"Dost thou love Life? Then do not squander Time, for that is the stuff that Life is made of ” - Franklin Ci>rt?r VOLUME III W. P. GRIER SCHOOL GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA, FEBRUARY, 1970 NO. 3 VALENTINE GREETINGS SCHOOL SPIRIT RELEASED On Monday, February 2,each homeroom began planning the making of a banner to depict school Spirit. This was to be en tered in a school-wide contest sponsored by the School Spirit Committee of the Student Council. The room sporting the banner showing the most school spirit in each grade was to be declared the winner. Banners were carefully and, when possible, secretly planned. Work was done in homeroom at every spare moment. When the work was completed and the banners were presented, no one envied the judges’ hard task. Most were so attractive, colorful, and quite o- riginal. February 9 was declared Black and Gold Day. Most students dressed in these two school colors and proudly showed their loyalty. The main event of the day was a pep rally, for that afternoon Grier was to play its last home game of the season. In the auditorium,winners of the Banner Contest were announced. (See Insert Sheet for the results). The first place banners were hung in the gym for all to see at the game. The other banners were placed along the halls. School spirit seemed especially high and this working together for the same goal in friendly competi tion must account for some of it. Good going. Spirit Committee and co-operating students! FLAG CHAIN DONATED On .Tanuary 3, 1970, Mr. William E. Rhyne donated a flag chain to the Student Council. The old chain, which served us for many years, broke in half. We appreciate the thoughtfulness of Mr. Rhyne and are happy to be able to fly the flag again. NINTH GRADE CLASS OFFICERS ELECTED On December 5th, each 9th grade homeroom nominated a capable student they felt worthy of becoming a class officer. That Monday, December 8th, homerooms then voted for 9 semi-finalists out of the original 14. Each person made two choices. Tuesday, the following day, the final vote was made. Late in the afternoon, the president and vice-president announced the results to each classroom. The 9th grade class officers are: president - Michael Davis, vice-president - Connie Hudson, secretary - Pam Rowland, and treasurer - David McDaniel. The Jobs of class officers include raising enough money to sponsor our 9th grade end of the year dance. This was done in the past by arranging such activities as the teacher vs. student basketball games, various dances, and the selling of small items such as pins and charms. The officers are also responsible for the writing of the Last Will and Testament, Class Prophecy, and Class Poem. These new officers hope to be the best Grier has ever had. DEAR CUPID by Bill Dellinger Cupid, Cupid, aloft somewhere Valentines are in the air. Sharpen your arrows till they are quick So in someone’s heart they will stick! Fly way up high in the blue sublime Seek a heart wishing to intwine — A lonely heart, naked of love That you can find from up above. Now you’ve found this forlorn soul Bring it into love’s sweet mold. So she will find way down deep Someone dear to love and keep. FASHION MARCHES ON!! Recently, girls from all grades at Grier confronted our leaders with the request that they be able to wear slacks at school. Many convincing arguments were pre sented in support of the idea. They ranged from the cries of “it’s too cold for dresses” and “they’re in style now” to “other schools can, why can’t we?” The girls were told they may wear pants providing they are suitable for school. This means they are not to be tight or sloppy. So, girls, let’s show our gratitude by sticking to the rules. This may prove to be a change in men’s fashions. Who knows, they may even begin to wear skirts!! VALENTINE DANCE The 8th and 9th grades’ Valentine Dance was a great success. Sponsored by the 9th grade class officers, the dance was held on Friday, February 6th, from 7:30 until 10:30. Entertainment was a skit acted out by several students. The basis for the skit was a poem written by Michael Davis on the subject of a typical (?) student at Grier. This poem received enthused applause from the audience. Our thanks to the class officers for such a great Valentine’s dance! SAVED BY THE SNOW! The prayers of many 8th and 9th grade students were answered when they awakened Monday morning to find a snow-covered world. The exams scheduled to start Monday had to be delayed until Tuesday, January 13, giving students that extra day to study. Exams continued through Thursday, January 15. Many of our young scholars are relieved that exams are over so we can get things back to normal. It is hoped that each one put out his best efforts for exams and is satisfied with his grades.