ToIum 1 lo. 6 SSniOCTR JOBKSOI FIBU). B. C. FBBRQMT 13, 1943 IllIUUHEmAWiUtDRECEIVEDBYCllSrAABlWAClIW IN AIMAUA: NOW STAHONED ATSEYMOUR JOHNSQNFIEIJ) 9j Pfe Bnttra Dire bofflbvrs 8cr»«atd dcnm out of tho 8k7 with • hoU'TO roor« whllo Jap Zero flBhtera aplattarod ■oehloa gun buUeta OTer thi eotira deck of o aoall iuatroliaA luxnrj liner* Tbo crow with onlj four ■oebine guna on the deck of the boot fott^t ware after ware of Jip plonaa* One of tte aen on that boat waa Corporal Fraidc A. Staab, who waa recently awarded the "Purple Heart." Corporal Frank A. Staab rec ently aaalgned to the. 333rd Air Baae & Headciuarters Squadrcm of the Seyaour Johnaon Field, waa part of thia battle, ha aaw "acti«i", ha fought, Buffered and was seriously ao'in^ad. Still a bit unsteady froa hla U months of hoq)italization, Staab was interview by an "Air-(K Heeb* staff reporter, and althou^ Tery aodest and unwilling to relate hie e^q^rieneea, enou^ waa learned froa hla aany letters and citations to giTs you thia story* One of the paragri^h ttem Gen eral Uarahall to Corporal Staab, reads as following: Award of the Purple Heart to FraiAc A. Staab, ASN 6563938 of the 453rd Ordnance Co^>any Aviation (B) For singularly meritorious act of essential service near Bathurat Island, Borthem Territory, Austra lia, on February 19 and 20, 1942* Volunteering as a aaeber of the gun orew of a vessel earryidg supplies for the relief ^y enet&y action Qoing to the aid of others, he was struck by shrapnel^ but in spite of a serious wound, he continu^ to help inltued eoarades* By Conand of General Marshall. See "Purple Heart", Page 3 THlRTy-FIVK OLDSTERS LEATB SERVICE FOB WAR JOBS About 35 enlisted asn st Ssy^ ■our Johnson Field have alresi^beea discherged bonorebly froa the Any, under the recent Bar Depertasnt rul ing aUowing aen over 38 to lease the eerviee to aeoept jobs in ear plants, or in agrionlturs* Ihough aaay aors oldsters havs rsqusatsd auch diadiargsa, aost of tlMiB raqusata ars baing bald by iaq>ropsr ^ipliostlMs* Most OBaaso srror is in ths soSdisr fergstting to havs his proapsetive eapkyar no- tailaa ths Isttsr ariclx« for tb s soldier* s releaee* See "56 Oldetere", Page 3 (LI ’S CAN PURCHASE SH0ES( WnHCNrTRAIIQNHNRS FaUersl Don't let old aan rationing, aeare you to daath if you want tobuy shoae other than "0*X*s He don't have to have raUon books for that, praisa ths LordI Servios aso, am mmmn, arsn*t affected by ths rsosnt Hashingtoa dMTSs that eisiliana oaa only pur- ehasa three pairs of tfioea a year* Theodore S* Johneon, Horthln^ ^lua OFA director,e»pla1 ned thie veek thet those in the eerTioeB,idiD sent to purehaae sboea "on the eub- aide" ean do ao, if they eeeure a letter fmm their aupply officer* ALL COLORED MUSICAL SHOW plays theatre L WEDNESDAY An all-oolored aualeal show, will play Thaetre 1, Wedneaday,Feb* 17* Preaented by OSO-Cai^) ahowa, the production features a chorus Una of 12 eopper-oolored dancing ^a, oraokerjaek ooaediana and its own orebeatra of 20 plaoaa. there will be two’ perfomancee, ona at 1830, and the other at 2030. The first all-oolored aualeal show ever to be presented on Broad way, "Shuffle Along," aade theat rical history. Thoi^ such old topes fM tbs show, written by Nobis Slssle and EMbBs Blaks, as "Love will find a way," "I'a just wild about Hany," will bs play a d by Subie Blake hlaself and his .oroh- sstra, nswly-written tunas also will be beard* Chude and Chuckles, who have Jxist finidied working in a ColiMbla picture otarring Jade Oakie and Don Aaeehe, will provide eoaa hapto the perfomance with their well known haiaoaising. And aore hep idll be dished oot by the Hep Cats and Daisy,threa aen and one WQaah, Wio idll pe^'ia on piano, string beaa, guitar and with voioe aa they have eo often done on their popular Oecoa recordings* And last but not least are the Copper Colored Qareyettee, 12 hidi- stwihS colored gale, trained by Addioon Carey, well-known dance db^ eetor, dio as a boy waa in tba or- Iginal "Shuffla Al^*" ‘QUEENlE'QF79(nHTAS. PRlNlAilllEDmSTIINnHER’ Qu—nia, th» 796th* papulwr dOf-fUMOt of Inteteminat. oilclii, has bh. unimiJ. dlatinotlan ct baing th. firat wthn- at Sajmsur Jehnwn Flald. b—ring • littw of olght pigw ■mrtl wMko ago, OoaMii. daeldad to mkaa publle announamiit of tha blrtka thia w»tk. ■Xoa aaa. I aaotad tiM* fbr ■jaair a UtUa ahUa,* tha ooUla ■Utad. "With ao naiqr dog-Ha—a aroond lantliig —aoota. It aouW ha«a bam dlffloolt to aaan thaa.