SSTMOOR JOHnoV FtElD* V. C. AZR-O-MBCH fEBRUAir 0* IMS FAOB 4 POST FIRS DEPARTMEVT W miABLS R&CORD Bfen speeding through the can;) etreets In flashy red cars are ;>er^ haps in the sajne category as an athlete nlajdng center on a foot» ball team, no one oays attention to the center until he either bresJo a leg or ?nakes a bad pass^ the saine holds true in regards to most fire* men and fire departments* Such outstanding works M the following;, hov^ever, cannot afford to be ^scured and therefore it deserves a worthy story* Frcwn the month of October to the present date there have been 52 actual fire alarms, and according to burly Fire Chief Thomas A. Jone^^ -rofessional fireman of this post, the damar*e lost has bean estimated ct C5.00. The reason for such fine work in this department is due to the fact that the 40 firemen, 15 of the*a esq^erlanced men from all towns and cities of ?k>rth Carolina, drill one and one*half hours four times a week. The men are drilled undey military principles and abide bv military courtesy. They stand at attention for an officer of the U.S Service, and salute the colors duiv ing retreat. They are all very friendly and well cultured rasa They give one the ijigtresslon of bei^ real soldiers, even though they are civilians* A paragraph of their order reads as follows: "Personnel on duty as fireman v^le engaged in fire fighting, will obey only such orders as are given by the Command ing Officer, (General Reed); the Fire I'arshall, (Captain biuiam F Ladson); the assistant Fire l^sh- all,{l8t Lt. H.D. Watts, Jr.)j and the Fire Chief* TTw ladder-climbing men can have water spraying in 'wo and one- half minutes almost any place on the field after the alarm haa been sounded* The men work in an orderly fashion under the golden, rules of Fire Chief Jones who haa been a firenan for the last 12 years. Ser ving as Assistant Chief at Fort Bragg, prior to hie appointment here. He served in the U.S* Marines and upon discharge in 1932 he waa awarded the good conduct medal Uoet of his service waa rendered oa Ouam Island and in the Asiatic 8t*> tiona. From Fort Bragg, he carried another award given him by Ifajor General Jacob L. Dever for si^erb handling of a serious fire at the poet* TC :0U)I8R PBOIf HIS PAHBBT8 Hh'ea things go wrong, as they some- tiaes will. Hhen the roewi you're trudging seams all u^ill. When the funds are low and dabta are high. And you went to and la, but you hea^ a sigh. When care is pressing you down a bit Heat, if you must, but do not quit* Auther umcnown lioviss Theatre 1 • Theatre 2 Performances at 0930, 1300, 1830 and 2045. Performances at 1230 ard 1900. Dally 1600 to 1700 Recorded Concert* UTTHSRAtJ SERVICE CENTER r/>ceted at corner-of Herman and B. ‘•■ilbepry Streets, open all day on Sundays. All service men are invi ted to use the reading and radio lounge and writing room. ODD FELLOWS All service men who are merabera of the Independent Order of Odd Felloim are invited to attend meetlngv at Neuse Lodge, No. 6> I.O.O.P. each Tuesday at 2000. The Odd Fellows building is located in the 100 blodc on H. John Street, Ooldtboro. LANGUAGE CLASSES TO START 8001 Coureee in Spanieh eal Freaali will be offered free of charge t o eervieeman of Seymour Johnson Flsld et the Service Club within the near future* Capt. J. B. Bturr, Special Service Officer, hae aaBcunced.* Teaching will be done by meene of recordings euppleiMnted by a manual of inatnetioae.Claeeea will be conducted at regular intervals in Service Club. Soldiers interested in leerali% the French emd Spanish leaguages urged to poet their oemee cm the form proTlded for this purpose oa each barrack's bulletia board. I f no aaoh bullatla is posted la your barrack, ragieter in tha equadroa ordarly reoa. Ra^piast le mad# that railetvattaa Tor thaea ooureat ba ■>8e at amea so that elaaaee nay as peeelbla* Feb. 6 * "Dr* ClUeepie^s New Assistenb" L. Barryuore* Feb, 7-8 - "Young and Willing" WlUium Holden and Cusan Hayward* Feb* 9 - "Ilitler»5 Children" Bonita Granville and Tim Holt* Feb. 10 - "Solid Senders" Andrews Sisters - Robert Paige* Feb, 11-12 - "Casablanca" Huii^phrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman and Paul Henried* GOLDSBORO USO CLUB Feb, 7 - 1600 Song Fast 2030 Special Games Feb* 8 - 2030 Sousre Dtnee Fab. 9 - 2030 Rhuodia Dcmee-inatr- beginners or advanc ed students. Feb.lO - 1930 Special Ballroom dan- dlng - instructions for beginners. Feb.U - 2030 Square Dancing Feb *12 - 2000 Bingo Party - ^)ec- ial Games - Talent Show. Peb.13 - 2030 Valentine Ball held at Williams Street Gym. (formal) Daily - 1100 to 1200 Speak-(>4>hone 1500 to 1600 recordings* 2000 to aoo. STARS AND STRIPES IN POST LIBRARY A tattered, yellowiiv copy of ■The Stare and Stripes, ■weekly pub- Uoation of the A.I.F. in World Wat I* was loaned to tha Post Llbxmxy, throu^ the oourtesy of pvt* B* II* Weiner itio seoured It Atom Mrs* C. J* NUkins, a Goldsboro resident* The jisper,iihioh will be plsoed on sodiibltion, is dated Not*22,1918 and was published In Paris* It had a eiroulation of 400,000,and served as the sols souroa of reliable in- fomatlMi to