-10; Aeu Hi.. 88, 89; Uom. vi., 4: Col. 11.. 12. 17. Wr believe in a general resurree- tion of the dead and a flQxI Judgment ah the last day.—John v., 28, 29; II. Cor. V., 10. 18. We believe the happiness of the righteous la eternal and the torments of the wicked are endless,—MatL xxv.. M herpfKa.frf^r And ulnod o«7ious wall,- _ T' revive the strong, confirm the wsiik,: .knd after sinners call. . HICKS* FAREWELL.. SKI.. UY S.VR.VH F. HAHXtIAKT. The time is swiftly rolling on When I n}u»t faint and div; .My Ividv to'thc c'ust return. ■ And tfiere forjjo'ton lie. lA*t jversecution rafte around. And antiehrist apiiea^ fdV silent dust Ijeneath the ground, TiK-re's no disturlmnec there. Though heals and colds I ifteii went And wandered in despair reo« It Iwotber prenelters. fare you well. Vour teiiowship 1 love; Jn time 00 more I s^ll vou see . itut soon wc’il nittt aLnive. •Mv UltIccF.ildA'e npar/ny heart. ' And nntu.e seems tiijlnutl. It grievea me stirely to depart. And leave you nii lieHifid.. O Lttni. a father to^em bv. .\iid keep them iroui all hann. That vhey may love and worship tlice. And dwell.niMin ihy charms. My loviiix wile, my iMisiim friend. The obicei t»f luy love. J'lie lii*K\lwenswi-«t I've sjjcnt whhyou 'M\ sweet and h.irndess dov-e. .■gvH've for me. mourn. For I nhaO with mv Jesus lav U'hrn you are Ivf^'uUnie. Ho’w olier. you have lookctl for me. And tiflimes fc-eii me e«ui*e; fli.t udw I must iki>nrt frtmi thtv, • And nevermoixjrciuru. F»r I c.m never come to thee; l,e*. this not yrieve y«njr Is-art. For v»m will sh.mK come to me., where we shall never jvirt. . Nt^- C.arlisic. On IT IS OUR DUTY TO BE CHEERFUL. IIV EDITH RRl'BAKER. iIt loving wife, doi Jkither lament t A Thonghtfol Mar,. M. M. AustinofWindicster.Ind knew what to do in the hour oi need. His wife had such an units- nl case of stoniMch and liver trou- Idc, tihvsiciuns cotdd not help her. He thoucht ofanti tried Dr, Ktnjf s New Life Fills and she Rot rehet nt once and was hnaily cared. Onlvat J. W. OuinerlyA: UroJ. Firet, it is our duty to be cbeerful because we owe it to onr homes. To-^ay doty plays a great part in- this world. I'tic I tic tvoiG cugiii is a duty word. Wc ought to go to school, so wc do. Wc ought to work, therefore wc work. We ought to be cheer- fii) in our homes, aud know mg this it should help us to culiiv.'itc a checilul disposi tion, Cheerfulness is the very sunshine of the home, and if w e let it die out, the home will become so cold and damp that nonecanceciipyit. Who ever is not cherrful in the home is doing violence to him- self and his home. Often people think that whin they are in the home they can do any way, sav what they want to, go where they choose, talk cross to their parents or brothers and sisters when strangers are not around. Their highest imbiiion is to appear well when away from home. I’ity that boy or gii I who has not learned to be cheerful in the honjy, for it is one of tbedcar- est places on earth and wc have not done our duty until wehnvp I’ivcp Tinr viLur#* sunshine in that home. Another great hindrance in being cheerful is borrowing trouble or worrying over things we cannot change, for getting that life is too short to take care of things that are not helpful or which can take care of themselves. We should live now, be happy now. Just think of others, and by so doing wc will be busy as well as cheerful. Our loved ones in the home ex pect our help. If you enter the home with a bright face, you will be greeted by a hap py one, but, on the other hand, take a cloudy face into the home, and then you will be greeted by oue, oh, so dark Second, we cught_ to be cheerful for the sake of the society in which we move in th? home, buti they reach out to our neighb>rs and to the community about us. Since society furai hesus with the way of travC,'! i^ucation, news, varlety-ofpiastre, and opportunity, it duty to give our very bc^ Io society. What isJiettcr .lU*.n a bright ' .Vt*’^»Gth- when we coihre irTcOPtact ./.th ourfel- Ibw-ihen they not feel th&t we have tiade them worse, bnf‘better-)y our kind words aod'bri^it, helpful way of looking at things. Therefore we o.j;htto give our best to our friends, ex pecting nothing i'lt thesamc in retnrn. If we io this we will help lift socic y to ahigh- er ^laue. Third,’ we pi ht tb be .cheerful because i is Qod’s purpose. He crerteil iis in his image. All o us jknow that his counlen?»j,^e is not dark, but bright a: J radiant instead; ye8^.,ev;’) brighter than the glpnous sun. Now it we arc uireated '-t his like- ues.s and with bis .reat light of love truth and protection ever shinbjg upon ,s, should we not be hajipy? Wc cannot help but respond t. thatgrCat light. Cfur heart* should be so 'full of thauhuincss lor what he has dpni'or us that we-cariiiot htl^ b^ be cheer ■ ■ ,i,j siderntion ih,., .very gilt comes kom God, bat vve arc dependent creutur s upon his mercy, for this reciion alone, if for no olfur, wc should be cheerlul. Wc should be ch erful, first, tjccausc we owe it to our homes; second because society expects it, third, be cause! God wont’ us to be happy. If God wrnts us to be cheerful, it is o. r duty tb put forth our gnitcst effort, and try to be clu/rful under all circumstances for God rilways with us. With his help we ought to '»e able to cultivate a chee. ul disposi tion, lor it is one d the most pleasing as well as hclpftil characteristics of ife. Let us be cheerful.