r k THE FREE WILL BAPTIST. AVDEN, N. C. WEDNESDAY. April 22, 1908. J SHORT NEWS ITEMS GOV. GLENN IN AYDEN. A Grand Ovation. ; In Town and Through the Sur-; rounding Country: —Mrs. Bettie Braxton continues very ill at her home on Venters Street. —Mr. Jos. Long of Kinston, spent Sunday in to wn with friends and returned Sunday night. —Nannie Corbett of Green Co., is spending some time with her brother, R. I. Corbett on Lee Street. —Mrs. W. H. Smith and little son, Charlie, of Winterville, visit ed Mrs. ^\■alter Buck, Saturday and Sunday. —The Forty-Eighth Annual State Fair of North Carolina will be held at Ralaigh, N. C., October 12-17, 1908.' —Mr. Walter Cherry and moth er, Mrs. Jesse Cherry, of Red Banks, visited the family of Mr. J L Buck Saturday and Sunday. —W J. SaiTow, wife and chil dren of Speights Bridge N, C., came in Saturday and spent Sun- (hiy with R I. Corbett,'brother ot Mrs. Sarrow. —J I. Corbett and wife of Speights Bridge N.C., spent Sat urday and Sunday in town visit ing their son, R. 1. Corbett. They rrturned home on Monday inorn- irg. —A singing class from the Ox ford Orphan Asylum will give a concert at the Opera house here (•nuest Monday night the 27th. It is a laudable cause and a good entertainment; come out and show your appreciation of the work of the Oxford Orphanage. , All Who Favor Temperance are not Fanatics. Here is a most significant state ment from Joseph Chamberlain, the great Britisli statesman, on the liquor ([uestion: •‘No statistics are needed to show our people that temperance reform lies at the bottom of pol itical, sccial and moral progre.ss ill England. Drink is i!ic curse of the country; it ruins the fortunes, it injures the health, it destroys the iives of one of every twenty of our population If I co-jld destroy tomorrow the desire for strong lrink in the people ot England, what changes we should see! We should see our taxes reduced by millions sterling; we should see our jails and workhouses empty; wc should see more lives saved in twelve months than are consumed in a century of bitter and savage war.—Exchange. New Gold District is Found in Alaska. Seattle, Wash., April 1C —A dis- patcli from Fairbanks, Alaska, to the Post Intelligencer, says that word has been received there that two men who made the recent rich strike on Nolan creek, Koyukulk, have already panned out $30,000 and that they only took the pans from bed rock, the gravel going to build up a big dump to be washed up in the T .. H.’n n cirm. spring. In Wiseman creek a simi lar wash has been found, and if the men now at work strike as rich pay as found on Nolan creek another big camp will spring up in Alaska.—Hx, Appointments, Rev. R. 1. Corbett will deliycr temperance Sermons at the fol lowing places on the dates men tioned below: Grimsley church, Greene Co., Sunday, May lOth at 11 a. m. I-'ree Union church, Greene Co, Sunday, May 10th at 3 o’clock J). m. Howell Swamp church, Greene Co , Sunday. May 10th at night. Spring Branch chuich, Greene Co., Moiulay, May 11 at pight. Let all the people in these com- munities go out ami hear the great subject discussed in the name of our Lord. Ayden's Greatest Bay in its His tory—95 per cent oftheVoters Present Pfeaged Themselves to Vote for Prohibition. Big Robbery Business, Saturday was a led-letter day for Ayden and the prohibition cause. People began to come into town early in the morning, from every direction and long before the hour assigned for the speak ing our town was alive with a crowd far in excess of what had ever’been witnessed here before At the hour of 1 o’clock, a large number of our citizens mounted on horse back, went out to meet the Governor, these were accom panied by several ladies in vehicles. Capt. D. G. Berry, Chief Marshal was in command, and a large white prohibition flagwascarried by Mr. Guy Ross. The whole party must have numbered 250 that escorted the Gov., into the town and through some of the principal streets to the speaker’s stand. The stand was commodiously arranged and beautifully decorat ed with bunting, upon which was inscribed, “North Carolina for Prohibition.” The Gov., and his party reached the stand at 2 39p. ra. A large □umber of young people sang an opening song. An address of wel come was delivered by E. T. Phil lips of Ayden. A warm reception was tendered our chief executive, A host j jined in singing a stirring temperance anthem led by Miss Laura Cox of the Graded School. Rev. W. C. Tyree of Raleigh led in jrayer. Ex Gov. T.J. Jarvis in lis usual liappy style introduced the