>mnm xbboi rixu), h. c. roKULir IS, IMS PAOI 2 «•! Thl« (• »itktitli«4 r«r »*r««aBa| af ••raa«r Jakaaaa Piat«, 1 «M«r tk« diractlaa •t «»• avacl*! «a orriaar. rail aaaaraf# af tba Caap i rar*' laraiaa la Baaaiaa«. all aall abaal4 ** a44paaaa4 la Caar Raaa^arar. I^aalal tar *l*a •aatlaa. laraaar Jahaaaa rial4, ■. C all aalarlat la faaaa4 kr Iba rablla laiatlaai •rriaa. • rtf. Oaa. vaLTia J. UlO. Caaaaa4laf taaaral •ajar aoinT a. cittMTHTioa. Caaaan4iaf tt9r4 air taaa • ajar J. B. MIIBa, Baaeial •arvica Offtaar B4 ttarlal a. r. BBOBBt. tdiiar r^ a. V. U8RT rat. JOB BirTBRa RaBraBaatlan LI. COIXtBR B. BLLtB. 4r. T/Bfl. JOB B. BVTBB • /•ft. BaTBORD LVBBBUB •/••I. BICRaBB BBBBIR Br. RiUitaB aiu.faBB t!M nniilpi to got lOOf 00op mtlon or tho ytiVt of oil poroo»- Bol oA tbio pool lA tho purctaooo of vor boado to ooU uador M/a With tho Axia notlono doflnlt*- Ijr on tbo rudfiiow io tho tiao toldt hord,«Lth oooiTthli^t 00*00 gota And tho oioooa of oor, tbo ploooa, funa and tonka which will furthor drloo tho totolitorioa rota into tho boloa froi wbieb thof oooo, oon onlj bo purehoood bj tba Aaarieon pooplo, ooldior ond oivlliona Tboro hoa boon o oortoin oaoont of loxnooaiQ thia aattor ot SojiBOur JobnaoD Piold, t^i to nowaVhj thoro riioald bo ia hard to uodarotonda So, lot'a all got on tho boll, Mon, offieora, niraoe ond eioilionaa Lot's 000 ahothor 00 oon got that 100 % oooporotion in tho por^oo of oar bonds, Aiob will proTO an oxiMtlo to othor kmj poatSa Thoro ia a lOr Bonds Offioor in 0V017 Scpiodrona 0ffieoro,lhirao8 ahouLl got In toudi with Lta Mayor, or flgta Polotti, at tbo War Bonds Offioo, phono noa ?94a Prosidont Booaowolt* 0 ■aoting with ChorohiUat Caaablanoa affima tho optiaiatie ho^e of tho froo pooploa of tba world for an oarljr ▼ietorja Pladging 'hmoonditlonal auz^ rgndor* of tbo lads powors, our Isadora put an and to apoei^tioa of a "n^tiatad poaeo" with tbs grngstsr nations of tbo worlda But tho war in't orsr, by any naans. Thors aro many bard aonths of bittor fitting ahoad. Wt us at Ssynour JobnsoB Pisld do our part to asaurs tbo oarliost posaibls wlotory by rsdouhling our sfforts in aiqrthing ws ai^ bo do* Inga Lot thoro bo no dilly^*dally^ lag on tbs Job, as a rosult of hi^ bopos of a spssdy sad of tho bloody oonflieta fiotory win ooM, thoro nood bo no doubt* of that Wa aoa idiaro tho Morlaao, aat to bo ontdom by tba Amy, Nosy and Ooaat (hiard, i» all aot to organioo a wiaan'o gioigi too. Tba aorim gala will be known ao tba WAMS, and wo'ro b^ipy to graot tbM* But as far aa tbla oolm is - nosmsd, fiwi us tbs good old Axaf ..•iroo, sow of whca aron't oo old* Ttoy bawaa't boon iatii« tba pidilioity in aagaainoa praaa they rightfully dtsorvwa That is bsosaso thsy'rs so fwlUar* This wsasrsbls Misst will sn^ sswor to giro Its raadsrs aoro stoi^ iss about and by Rursaa stotloDid at this post* And Ian wosk's story of hsv tbs Wuros’s badcotball taaatmwosd tboss poor Modioal Offieora was a good start* Bf GRAPlalM JAMBS M. TAlWin Odb oainot bslpbut bs iaprss^ sd by tbs fins dtoloscoM nsn of our post. Ths Aasrlosn Any bss no patlmeo for duds, wbstbsr thsy bs MioUs or aon* Ws all ban our i«* daaa on liquor. Thsy nags froaths fsUow tto nssdi no stlaulant, b^ oaoss hs has all ths "go” It tskss, to tho indlwldual who anst prows bs Is liks s fish. Thsrs Is nothing wrong with liquor ao euoh, but it can naks duda of oo If wo don't know bow to hondlo it. Thorohao always baan aoaothteg phonay about a 'Hii^iball.