—t/fj.L/i.'/ Mcssi-n^- QUESTIONS ANSWERED. "Jd Itst week’s issue I read the following headed, “Some Why.” I will not undertake to recite the whtde piece over again, bat will cover every question with only one an-, swer. Why do Christians mark clic wold, hat^ ‘-.vt*aiiJy n-ot- ship only when the preacher is present?. Answer. Chris tians do not such things, but hypocrites do. A Christian man or woman born of God, does not live or act that way. God’s Cbild'reo are not ashamed of him or his cause, but are always ready and willing to promote bis cause ^id kingdom. Hypocrites always are the most ready to put on airs when the preacher is around, consequently they being members of some church are called by the^,>ame name and the word Chiistian is al ways used. Now Bro. I will ask only one ([uestion to an swer yours, Why do minis ters pray before their people for God lovirg and God serv ing men to rule over them, and go to the poles and vote for the wickedest man in the stale to rule over them? Why do ministers pray for a removal of ail intoxicative liquors and vote for whiskey men to tilt the offices of the A SHORT GA. LETTER. I)i-:.\R Kditok:—Will you give space in the Japtisv for a short letter from Georgia. The tim? has com? that debts siuiuiu bc pi*»* • i ».ople ol Macon Co., comp ain of short crops and drv weather Can't pay my d;bts. Can t pay my preacher. Can’t take the Baptist. Bu; thank the good Lord we ca:igo to town and yve don't s;e the bar rooms so badl> crowded. Why? Because -.hey can’t buy that intoxicating drink, which has called or so many dollars from o>ir county Yes we had an election and the county went dry. I will not have much to say about that, for I fear tLat their has already been to^v’iuch said about it. Now’, ‘or the bet ter. 1 read in the papers everywhere somHhing that, anrpromprhim to st^d/and does me gooc. .Vhat is ^ it? Well, I get letters from j learn that, whatever may be various churches I am glad j his preparation, he must rely suwit-i. —- to know that we have sojupon God for the higher for ouLiiucresU are not all,many good writers lor the strength.-Gospel Messenger. paper. And some of them I have known so well. In our last issue 1 read a letter from sister Fannie E. Jones, Tyty, 0a. She told about the good meeting they had at Prospect church, with our beloved Bro. J. M. King,* to assist in the preaching. Bro. King is our pfcacher at Bethel church Macon Co. We are not at all afraid for him to go any where to preach, for we be lieve that he will stand up for the right. There are many other things I wish to say’ later on. I will stnd you twonew subscribers. B. F. kaburn, 50c, Ogletho.'‘pe, Ga., and W. R. Hickson, 25c, Rey nolds, Ga. Yours for Christ, W. H. Emerson. Oglethorpe, Ga. DOING HIS BEST. A ministeroflongexperience one time said “that a preach er before bis audience should do his very best” He then added, “A man cannot do his best very long; some can do their best for forty minu tes, and now and then you will find a public speaker svho can do bis best for an hour, or even iouger.” Paul had a lesson ofthis^haracterin view when he . told Timothy. “Study to show thyself np- nroved unto God, a workman th',t needefh hot to be asham ed.” 2 Tim. 2: 15. The gifted apostle wanted TimothV ^o do a work that he need n6t be ashamed of, and this he could not accomp lish without careful prepara tion. What was good advice for Timolby should be good for us. Too many ministers go into the pulpit without any preparation for the mes sage they are to deliver, and noiv and then they take the pains to tell their earnest and intelligent audience that they came to the house of God without any special prepara- on. f Dccasionally a gifted man, urdcr these conditions, may deliver an able discourse.