enlisted sen and off - leers serving in Burope* The issue also bad the dliteit- ion of being published eleven days after the Areiiatiee* Featuring the statement dated Nov. 12, 1918, by Goonandar-in-Chlef John J, Pershing in which he emphatically declared t "The enmny haa capitulated*" the issue fairly oossa of Armistice talk. But it doesn't ooze of sentim ental desires to see horns at any cost. It warns editorially agsiinet the "hordes of Amsrican oivilian sl^tseers" idio it expeeted(con> oetly) to flock to Burope for a few "second hand thrills." It warned of the tremendous problems facing the "feeding the liberated peoples." How familiar this all • souixls today. "The Stars And Stripes" had a long list of soldier-contributors* sho later turned out to be quite prominant in civilian life. Aaiong them was the lata Alexander Wboloott who died recently* The paper isb^ ing continued in London currently * end reports have it that the cent - Miporary sheet ie as spri^tly was its illttstrlo:^ forebear* Believe It or not, we have a barracks osmed "Gold Brick Inn" Now we've seen everytkiag.The poems that Pvt. Welngerg, a atcMlent In tte aquadron, have really catlght the eye of all that read them. The lad is clever and wa mro proud of him. We wish to correct an error In this oolu» on Jan. SO. The Rebels hall team was tha winner of a game with a hoetio finish of S to 3. If this isn't corrected, S/Sgt. Qox, the sparkplug of the Rebel team's victory will be deprived of all the* honors that a conquering hero ia* ei^ titled to. Welcome back to oar Coimaandlng Officer Major Kane after aix weeks at Miami Beach. Hia tan is the envy of the squadron. Captain Lincoln who did such a fine Job as C.O, in the Major's absenoe is Now Adjutant. 793rd TCch. Sch, Sq, By Cpl. Cmrrigsa Ttas boys on the basketball have been going around with md looks on their faces theee last few days. After winning the first two games of the league coapetition. tj»y were tossed from the ranks of the undefeated by the '^5th outfit. We weleoms Lt. Robert E. Keans back into the SqusdroB rsnily* He had been sojornlng on the san^ beaches of Miami* FU. for seven «eeka**.*The students lost their "(kiardian Angel" the other day when Sgt. Sam Columbua was tranafered fVom this field.**.Capable Sgt* smll Stewart Just made that third stripe fellows***did you get your cigar yet?***The unsung heroes of every squadron are the C. Q'a**. Thsy risk thslr lives every night with their shoots of "Put those !!• tfits out", and "Out of that bunk •oWier, you're on K.P*".*The 794th with their chicken mascot has got iwtfaijag on us* Hs hstvs a little tabby cat that, after having her fill of G*Z* chow at Maas Hall |2, retires to our Ckderly Room every aftaraoon* Better watch tlwt chlak- ea***Tabby just lovws ehickenl 794th TBCH SCBOOL SqOQIB By Sgt* Bill Spencer From the ridioulous to the eu^ line Is the record of Barracks Vo* 410. After being gigged 00 inepect- tott the beys came up with a Boner Barracks*.A fine tribute to our Sup* ply was peid by General Reed with a letter congratulating tham on 'Utalr floa affieleitt organisation. 791at TECH SCBOOL SQUAD By Pvt. Sy Dolin The besketball tean ably eapt- ainad by S/Sgt. Bartos has the squadron in a fevar of axoitamant. Undefeated and breetlng thru all opposition the boyds are displayiig true ohamplonshlp form. Those who attended the squad ron dance at the Sorvlca Club were treated to some surprising enter tainment*.Our own Sgt, Danny "vrtiose got a cigar" Towse displayed terpsi- ehorSan talent with as snap)^ a bu4 and wing as ever graced the floor- board8.«The musical background was furniahed on a hot eeoordinn by PFC Chester Brand on i..pvr. Milton oreen- stoin who thinke nothing of bitin c coins in half and bending ateel bare Into horseahoe shapae performed some amasing feats of strength...., Zncideatly his dad holds the title of the world's strongest man. Our new eqM«Hron insignia is definitely an eye catcher, Xhe latin inscription translated for those who like their English strait is "Firet in Bverything." Tho» we're a bit lata we should like to extend congratulat ions to let Lt. Moloney on his wall deservod promotion. 801st TECH SCHOOL SQUAD By Sgt. Bob Msbley Newast papa in tha SOlst is Cpl, Harold Sayre. it's s boyj*.^ nii^s CMS hot and haavy Opl. Walter Koelbl the other dqy. Re a promotion to sargoant and his shipping orders in the same mail. Also on the departing list ie S/Srt. Bueter MacAllisbar who leaves shortly for O.C.S. The supply room boys sprung s surprise oa him Momd^ night. Cpl, Collette and pfc Ragar- •«ch larnwl out to b. • moor dil lux. far—uli dlouar. ^ l*oAlli.t.r hwi don. • **—t Job with th. .upply-ro— ■M-rp ud h* 1..T.. wit* th. bmt wiaha. of hi. may frirad. in 801. mth Hxo ud KMlbl w. will bar. lo.t IS of tb. iiw*.w.i *|dr., ueordin^ to -j* rulcMb**. Hop. I b>m't akippwl ualMer. Bmt. • Sob ud Lomll Ifdwqr, Omtc Ibwbu, Dick EUia^u, 8. C. IhOBp- ion, Choi Tonuc. Bill Harkoi—l*. Burg. rUHtriob*. Tad Ofoio, Joo mi«rtou Ud th. kid whom nhippii* oriTi war. eumllad bafor. .m lart Ehunt. • lUtu Tun—r. n—t th. dieku. did haapni to hi*. ur> —