PAGE TWO THE GRIER SCRIPT MARCH, 1972 JOURNALISM STAFF Ellen Hunter Assistant Editor Elizabeth Wells Business Manager Sharon Allred Advertising Manager Steve Myers Circulation Manager Cindy Smith Photographer Danny Martin 2 Sports liditors Herman Demmink, Tony Ramseur 3 Feature Editors Lynne Trimnal, Minnilue Reed, Molly Templeton ^ Editors Steve Williams, Michael Quinn 2 Make-up Editors Stacy U’Ren, Mike Johnston 2 Proof and Copy Editors Patty Ferrato, Dana Martin 3 News Editors Julie Cline, Linda Jenkins, . , . Joanne Hull Mrs. Amy Pendleton EDITORIAL A GOOD TEACHER teacher is one who never gives homework, lets you chew bubble gum all the time, gets you out of class to do bulletin boards, and lets you run around during class. Right? It’s true students very seldom have anything bad to say about the kind of teachers mentioned above. But then, these students always have a complaint about the teachers that expect you to put forth a little effort;the teachers that won’t let you get away with being late for class forgetting” homework, talking back, etc., etc. How good a teacher is depends on you, and your appreciation of the teacher. Yes, that’s what I said, and that’s my opinion. (I can say that because this is an Editorial.) But really, if you start showing your teachers some appreciation, they might appreciate you. IN THE “CROWD” Are you an individual?? Do you think for yourself or do you tend to let other people make up your mind for you? Let’s go on and find out. All the crowd” is going over to Tom’s house Friday night. You were asked to come along. You were so excited all week. You just couldn’t believe the “crowd” had asked you to come. After everyone got over there, they couldn’t find anything to do someone suggested going to egg houses. .. You know it’s wrong, but yet you want to be in there with the crowd. Is It really worth it? God gave you a mind to think and do what you know is right. Is that crowd so great? You are an individual, or are you'^'>‘> Stou and think about it. ^ SURPRISE W P. Grier School could be clean. The trashcans rather than the halls could be filled with old science homework. The windows don’t actually have to look like the F.BJ. finger print files - at least the windows that are still left. No rule requires the lockers and walls to be used in place of dime-store autograph books. The autograph books are alot easier to carry home at the end of the year anyhow. Michael Angelo has been sketching masterpieces on the desks too. If he keeps up, sit-down galleries will have to be added to our nation’s art museums. There have been alot of complaints about these things. The P.T.A. is trying to clean up our school. Let’s help! PIONEER POTPOURRI Grier’s Pioneers are really busy this time of year. They have started projects for a state sponsored contest. The categories range from art and writing to service projects. A trip to Raleigh will take place in March or early April! They will tour museums and other historic sites in Raleigh. The Pioneers have had three more refreshment sales and plan to have many more! “SMILE” Just quit thinking about all of the bad things that have happened today and think of what you’re going to do Friday night. It is a fact that those who keep a smile on their face live to be twenty years older. So wipe that grubby look off your face and smile. Take a better outlook on life. It will make you and your friends a lot happier. DON’T WRITE ON THE DESK Have you noticed that many desks around Grier have things written on them? If you haven’t, open your eyes and look. One of these days you might come across a real doozy! Look at your desk. Is anything written on it? Some run-of-the-mill doodles on desks are: Mary loves John, Bill was here, etc., etc., etc. No- No’s often found on desks reveal answers to test questions. Don’t write on the desk! But if you can’t control yourself, why not be original. Write something unusual or spectacular, (but be prepared to clean it off if and when a teacher catches you). Here are some out-of-the-ordi- nary graffiti written on desks. “I came, I saw, I flunked” “Lord, may all who sit here pass their tests.” “ENGLISH STINKS” (Evidently written by a per son of astonishing intelligence and perception) “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh. . .the Lord is an Indian giver” “This desk will be out in paper back in two months” If you’re board, frustrated, or just tired of it all, read your desk. After all it is more exciting than reading your text books. But please, just read. Don’t write on the desk. JAYCETTES HEAR WHAT’S WHAT The Ecology Club was invited by Mrs. Ratchford to give a pro gram for the Gastonia Jaycettes on Feb. 7. The Jaycettes are made up of the wives of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, better known as the Jaycees. The students were received very well. “The Gifts,” a film giving many examples of pollution, was shown by Mark Jordan. Lynne Trimnal then led off with an enthusiastic talk that outlined the many reasons citizens should fight to save the earth. Next Linda Jenkins reported on just what pollution means. Julie Cline followed with a talk on the newest pollutant-noise. Laura Allen gave a synopsis of the environmental regulations now in action and told how to lobby for more. A devotion read by Kathy Keith wound up the program. OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND Teacher: Why are you late for class? Student: My sacriliac broke and I had to piece it back together. I had to finish carving my soap statue of Tiny Tim. I splashed on some Hy Karate this morning and was chased down Garrison Blvd. by a group of women libs. My horoscope said not to be too anxious for anything today. A piece of the sky hit me on the head and I had to run and tell the King. I was kidnapped by the Communists and held for ransom. I had to fly to “Berkeley” for the biannual protest. I ran into a wicked witch and she turned me into a frog. I missed my bus and I had to hijack a plane. I got up on the wrong side of bed this morning. Unfor tunately I live on top of the Empire Statebuilding! I wore my transparent pantsuit to school and was arrested for indecent exposure. One of my Guppies just had 17 children and I had to help deliver them. I had to change my diaper! I had to run home and finish eating my french fried snails. I dropped one of my contact lens in the toilet and had to get it out. I couldn’t remember my name, rank, and serial number. I had to finish climbing Mt. Everest. I was picked up for litter ing because I threw down a picture of a mother dog and her seven pups. TODAY AN OFFICE BUILDING - TOMORROW THE WORLD!!? Buzz- • -saw- ■ -hammer- - -drill!!! Did you wonder what all that racket and mess was in front of Mr. Tiddy’s office and the School Store? Well, in case you haven’t heard by now, it is a combined office for Mrs. Buchanan and Mr. Williams. According to the carpenters, Mr. Tiddy switched offices with Mr. Williams. This makes it easier for students want ing to see either counselor. The only problem now, is where are they going to put the school store? Oh well, nobody’s perfect!!!