SEXMOOB JOHXSON F1SU>» ll.C. Ail-O-MEeN IUKCH Zl, 1943 PACK 8 Sports raujETBAU. namix With Alghta Aiwd on a baaatl- ttal tpophjr to bo aaaniod tha fcat Chavlono, tha mialnatlon fbUar- > ' ToornMint atartad on Ita war jifht at tha Sparta Arana. All tha Squadrona that partlo- IpaUd In the baakatball toumap aia anterlng tha aoUapball eirealt with hopaa of eorradting tha alatakaa auffarad during ttia dribbling cont- aat. Tha Hadlea «itb thair high hopaa and ahl^* ann are aharpaning thair Klta and naddlaa to paddla to another Poat rlctory, but ita aaary aquadrona* anbitlon to do tha aaoa thing, and probablp ara gunning tor the Hadlea idio art than out in tha eold in tha othar cha^iionahip tou- map. A taaa ahieh ia plekad bp tha Arana erltlca to go plaeaa in thin infant laagoa, ia Kaadquartars and Haadquartara Squadron ukieh ia pra> etieing aaarp night in thair aand- ot court. But thap atill don't haau tha "touarlng" poaar of tha Hadlea* A naeting waa hald bp all laa^ era of tha varlova aquadrona at tha Sporta Arana in ahieh Lt. Frank azplainad tha aanp rulaa and ragulationa to be foUmaod. (Bnlaa appaared in tha Al.*-0-Ueeh laat uaak) Tha fine Job of rafaraalng dona during tha hooping oaaaon will be r^aatad bp aoat of tha aana offlo- iala ubo are alraodp aaalgnad to the Job. Itondap night, Hareh 29th, tha following taana raeaiwa a flrat ro- imd bpa aiwi ara aehadolad to plap. 39th Haaa 793Pd TSS 906 « 798tb TSS 797th TSS Hq-Hq Sq. 794th TSS Winning taaw will follow aehodula on toumanant chart at tha Arana, Tim b lit fill’s Tritk PPC UUo JPMti OM of tho boot oorioX hoDdboloaooro ia profoooloaal otaov booiatoo^ lo obowiag hookj lie ttodosU hotr to koop fit by mictitliftiiigo Joatt lo about to daaonatroto o Military praoa*wtth about 175 pounda* Ha ia eapabla of dolaf aoro than 200 5a thla lift* Tha Sport baa ooddtnlr daralopad into ona of tha ooat poimlar at ttat Arona* mSKBAlX ABOUT TO START Softball and.hardball baMtall LaaRuaa will be started in the verj near futore* Sttaadrona will compete agaloet eaefa oUiera. Hoat gamaa will be twilight la Traiaiof A atiff left jab to tha ald-aeotlon U being practiced by PFC ' Webb, aa ioatroetmra teach boxing froa omiing 'til night at tha Sporta Arena* Webb ia a btarTwei^t* Boxing PogHiaa ia definitlj on the verge of "rolling* at SeTaour Jahib' aon Field, aa plans for elaaaea aro just about coi^letod* A aetaadula ia being set up bj Lt* Krkaan fkaa which everj aqumtron will have a chance to eond their repreaentativas to i4>bold individual and squadron iKMiora* Tha program will be run in an intro-aural ajataa, iriiere everj aan gets a chance to fight* hjr eli> ainationa tha Squadron Champa will aeet other Squadron Cta^pa, untA quarter-finala, amii finals and tha finals ara run off for tha boxing eha^ion of tha eotlro post* Many boooara have tumad out already at the Sporta Arons, and aiu gattlng theanalvea in aha^* This boxing prograa ia premotod by tha Any so that every nan will loow a littla about Um foot-work needed in boadng - the eene footwork which ie needed to avoid a bayonet thruat With this in nind the obo in our arny are being taught to be "fight ing laidcB" of »>• 1 calibre. The progran ^orta a oiiaber of fellows who have fought in Baw Toric Qdlden Gloves and other boxing shorn Pvt* Voci, a eurly-beadad lad fFon Philadelphia, has already partieij^ ated in othar eanpa prim to hia arrival here* He fought in the Phils Golden Gloves and cans out with hi^i honors* Pfe Tonny Webb (pictured on thie page) ia showing proniaea of beeoalng a good haavyweii^* Ba also fou^ in tha Golden (Aovea in the hecvywel^t division* Pvt* Mayer Siegel baa baao nanad aa nantor for thoao boxing elaaaea* Siegel fornarly fought pro and wus aanagod \fj Ben Aby, fm world's eha^* Pvt* B|Ma Schaffer, mid 'a weightlifting ehaop in his reflect ive weii^t, started lifting on this field about two nontha ago* Since than, a few hundred soldiers exero- iae with the bar-bells every besides doing thair regular ealiat- bsnles* Many foUon idM had been read* iif napsinsa and hopelng that they had well built bodies, no nora* For thay have already bagun to der- elep aoM of the fine moaclea that Um Tachnlcal Training glf^'iy apprevea of* Pvt* Jesse Morris, of Philade lphia. could only lift 110 pounds whan he began lifting about 6 weaka ago. Wow ha pnaanaa 175 «ith very little effort* Pvt* Manual Boaaly, Wew Tortc, oonhlnaa hia tiw with weight* end hand-balancing* H* tho ught he would oarer grip another bar-bell while in the aray, but wbn be arrived at this field, ha wan elated to fine ha could itBtlmie bin favorite sporta* POST HOOSIESS DBIIB STIBSWIB The Offloan' Woeainr Hot-ShoU trlamd tha Student Xaatnetcra 30 to 26, in a baaketball gan* pl*y*6 at tba Arena laat wank* lbs battle pro^ that ar^ mo of Indiana hold tha BtaU'a baakatball zeputap tioo*