araovR jomaai rmo. r.c. M-O-WEm tPUL 10, IMS ftm 3 WHM VBP'^ The flye have captured the fly paper • ao said John Steinbeck in hla novel* "The Moon ia Doiro," in deaoribine the eonditiona that exist ed when Gernuux troops occupied Nor way* yet were unable to oruah the spirit and dete/mination of those so-oalled oonquered people* In an Aasocieted rreea report oodiinj out of London this week was the story of 65 Polish nen* women and children killed by the nostapo when that organisation found the un> derground press* Glos Polski (The Voice of Poland). After a short break* Glos Polski appeared again. While Steinbeck's story was oi^ ly a novel, the report coninr: from London about the unbreakable spirit of Polish patriots was far from fio- ti on. Those people prefer death to slavery under the Serman Reich. Thej' aren't fearless* aren't Eut>erhunan* they are Just determined, as you and I would be if the United States had happened to heve been Poland or Holland or 'Norway. To feel sorry for yourself be- eauee you don't like the weather when people are facing torture*con- eentralion camps and death in order that they may hinder the enemy Just a little and to keep the faith of their people kindled deplete a very small person Indeed. A Ctecho-slovaVian printer said in ths Af story* that were more then 200 underground newspapers in Nor way* 60 in Poland* 30 in Delgium and varying numbers in other occupied countries. No one wlto works for the undergroxmd press has the slightest doult whfit is waiting for him if he is caught. .s havo a groat deal more than ourselves to think about in this war we have even more than our own coun try to think niiout - we have all the people in the world who ask only that they be allowM to live a cloA decent life* free of all tryants as the Axis breeds* looking toward us for help. New Dignify The old K.P., as a title* ia to di^aopear* officially at least* throug: Dut the Air Forces Technical Training Coamand. Hancefor*.h the title wiU be "i!eas Attendant". The idea ia to confer dignity on what ia regarded as a necessary duty, and to remove some of the humorous reflection which has pre vailed in regard to the most famil iar issl^noent. AND THl K;n IN IIPPIR7 DIKD LAST NIGHT Pete was leaving Sator* day* ha Imsw wliare be eae going and 'eaoaaa Jane wee eo worried* be told ber Jane wee etilXwBrried bat alao proud and ooold not ba^ bragging Juet a lit tle. Pete had quite a fbw frienda? and it wea not long before ipor knew wti* m and where Pete wee go ing — Juet one too neny Oh yee* the trein left on schedule all rig)it*biit it did not arrive at its destination* nor did many of thoee on board. Jane doesn't have to worry about Pete any aora beeauaa* there ie no Pete to worry about. If you know whare you arw going* P0R(BT IT. If aoaaona tells you where they are going than* TOO FOBOBT IT. "A PROrHBCT" The thwarted fiend paced hia padded cell* A caged hyena. Bloodied hands he laid l^on the cold* unheeding bars that stayed Hie Imbeeilie urge. A craven jell That volleyed down the' foulest dei>- ths of hell. Escaped hie tortured throat* and echo flayed His punctured pride. Aloft a buss- ard made Its fateful rounds; and terror tol led hia knell. Accusing eyes of boob-tora bobies burned His filthy soul* and ghosts of Po les and Franks. TTie victims of his heinous criasa returned To crush his bones beneath his mon- stroua tanks. It fanned the lUiry of hia passing vile* That none was there to bow and bel low "haU." Frank A. Perry* 36th. Twenty six years ago Imst TUe- day President Voodrow Wilton wrote his nans on the resolution declaring a aUte of war with Garaany - and the first American march to tha Rhina began. ^day none can doubt that a second march into Germany ia in tha maJein by the United Nations fellow ship to anaeh Hitleriaa and all the evils it has apawned although the how* when and where of it remain for aventa to disclose. Last Tuesday also maidced Axmy Day* but the traditional celebrat ions held afore years was not held. Tha usual "open house" at post and camps for Amarican public was not held either. There ia no need of that this yvar* American troops and