* Qawnia dlaaloaad that 011I7 thraa of tha piva ara laft. that flaa of thm nara axproprlatad bg tha erdn-lg rooa gang. Saa "Qttaania". Pag# S FRENCH, SPANISH CLASSES TOBECINNEnWEEK Converaetioual courses iu both Spanish and French are slated to start next weak, ths Special Service Section office auuouneed. Claseee, idileh will be arraugid to aeeoMdate soldlere oa every shift will be held la the Service Club under the eupervieieu of tlw hosteseee. doe "Classes”, Page 3 Ote Dan Cupid It Working On War-Time SeSedul* That llttla fallar with tha bow and arrowa aada sura, that in kaap- ing with tha apirit of tha tiaaa,ha uaad plantg of G.I. amunition. In hia annual St. Talantina's day sUtsiasnt to tha praaa,prc Cu pid aUtad ha ia abla to raport that at laaat 300 uarriaga licanaaa wara issued to enliatod isen of thia poat by tha Offies of ths Registrar ®f B—da in Goldsboro, sines Saywur Johnson Field began functioning in Jbly of 19«. host of tha aarriage lioansaa wsra granted during ths holiday season in Dsember of last year, which Man't suipriaing,eansidarlng the flock of pretty nisass idio wls- Itsd Qoldsboro st that time. PPC Cupid's statansnt is Just another indication of tbs f ailnta of tha dictator-Jerka mo thou^ thoy would have a lot of gin naaalng ig) tha lives of ordinary Auarieana. m hops this issue of lir-0-llo*i rsschos ths unhappily uiBarriad. "^“na* Adolf at Bsrehtaagadan,and by tha tiua next st. Valentina' a day roUa around, ns hope to bs ‘ abU to report that ths Jerk's resting uneasily under sens cold s^ —ta oasstuy earth. (ROUND CREW SONG IS HTT OFWTWmTROUCy Husky nan voicaa gass want to a new song nritUn by Pvt. Horton Kraba, introduead la 'Iha Oround Craw Frolic" praaantod ondar tha aa*;>leaa of tho 797th Taehlnoal Squadron at the Sports Arana of tba Saynonr Johnson Flald. The song waa a great suaeaas, far tbs oration that folloaod ths initial public prwaentation of "The Song of tha Oround Cruw" litorU^ roekod tho building. Chaars and See "Oround Craw," Pegs 3 79imi,797IHUS.QUIinn UNDEFEAlEDASBASKEIBAIi TOURNEY EN1ERS LAST LAP With tournment play slowly drawing to a cloaa.the Sporta Arena proved a hotbed for basketball en- thuaiastsy as leading outfits bat tled fiercely to melotain their laurels stop respeetive leagues. Climaxing a weak of thrilla aixl epilla, a slightly favoored 791st aggregation clinched uadieputed first place in the Pureult bracket by shading a scrappy 79«th ball ten 34 . 22 Cliwaxing a week of thrills aid spills, a slight/ favored 79l8t aggregation clinched imdlepute d first place la the Pursuit bracket by shading a scrappy 796th ball ten See "Basketball", Page 6 MEMlhTOGl^S Cracking down on "blabbii^" of ■ilitary Infomation, a atjmm Johnaon Fiald apaoial oourt-aartial Vaoantly aantanoad an snliatad nan to toe aonths in tha guard-houas yd a firn of 33 loU»ra a uonth fro, his salary for tho length of his Insaroaration. Tha soldier, a buok-privats aV Uoliad to ths Hidioal DaUctaant, —a aantanoad for wlolation of Aiw HagMlation 380-3, which prohibits diaelosura of nilitaiy Infbmtion to unauthorlsod poraona. .. *•" —Idlarmaon transfer or ders ^ had amahow dlsoovsrsd the —a to Isavu. Ha tslaphonad hie folke of Uie tlae of hlsdepmrt- ure on a troop train* .*• • —It of thia phona csOl tm troop train waa delayed in ^r to protsc* against posalbl. sabotaEs* The santansing of tl, loldiar ■^s a *iarp ctianga in attltisls of ^niutaiy authorlUoa toward tmaa idio stig^dly and ooutlma idoloiialy relay nUltary infomat- lon to oMsidsrs.Tbis ia tho firat tytanoa at SqiMur Johnson »lvid, of a aoldiar baing triad for glvlrw out hiutary infOrmtion. Tbeii* tho odunotlonel e..r.;;;dai against "blabbing" infoasation, —Ich nay man tha Uvaa of fallow- aoldlara ian't ovsr, tha tlm for action against violatc.-s of this sU-imoitant kiwf RsgulsUon i’ on. nRSTEX(HJL£N(XRANNERSAWARie THIS FIELD EARie BY 791ST., 79IIH, gOOlH. T5.i AND FINANCE DEPARIMENT a a.a a. ^ . Ths first rnnthly ImsUsnso banmrs to bs aaariad at Saymar Johnaon Fiald wiU ba friinl si to tbs 791at, TMth, and aOOth Tbcb. sm. s*iadraaa, of tbo lat,3nd md 3rd proviainnal groi^a romaotiwal» it ma aada knoan thia waak* Biad- quartara. ■ianar of thaarotian— saii-r mmt tha Air Baaa orgsnliatiana la tha Finan— Dapartmnt. Tbaaa ormxAaatioaa have aham sivarlor work in awaiy peaaiblo ao- dsavar, for tho miitb of Jsnaary, Haadquartara pointad out. They hhV* reooivsd Uie hlM^et retlncs,gensr- eUy, in such fields as acedaaLc tiainiag, allAfry end physioal drill, aiMdnistwdlna, dH«a4|ti4m*i hanmeke-keepings bnd easootion of ■UitaiT dutiaa. Za eddltien to being able ie display ttioir ewienenee beimsr on the aqsedron's guidon etaff, the wlnidng aqnadrone will be able to nm their oh: daneee at the eerviee elnb* Alee the plasma bf the wLn- oing snwidrcni will be dlM>layed preainiiitly at the Bervloe Clii6*

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