* To bo - gin with you put in iSiiekoy to aako it strong, tbso you add gingsr als to aako it waakl Ton put in Iwon to aaka it aour, than you put in sugar to asks it swwst. Tou say "Rsrs's to yout" and drink it your** aalfi Tbars’s sowthing pbo nay about that ostiVa Tba ra^iset and eoopsntion of ths soXdisrs on thia fisld ia a groat souroa of oonoolatlon to tbs oh^lalns as rsligious loadsrs.Ssr* wiess are wall attendad upwards ow^ sr 3^000 swsiy Sonlaya This sin* osrity and sariousnsss of our boys attsot to tho faet a aan doom 't loaa his Indiwiduality irtm hsputs on a miifona Any Ilfs and tha prsparations for actual oc^at ado hit oDtiwaa of llfo aoro wiwid in hia Bind. RBLIOIOOS SESnCBS PROTESTAW Chapsl 8, gjgtith at C •Jad D Btr—1» Sunday 0600 * Holy Common •' Chap* Groen 09u0 •> Osnoral Serrlos* Chap. Groan 1050 - Gonaral Sarrloa- Chap. Oraoo 1400 • Gonaral Sarrloa- Chap. (^Iiok 1930 • Gonaral Sorrioo- Chap, ^ck irodnaodoy 0800 - Holy Ceasnuaioa • Chap. Oreoa Thuroday 1380 - Holy Cowuni on - Chap. Graon Chapal 2, B and Fifth Stroati Sunday 0900 - Gonaral Sarrica - Chap.DaTlo 1100 - Gonaral Sarriea - Chap.Datls 1400 - Gonaral Sarrica - Chap.Olson 1930 - Gonaral Sarrica - Chap.Daria Wounaaday 1930 - Midwaak Sarrica - Chap.Daria JBTISB Chapai 2, B and Fi ^th Straata Sunday 100^-Sabbath Sarrlcas-ChapaGoldbarg Friday 1930-Sabbath Sarrioaa-ChapaGoldbarg Saturday 0930-Sabbatn Sarrioaa-Chap.Ooldbsrg 1080-Sabbath Sarriooo-Chap.Ooldbarg 1830-$abbath Sarrieaa-Chap.Goldbarg Daily MOB* through Frl. lOOO - 1930* CATHOLIC Cha^l 1, H at Fifth Straats Sum^i^ - 1780 - liaasaa • Chaplain Talntor 0900 - Massaa - Chaplain Taintar 1100 - Wasaaa • Chaplain Taintar 1830 - Maaaaa - Chaplain Taintar Daily Sarrleas - 0730. COLORED PROTBSTAHT Gonaral Sarrie^- ClargyaAB ehaoal 4. Vinth and 0 Straats TWfr: HOSPITAL SBR7ICBS Rsd Cross AuditorliB Sunday 0800 - Catholic - Chaplain Talntor 0900 - ^otastant • Chaplain Olson 0900 - Jewish (AWST)-Chap.ooldbsrg Or H)*k -* Slfn in tha roo* with naming watar at Horrlaco Fiald Air Baaa. rla.i ’ntunora aaaaatliig fro* tiila latrina do not naooaaarily raflaot tho faaliaga of tho latrina ordar - liaa. ' Warran Ooodbody.* IDIOTS DELIGHT I II Ilea night '■otbar night In (Ama, In JUnOo Stare sMaa Stars shina 3lg WOOBI Big Boon With girl Alnt happy In oliaeh. We Bora ■a say Cariy baby Wo lOTO) Walk floor{ Har ooo Wifa Bwla lJ.ka dOTOa Ear fuas Ha aaart Us and Va faat. lia cuaai lloTar lot Life ona Chaaca passi Big spati Oat Hltohad Wagging wifa. Ma aayi Howling brat Rar say Raaliso O.K. At laat Wadding Balia Ma too Ring, ring. Daan fast. Srerythiag S attladowB Ibxriad Ufa, Haj^y now Gotta wifa. By Prt. Ion Boraan 802ad T. S. 3. lliara ■** one* a Bud., nlio ao ilok of boing a Bui, ho dooldod to ttoo tho ropo to ond hlo mlmrr . It *to KBStTZ onl tooko. man Jmfi Into tha Rhino, Us BRSATZ nnlfoni aado ot aood, leapt hln ■tIaot.naoUjr ho took mm BSATZ pslMo, diioh didn't poison. Ho dlsd, aftsr all, but turn Raal rat ions — ho ataraad to dMth..aAlr Raroo*, storrlni o Rylnc Ihrtrsoa, rotoUad ssnantloiml aoolnla trem *o« Toik Flo ailtiea....Jopa hows pinood a ban on boosboll, nnn i anrdad u u 'iMrleu wloo.