sailors alike need no further introduction to the folks at hums than their deeds in far lands and aaaa afford. They kept "open house" this past THE CONNESl'S SONG By Sgt. Alex Karanikaa Here where the steel ia white with anger* ITm sky ia red with flame* With guns in fiat we rear through miat A eavage foa to tama. Sona of tha clash of thunderbolts We live to do or die* That life on earth m^r have new birth Beneath a happy aky. How long did freedom feel the terror Of every planes that aoomsd To drop with ire their tons of fire 'On towns and eitiea doomBd? Kin of the flash and comet's flare* How deep and great our glee* To speed and strike to moke it right For Nations to be free. When lighting gleams on auoBBr nlgtt In silence then it dies* It may be ws on some wild spree Beyond the traveled skies. Tou may then pause to meditate How boldly we flew high In plane up far like falling star To swiftly win or die. Amy Day from Africa to Australia and bade agadn around tha world - keeping it fur the foe* proving their mettle against seasoned Axix veterans wherever they meet. lien at Sejnsour Johnson fiald must alao realiaa these facte. For as already proven* the laet war was not really ended. And this ia not a new war* or the remarked World War II* but the same war* delayed 20 or more years. Do we want another delay? Do we want our children fighting an unfinished war? Tou bet we don'tl So for the country* a sake* for your sake and for all those whom we love and for God's eake - Let ua kfiMcle down. Let's hold another " open house" ons to the public* one for post.and emapa...ons in peace* ifleii One if the very ii^ertant dutie^ of the Chi^)la1n is visiting the gu ardhouse* The porpoee of his visits are mshy* The Chaplain who makes inquirlea and follnwe up the oaee of any par^ tieular man in the guardhouee doee not do ao because he double ths Jus ties mested out in the cass.Re does this beoauss* pexhapa ons tias out of fifty* hs may diaoover acme fav orable factor that may have been o- verlooked at the time of the eold - ier'e eonviotioa. The Chaplain visita the guardbou ae primarily* however* bsoauee th ere la ao oceaalon whan a man naeds a friend more than at such a time. TO know that there is someons who still has a aaile for him* to rsal- iie that thers ia aomaone idio will paas out eitsrattea with a kind ha nd* that thsre la aomeons who bring s an encouraging word* mikea ths so Idler unewrstand that thou^ he may be down* hs is not out* dome of the men in the fBardheu- se are incurable* but many* given the right eneourapunt* can be sa^ Id and made again into g»od seldlm's All tha work and effort the Chaplain puta into the guardhouse le well re paid idien eeen ena man eomee out wl th a new purpoee and a new way In life. Chaplain Abrabai Goldberg '■Xi' I i n’l mi 5 .Srvi \ i' PKffISTAlIT Ch^el 3 at C and D Streete. Sunday OBOO - Holy CcHianion - Chap. Green 0900 • General Servlee- Chip. Green lOSO - Qameral Servloe- Oh^^* Green lAOO • Qanaral Servloe- Chap. Quick 1930 - Gansral Service- Chap* Wmimartay 0800 - Roly Cnmmiinion - Chap. Green Ttaureday 1330 - Holy Cfninlnn - Gh^. Green Chapel 2 B and Fifth Streete, Sunday 0900 - Oaneral Service - Cbiq>.Davlc 1030 - General Senrlee • Chap,01eon lAOO - General Service - Chap.Olaon 1930 - General Service - Cbap.Davla Wednesday 1930 - Midweek Servloe - Chap.Davla JKSH Chapel 4* Winth and 0. Streete. Sunday 103O‘8abbath Servloca-Chap.OcIdberf Friday 1930>Sabbath Serrlcee-Ghap.Goldberg Saturday 0930-Sabbath Sarvloea-Ghap.Ooldberg 1030-8abbath Servioaa-Ch^i.aoldberg 153C>*iabbath ServloamOiap.Oeldberg Daily lion, throu^ frl. 1000 - 1930 CATHOLIC Chipel 1* t and Fifth Streete* 0700 - Masaaa - Father Oortiam 0900 - Hasaea - Father Kaima^y 1100 - Kaaacs - Ch^lain Talnter 1330 - Maaaae - Ghiplala TSdnter Daily Servioea- 0730 XIORKD PHOnsTAlir Ch^l A* Ninth and G* Streete. Sunday 0900 - Ganaral Sanrlcaa -dergymsii HOSPITAL SSRVIGES Bad Crcaa A»dltorl« Sun^ - — 0900 - Protestant - Chi^lmia Olacn 0900 - Jewish (Annsx)GhiH>. Goldberg lanw ssmcBs Chapel He# 1 — Catholic iM i&te Sermon sn^fDovotiona 1930 Chaplain Taintar Chapel No. 3 « Proioatant orw