■7 M I. 1 THE ILDHEN’S FRIEND TOLUME 1. OXFORD, X. 0., WEDNESDAY, JAXFARY 6, 1875. XUACBER 1 GUILTY, OR HOT GUILTY. REPOST ON TEE ORPHAN ASYLUM. Shii stool at tijo bar i>f justice, A creature w^n aiui wild; In form too ^nall for a wonnin, In features foo old for a cluld : I^or a look jO warm and pathetic Was stained on lier pale, young face, It sccmedllong years of suflering Jlfist havdleft that silent crace. ito ju'i'UinulaU- jiropci'ty, mid di-; Ami even if there should be dilii-^ against those viio say they are — minish expenses, while improving; cnlties, ihose orpUaris in the W'oRt 1 obliged aiKl deterniineu to have In TiiK Most WoTisnirn’t, Grasp (Pe he.ilth and increasing the! have claims upon ns wiiich we | servants whom they can use and Lophe of North (,'aroeina: ; comforts of the Orphans. | ought not t ) disregard, 1 ho receipts of the Orplian ; Sincetlieopeningof the AsylimO no steward. Asylum from Uecember the first,: hundred and forty orphains! In the main, the Institution has the iucipicncy of Masonry. Wlien abuse as they please. Boaz was a. model Mason, though he lived in **A'onr nimo,’’ said thu judge, .as he cycj her With kind\^’ look, yet keen, "is”—"Mp-y McGuire, if you please, sir,’i ‘And your age?’ *1 .am turned tifreen,’ ‘Well, Marf.’ and t!\en from a paper lie slowly ?,ncl gravedy read, ‘Yor.’re clargud here, I am sorry fo \ Fay it; With stealinv fk.rae loaves of bread 3873, to December the first, 1874, admitted. One hnn-jbeen managed accordine- to the ^nurse for the infuud w-erohu! thousand, seven hundred pai-od and ibiriy-two are now in O-egnlations pirescribed ; Imt t!ieYbe‘!,l'odidnotseizesomeheIp-- and eigbty-fhrcedoiUirs and nine-:ti,yj„3titution. One hundredand j office of Steward wa.s cautiously;''’®® orpthan, but employed hi., ty-four cents. The dis!>ur.semcnts, : cio-ht b dr ileft. hi. Most ot them are ! tendered and cautiously declined. I® mothor-in-Iaw. Pharaoh., dur.ng the same time, were teim m,,j jj^gj-ppiy iapparent uncertainty of the i‘'“'''S'*'''''' '^*71 not hunt up an or- tbousand, seven liuiidred and one ; ‘p.-ie are afflioted witii disea.ses or; salary seemed to be the ‘lion in I P'’**’* nurse young Moses ; but dollars and fifty-seven cents, leav-; (|i,;q,ja]i|y tiieni for.’tho way.’ 'But a gentleman hon-;®^''"' Hebrew \Vo- nigt on h.and eighty-two and thirty-seven cents. ! ceipits in kind inciudo collars 'lie re- thc benefits otfered. | est and comjieteni is now ready to I -’'‘-g'’ s’noukl bo honored ; Our rule has been to discharge j accept the position. I have not Iusefully empjioyed, and youth I should be guided and protected. iipts^^in kiin inciudo a hirgp: pp,yyy> yj fourteen, or sooner, iftiicy | made the apjpointment, because it i ® ; quantity ot 100.1, clot.nng and bed-lennm.letc a good DiiglOh cduca-' seemed best not to embarrass my i 4. With a paper devoted to the clothing;. These contributions I •• ’ ai - . . ‘You look not likrt au offondor, And I Iiope you can show 'i lie charge trt be false. N’ow, tell me. Are YOU guilty of or no?’ A pa.-siouate bursi of wet-plug Was at ills* tin- sole reply, But itlie di’ieft iier eyes in a raomeut, And looked iu the juiige's eye. .tions ,||on^ and nronusc to be nsorul in ■ Kuccossor,with appointments which ' detailed reportft 'I wil? tell you how it was, Fir My father aud inotiier are dead. And my little brothers and sisLer& "Weie hungry liud n'iked me for biead. .