SDUDOB JOmBOR riEU)» v.c. lOCR 27* 1M3 PAS 2 '•IT •? Oku*** el (ke • •• el LI 0. r- stocec '»«! . ktCIIAPD ■ tAlT Pie. JOC kUTEPA ••pre4u«ilee CCLLICk H. CLLIf, it. T/t«t. lOt H. strrcR fl/0ei. lATioiD u;»M*ea i/«ti picmaM iicwia Hr. WIILIAP HtlLIAkB "I*T« navar greater will* iagneee to work beyond all require- aenta than theae men ahow," atated the nationally faaoua roving report er, Ernie Pyle, after witneaaing the Army Air Pordea Technical Training Conmand air meehaniea go Into aetlm on sand-laden deaerta in the North African theatre. The complete ac count appeared in laat neek*a laaue of Air-O-Ueohe Such atateaenta coming from actual battlefronta ahould make many a G.I. here at Seymour Johnaon Field crawl. At that forward Tun- iala airdrome, thoae AIS aren't worrying about obtaining full credit for every nut and bolt they tighten, they have a job to do * to help de feat the Axla by keeping planea in the air and come hel} or high water, they're going to do their Job. Per fect cooperation ia called for and perfect cooperation it ia. Wonder what kind of a atory Ernie Pyle would aend over the wlrea if he ahould wander to this Pieldt That thoae big, atrapplng fellflwm gripe to high heavnea from reveille to tapa? That petty Jealoueiea reign in varioua departmenta of the Poat to diepell any thought of per fect cooperation? That everyone ia afraid that he will do more work then the other fellow? Thet tide thou^t of working ae one body for one eauee - collate victory - ie not adhered? It ia poeeible thet Pyle would make aueh atatementa about Seyeour Johnaon Field. Suoh atatementa, of eourae, wouldn't be true of the Poet aa a whole, but he could point out examplee that would bear proof. We have apent our entire lives striving for exiatenee as separate Individuale or ae members of a com paratively small group, and it la eaaiar said than done to drop all such hablta as easily as dlaeardlng civilian clothes. But to win a war is eaaier said than done, too. When you arrive at an actual front, you too, will probably fall right In vQd cooperate to the hilt. Al} veiy well and good, but the important thing at present ia that you reallm tk r importance of your Job now. Uncle Sam haa deereed that your Job, regardleae of how minute it soeam to you, is naceesary to a well-organic ed, smoothly working Aniy. Pyle etatee that these fellows in Africa say their mein hope is 'ttiat no experts from th« factoriee back home show up to loos tnings over. The experts would tell thsm a broken wing can't be fixed this way, a shattered landltag gear can't be fixed that way. But those birds know damn well it can be,for they're doing iti Vo lack of MOperntlon or pet1|r Jealoueiea or aeeklag of individual honors out there. 8e, bub, take thet sheeplah look off your faoo and give out with the kind of soldering UBele Sam needa. aPHUC PLAVniR Qpl. Alex Kanmlkae Seeds of freedom ere the bedieet Hloeece are the eyee, TWder ataoote in blue greet tallejs PragraDoe in the skiee. 0 may Z live to eaa the harreet Gold in autiM sun* Paaoe among the hiUe and mountalne latione full of ftm. Vaxm the toil with rain anehantedf Comradely the graTS, ay fleeb with Joy and magie. Did not maidens rave? 0 may it give ay soul to frearkm When ay breath ia gonei Ibeo 1 know ay ^irlt etmggXea^ Proliee and goes on. Seeda so precious are ay brothers Seettered in tlie earth. Tended by en anxioue planter; ■ationa mill haws birth. 0 oay no more shall yooU. be needed When this mar ie mon. To be the flowers of our freedom Growing toward the son. len one sees a unlfom, oma see a gifitlin. This ia not almaya true however, la these days of mar there eeaae to be a laxity ia aany of the poiata mhioh have dietingalihed the gentleman frs Ito beer for aany years* Ob a eroeded bee, lady ie,daepite the fast that thera ie fluting oa several fronte,atlll a etendiag My, and thoae eeated unifoime whether there be ebevrone oa the ileavee or bare oattae Aoul* dare Aould rise sad offer a aaat nestles and eatTslle at pasalag girls still abowa that tbeie is a little of the etreet-oomer bm mn- der the olive drab* Tlieea things Just aeatioaed nay seaa sail and uniaportaottaut It ie a *oit step from mull points to the large points and shea me hernma lex in the large points mhioh aake the gentlmaan mehave lost that mhioh •alns us better than thosa against idiCB ms are fighting* scMi piQpu An PIT ra pm- DCM AMD aCHB IZPICT 01HBBS TO BOH m BOAT mu THB TAB A PRB BUB. 1 / / / / j B.lJirfi»ns IdltOTi Caniff, mho draws Alr-0 -Mach's 'Vale Call''has been reject^* ed by ths Any because of an old leg injury, and will continue doing the G.I. version of "Terry and the Pirates"...Ttie all-soldim' "This ia the Azmy," written by Irving Berlin and prodired for the benefit of the Amy Smergeney Relief, will not be seen again in this country exc^t in motion pictire fom. Tlar Depart ment a\Aharities in './ashirgton re