SSmODR J0KI6OH PIEU>« N.C. AIR-O-MEGH Hit 1, 1943 P*Q« 2 A GOOD SAL lCarln«a In tha^aniilit—atTa P«^ iflo ar« aoMtlMa* ihmafulljr out- traded bgr Um natiiraa* young an tarpriaing marina, houairar, carved a fee ourllooea on a H pipe he had bought at a oomer diu^ora bade bo me, went to eee the dilef, and attar aome dickering eoUeeted I75* A fan daya later the marina «aa aomeehat aurprlaed to aae hla ocom- anding otTleer ^rtlng the pipe* ”What*ll you tike for It?" aaked the young marine, eautioualy* "I eould imt aell it for a fortune," replied the officer* "If a a tribal trophy aevend hundred yeara old and I had a aliale of a tJme perauading ona of the bead men to aell it to me for IU5«” BUY STAMPS Thoae tv« Latin vrords oeneath a golden um in which repoaoa three pluDBB are the literal motto of the ARLT AIR FORCSS TEX:HNICAL TRAINING CCM'ANO. >.'any an Air Force enlisted man cannot translate Latin,but hla heart translates the meaning— "I SUSTAIN TIE WINGS" "I am the Air Force Technician who makes it possible for Ayers to be heroes and heroes to be Ayers* I drill and work and fight.1 work that others may Ay and fight* I fight that I may work to keep them Ay ing* I am the neehanic, the radio man, the armorer, the weather obaar Ter, the gunner, the instruawnt man. I'm a technician but I fight like a eoBoando* " I am one of thoae three plumes signifying an unbeataKLa trio— the Plane, the Air Crew, the Ground Crei^—each indiapenaable to the o- ther two* >7ithout me the plane would be a ootionleaa maohine, the pi> lot a helpless gladiator* * V/hen I trained, I chafed at the constant atraam of r^ititiom, of routine, but now I realize I was learning to act on instinct*! gri ped at scrubbing and shining and cleaning, but now I realize naatneaa means a clean Job of every task* An unbuttoned pocket seemed trivial, but now I know a forgotten button might be a forgottan cottar key and that forgotten key might mean a plane destroyed and a crew killed*B^ cause of strict training I am good, and I know I'm good* "The fblks at home may never knew how important i am; the public may never see my naise in print* I on the plo^ling lineman of modem football* I make long runs possible for ALL"A1ERICA>S* I am the bl ocker that never carries the ball* "But the pAot there knows me* Ha knows ahem ha climbs aboard, she aits ready* He knows those anginea are perfect, the radio, his ears, the instrumenta, hia ayes* That bombardier knowe hla hits are going to be perfect * And whan they come back there is something in their handshake no new^aper could deaeribe, no medal could equal* It ia the grip of men whose lives depend on me*" "I SUSTAIN THS ..'INGSV StETIISO ALAS I ^'rorA the Jefferson Barracks 'HUB' FVt. ii’lLliam J* Lanteer Military courtesy has for oanturlaa bean the privilege of flatting mac all ovar tha world. I uaa tha wrd FRIVILEGB, baoamaa I oonaidvit a privllaga to randar to ay auparior offloara tha courtaaiaa that ara due thm^ And 1 would say to you, look vpon this as a saerad right a right that was grantad you idian you domed tha uniform of your eo\iiitry Osa that right and guard it, bsoauaa it ia Just as much a part of you aa tha unifom that you waar* Tha smia ia trua of military disci pi ina* Olaclpllna maana inatant, and willing obadianea to orders* Nhare diaeipllns ie good, tha euatoma of military oourtaay are usually observed, mid man iho ara oourtamoa, ara usually wall schooled in principles of good discipline* Tb a mao we should be proud of our imifona, and the country that it rv ^eants* Washington and hia man at fallay Forge had U.ttla to ba pr ■ - of in the way of unlfozma* They wars ragged and X^en, and they warm without shoes, but they wars proud to ba Aghting for ^ drill t and prlnntplaa that they knew would live foravor* And they will live ior» aver, baoauaa you ara the man behind tbava iddala in tha praaant war* (From an addraaa by Gan. Du{^ean to tha man of hia oommand) Tna question la often raised* "Is nan aver juatlfled