SBTMODR jonsai FIELD, I.C, 20, 1943 MOB e FmM latiois C0Btlflu«4 trcm Pag* 1 TIm PUld ration will •varr aoldiar ■offleiont liiolaaoM food to condition hin aa nail aa a rariat/ to ploaaa hia palata, naaa offieara point out, tte nona/ vaX- oa of tha ration rwalna unehangad and BHaa will ba praparad in fcah- ington^ aubjaet to local ahangat to aaat naricat and cliaatic eonditiona. Iba Bat affaetoftta efaanga la ainplF to Bathat aaoh aoldiar gata aa adgquata diat at tha aana tiBa that food la oonaanrad, Inataad of aaeh naaa oparating aa an antitj on funda daaoad to it for tha purdiaaa of food, tha food itaalf ia laauad on a naal par ci^ita baaia.In ot)^ ar norda, attandanea at tha naaa halla aariaa for aacb naal and tha food ia apportioned aeeordingl/, Aa an illuatration,tha naaa attandanea on Saturdajr nlghte and on Sunday dre^a aa much aa 62 par cant baeat^ aa of paaaaa and daja off, ttodar tha fiald ration ajatan, tha Tachnical Trainlxig ConandMaa- aa will follow the Sanriea Coaaanfa aaatar nanu or tha Stirgaon GanaraL'a raeonaendationa with tha raault t)^ at aoldiara will ba aa adaquataly fad aa prarioualy but at a graatar aavinga in total food eonouiption. OOIBOS AKD UBDOIBGS II REPRODaCtlOI Ey ICRRIS OLSRONSKT Bditor'a notat Wa*ra at thair aar- cy. After all • Reproduction printa thia paper1 Thia being our initial eolunn, we intend keeplaf the G.I,a in re production ateppln* and aide-atappitf to look out for thia reportar*a ror^ ing eye. We will dewote our talenti to goaaip (atrletly). Little aar- louaneaa except in extreaitiea to keep the fuae fron blowing. We aii>> cerely hope that too many fuaea don't blow, (Bd'a notet we hope ao tool)* Here goea Little Caeaar, aoaetimea referred to as s/sgt, Luj>> gran ia our new barracks chief and ia certainly keeping the boys on the bean,,,Blackout or opaquer Prt, Bob Monroe, has a certain young lady bring him a quart of milk each mor ning - it has ue gueaaing ..The Tari-^ipe operators asked for a day off because of being under a serer strain for the past two weeks - so they say, Klngfish, or Prt, Joe King, if you insist, has his tongue hanging out at the very mention of the Ser- Tioe Club, Can it ba he is trying to gain weightrrr Common sights in Reproductiom The xuiholy three - Sgts. Suter, Her- win and Lungren getting the G,I,s on the beam in thia department. The Erafstman, our cheese and cracker 14 end, known better as Pvt, Jake Cohsm ...The Shephard and his flock. Pvt. Joe PinBone,.,The Blond Bomber of Blushing Boy, we mean PFC John P, Gallagher and his, "Don't bother mar each time he ia appraaohed by a cm^ tain blond,..John L, Sullivan Groet the Prt, "Whitey" Groet, earning out of the dark room making sounds iddch seem to be relative to the prehist oric era of dinosaurs, tMpiiB Tie Imp" Continued from Page 1 Comedy la expertly handled by tha wll-known Carroll and Howe team and that talanted mimic, Steve Bvana, Carroll and Howe reverse the usual routine in their act. Uisa Carroll la tha "fbnny" with Howe playing straight. She also does el- aver i^raonatlona highlighted by a aocko take-off of Henry Armstrong and hia tnMq>et, A handsoma, lithe blonde star in the dance division of Looping the Loop, Alice Kavan'a the name of this pulehritudinoua bundle of rhythm anl grace, and bar clever ballet-tap routinaa have graced the boards of top fll^t theatre and clubs *11 over the country, Alice does a swell Job in tha line and in a single "spot," Tha show has a hundred fine touches of real eo5oyitant and relam ation for the aervlMaen, Every bit waa enjoyed by the fellows who saw tha show last night, and everyone ia sure to enjoy tonight's final parformanee. Roving Reporter Praises Work of Air Meebaaies Air Cadet Program Revised Continued from Page I thing around a fighter bomber air- dxtjme ia IwporiaM , but I know nothing more Important than the Re pair Section," TODRS n JEEP Pyle who la touring the North African battleflelda in a Jeep, wa tched 250 Technical Training Ccb- mand air ICechaniea graduates perfo rm technical legerdemain on 14 dam aged chips despite sand-laden des ert winds and anemy bombs, Amased at what he saw pyla wrate, " I've never seen greater wlllin^ss to wrtc beyond all requirenenta than these men show," ’ Confiming the wisdom of the Technical Training Cemmand's policy that its graduates must be"two-fie- ted" technlcAAns conditioned to atand the rigors of combat, Pyle said, "All plans work is done right out doors, lbs only shops are tents idiere anall machine work la done, j The tents are three sided with one end open. Ibe floor is sand. Beside every tent almost within one Ji—p distance is a deep slit trench to livB into when the enemy bombers come," Following ia tha complete story, reproduced word for word ae it appeared in the daily newspaper, REPAIR SECTION IMPORTANT "Everything around a fighter- bember airdrosM is important, but X know of nothing more important than the repair section, "It's vastly different from air plane shops or garages back home, where nothing more than a little in* convenience results from the long lay-up of a plane or car, "Out here there are Just as maiy planes. With us and Germai^ tester-tottering for air superior ity over Africa, every single one is as pracious as thou^ It ware made of gold. Every plane