“Vt lirst I earned it for them By working haul all day, BiU soiuehow times were hard, sir, And the M ( ra ail tell away. Gisries, Bands of Music, Christian I ,4ssec!atioi:s, chr.rc’nos .f various' denominations, and i.y individu-i als not nicmiicrs oi'any ehurclior isociefy. TiieJewsospiccinlly have ' hut liberal in iheir of I been ing up m ignorance ; Ruci jiiaced tno gn and vice, the wci'k is .steadily pjro-1 one, and the boys in charge of the ! obscure, or tail ,0 tell the gres-sing audits benefits are ex-'other. This arrangoinent hag ;■"'•■>oie truth, and even then, they tciiding to pilaces moat remote. | been found to be a great impn-ove-i into very few pa- i The riffhts of orrihans and their! ment. ms to educational nriviloges I a 'weekly paper. I pers. Contriijutors have made I many just compfiaints and the I are now admitted and defended ! I wonder is that they have not coni- '[ roul.i itst no more employment ; ’I'liL* w''Uth«r Mas bitter cold. 'i'hc youug oiu-.-Ji cried uiwl shivered— (Little tlohuny’s bur [(tur 3'cars old)— what Mtt.s I to do. sir? J am guilty, bui do not condemn, 1 took—oh, was it aiealiug?— The bread to give to tiiem.’ I ask pardon for repeating a :' Ueip lia.. foiuc to ! hy two years ago, i recommendation made last ye^-'plained more. ..CIOS-) t^.c lugged moiiiilain tops ^ oppre.sscd and neglected i tliat a small weekly p.aper bo pub-; Other reasons loi- publishing a 0. tic \ i'st, ,11,(1 'O’*’saiu p ; I lished in the interests of the Iiisti-! >'eadily suggest thom- itntion. I mention four reasons | i for this recommendation. i lotteries. I 1. The friends of the orpihansl " bat e not sympathized with ! sliqrcB'OT ti.c loudly-roaring ocean.! j Virgini.-i, .Mnryland.l’cnnsvlvaiiia, i ! New York, .Michigan, Tennessee, asotiilR institution. If or some time it has been apj- ; aouth Carolina, Texas ami C-SH ™ | .,eed a medium of commnnicbioii,! o-- Itormanave renderc.reimely and | .t» m^eis long, order that they may compare beoefit of the Views uiut })laii3 and make gug-j Bivory man in the court-room— Gray-beard and thoughtless youtli— Knew, as he looked, upon her, That the prisoner spoke the triuh, Out from ttieir pocket.s come 'kerchiefs Out froiu their eye' spran;^ tears. A 1(1 out from (ld f.uled wallet.^ Treasure.^ hoare 1 for year.'. The fuce was a study— The strangest you eversaw, He cleared his throat .ami imittered Something about the law ; For one .so learned in matter.^— So wi.se in dtnilin;>' with men, He seemed, on a .siniple queitlon, Sorely puzzled just then. easpistaiicu. V>’hat acora-j to give cinc rvitentioii toi pliinoiit to Masonry! 8o many or-1 orphans AVest ot th ganizations ami so vast a rnnlti-' i audit it eonld tudo Id'indivldnals have said, “'\V ap[trov(! your work, we iiayo eon-1 atraid to go so lar Irom the fidonco in yonr economy and hon-' bneir birth, and especially eaty, and we give you our co-oper-' place which they consider ation!” 0 ffiatVemay piWe jaway down the country.” 1^®', oxpo.ed and Tenth Commandment. The man I hhf; gostions and* explana tions to eacli i and conducted by...... the call- i ! infinitely better than I am, and ; dreii Ignorant and timid would frequently j '’y “cn whom I hold in the high- made collections in the name o'f; ®®W®i’sonal esteem. Such schemes ilio Orphan Asylum, and never re-1 ®®®™ ®® be wrong : "v*" '> Vioi'ted the monov. M''ith a weekly ! lie- , .r , , “ " They are forbidden by the worthy of ,a conndenco so great,' sides, the cxpcnso.s of au orphan Id cinvoi) away. In our present sit- may sandwich their advertise- But no one blamed liirn or wondered, tVlien at last tliese words they heard; "The scutoiYco of tbU yoiuig prisoner Is, for the pre.sont debarred?” And no one blamed him or W’oiidered, When he went to her and smiled, And tenderly led from the court-room Mary, the "guilty” child. A bouncing girl baby arrived in Wilson on the loth ult, and took a cradle in the hospitable house of the Grand blaster, Geo. W. Blount. May she never bean orphan. Emma Whitted, of Orange, nine years old, worked an otto man and sent it to the Ifair. Her premium was two dollars and she sent