FROM TH£ CLf9SSROOM.... TO THF L/N£ .— Tolu 1 Vo. 11 stnotm jonisov nsu), v. c. KMKH 10, IMS Col. D. B. Smith Assumes Command of POST OASALEITDMU OOES INTO EFFECT THURSDAY, MARCH 25 A Ou Alart Propn nnMr th* ■u|»rTl.lon of ttw Foot Chooleol Mrforo Offleo liu boon inougumtod ot So,BOur Johnoon Flold* Hoodffaor- ton hoo dooipiotod oooh TtonrodOF ao Ooo Alort Doj, offootioo Dam- doy, lUrah 2$, 1943. U1 allltanr ponooMl undor tUo eaauM oUl boTo ttaolr goo aoiico with than ot oU tlaoo botoooDllio houn of OSOO ond 1700 on Ooo Alort Doyo. Foot Ooo Alorto oUl bo glow friB Uao to tlM on ono of thooo dooi^iotod doyo. Ttw Ooo Alom vill bo ginn on tbo ]>roouooion alomo. oliioh oro dlotrlbotod In tho oqnod- ron ond voclouo doportaont orooo th roQ^iout tho poot. Tho tlao ot idi iok thooo Ooo Alorto oro to bo gloon will not bo onncnmood. Ihon My bo only ono alort or pottiapo ao aoay ao aix and on tho othor hand, thoro aay ba no alort at all) ao It niu bo idaa to ba on tho alort tho oBtlro day. "Ith your gao oo**Mw dy and your oaro opaa. Mwn a alhdlatad ^ attaok la glma ooo proottoalon gao alai* id- 11 ba aovadad. Thla ^a attaok aar- -1-g will bo plckod ig> at tho nort noaroot alam. In thla ny tho gao Saa "Qaa Alort DrUl, pago 3* FiaM To Cot World Nows Doly By Wire Ijist ainutw world bwwo will bo wlrod doilj to Soywour Johnooa Plold bocimlBC oomotlwo ttdo Bonth, It WM onouMod by Iho fpoelea Sorwioo SoetloWo Thlo oowo oorwlco oonoioto of o 1000-oford oMWifcry of world nows ond li bolas oont to troopo boro oad «- brood. Tblo oorwieo woo ott tho theory that o well-lnfoi^ ooldler lo o wore offoetlTO flshtlic ■on. Tho DoBootlo Vowo Sorrloo, whloh will bo tho typo oont to Joh»- ■oa Field, will utilise ell tho roe- ulor newt oeureoo oudi oo Aoooeiot- od Prooog DBltod Prooog ihtor&otioB- ol Vowo Sorvieo and Traaoradlo. This Dowo will bo rowrlttoB with ^ aoodo and latorooto of aoldloro Icopt partleularly ia aiad. Thoro will bo wore facta about ouoh Wilasp ao torraia aad taotleo than lo fowd la tho aworaco olTllioa per - lodloal. aoo oworld Vowo Dally”, Paco 3. M OiMS OmsHom Hal To SINS At tho and of tho third nook of tho Aworloan Rod Crooa War Fund DrlTO on Johnoon Fi.ld.approxlaata- ly t8,600 haa boon doaatad. Thla So loot ilW abort of tho |10,M0 goal. FloU Urootor Itead 1. goano az- praaoad tho bollof that tho g^ would bo roaohod by tho tiwo drloo halta on Maroh II. New Commanding Officer WAR BOND SADINCS PLAN TO CHANGE All Claan A pay naoroatlona for tho pnrehaao of War Savingo Bondo iwn In forea for allltory pop- aomwl will ba toralnatad nith tho liBwh 31 puytlay. aeeordlng to Info- iMtlon roeatfud froa tho Adjutant Oananl'o Omoo la Waahlngton. unitary poroomwl nlahlng to eontlnuo tholp pay alletaonta op BOko out now allotaonto will nako out a nan Claao B allotaant. Foroo* nnol can bagin Baking out thooo allstannto laaadiaUly, but thay eannat bo aada offOetiTo aarliar than April lat. Iba naw Claaa B allotaonto win bo oont to a now Aray War Bend of f- iea at Chicago, Ill., whoraao tho pnoont Claao A aUotnnta haro b^ an fUad la Wtahlngtoo, D.C. Thlo will probably gltn tho Waahlngton offleo a ehaneo to catch up on ito back dalliwriaa whlla tho naw Chic ago offleo will bo Ohio to atart out IToa acratch aa of April lat. Boo ■niar Bond", Fago 3. Ntw OwM Mtak 0i FwRth Slntt Optu Ftr StaSMto The newoet building on the Field, ono daalgnnd aad oqulfpad to li^moo tho phyateal condition of tho BOB, wao put into oporatlono on March 8th. Thla ia Dental Clinic No I, Bldg. #1264, located In