—it may be one of his best. But this is the exception and not the rule. The man who pro poses to do his verv best must get himself ready lor thetask. He must study the Word,and he ought to study it well. He should know how rightly to divide ihc Word, so as to pre- 111 it ailglv.'v ti»f people. He should study his people. He ought to know his people. He ought to understand their needs, then he may be able to feed them with the spiritual nourishment which they re quire. Having accomplished this, let him, in the fear of God, deliver Kis message in a way that he need not be ashamed of his effort There will be times, in spile of the best pre- para,ion that he can make, when the honest man is sure to feel dissatisfied with his best efforts. Audit may be good lor him to have this feel ing; occasionally. It will re mind him of his weakness, and you Then ask h«)w can G(^d an swer such prayers that fall from such blasphemous lips. God is not mocked, and what men sow they shall reap Coniidence is lost even among members of the so called rhurches. -Nine tenth of the preachers arc more anxious to get the news paper every Sunday morning, than all the Bibles in the land. We need not look for better days un til the church shakes herself loose from all such men as we have today, trying to preach the Gospel of Christ, and at the same time will over ride the will of God to obey the mandates of any party that is ruling the church and states today. Can Christians be so awfully blinded when Ood says, when the wicked rule the earth mourns. Can't we wake up to the will of Ood, and fill the offices with God loving men or let the church or FROM WHITE OAK CHURCH. Dear Editor;—Please allow me space ih the BAPT’srtolet its many readers hear from ' our meeting at Wtite Oak church. Our pastor. Dro. B. VY. Tippett and Bro. \V. B. Everett met with us on Sat urday before the second Sun- ffay in Angn-st dud brgan a protracted meeting, which continued about ten days. It was a glorious meeting and was greatly enjoyed. I arn glad to say that we feel that much good was done and the church was greatly revive^* Only two* members were re ceived. We trust that those two precious ones will ever stand firm, as bold fighters..,-' against all the firy darts of the evil one, and that their lives may be spent in the ser vice of him who doeth all things well. Mny the Lord ever bless the two dear minis ters who labored so faithfully with us, and whose hearts w'ent out so-earnestly to God for poor sinners. We trust that the time will soon come svheti the ones they so ear nestly prayed for, will scejiist where they arc and luunbiy bow before him who is able to save their souls. May the Lord ever bless us all and guide us by bis strong arm of ’ protection through this life ard .'’ V th'* jr *■. of th resurrection, raay we oe ttuie to hear these precious words. “Come ye blessed of my Fath er, inherit the kingdom pro pared for yon from the loun- dalion of the world.” Yours for tlic Bai’tist, Della Lamm. REVIVAL AT MARLBORO. Dear Baptist:—We wish to announce to the readersoftbe Baptist, that a seritsofmeet- ings has just closed here* held by our pastor, R. I. Corbett, who filled hisregulara^point- ment last fourth Sunday and continued the meeting throughout the week. VVe had servi«:e3 each night and twenty'two cotffessed Christ. We also had services again last Sunday at 11 a, ni. Text: Prov. 1:10. “My son, ii sin ners entice thee ctmsent thou not,” andagaiu,1:15. “Walk not thou in the way with them.” Th’S was indeed a good sermon, of much impor- Christians stay aw... -.rou,!'anci to our rhr.rch nieraWs, the polls and ’...t tue Oevii run | -''“d we bc'ir-. thour-hlj- rn- the country. II God’s minis- ‘’Y P'-esent. Sund.uy ters on earth today cannot unite on the safety of the church, do let me beg you please don’t say any more about your drunken deacons and non paying church mem bers, and training children wrong an so forth. If we want all such stuff’ remedied the preachers must stop lead ing the people, and vote as they pray. Tell me my Bro hear and an swer the prayers of the people when they ask him for good men to rule over them, and vote in favor of bis own down fall. Common sense ought to teach us better. I will come again, Your Bro. in the work. (Rev. ) W. T. E. Butler, Jesup, Ga. p. m. We attended baptism at the usual place, sixteen were baptized. Bro. Corbett worked oarnesllyiu this meet ing, and surely, bis efforts were no,i in vain. The church seemed iiiuch revived and a general, interest was maiiilest. We feel like our meeting was justasgood held by our pos ter as it would Jiave been held by someone else, because vve feel sur.e Bro. Corbett is not a lalse prophet come to us in sheep’sclotbingas some times is the case, We hav'c known ‘him from a child, be has been brought up among us, therefore his influence is very gdod here. May the Lord cvep bles him in the work. 'Yours for Christ, Flojirnce Tuoknu,

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