Olljnatmas VOLUME III W. P. GRIER SCHOOL GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER, 1969 NO. 2 QUINN ELECTED TREASURER SEVENTH GRADE MONITORS Everyone knows that the 9th grade has hall monitors, but did you know that the seventh grade now has them? Angela Costner, Donna Hawkins, Skip Kelly, Jill Mason, Dale Browning, Ronnie Ellington, Chuck Lineberger, Phil Harris, Raymond Mackins, and Dan Martin are the new 7th grade monitors. They keep order on the playground and stand outside the rooms during the class changes. To help identify them from the other students, they wear red arm bands. These students are performing a difficult job very well. Teachers and other students are weU pleased with the monitorial system they have organized. CHRISTMAS DANCE “Twas the hour before the dance and all through the house Students were getting ready - - as quick as a mouse!” This special occasion was the eighth and ninth graders’ dance on December 12th. Most students came out with dates but quite a few arrived there stag. At 7:30 the dance began, and hvely music was provided through out the evening by the Brass Buttons, a group of talented young musicians. The gym was gaily decorated and spirits were high as students danced, talked, socialized, and just listened. Excitement was in the air, and all had a grand time. Everyone was sorry to see the time roll around to 10:30, for that brought a close to this year’s Christmas Dance. “But we heard students say as they walked out of sight. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!” ELECTION OF TREASURER On November 18, campaigns of the candidates for Student Council Treasurer began. Those seeking the title were Neal Giles, Vicki Gray, Michael Quinn, and Lynne Trinnal. Students who managed their campaigns were (in the same order) PhylHs Elkins, Melany Medlock, Michael Davis, and Vicki Bayless. Many long hours were spent making posters and buttons to wear urging one to vote for a favorite candidate. Hard work on the part of all involved combined to make a very interesting and colorful campaign. Posters were unusual and attractive, buttons were eye-catching, and die candy distributed by several candidates added a special treat! The finale of the campaign came when the students met in the auditorium on Monday, November 24. The assembly was called to order by our president. Devotions were given by Margaret Caldwell, and the program was then turned over to Bill Rhyne, head of the elections committee. Campaign managers dehvered their speeches first, followed by a few words from the candidates themselves. Some had planned humorous skits to complement their theme and these were enjoyed by all. The next morning in homeroom the students voted for their choice, and the winner was announced shortly before the end of school that day. The winner just happened to be the only boy in the running - Michael Quinn. Mike lives at 3221 Union Road. He has one brother named “Chuck”, who is 14, and two older sisters, Janice and Sherry. He has hved all his life in Gastonia and attended Robinson School, where he was always an honor student. Mike and his family attend Olney Presbyterian Church. Among his hobbies are rock collecting, cychng, and swimming. Apparently Mike does not mind coming to school, because when asked about his favorite subject, he replied, “I like them all!” When Mike heard of his election to office, his reaction was a feeHng of joy and relief. “It will be a great honor working on the Student Council and with the other officers and students,” Michael said. Mike was quick to give much credit for his victory to his campaign manager, Michael Davis. We extend our congratulations to Michael and feel confident he’ll make an excellent treasurer. HAVE YOU NOTICED? Have you noticed something new in the auditorium? Well, if you haven’t, take a look to the front. The much needed new stage curtains should catch your eye. The front curtains are pomegranate and the back-up ones are beige. New pomegranate curtains also deck the side doors through which we enter in the mornings. These new curtains were purchased by the school from Southern School Service, Inc. and were installed on November 13. The old curtains had been in the auditorium since Grier was built in 1955 and were beginning to show their age. This new addition certainly brightens our auditorium, and we all have something of which to be proud. SEVENTH GRADE DANCE On Friday, December 5 the Student Council sponsored a Christmas dance for the 7th graders. These students were finally treated as fairly as the upperclass men, which is what they wanted and deserved. A vote was taken beforehand to decide whether they wanted the 7th grade teachers or the Student Council to sponsor the dance. The Student Council was appointed to do so. The gym was decorated in colorful crepe paper which con veyed the holiday spirits of the students. Cokes and candy were sold as refreshments. Records - - the entertainment for the evening-- were enjoyed by all. Admission was $1.00 drag and 75(( stag. The dance began at 7:30 and ended at 10:00. Everyone attending certainly seemed to have a wonderful time, and it is apparent that all of the 7th graders are looking forward to their next dance. HAPPY HOLIDAYS From The STAFF