* MB. knoa 4»>o aslnf to aln this Borld Sarins...OoTonMot onnoant that oos of Its 13 largo Mon* *1 faoapltala *111 bo loaatad la ths lligla Ialaads...PTt SborlookBaUsn hoa boon iaa1pM« to aa R. P. adt at port iMda, Rfcah. Aiagr raoorda alao dlaaloaa that Pat. las Onip la at Qav Im, U..Unr nMla ahart- ■aws and Mtle* plotara mill [Mill Sl^ml Oorpa lapa tdll bay idutaiaar joa'aa gat at ltMa...dataat raport ahsas abarob nttaadanaa In Any bn- tnlllng Otar 3,000,000 spry Mnth, Possibility ths Aiagr will ass ths sslsetlwa asnla to aaator out aoa to elwUlaa Ufa *an m ala ths aar aas oiyroaaagby Oadarsaerstaiy of Btr, Pattaroaa... Six asatba in guard taOBSs aas aaot- aaao baadad da*, to soldlsr at ft, HodsllMi dio gaao aaay a troop m* aasat orar ptasBs..lt. m. Roldaa ia bock at ft. dirth dioro ha raoalMd bia baale training as priwto—la a publle lolatlona offlear aow....lD- roUsd ttals nsak at Harrlaburg, Pa. Iidslllgsnes Sohool Bst* Its. Borg- ssa Ksrsdltb, QUbsrt Rolaid, and Brlk Bhodaa...It. Ool. Darryl Zaa- uok's 'Tiada Bi^adltlon', aaaeeount of hla fUalag Aaorleoa astlon ia Harth Africa os*iag off pioaoos.... 1 aoldlor aoy bara aora ooniagaaiad tbs STaraga niMn, but bs doaaa't gat half tha ehaaea to ohen bis backbano....Chostor Horrla stars la "Aazlal Ounnar,” pie soon to bo ro- ' isod...nACS, aPARS,uns aro bo- lag nfUssd adaisolaa to Hra lerk'a Stags Oeor Qaatoon, sad boy ars ths gala putting ig> a haul...liquor now Is forbtddaa to bo aold at Offloat*s ^bs and mssss.. Jtijor R. s. Tba Dyfca k.d, Marina Oorpa, and faaad aoTla diraetor diad this Boak...Tlia guy dm slalMd thara ain't and) a aa a aan Jobs probably dooaat liatan to dU.o ahort-uara uologlss for tholr dofoata.,,y.,,T.^,y,,,y,, '?feA\ARC4^ ^ t^RHYM-e By Prt, Saimial a, Wainbarg Plotura tha acldiar, whe'a bound to aueeaadg -To iria graatar glory, and othar aan lead. Bia wary appaaraaea. ia good to tha aya. Ra kaapa right on cliabtngi ho'a •trletly GoI. B* oAda up hia Bind, whan ha aoawwr^ ad tha eall. That ha'd obay ordara, and ba on tte ball, Ha doaa hia aaalgnaanta, tha t^at that ha can, ■ot only a aoldiar, an outatanding Ba drinka Juat a littla, but ha kaapa hia "top." Ona drink ia hia liaita Ha knows iriian to atopa Hit polaa sod hia baaringa, ha'll nawwr diatort. And all tha nan oall hia, a typloal ■porta Ho, ha ia no aiaay la ^t you eon truat, Ba can awaar like a Trojin, whanarar ha auato At tiaas ha'a ia arror, ha'a hunan you know. But ha noon oorraota that, and pre- oaada with tha ahow. la that loldiar *100," ara you raalV thia atar. Will you ba tha aoldiar who'll go ▼ary farf Or,ara you tha wlso-guy alona on tfa» ■half? Wall, hara Is tha ehanoa to bottar yDuraeir, Haaawbar your dutlas, your aorala, your acts. And ba a good aoldiar, raaowbar tha faeta, Ceatinua your good work, aa you go along. And aako Aiay life, ho your hnpploot aong.

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