out of action is temporarily the sae as a plane destroy^, "It is ths Job of the repair section toteke the rttot-up planes and get them back into the air a A eoiq>lete revision of tbs Anqr aviation cadst program to extend the training for cadets to fiftssn and ooe-half months instead of the pre sent eight and one-half was announo* ed by hsadi^iarters. Fourth Service Command, The announcement said that the new program would be made vp in the following Bsnnsri (1) In the first two months aviation cadet candidates will be processed and have basic training ki an AJr Fores basic training center, (2) In the next five months they will study at a university or collage where, in addition to pre aviation cadet training, they will take five academic courses, Tbsy will have 60 hours in each of these; modern history, English, geography, mathematics, through trigonometry. In physics they are to have 180 hours. If a student successfully coi^ pletee the course, he will go to the Air Forces classification center to determine whether he should be come a oabigator, bombardier, or pilot. Than hs will beeoms ao aviat ion cadet and follow advance acad emic subjecta and receive advanced flying for another eight months. little faster than ia htmanly poasi- ble. And that is whatthsy are d»- ing, MAJOR C07ERLT "At our doa.rt olrdrcm thia Motion ia in chargo of Itajor Chai^ iaa E. CoTorljr,of Palo Alto, Calif. Hia nlcknam ia "Erk" and ha aa, one of lay fallow travelara froa Ena- land. ^ "His right arm is a quiet mech anical genius naasd Walter Goodwin, of Grove City, Fa., — a regular Amy Sergeant, Just premotsd on the field to warrant officer. The men worship hia and every officer on the field aecepjts his Jud^aent on plans damage as final, "Ths repair section operates under a theory that seems outland ish after cmlng from a peacetime world. Its motto is to give away everything itcan. SIOWED WIDER WITH WORE "Instead of hoarding their 8iq> plies and yelling that they're sno wed under with work, they go around the field accepting every Job Imag inable, fulfilling every pilot's re quest, donating from their precious avail stock of spare parts to any line mechanic that asks for sonst- ling. For only by doing it that w^ do planes get back in the air a few hours sooner. 250 CRAFTSMEN "In the repair section are 250 master araftmsen. They are h^y aid sincere and proud, I've never seen greater wiliingnese to moric beyoi^ all requirements than these men Bl ow, "let me give you en evimjilw of how the section works. After a cent little to-do with the en^,U of our planes were foudd to be dM- 3oaw needed only skinp^ehee others had waahtub boles thnnigh the wings and were almost rebuild ing Jobs, ■VaJ, Coverly and hbs squadron engineers surveyed the situation ill morning, driving In a Jeep frem one plane to another. I rode with the^ and Bien noon came and not a plat** had been moved over to the repair area| I thou^t to myself this is a ^ghty alow way to win the war. But I changed my mind a little later. "It takes that long to estiBto program distribute your men and machinss over the huge field, and get thinxs rolling, ^ 5 PUIBS RBADT "Two days later I checked on their progress. Five of those wrecked planes were ready for mis sions by that first evening. Three more were delivered the following day, (k) the third day four more were Just about finished. That makss 12. The other two had been turned Into salvage for spare parts. Tader peacetime conditions at home, it would have taken perhaps two months even in the finest shops to get all those planes in tha air. But here they were fighting again within three days. You can do the Impossible ehen you have to. dearth op spare parts "nie field operates with a dearth of 8pa*‘e parts, as probably do all our fields at the far ends of the earth. S© the field provides its own sp'. re parts by scrapping the most Badly demaged planes, and using the good parts that are left. "This happens to about one of every 15 planes that are shot up. These condemned planes are cowed to the engineering section, and there they gradually disappear. Finally they are skeletons - immobile, pa thetic skeletons, picked bare by ths scavenging mechanics. "These salvage planes sure nic-k- named "hangar queanr". Five of then are sitting on the line now. As you know, every bomber has a painb* ed on its nose. One of these hangar queens is called "Fertile Myrtle", Another is "Special Delivery," And a third is "Little Eva." tents are shops "You'd be touched by the sight of the repair shops here. All plane work is done right out doors. The only shops are tents where snail machine work is done. "The tents are thrae-sided.wiih one end open. The floor is sand. When the wind blows the men have to wear goggles. Beside every ten, al most within one-IJump distance, ie a deep slit trench to dive into when tha enemy bombers come, "Theirs is real war work, and you can't say they're much aafer than the airmen themselves, for they are subject to frequent bombing. "They s^ their main hope is that no experts from the factories back hose show up to look things over. The experts would tell then a broken wing can't be fixed this way, a shattered landing gear can't be fixed that way. But these birds know damn well it can be, for they are doing it."