speaker. WLeu the Gov. arose to speak, he w’as gieeted with strong applause. For over two hoxtrs he dealt sledge hammer blowsforthecause of prohibition and held the thou sands in bis hearing spell bound with his sound logic. He discuss ed the prohibition question from every stand x3oint both commer cially and morally and showed how flimsy were the arguments for the continuance of the drink business in North Carolina. He defied any man to come forward, hold up his hand and say that liquor had been a blessing to him aul his family. He indicted the Imsiness under twenty diflerent counts and condemned it under each count. Showed how the country had improved uncler the Watts law, and that as liquor had been banished, wealth and intelligence had correspondingly increased at a rapid rate. Told oftlie cowardice ot those who advocated whiskey, that they dared not come upon the stand openly to defend their cause Showed the folly of savingdollars by preparing to damn the sons and daughters of the rising gen eration, Finally he called upon the men in bis presence who would vole for prohibition on IMay 26th to vow to God, by holding up their hands, that they would do so. Fully 95 per cent of the men present called upon God to wit ness that on May26ththey would vote to banish the curse of whis key and uphold the honor of the state and the virtue and happi ness of tberisiDggeneration. With such entbusiam for a cause it is bound to succeed. The dark busi ness must go down. Victory is in the air. Pitt County is going dry by a rousiug vote, and the Old North State will cover herself with glory on May the 26th. The governor dined at Hotel Blount with a number of citizens, and left on the 6,20 train for Richlands where he spoke on Sun day. Honor to our citizens for the noble part they are taking in this campaign. Honor to our fair daughters for their worthy in fluence and their willing work. Prof J. A. McArthur Principal of the Ayden Graded School, was Master of Ceremonies, and Ayden clothed herself in glory on the OC' casion. Waynesville, N. C., April 17 — Particulars ot the robberies by and the subsfEiuent arrest of two men just over the Jackson county line reached here today. For sev eral months cil'ztns of the Scott’s Creek ueighboihood, iiearBalsam have been terrorized by midnight robberies and house-breakings Suspicion rested upon two men of the community, Claud Dills and Bill Jones, but they were not molested until a few days ago. A : man in the neighborhood missed some chickens from his roost, and being on the look out, sa in the poultry yard of Dills He at once got out a warrant for Dills and had him arrested. With Deputy SberifY Robinson, he searched the prem'ses of Dills and Jones, who were living nearby, and made some astonishing dis coveries. In and around the houses of the two men were found shoes, hats, clothing, stock feed and almost every variety of articles taken from stores and private dwell ings. Among otherthingsa bunch of keys weighing over a pound, which will gain entrance to any house in the neighborhood, was found. The inventory of the ar ticles found covers about ten closely written pages. The prisoners now are safely lodged in Jackson county jail at Webster.—News and Observer. Assoeiational Notice. ^Editor oi-FheeWillBaptist: The State Line F. W. B .Associa tion at its last session droped the name of Rev. J. .A. Robinson from their ministers list Ixcause of un christian coniluct. .And call for his credentials t-; a minister D me by order of Association Ki;v R !. Hu.sthr Mod. J. W. D- -TsiPHl^.NS Clerk, j AN HONEST OFFER. A Card. Thereby ann iince that I have . removed from I'lenton to .Avden , I fot" the pra..tix:e of medicine Res ^ " idence on Mam , W B. .Alesan- der house. Gfliee, Main St., next to Mayor’s ( iii c, where I can be found at all times when not pro fessionally cng.aged elsewhere. Calls answered day or night. Dr. H. JOHNSON. Hospital Reopened. The management of the Robert Bruce McDaniel Memorial Hos pital, Kinston, N. C, begs leave to announce that the Hospital was reopened and ready for pa tients on .April 15tb. It is no doubt need’ess to say that since its renovation and the installation of needed improve ments during the. thirty days holi day, it is better prepared than ever to care for all classes of non- contageous medical and surgical diseases. Its surgical equipment is the equal of the best to be fountl in larger cities; and its provision for the treatment ot chronic diseases and medical cases is modern and up-to-date in every respect. B'ot terms