iincNR jonsoi mu>, i. c air-o-mbch MARCH 20, 1943 PAOB I NEW SEYMOUR JOHRIOH FIELD RADIO PROORAMS ARE LAUNCHED OVER LOCAL STATION WORD MEMO: TO Cl’S S#yBOur Johu^OB Fl®ld •©lil®r® plBDBlae or furlou«hi b®®^ not worry ■bout boing unobl® to wot aft®r th®y g®t ho*® b®caui® of th® point mtioniae •yit®*, th® OPA hm* oBAouaeod* If th® furlough i® for ioron dt/i or longer th® »oldi®r any pre test hi® p®p®r® to th® local r»tioB- Ing bo®rd. Th® board will i8»u® a point cortifieat® allowlns enough poiBta to cower hi® leaw® period. Th® grocer will accept thl® point certificate instead of point staap®. All point® in th® oortificat® auat be u®®d at on® tia®. On other rationed food® ®uch a® coff«® and ®ugar, housewiT®® nay aj^ ply at local rationing board®, a® heretofore, for euppleaental allot- aent® to aeet th® roquiremont® of i« additional aember in the family who i® in the armed force®. StMhn Ofw 31 WarMi Of Daadha Far Obciiarga John®on Field men ower 38 year® of age who are conaidering applying for dlecharge in order to accept eaplcyaent In an eaeentlal war in- duatry auat oubait applicationa fora May 1, in accordance with a War Departownt ruling. If the application ia not made before May 1, the enliated man for feit® the right to diacharge. Although application® muat be made by thl® date, the War Depart - aent ha® announced that mai^ men will not be actually releaaed until later. World News Daily Continued fro* Page 1 The new® wi 11 be prepared by officer® who are a?.l experl enoed e»> newspaper men. To insure that tiie new® 1® fresh and up to the minute, Special Serrice i® obaerwlng a late dead line. Writing and editing will con tinue until midnight every night. Tranamlasicn 1® scheduled to be eon^ pleted to all point® by 3 a. m. These susmarie® will often be more timely than the new® dispatches in the morning newspaper®. The sunaarie® will be mlmeo - graphed immediately after they are received at this station and will be distributed at an early hour to all squadrons. GAS ALERT DRILL Continued fro* Page 1 almm will be nounded throug>»out the poet* The alam will contUhs® to sound for e% least one minute* In orter that a gae attack will be iMMdiately detected, aquadron OQ^mders and department heada will designate a gae sentinel Cor duty each Gae Alert Day. It will be the duty of the gas sentinel to proceed to, eM sound the nearest alarm up on the detection or rwtificatlon of gM, It is the reeponeibillty of the squadron, datactaent and depart aent heads to give the "All Clear" when they are satisfied thattheper- eonnel under their command have ad justed their gas naske and Ihs aia- ulated gas attack is over* ill personnel who are leaving theaters and post exchangs bldga* head ths warning without delay theater prograae will continue as will the trade in the PX. In the pstet there has been a tendency to treat li^tly these sim ulated attacks*The attitude taken by many to if a comedy of them A ould be discontinued at once, this is serious busiosss and it is advis able to treat it as such., one act- attadc would dnangs ths mind of snyone irtw> feels this mj*A great deal of time and effort ie ^ing in to this program which ia for your on protection; so every member of the post should get behind it and give full CO upsrhtion* WAR BOND Contmu-l from P-E* 1 Under the new regulations en listed men will not be permitted to Mke allotmente for less than $3*75 per month while officers will not be pezmitl^ allotments of less then ^•75 per month* The foUowing amoxmts of allot- Mots will be authorised: Allotments of $3.75, $6.25 Md $18.75 for pur. ehM. of $25 bond*; .Uotwnta of :i2.50 ud $37.50 for tha purelttaa f $50 bond.;. allatMnta of $25, 75 $150. $225 and $300 for tha pneha- ao of $100 bonda: and allotaanta of $375 for $500 bonda. It will not bo oaeeaaary for alUtwj poraonnal to put In Foma 30-5 to ewteal tbolr pronnt oUot.