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They are not simply salesclerks, they are Penland devotees who answer thou sands of questions and show the Penland slide show several times each day to countless visitors. They have done an incredible job. Our accounting has not missed a step through the creativ ity and skill of Helen Cate. Helen has been out on maternity leave during this period which, I must admit, had me apprehensive at first. She has worked from her home via modem hook-up with the school's system and has actually been not only able to stay on top of the accounting needs but has actually been able to provide reports and such on an earlier schedule than before! She has had the help of one of our newest employees, Emily Crain, who, as administrative assistant, has been learning much about many of the departments. The on-going team efforts of Donna jean Dreyer, Alicia Keshishian and Rebecca Caldwell have kept us all on our toes so that our most important publication, promotion and fundraising efforts such as the catalog, advertising and this very Penland Line continue to be timely and of the usual excellent quality. Harold Jones, Director of Facility, and his assistants, Danny Branton and Bruce Mathis, have the monstrous task of maintaining this facility, - not to mention taking care of capital projects — all to be juggled between snow storms, available subcontractors and crisis situations. Harold has the unenviable task of having to decide what has to be done first, second and last, which always makes someone unhappy! His advice has been invaluable. The instructors for this past Fall Concentration and studio coordinators brought not only skill and ability to studios but they also provided stability in what could have been a very unstable situation. My thanks to Richard and Jan Ritter, Skip Johnson, Sarah Perkins, Celia Braswell, George Lowe and studio coordinators Judson Guerard, Jane Lefevre, Doug Harling and Doug Sigler Thanks too to our seldom-seen but oh-so-important kitchen staff: Pearl Grindstaff and Robert Hynes. The food this fall was wonderful. It is difficult to keep everyone happy for eight straight weeks, but they did. Tim Veness switched hats after Fall Concentration to begin helping me, especially with preparation of the 1993 operating budget. Helen and Tim's ability and under standing of the budget process and Tim’s skill on the Macintosh computer saved our skins. Tim and Helen worked long hard hours in order to accomplish this difficult task. I could go on and on ...thanks Lisa Poteat for your great telephone skills, your patience and warmth with people who call with questions; thanks Emily Crain for all your help m so many ways, especially in getting the new library set up, thanks to Jennifer Joyce and the CORE Students and Residents and Dick Blomberg for your input and wisdom. If I missed someone. I'm sorry. There is not one person on this hill or in the community who has not made the smooth transition possible. Penland School will survive forever because of the people who give so much. Each and every one of you out there who receives this Penland Lineis Penland School. Thanks for your continued support, caring and friendship. “Connie Sedberry |5ji PENLAND B LINE Report Card CORE FACTS & FANTASIES Bradley Walters, Mark Tomczak and Rosie Sharpe HAVE COMPLETED THEIR SECOND YEAR AS CORE STU DENTS AND WILL BEGIN THEIR PPP ( POST-PEN LAN D PERIOD). BRAD HAS DECIDED TO STAY AT PENLAND THIS WINTER TO WORK IN HIS MEDIUM, CLAY. HE HOPES TO PRODUCE A LOT OF WORK, BUT IS MOSTLY EXCITED ABOUT FINDING A NEW LOCATION, EITHER AT GRADUATE SCHOOL OR A RESIDENCY IN A SIMILAR CRAFT SCHOOL. MARK LEFT PENLAND IN NOVEMBER TO RETURN TO FLINT, Ml TO APPLY FOR GRADUATE SCHOOLS IN CERAMICS AND FIND A JOB SO HE CAN EARN MONEY TO PAY FOR IT. ROSIE, WHO CLAIMED TO BE READY FOR THE REAL WORLD, ALSO LEFT IN November to move to Eugene, Oregon to fight HOMOPHOBIA. SHE'S GIVING HERSELF A YEAR TO EXPLORE NEW OPPORTUNITIES: ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCY PROGRAMS. GRADUATE SCHOOL, OR TEXTILE WORK IN FOREIGN LANDS. JOHN PODI.IPEC, SONDRA DORN, DAN ESSIG, JENNY Drum and Kurt Nielsen, all first year CORE STUDENTS are STAYING AT PENLAND THIS WINTER TO WORK IN THEIR CHOSEN MEDIUMS. THEY HOPE TO GET SOME WORK DONE IN THE PEACE AND QUIET OF THE MOUNTAINS. However, these five have speculated on THEIR OWN PPP. JOHN, METALSMITH, INTENDS TO MOVE TO Las Vegas and become a topless waiter, dan, BOOK artist, never INTENDS TO LEAVE PENLAND AND PLANS TO LIVE IN THE NEARBY WOODS AND SNEAK DOWN ,TO THE STUDIOS AT NIGHT. SONDRA, TEXTILE ARTIST, HAS DECIDED TO FOLLOW HER DREAM OF MONSTER TRUCK RACING. JENNY, POTTER, PLANS TO SET UP A NOODLE STAND IN Thailand, while Kurt, woodworker, has ALREADY MADE ARRANGEMENTS TO SET SAIL TO SIBERIA TO SEARCH FOR AND STUDY THE INDIGENOUS SIBERIAN GNOMES. - CORE STUDENTS SEARCH FACTS & FUTURE The Search Committee will soon be conducting initial interviews for the position of director, a SECOND ROUND OF INTERVIEWS WITH TWO FINAL CANDI DATES WILL BE SCHEDULED IN TIME FOR A RECOMMENDA TION TO BE BROUGHT TO THE BOARD IN MARCH. TO DATE, THERE HAVE BEEN 180 INQUIRIES AND 97 COMPLETED applications. Our thanks to all those who took the TIME TO APPLY AND IN MANY CASES SHARED EXCELLENT IDEAS FOR THE FUTURE OF PENLAND. -SUSAN LARSON TiT