address: Superintendent Memorial Hos pital, Kinston, N. C. Notice. The members of Gum Swamp chuich ar requested to be present in person or by letter at the next Quarterly Conference, which is Saturday before the fourth Sun day in June 1908. As'" the church list will be revised. Those who do not represent will be discon tinued. Done by order of Conference, Dec. 1907. W. W. Bullock [Clerk.) P. S. As the church di 1 not at tend to this matter in March, it was carried* over till the June meeting. W. W. B. Liberty Church Notice. The members of Liberty Church S. C. Conference are requested to be present in person or by letter at next Church conference, which s Saturday night before the third Sunday in June 1908, as the church list will be revised and those who do not represent, will be discontinued. Done by order of church conference March 14, 1908. J. F. Kichboiirg clerk. naving become an agent for the Thet Noel Medicine Co., of Chicago, I novi have this famous and truly marvelous medicine for sale. The Vitae Oie is pro nounced bv hundreds who have tried it a wonderlul medicine indeed. The V. O pills are charming in their effects. Anj one who ever needs a pill of the ordinarj make up will find the V. O. pills to be th( very thing they are looking for. The Vi tae Ore iu connection with the V. 0. pills will in most cases work wonders. Tht Vitae Ore is a blood purifier while thepilb correct the liver and other organs. The Eucalyptis oil is an ointment that is in deed hard to surpass when any ointment is necessary or usually used. The Vitat Ore is put up in $1 packages and to be dissolved. A package will last along season. The pills ai-e 25c a box. Tij this medicine and be benefitted. J. M..BARFIELD, Agt. Ayden, N. C. North Carolina Farmers NEED A NORTH CAROLINA FARM PAPER. Thanks. M any lli.inks to Bro. J. A. Blan ton ami his churches for their kiiitl remittance of $3.00 May God liless you all, is ray prayer. Your servant, E. B. Joyner. Notice. Notice. The members of Spring Branch Church, Pitt Co., are retjuested to be present in person or by letter, at the next Quarterly Conference, which is Saturday before the 2, Sunday in May. 1908, as the church list wil’ be revised, 'and those who do not represent will be discontinued. Done by order ot Conference, Ftb. 8, 1908. L. M’. Wethkkington, Pastor. The members of .Mosley’s Creek Church, Craven Co., N. C., are hereby notified to be present, either in person or by letter at the Q M., on Saturday before the 2nd Sunday iujuly 1908; as the church list will be revised, and those who do not represent will not be enrolled on the new list. Done by order of quarterly con ference, Jan. 1908. R. F. Daugherty Pastor, A. B, Hawkins Clerk. Agents AVanted!—16x20 crayon portraits 40 cents, frames 10cents and up. sheet pictures one cent each. "You can make 400 perct.. profit or $36.00 per week. Cata logue and Samples free. Frank W. WiLEiAMS Company, 1208 W. Taylor St, Chicago, Ill. Prohibition Speaking. Eld. R C. Jackson of Clinton, will preach tempeiance sermons at the following places at the dates mentioned below: May’s Chapel, Monday night, April 27ch. Marlboro church, Tuesday night April 28i}i. Fountain, Wednesday night, April 29th. King’s N Roads, Thursdy night April 30tli Shivers S.'hool House, Friday night Mav 1st Gum Swamp church Sat. night and Sunday May 1st and 2nd Let everybody go out and hoar the great issue cf the hour dis cussed by this earnest advocate of tempe’rarce and one whogreat- Iv loves humanity. attend. Easter Exercises. The Easter Exercises at Sweet Gum School House, given by the Sunday School on last Sunday morning was a grand success. The program was well arrang ed and carried out to finish by its willing workers. They deserve much credit and praise. We wish them God speed, that they may go forward in the Master’s cause. At eleven o’clock, services were held by the writer, whose pleas ure it was to be there on such an occasion. May God bless them, and all true workers of Christ. Yours in his cause, E. B. JOVNIJR. Irrot’. Notice. To whom it may concern: The investigating c»^»mmili^cc in the Chattahoochee Association find ing that W. 3. Posey was out of order, ordered that hiscrcdcntials be called in for one year. His membership being at New Pros pect; Coinmitteis were appointed to call ill his credentials. On find ing that he refused to give them up, we, the members of New Prospect Church, declare his credentials null and void, until he gets right with his church. Done by order of the church in Conference. M. L. Crook