- ■anta. ‘STRAIGHT SHOOTIN” TECHNICIAN Five New Redio Feitirei Stirt Five new Seymour Johnson Field radio program® are being produced over the local station WSBR, Lt. C. S. P'Arri® of the Spooial Service Section announced this week. The new features Include Re veille Rouztdup, a program of pepu - lar racordad music from 0630 to 0780 Monday through Saturday with Pvt* Johnny Grant at the oilke. AIR-O-MECH on the Air l» ths of a new® broadcast of field activities on Sunday morning from 1030 until 1045 handled by Pvt. A.V. LtBky. The other three feature® will be broadcast regularly frea tha Post Service C?ub. A guic program will be held on Monday nights from 1930 until 2000. Thia week four nurse® will face four mombars of n->adquart> mnd Headquarter® squadron. Wed- r'CMay will feature a variety show ae broadcast from 1930 to 2000. Tho regular Monday through Fri day now® broadcast at 1330 by Pvt. Johnny Grant will ba continued. Variety show performers this week included Pvt. Hilllam Cutler of the 793rd T.S.S. in a song and dance aet| a violin trio composed cf Khoury, Coffeen and undrew®} a col ored quartet singing spirituals made up of Pvt®. Richard Jones, Robert Jones, Norris ®nd Farmer. The Post band will be n regular feature of the program. Pvt. Grant was master of coremonlos. Lt, Burris said that aa soon as the male chorus devolopod a little more, it, too, would make broadoasts. Sgt. Donmld Bwru), » "straight ■hiwtln'- technician, graduate of tha Technical Training CiMiand i amaBCnt achcol at Lowry Field, is shown behind the Flying Fortress waist gun with which ho shot down a Nazi PW 109 in his first shot at a live target. Sgt. Sevan without pro- vloua training aa a flexible gumar "stowed away" in the Fortress in place of the regular gunner who was unable to report because of illneoi The action took place during a raid over Rouen, Franca* On the day of the Rouen raid, Sgt. Sevan discovered that th. re gular waist gunner aeslgned to the ship he served as an armorer, was ill. Bafora ths sick man's replace- msnt arrivwl, Sevan, dreosad in tha gunnar's flying clothaa, boar^ the Portreee, end in the exeltmeot of the take-off th® reat of th® erm didn’t aee through hla dleguiaa. Hhan the bo^r neared Rouen , Bevan added another episode to the growing list of stories that proves graduates of the Technical TFainii^ Comuod*® vaat netifoz% of technical school® are "straight shootin*, two fisted" teehnieians* He caught an 109 in his eights and polled the trigger for a long buret* Nothing h^pened. He tried two more burets, lut the gun was jaamed* While the PW roared in for a kill, Bevan cle ared the gun, and gave the attacker a quick buret at eloae range which sent the FW spinning down to earth in a large ball of flame* When news of the Technical Trails ing Coaand’a recent directive or^ ering flexible gunnery training for all properly qualified tachnical school fftudedta finally reaehaa AAP personnel in England thare’U be a ground crew sergeant namad Donald Bevan who will undoobtedly wish ba could tun time backwards for a few months* Commanding Officer Continuod from Page 1 so far, but ho was favorably inpres- Bod with what he had aeon. Ho omphasltod that he insletod upon strict observance of military oourtosles. col. Smith, who i® e graduate of Wo®t Point Military Academy and a native of Denver, Colo, was •ta- tionod at Knollwood Field before hi® assignaent here. At Knollwood ho wa® assigned to C-1, porsonnel offi cer for tho entire oonaaad. After graduating from West Point, Col. Smith docidod to oen- tinuo hi® military career In evia - tion and attended flying school at Brook® Field ia 1929. In 1930 he completed the pursuit pilot® oourse at Kelly Field. Re ha® been stationed at Rock well Field, March Field, Randel^Dh Field and at Panama. Re studied at the Air Corps Taetioal School* Maxwell Field, Ala* With the Ar^ Air Foreea Technical Traimlmg Com- he ha® seen duty at Lowry Field, Keeeler Field end Oulf Pert. He ie a eoimaad pilot* Col* Smith la married end has «, 11 yoar-eld dau^tor and a 9 year- old aoB. He expects to bring hla femily here aa soon aa he Is able to find quarters*