tho nldA of aAlTitloo. Story aad pietarao of Dental Clials aeidlaMd on page 6 of the •iMplq; Tit Lms” Sttnd Day ParftnMtw Htn At Tlaalrt No. I "Looping the Loop," tho glitt ering, glanopouo and gay OSO Coi^ Show which made Ito appearance at theatre No. 1 l*8t night, will re peat ito porforaanceo Saturday at 1000, 1300 and 1900, to be the firi DSO Show to give a two-day run of Its porforaance here at Seywour Johnoon Flold* Tho ohow which wao produced In Chicago for US0-Cai|> Showo eonoiato of an all-Otar eaat, and tho adalo- alon lo oboolutoly free. From the flrat aoaah curtaliH going-ti^ dance routine by a lino of high stopping lovolloe, to tho col orful grand finale, tho ohow never lago. It hao plenty of comedy, oongo and plenty of novelty In tho opeel- alty torno. See "Looping tho Loop", Pago 5. Ntw C.O. Stites We Most Striwe For New Idees, Improvements We must strive to improve and to look for x»ew idoaa, Colonel Donald B. Smith, who assumod eomaaid of Seymour Johnoon Field on Ifaroh 13 stbwed at a meeting of offlcera at the Sports Arana Wednesday. New ideas nay emanate from any one within the organisation. Col. Smith reyealedc He explained that many times enlisted men, ineludiog privates, who are doing minute de tails are able to make suggeatiom that improve the efficiency of the entire unit and thus contribute ma terially to the overall performance of the station. Tha new Coassanding Officer vrtm has been is the Technical Training CoaBsand for four yeare, stated he had seen very little of tha Field Smm "Commanding Officer, Fogo 3* Post Goes On Field Rations To Save Food With civiliano being required to take a rationing notch in their bolto, Sojnsour Johnoon Field aa a part of the Aray Air Forces Techni cal Training Conmand iodoing its sh are to aid tho national effort to conserve food without stinting tho healthy appotitoo of ooldioro in tr aining. A stop in this direction has been taken by the switch from ^rr- ioon to field rations in all poot mass hallo, a change dictated chie fly by tho increasing shortage of eoffoo, tea, sugar and cocoa, ^oh must bo li^rtod throu^ depleted and diverted shipping facilities. Growing demands for food and more food for st^pment overseas also wore o contributing factor. But Air Force Trainees who th ink of tho field ration in torao of hard-taek and boAly beef are wrong. In fact they will have to be sharp to note any change in the quantity quality of food served them* See "Field Rations" pago 5* RoviRg Reporter Friises Work of Air MeehiRies At AdvaRced Bases In North AfricaR Theatre ly Qnited Press Proof that tho motto of the Amy Air Forces Technical Training Comaand, "Sustinoo Alas—I ouetaln tho Wings" ia no idle boast ms pr- oosnted dramatically to nowapaper readers throughout the length and breadth of Amorica last week in a front line dispatch from the North African theater, A factual, vivid, eyewitness account of the super-human deeds of a crew of air meehanies, all grad uates of Technical Training Ccmsiand schools, written by United Syndlem- te*s nationally famous roving wepo- rtsr, Ernie Pyle, from a forward T- unisian airdrome, appeared in the eolusns of daily newspapers throu ghout the United States lliarwday , Uaroh 11. Air Uschanic students as well as the thousands of other technic ians in training throughout the wet network of Technical TrainiJig Cowm- acd schools derived new inspiration from Pyle's sUtsmsiit that "Svsrr- See "Bo^dng Reporter", page 3.

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