the money to the Orphans. who buys a lottery ticket must covet his neighbor’s goods. Tbo fact that one paper comes out be fore another does not give one man a right to another man’s money. Masons should bo just and be found equal to a resnonsi- from Buncombe to Granville, . n- , , bilityso vast and overwhehuing. ^ would teed him tor two months. | “S® Duriug the past year new fur-'the Trus-, , niturol.asi.eon added, the'fi.xtures: tees of Mars Hill Cblle^e offered | ter orphans, have been improved, hogs and | te present their building catti(> of the best Wood have been iacres of land to the! ® f,!'’'.®’’'' • ,,, . - ! towards men and frithfrl 1n ib-t procured, two gooa mules have m the natiro and-iroo-ro^s God mwhomibey always out their been bougiff, and astable built for | cstablishnxg ,au Asylum for the [ mte t™®'- Even anckffi heath- them, as well as good Iioiises for 1dt the A'puntanis. In:,. • 1,1 1 . , 1 en Sibvl in condemnin"-the mad- , , , 1 0+1, ti,., v 1 X. ■+ I ties.might bo made known and ai ®"™ ®®'‘®®“®’®S “'6 “-id- the cows, xhe oid garflen has i co.inpany with the Wand Master j | ness of men for money, remind,s been enlarged to four acres, and a ’^'arden I went j" ^ . ''f ‘f , ' "" k new one of eleven acres’ has becn'!%G‘W(= theMountain.s. Theprem-\ ®® -uclosed. Though the soil was.iJseswerodeliberatclvandcarefullyip’, ®"’0''® ®;;P®®®-'- Take au if I. . - - “'1 JlQtvnriAii • S nxrAf us that a thorough investigation of deeds and motives will finally Siaverv has been abol-j and that the mids ot God thin arte the summer dry, ^ i fished. So has IhJ so;Ll pofiiion k'" ®“’’®'W'y them all into crop ot vegetables was raised. Ot:OipIians couU be ®®“fortabJy! Uio finest powder. Longfellow these eorne are growing now, and : oared for and that provisions were Love thy neighbor as thy self. others are ready for future use. With the fertilizers already on hand .and in process of accumula tion, tlie gardens can be made much more productive during the next year. In this way expenses ‘can be materially diminished. From the trees dismantled by the sleet and from others dangerous or useless in the positions they oc cupied, a largo quantity of wood has been procured and the oo.st of fuel saved. The policy has been if farms, shops and factories could needy orphans were living near I consolidate their liouses and have I' ' by and were ready to enter.— I fewer cooks and washers, the de powder, translates the line .• Longfellov -J LU UULCi-.— .i i ’ - ,1 • , , 1 , i WyHHUr, therefore advised the officers of I '’® With ex.xctness.griiKls n, the Grnml m +1, „!every man, 'white or black, | 2. They arc forbi “ Tiipup'li the milts of God grind slowly Yet they grind excetniiiig small; Tor tliongh with parieiice lie stands wailing. He all.” the Grand Lodge to accept the offer for They arc forltidden by the ier and open ‘another Asylum I 1 'a"’® of ®'Jf country. Masons arc r orphans at Mars Hill, in Mad- i ! ^aw-abidmg men. Plato studied ^ J XX n 4-/X i-4 yxx-.x rx XX +T x-yxxx «x.x xxl X. w. • I#" 1 T'1- *1 1 ison county. After due delibera tion, I am convinced that two in stitutions operating in "harmony and exchanging supplies will help nate demand for “ girls without! Moral Philosophy under Socrates kin.” Now many persons sup-1 and learned his masonry from the pose that orphans are collected at; lips of Pythagoras, after this Oxford merely for distribution. Grand Custodian of the work had ; I and the Superintendent is com-1 invented and incorporated into his ires the musical scale am {continued on femrthpag-.) each other, and both will be sup-1 ,, T is c , , „ ! pelted to spend too much of ms; lectures the musical scale and the ported more easily than one. |ti„e ;■.

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