fused to comnenb on reports ths en tire dioTT unit would be shipped to Qriglaid to tour there •••It t^es 10 tons of equipnenb to land one Amer ican soldier in North Africa and a ton and a half a month to keep him going, i/hich lends saphaais to the oft-qioted observation that 70 per cent of winning a v;ar dwenda upon produfcion and supply. •••'/ar costa this country $253,400,000 a day ac cording to the War Production Board ...kicltty Rooney, the Andy tardy of the silver screen, was rejected by the /uny last week. Reason why he was placed in 4P was not made clear but his mother did say something about his having a weak heart and hi# blood pressure...Add Arcy def initions—PAlTHt Your belief in the latrine zumor that you 're all set to get those stripes come the first cf the ifionth...BRASS: An ingredlait in buttons wid some first sergeants ...Did yoM hear of the soldier vho was arrested ae ai impoater because he went into a restaurant and order ed a dish of beans?...It was really fUnny when I first heard it..«.Rem- enber George K. Arthur, itio starred with Karl Dane as a comedy team so nary ^ars ago. Viell he's in the Air Forces as a staff sgt., over In England..."Dogs of War,"a Hollywood full-length production, will des cribe how important a part canines are playing in the present mr, not only at Aztty can^ but at airplane factories, dams, bridges, ete...Re- pik>lic and Coluisbia studios are rushing throu# feature pictures a- bout ai^tion mechanics* Jackie Cooper vdU play the role of a typical A. U. Qrad m the line... Costello, the funny roUy^^Uy man who is needled by Abbot is seriously ill; semi-paralysed and unable to use his legs. He's getting better* Illness resulted from a lengthy USO tour In which the Ibnry nan travell ed throu# all aorta of weather**.* You c«i*t name a horse Adolf in Ger- imny, today* Jonda* vdy?**.V-.«.V.. Oee of tho ebloeiive oervloe ^•Ua la reveroe la aaatorlnc mm oat of tbi Aaey and into dvlllaB Jobo in a poooiblllt>j,aeoordlBg to Qatar Boetretaiy of lar tabeit P* Pattoreon* "Tbe Atar wUl ta Its boat to •eo DO man ia auotered oat of milit aiy raoke Into a broadllaa,* Pattor eon aaid ia an addresa at tha Tbeb- oDlofiaal Inatitota of Borthweatoia taiveraity* Althooik ttoa taagr eaaaot guar- aatoe Jobs for aU. the aillioaa of maa to bo tamobiliaad, it taoa in- toad to aata tha traaafer to alvil- ian life mhtti aa little dialooatlon aa poaaibla, ba aaaeitod* He aaylainad bom the aoloetivo aervlee boarta with tbair reoordatf tha oooQiatiOB and of oaoh Ban oonld bo oaod as a job plane* moat agea^* Tha govemmant has do intont- im of Ban miUy-idllylBo altillan lift* Chaplain Jtaes II* fainter, 8. J* Got a faaling you're falling ? If you ara aakad. 'Hlow hom ara you doing with this Ar^ life?* Your roply night ba an enthuaiaatio "Oraatl 1 haven't registarod at the Guard Houaa, no, not ovon a bunk in Spartan Barraeks.” If so, fina,bat thla is only tha fifth phase, there la still nora "on tap**. Soon you will find tha novalpy of aaorifiea wearing off. Maybe by tha tlaa thosa G.I. buttons loss their lustre you will find axousoa popping In your wltMt right and left. Slow domi you ean't poaalbly nalntaln thia paoa. Ho one else la doing half aa nuoh In soldiering as I an. Taka It easier, beware of a erack-up. Don't be a dead dope. poor soldier hates perfeetlm whether in nilitary training or in hie obligationa to God. A good sol dier is not satisfied with keeping his Service Record clean of Rastrio* tions but glorias la going the^Un- demanded Mile”. Play tha idiele ball game and play to win as Anarleana have almaya done, 'fhit ball gaaa called war ia serious and ean only by won by God Fearing and ^al itsn. Got a feeling your're falUngf FBOBSTART 1 Mrfith «t c ind D rtr..!.. OSOO - Holy rnunl on - Cta^. (Hm. 0900 - OuMral Sarrle.- Cta,. Qn—a 1030 - Omani Smalo.- Chap. Ormn l40O - Gananl Oanloa- Chap. Qolak 1930 - Oananl Sanisa- Chap. Qniek VadMadajr OSOO - Hoi; Oomunlon - Chap. Qnm ThonSa; 1330 - Hoi; ComimlOQ - Ohap. Onm if.1 j, B Mfth stnata. ehapal SunSa; 0900 - Oananl Sanloa - Chap.Davla 1030 - Oananl Sanloa • Chi*.0Um 1400 - Oananl Sanloa - GhapXlmo 1930 - Oananl Sanloa - ChapaDaol. ■adnaada; 1930 - Mldaaalr Sanloa - Chap.DavU jmsH "“r*' ^1 • 0 Stn—.. 1030-SaMiath Sanlea.-2l9.aolikarg Frida; 1930-3abbath Sar*loa*-Chap.Qoldbar( Satoda; 0930-Sakhath SarHoM-Ctaap.OoUbart 1030-Sahbath Sar*loa*hap.adldtaarg 1530-SaUiatb SarTloa»K3»p.aeldbarg Oall; Hon. throii,> Frl« 1000 - 1930 2SU Sanda; CUBOUC 1. I and Fifth Strmt.. 0700 - Haaaaa - Fathar Ooriu. 0900 - Haaaaa - Fatlwr KaanadF lUO - Haaaaa - Chaplain Thlntar 1330 - *«—— - Chigilaln Talntar Dali; Sarrleaa - 0730 OOLORB PBOBSTAHT k. Hntr T~» Ti rr^Ti Chanal / sSnda; 0900 - Ganaral Sanleas - naTd).an H08PIT1L amcis Had Croaa Andltorlm 0900 • Fntaatant ~ Chaplain Olmo 0900 - Jn.l*i (Anna) Ctaap.QolAart imtm sacnoB nmal ia>. 1-^iathnlln Mliia M^WSmtloos 7t30