Mod. A. B. Posey Clerk. Reynolds, Ga. WANTED:—We want two or three men in each county to place catalogues and advertise our Family Supply Union Depart- ME.XT. $18.00 per week salary with opportunity for extra com missions. Permanent positions. Address, Lake City Wholesale Co., 453 West 63rd St , ChicagO; Ill. To any one sending us $1.25 we will send both the Baptist and the Home and Farm for one year. The Home and Farm is a well known farm and Household jour nal issued semi-monthly at 25c per year. It is a large 16 page paper. There is perhaps no better farm paper printed in the United States. It contains articles writ ten by able writers from Maiueto Texas No farmer who wishes to be well informed about field and househo.d can w’cll afiord to be without it. Bill .Arp’s letters,Un cle Zeke’s letters, a dairy and poultry department, woman’s work department and answer to correspondents well worth the price of both papers. Send u.- $1.25 and both papers are yourF tor twelve months Address. Free Will Baptist, Avden, N. C. Noticel Free "Will Baptist Theological Seminary The leading institution of the Free Will Baptist of the Soutli. Located in the nrogressive, healthful and attractive town of Aydeu, N. C.. cm the A. C. L. Railroad, hetween Kinston and Greenville. Electric lights and otlicr inodcru iiiiproveinenls. Physical, moral and spiritual developuiciiL carefully guarded. Competent iiislrue- tors in all departments. Students of both sexes adm’itted. Ministerial students ad- tied free of tuition, l-'or terms and full particuiars address Thos. E. Peden, Presi dent. or C. O. Armstrong, Prof, of Mathematics. One .adapted to North CaToIina climate, )i]8 and conditions, made by Tar Hcek and for Tar Heels—and at the same time »idc-aw.ake as any in Kentucky ot Kamchatka. Such a pajier is THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER, RALEIOH, N. C. Edited by CLARENCEMI. POE, wjtb Dr. C. kV. Burkett, of the A. &.M. College .and Director B. W. Kilgore, of the Agri cultural Experiment Siation (yon know them), as assistant editors ($1 a year) If you are already taking the paper. w( can make no reduction, but if you are not taking it, YOU CAN SAVE 50 CENTS BY SENDING YOUK ORDER TO US. That is to s.ay, to new Progressive Far ler subscribers we wil! send that papei rith the Hai'Tisv both ONE YEAR FOR %\ 50. Regular price $2.00 for both. Addres* all orders to FREE WILL BAPTIST PUB. CO.. AYOUN, N. C. Insurance & Real Estate If you wish to buy or rent a house and lot in Ayden let us have your applicatiou. Or it your wish your property insured from fire, or your Life from Death, consult us at once. PLENTY OF HOME FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANIES and agents for the e... % 'Ci''- Bigger ’’Cotton Yields Per Acre The value of commercial fertilizers ha.s been demonstrated over and over again by both government and private comparative tests. We stand ready to demonstrate to ^ j>ou at any time that the surest way to “in creaseyields per acre” is to use NORTH STIIIE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE GO KINSTON, N. C. The Best and the Cheapest AYDEN LOAN & INS. CO J. F. BARWICK, Mgr. % It Pays g To Get Your JOB WORK DONE AT THE BAPTIST OFFICE. t Virginia Qrollna Fertilizers Hon. R. J. Redding, former Director of the Geor gia Exp. Station, is authority for the statement that “experiments made at this station show that well balanced commercial fertilizer applied to one acre of land, and w ell cultivated, may be reasonably ex pected to produce an increa.se of yield of seed cotton, At the present price cf cotton this would mean a large extra profit (for both lint and seed), aftet deducting the price for fertilizer.’’ You’ll find reports of many other comparative tests, together with much valuable information con cerning land culture in the new Virginia-CaroHna Year Book or Almanac. Ask you local fertilizer , dealer for a copy—or we’ll send you one i ► free, if you write our nearest sales office. I Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Richmond. Va. Norfolk, Va. C'-lumbia, S. C. Allaou.Ga. Itj Bro. Corbett’s report last week Eld. M. A. Woodard was credited with having paid to the Seminary $2,21. It should have Don't i.'iil to been, Bro. Woodard from Bethany I church. & 4 We are much better pre pared to do 'W'ork since putting in a large power job press. We carry a nice line of paper and en velopes. We guarantee first-class work. t % SEND us YOUR ORDERS. S Send in Your Orders for LITERJlTtfRE Full Supply on Hand for StM oml Uuartor. mTEfeMillSeEiii skills money fast. WrUt jar fullpartkulars and stfcxl offfy MU ftlUM£S RBUniKKD imiil you receive an.lapptx>ve of your bicycle. We sliip to anyone, anywhere iu the U. S. witint u (ent Jcjiosd m advance, Iriigh!, aii.i allow TUM DAYS’ FKKK XKIAl. duiinvwhich Unte you may ri.lc Ihe bicycle .iiid , put it to any test you w-isii. If you are then not perfectly s.ilisiie.1 or d.. not wish lo ’ keep the bicycle ship it back to us at our expense and uniV we/dr vw/..x.