FROM TH£ CLffSSROOM.. THF L/N£ .... TO,. I Ite. It sExuoDR JomiaiN field, n.c. .■IML 10, 19L3 ERSKINE HAWKINS TO PLAY JOHNSON FIELD APRIL 12 Promotions oi Enlisted Men Of Headquarters Squadron Are Announced KcadqntrUrw and HMdqmrUr* Squadron amounood tha prOBotlon of tho followinf nmod ai» affaetiw on ifaroh 29th, 1943. uA.aTM ratlnga mm aoqull^ hgr T/Sfts. Horbart J.Karaa and loa H. Sutar. TO fflRCSAllTS; s/dgta. Harold G. Fftulknar, Arthur A. Uwlor, Richard P. Haynolda, Grajrdon 0. Ka»* nita, Rajmond Lundgran and Hauban E. Soeall. TO STAFF SERGEAOTSt Sgta. Uith« H, Dodaon, John R. Cast, Woottroa )L Uindhola, Alonso R. Parker, Robert t, Prohan, yta. C. Kannada,Robert W* Hab lay, and Gaorga Sullivan. TO .smcFJ^WTS: Cpla. Paul A. Al> •ansi, Holland W. Ayars, Gaorga H. Balnora, Otto Uyara, Jr*, Gaorga C* Grout, Henry C. Driver, Svaratt H. Poord, John £• Grovae, Walter C.Kii^ ehaloa, John C. Owana, Alva J. Sale- buray, Roy Souslln,Myron Thaikildaai^ Abraham Warahaw, Uiehaal E. Zenpara- lli, George Angi, Jr.,Wallaea V, Bab ar, Blvin B. Brown, Thonae P. Garay, Gaorga Drainer, Jr., Ectaund W. Fits* garald, Uarc H. Fortin, Alexander F- aranikae,Howard Kimball, Lao J. Pat- rona,Uichaal Schroll,Bruca F.TanpliA aiUlaB T. Walah,Lawranoa H* Whitba- •ora and Hobart G. Zargiabal. TO OORTORALS: PFCa Oorbin D. Amatrong, FauiX. Boyar,Jaa* V/. Br» own, Arthur E. BuUington, Joaaph P« Saa *Troartic2r." page 3 RIfiHT TURN “Room SenriM” PItyt To Piekid Theatre A three act eonedy packed with laugha and humor and eepaeially ■taged for a real hilarious time* played last night at the post thea ter under the auspices of the PSO Inc. The play will be put on again tonight for a fiMl showing at this CKip. I The show entitled "Room Serriee* is headed by Teddy Hart, who has played in the show of the same nsma See •• ROCU SERVICE" page 3 LAWYERS GET CHANCE TO EARN BARS The War Departaent this week announced astablishnent of the Judge Advocate General Officer Candidate School* The new ecbool will be at the University of Itiahigan, Am Arbor, Uich* The first claas of about 75 officer candidates will begin June 3, with a ceeond elaae beginning six weeke later* All soldiere who eucceesfuUy complete the course will be oomise- iorwKl second liwutemnte in the Jud ge Advocate General's Department, and not to exceed fifty per cent of See "Lawyere" page 3 - NOT ALL AIR AAF HEADQUARTERS IS REORGANIZED Army Air Foreea headquarters wee reorganised this week in an ac tion that wae described as a stream lining rather than a ahakeup, tha War DeparbMnt ajinotiaced* The reorganisation was designed prinarily to tranefora headquartera into an orar-all policy making body and to transfer to field ccMsaiidert rssponsibill^ for putting those pok lioles into execution, the Jar De - partaout laid* According to tha Ar«y Tiaet this redistribution of . dutlas and responsibilities is effective laaed- lately* from the organisational standpoint, compotenta in the field are not effected. Results of the realignment will be: Headquarters, Army Air Forces, relieved of the details of execut ion, left free to determine over - all policy. See "Reorgenlsad" page 3 WAAC Privates—it's clear sailizig a- head for you cut offieera don't have a chance in ATR-O-’^ECH's race to see who'll be the first GI to date a WAAC—after they arrive here, in about a month. Officers are not permitted to date Auxiliaries, ao privatea, do your stuff! Prise: a carton of your favorite cigarettaa. FORCES MEN FLY It's men like thsse that America la relying on to fight her battles—and win! They'll do It, teo.*.*JuBt look at the concentration on duty expressed in their serious faces, the precision of their marching manner. This crack drill outfit of tha 602ad Technical School Squadron, led by 1st Sgt. Arnold Zahoraky (front and center), is an example of how serious ly Seymour Jolmson Field men take their training* COLORED ‘^HEr BAND SCHEDULED TUESDAY Eh*akina Hawkins and hia "Tuxedo junction* orchestra will appear here at Seymour Johnson Field* Tuesday afternoon at 1600 o'clock at a show to be held at the Sports Arana. One of the greatest colored bands to dress the stages in the country's best theatres, Hawkins' band will rip loose with that "hep^ and "jive" that has made him so po^r- ular as a radio snd screen band. Hawkins has bean broadcasting over the HHC network throe times a week, and la a favorite Blue Bird and Victor cpporder* Tha '%how will consist of a variety of singizig solo and instru mental mothers. Saa « JIVB IXAISSt" page 4 TwMty-Fht Lmw Ftr Aviatits Gadal Traiaiag; Six Re Te O.C.S. L'ora anliated losn left Seymour Johnson Field last week to attend OCS and Aviation Cadet courses whe re they intend to trade chevrons for bars* Pvts Laurence L* Collier and Robert C* Steraak of the lledical Detachraent left to attend a Usdical Administrative School* Yhile T/Sgt* Richard F* Reynold and Pvt. Steven P* Baldwin of Haadquarters and Hea dquarters Squadron left for Air Force Adninistratlve* Cpl Hillian R Scott of the 795th Squadron also left for Air farce Ad/^istrative, Cpl Carl W, Hensler of the 802nd left to attend the Uiltbary Police School* A large group of newly appoint ed aviation Cadets who Just recently left to be classified are: S/Sgt Kenneth T, Klell, Cpl Vernon E*At- water, Cpl Elao (bcley, nt! Harold J, Furlong, PFC Aurelio Gualtleri, ITC Joseph U, Koffenberg, PFC James C* Lanter, nt! V/endell E* Lol^,PFC George R* Nowinskl, Arthur C, Roth, PFC Hugh G. R^, PFC Hugh G* Ryan,Jr* FFC WiUiaa P, Straueh,Jr, PFC Uaurlce C* Verbin, PFC Jack B. Welling, T/Sgt Robert L. Besser, Sea "O.C.S." page 3 Mural Contest Offers Chance For Fame If you can take a fow pots of paint - dip a brush Into any and all —and C0M8 up with every dab nicely placed to fora a picture - you're in a contest, aoldlnrl The Seynour Johnson Field Ex change la looking for murals with vrtxioh to decorate the walla of the main exchange • they're sXter a neat hMse-llke atnosphere similar to the one the soldier le used to back in tha old home town and that's where you step in wit!) a picture of your own creation. If you have artlet- lo talent your help Is needed - yovr ideas are wanted, and there's cash priseo and IVar stains too for those vdio do the beat Job of creating so mething suitable out of a pelnt pot* Sss HursI" psgs 3