I ITPenland Line B B PENLAND SEHnni OF rRAR"; • POR OFFTrF ROX R7 • PFMI AND PENLAND SCHOOL OF CRARS • POST OFFICE BOX 37 • PENLAND • NORTH CAROLINA • 28765-0037 • FALL 1999 The Rigor of Art—The Metaphors of Science have anything in common. I began by asking Don about the concept of rigor. Articles about research fre quently talk about rigor, which I presumed had to do with following the rules of the scientific method. Arti.sts are supposed to break all the rules, so 1 thought this might be an area of real difference. “Rigor,” Don explained, “is not really about a preci sion of measurement or a cleanliness of experimental design as much as the under- On the surface, this might have been a tvpical gathering of artists or a panel discussion at a craft convention. I sat in a room full of people comparing notes on questions such as, what is the role of technical mastery in your work? or what motivates you to move on to the next thing? or what do you do when you get stuck? The answers were familiar: it’s impor tant to work without thinking about technique; the next step comes from everything I’ve done before; failure can be as in.structivc as succe.ss. What made this discussion different was that while half the participants were Penland area craftspeople, the other half were ncurobiologists and their support staff. Their contribu tions to the familiar discussions were informed not by strug gling with form, color, and materials, but by the challenges of DNA research aimed at finding genes which reverse the effects of stroke. The visiting group was the entire staff of Cogent Neuroscience, a company which former Penland trustee Max Wallace helped start as a platform for unconventional genetic research proposed by neurobiologist Don Lo. The gathering, which took place at Penland in October, grew out of conversations that Max had with several Penland staff members. He proposed shutting down the company for a few days and bringing everyone to Penland where they could spend time with people who were also involved in creative, challenging, and unpredictable work. The hope was that both groups might be inspired by exploring common ground. So Program Coordinator Stacey Lane assembled a group of Penland resident artists, studio coordinators, and neighbors to spend a few days working and Rohm Drcycr talking with the Cogent staff. The event began with a papermaking workshoj) led by Ann Marie Kennedy, then small groups .spent time work ing in several of the artists’ studios. Everyone made pre sentations about their work (the craftspeople showed slides, the biologists jTrojected images from a laptop computer), and we had energetic discussions on prcj)ared and spontaneous Not jour average group of PcnIanJ students. Neurohiologist Don Lo and several of his colleagues during a figure drawing and sculpture session which and a few of the Penland artists to spend some time looking mation. He feels that the best science can be seen as a quest for for areas where scientific practice and artistic practice don’t knowledge, but he prefers to describe it as an attempt to Cogent h'euroscicncc understand some aspect of one’s surroundings or one’s self. Which, it almost goes without saying, is the way many artists describe their work. The next morning, sculptors Louise Radochonski and BobTrotman led everyone in a figure drawing and sculpting session that generated as much energy as I’ve ever seen in a Penland class. It would have been impossible for a casual observer to distinguish between the two groups. In a discussion that followed, glassblower Rob Levin unknowingly picked up the thread of my story. Artists, he said, often work with , . . . r 1 ^ photograph neurons which were subjected to stroke \mg oglc o w at you are conditions and then resuscitated as part of the DNA research being metaphor or they try to to create trying to do. In other words, conducted at Cogent Neuroscience. Several of the biologists spoke of the objects that carry some kind of reso- did you ask the right question ''"7 i" »->'*"« “«'■ ' „„cc. He wontiered if there could be and did you design a series of any parallel in the scientific world. experiments to tell you something about that question?” There were several comments about the aesthetic pleasures of Ceramist and painter Tom Spleth immecliately commented scientific work, but it was Don who produced the answer to took place during the Cogent Neuroscience exchange at Penland. The common ground turned out to be vast. As we worked our way through conver- .sations on motivation, inspiration, success, failure, problem solving, and even grant applications and funding, it became apparent that the artists and the scientists were speaking a shared language. Even where the parallels were not exact, the interchange was rich. A comment about the changing view of abstract imagery in painting, for in.stance, led to an explanation of the evolution in understanding how the brain maps the world. After two days of endless connections, I decided it was my journalistic duty to find something we could disagree about. When the evening session was fini.shed, 1 invited Max, Don that one of his finest art teachers taught students to evaluate their work in exactly the same terms: what is your line of inquiry and are you furthering it with this work? Potter Nick Joerling continued the thought by comparing Don’s descrip tion of rigor to his experience on craft juries where the oper ating logic was also similar. Max commented that scientific evalu ation is often subjective and everyone agreed that in both fields judgments are based pri marily on tbe accumulation of experience. My second attempt was the proposal that art tends to be a solitary pursuit, while science has become more of a group effort. Don countered that this was true in commercial science but academic science is still based on independent research. Then Max interjected that, although many areas of research require a large team just to cover the ground, true leaps of understanding are still the domain of the individual scientist.Then we thought of arti.sts who cannot accomplish their large-scale work without a team of apprentices, a.ssistant.s, or fabricators. Nick sugge.sted that artists arc driven by personal exj^res- sion while scientists are driven by a search for knowledge, and those two things are really not the same. Tom objected that many artists don’t consider self-expression central to their work. And Don spoke eloquently on the mistaken equation between the accumulation of information and the acquisition of knowledge. A lot of science, he said, simply gathers infor- Rob’s que.stion. “Scientists often express things through mathematical models.” he explained. “If you make a model that’s as complex as the process you are describing, then it does you no good. You need to make a beautiful, simplified model that distills the essence of the process; the model functions as a metaphor. There’s a lot of personality in that work, and you can often tell who made a model by the way that it’s been structured.” After lunch and more conversation, the group got together for summary remarks. Many people expressed delight and sur prise at the extent to which each group was genuinely interest ed in the work of the other. Kasturi Puranam, whose work at Cogent involves gene identification, said she felt as though a barrier between two worlds had dissolved. “The strange thing is that I don’t know why that barrier was there; we apjTroach our problems in .so many similar wavs.” Louise Radochonski was jjoined by several other craftspeo ple in applauding the willingness of the Cogent group to jump into unfamiliar work. And metalsmith Su.sie Ganch found that she was left with curiosity. She wished she could visit the Cogent lab and learn more about their work. The last word, however, went to Don Lo. “Being here has reminded me of something 1 don’t like to think of too much: the life of a .scienti.st is a lonely one. You arc perceived to be so different and you feel that you have to stay in own your limited world to find people like yourself. 1 now have this feeling that in this wonderful, .strange place I have all thc.se comrades in arms.” —Robin Drejer Susie maj get her wish, as Cogent Neuroscience has extended an invitation for the Penland group to spend a day at their lab in Durham, NC. Meanwhile, Metalsmith Marvin Jensen has been consult ing with Cogent about some of their equipment design.“We may end up with an artist-designed gene gunfMax reports.