-. »//, FACTORY PRICES at one -snull profif above actual bieiory eost^'^'uii save ^lo to Sa; middlemen’s profits by buyins direct of us and have llie inanutaciurer’s i-ii.n. anlee behind your bicycle. DO MOT UtlY a Ucyclo or a pair ol tires tn.m at any frtet until you receive our catalocucs and learn our unhc.ird ol Ja^l.-.-y fricts and rtmarkaSu sjtciii ojfcrs to rlUor aReiitK. vnil WILL BE ASTONISHED our beautiful caulo* int'Vei.E DKALKKS . . jur prices. Orders filled tl SKCOND HAND IHCYCDKS, 6ui>etb models .. .... ike you this year. We sell the highest erade bicycles fi - - titisfied with #i.oo COASTER-BRAKES, bicycles’ under your own name pTalc . e^do not ri^ilarly handle second _^1iai •3 to #8 or St&. Descrijinw bi^ain Jisls mai ;1 biryrlee, wheels, liuporlenl roller It of all kinds at ha!/tlu uwa. ||j HEDGETHORN PUNCTURE-PROOF lilio W The regular rttailprictott/uu ti $3 JO per pair, but to fiifroAfe n • wi'i/itfrer. setiyouasampte^ir/orJ^.ill?(cajAu'it/i^rerS/JS). HO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES NAILS, Tachs or Oluas will not lot the air out. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year. Over two htinarcd thousand pairs now in use. DCSOttlPTiONs Made in all sizes. It islively and easy riding, very dui ableand lined inside with a special quality of rubber, which never become poruusatici which closes up small punctures without allow ing the air toescai>e. We have hundreds of Idlers from satis- Cedcustomers slating that their tires have only been pumped npoiiceortwice in a whole season, They weigh nomoreUmit an ordinary liie, the puncture le.sistingqiiairtiesbeinggiven by several layei-s of tliiii. specially prepared fabric m the in-ad. The regular price of tlicsc tires isfi-ko per pair, but for ad«%singpSrposc-sweareinakitigasm-cral*fnctorypi'icclo « the rider d only j+.8o per pair. All orders shipped same day elter is reeeivcil. We ship uppioval. You do not pay a cent until yon have examined and I'oimd tlicin strictlv as icpresciilcd. We will allow a rash dlseoimt of 5 per cent (thereby inakiug the price St.0,1 per paitl if you send l-'Ul.L OASll Wi t'll OUDUK and enclose this ndveiliscmeut. We will iilsn send oin- iiickel plated brass hand pump. Tires lo be returned at OlUl exjicnse if for aiiv tens.>n tin y .ne not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and iiiuiiey wiit to ns is assaf. a-i in a bank. If you order a pair of tliese tires, you will find that they will ride easier, mu l.i-.t.-i, a^blcj’cle^yov^willgiic u.you until yousend forapairef cutting will outiust uny other i-SOFl, liLASi'lC nod E KIUIMO. IF YOU HEEO TIHES iSg-S "‘KSJkW ’•"••'•‘-c an.. w..-.-.*... ■mNii tfr ItllYINfi a bicycl V. ....... -..g J - ii know the new and ivondei tii a ixMital to loam everything, Write desci ibes aud quotes all niE DO NOT WAIT otters wc are making. It only J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL ROBERT BRUCE MGBANIEL riemorial Hospital Kinston, N. C. For non-contagious, medical and sur gical diseases. Will re-open April isth, 1908. Address for particulars, Supt. Memorial Hospital KINSTON. N. ('. BULLETIN NO. 2. PAIITV FHES. EFFECTIVE Mil 3RD, IQ08. For parties of ten (10) or more traveling together on one (ioPet two (2) cents per mile per capita; minimum percfipilafurcfilleen (15) cents. These rates are open to the public and apply hetween any point ATLANTIC COAST LINE. W. J. Craig, Pass. Traf. Mgr. T. C^. WniTK, Gen. Pass. A gt Wilmington. N C. s. s. LITERATURE. Full Supply on Hand. Senior Class 0 PIUM COCAINE t«g WHISKEY. SsDstoriem In • » days' wen, free sod bsppy. SSS=FR« One Dollar. That’s all it will cost you to permanently cure him if lame from a spavin, curb, splint, ringbone or « largement of any kind, if you use Dr. Mower’s Guaran- teedCure. ItlsTHEremedy that always does the work and has no equal. DR. MOWER'S CO., - Mlddleburgh, Junior Class QUARTERLIES, Cards Etc. Seinl in Your Ocdfi’.s at Any Tima anil (lii'y tvMl lj« Promptly FilleiJ. F. W. B. PUB. Co., Ayden, N. C.

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