NON-PROnT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID PENLAND, NC PERMIT#! PENLAND SCHOOL • PENLAND, NORTH CAROLINA 28765-0037* Welcome to the Penland Lioe... a relatively informal way of keeping in touch with Friends of Penland School. Published quarterly ivith an update on School activities (that go beyond course descriptions) a)id people whose lives touch the Penland community. WINTER CHRONICLE On January 14 the first completed 89 Summer Journals started rolling off the presses at Daniers Graphics in Asheville. They represent almost a year's planning and hard work, so Unit moment is pretty thrilling. And proof of the staff's stamina is that they didn't even blink when Geri Camarda the following day announced deadlines for the next one. It has just occurred to me that a lot of you may wonder what the staff does around here during the winter months when there is no program, therefore no,students or instructors, relatively few bodies for any reason at all. Well, I can tell you that we are pretty much breathless all through the winter too.. I'll give you a simplified rundown of everyone's obvious chores but it is by no means a complete list. Hunter "Boss Man" Karihcr started his crew on the kitchen expansion the day after the kitchen closed in the fall. First to go were the old walk-in coolers with the stone work which most of us loved but wait until you see the brand new modular walk-in cooler and freezer, doubling the space we've had in the past. Fund-raising auction cooks will be especially glad to hear that. During that week, the walk-in was always renamed the "squeeze in". Incidentally, Marsha Owen and Kathryn Gremley will be baking the delights for next summer's auction, August 12, so it is safe to start dreaming about Chocolate Mousse, Carrot Cream Nut Cake. The kitchen expansion is pretty exciting. Bill Brown will tell anyone that the old kitchen was designed to feed 140 people, max and for several summers there have been sessions when Connie gave the cooks a 200 plus count for meals which The Pines Construction inchided students, staff, instructors and_tht;ir families. The new kitchen Will be thre$ times as large and have wonderful, large windows that open. There will be foi!« work stations each with its own sink so that there can be four full time cooks during the day, instead of three with the fourth one moonlighting because there was no room during the day. Flunter's able crew is headed by Harold "Dad"Jones. We're excited to hil-u that he has a chance to show his stuff with some new construction and breakout of the endless string of patch and repair jobs, important as they are too. Harold's crew members are Judson "Aw Shucks" Guerard, Chuck "Fork Lift" Smith and Dennis "Stud" Jones. Hunter is also busy directing his very special J N' J team (Jane "Sheet Rock" LeFevre, Nita "It's in the Garage" Forde and Jane "Money Honey" Shellenbarger) and they're doing some fiije, much needed finishing and refurbishing work in the wood, metal and fiber studios while using the winter months for some of their own studio work. Kat "Flow Many by When?" Conley is only in partial hibernation when she's not managing the Penland Supply Store. Kat processes all our bulk mailings with break-neck speed. Last month, she labeled, sorted and bagged up 18,600 Summer Journals within four days, sleeping only four hours a night. Immediately after that, 14,000 fund raising announcements and before both of them 6000 invitations to the Iron Symposium in April. And WOW listen to this! Our 1989 summer journal would have cost $29,000 to mail first class. It cost $3,000 to send out bulk rate. Thank you, Kat & Company. '89 Penland Journal Alana "Just Sign Here, Please" Barkley is assisting the auditors who have been around for almost two weeks closely inspecting the work she and Helen did last year. We could just tell the|Ti,that they did a fantastic job, but as a non-profit organization we are required to have an audit once a year. Alana also just finished making entries fojH>he '89 budget, figures we'll use all year after appro a 1 oy the Board of Trustees and very soon she'll start making purchases to accommodate instructor requests for classes starting in March, a job that won't end until November. Helen "Smiley" Duncan works with Alana on all matters of accounting and is responsible for the regular basis on which you receive your Penland statement! No matter how big or small my bill is, I've noticed she always smiles about it. Sally "We Need Your Help" Morgan is catching up on Thank You letters for end-of-the-year contributions (and is not complaining—thanks for all the help) and working with David Winslow from Winston on the Fund Raising Campaign which is scheduled to end July 1. Sally continually reaches out to make new contacts for Penland and nurture old ones be they individuals, businesses or foundations who can help Penland with its goals, financial and otherwise. The demands of her job are persistent as are the expansion and restoration needs of the school and her conscientiousness and hard work are probably the reasons we are as close as we are to our final goal. Julie "Where Does It Hurt?" Connaghan as Staff Assistant helps all of us, whoever yells the loudest, and right now she is helping Sally and Pat. Julie was also responsible for doing aU the data entering for our mailing list clean-up. Geri Camarda is on that side of the hall too. Maybe she took a deep breath after Journal copy was dropped off at the printers (just a figure of speech) but we didn't see her do it. She just designed the invitation to the Iron Symposium this spring, is working on ads that seem far in the future propr' .s all up for work on still another program, ' . journal. Continued Pg 2