in being iUfCL The answer* obviously* is loj Thar# nay be times idien It aeana to a aoldler that he needs to have leave.but the fact that he walks a- way from hla duties and responaibll- Itiea as a aoldler and aa a maJt without reapoot for Military law*la Inexcusable. So Consandlng Offiev oqn ever be as proud of a man in hla unit who thus shirks his duties aa he ia of the man idio la faithful under all olreuaatanoea to hia res- ponslbllltiaa as a soldier. ■ The nan who absenoea himself without leave can not present ar good a eervlea raoord to whoae who night have cause to eee it as tha man who ia not marked up AWOL. The sane might be applied to the spiritiial side of our lives. That our Government recognises the importance of Spiritual train ing as well as physical tralning»i8 seen in its endeavor to fumiah the place and opportxmlty for men to POETS CORNER DOWN TO TNB SKA By Sgt* Aleac Karanikas Return with ne irtiere the ancient shore Hurls back the youthful waves One thousand leases or more* nhera all the crevassea ara graves Beneath ^e ocean floor. Cone dance while bells ring merrily To greet the aun of dawn Ten miles below the sea* While submarines in depths forlorn Look sharp for you and lae. Run in and out of the fosslllad stsB Where gems and pearly bones Gleam bright at every turn. Where shadows alinber on their thrsn ea And lanterns never burn. \ Never so fierce were the cannibal that Of noi-sters In the deep AS human enterpriae* Makes war on all the thinga weep With bomba and guns and lies. Yet follow aie down, idiere ou the shore* The lips of a world in pain New blood has foamed and more* Where free men's volees in rafrain Sound clear above tha roar. OOH HEART, AMBllCA 97 PIC Dagtrand L* Hill Ow baart it poaoda within aa iiihaa wa'ra eaUad to fymadom'a flgHt Our atraagth it doss wask miraelaa, Ka work w|gi^ all ov Oar haart it awalXa with gladoaaa tha baating af tbs band, *Im trm^ta evy of frwadma To tha ceroaro of ear land* Cbr heart it primaa aar Maclat, ^ ahazpaaa 19 oar mlada, ^kaa oortainty of rlatagy, ^ drva away tha blimda* heart it ia our Imif*'***''* Maligioa, apaoch aM m For tbaaa wa'd 1 Our heart la la i To protoet wo ralao aba ammrd. Our haaK IT S AmZA In tha aametity of iba lard* worship. Tha tragedy ia that too many men fail to avail themselves of that opportunity* We are not only soldiers in the same# of our Country* but soldlera in tha anty of God. Many man in wd form have had responsible plaees of service in that army. The great Comaander has ordered Hla men that that they ahall aasemble themselves in worship. To be continually ab sent from that place of worahip la to be AWOL in the ariqr of Ood. Men who would not, under any oiroioiatanoes* have AWOL written a- fter their records ia the Aimy, have a string of them wrltan after their name ea God's role. The fact that a man has bad a busy week and Sunday la hla one day off doee not give him any nor# right to be absent fr«a worahip aervioea than to be abaent from hla post of luty in the Army. Mmiy of tbs ax- eusas used to Justify abaenoe from Church would be hotted at If iaued to justify abaenoe from military for ■aatiena. The differenoe oomes in our failure to recognise the import anoe of God and Hla word in our lives as meb and aoldiars. Wo man can be as proul of hia spiritual record if it ia continual I7 being marked with AWOL from tha house of God as he might otherwise be. Rsmember friend* when Ood oalls the rolls in his places of servieo next Sunday and Re finde that you are net there* Be will mark you down with thoae who are AWOL. nmATIDN Mo amttor wbmt your raea, rm- Uglom or eimdb, if you wmar ObbIs Stm'a Miform, yom will find m efanr^ eh 1b OoUsbm that will waleoma you thia dumtey* Bwary mtoiator has lasuad aa lnwltailoB ta aaldlara af Saymov JMnaon Fiald to attoiiA*lao- raatloB boura ara alao plannad. DUG \ c f 5 PR0TB8TA1T SBRVICBS Chapel Wo. S Llturgioal Roly Ccamunioa 0800 General Sertlee 0900 General Service 1050 General Servlee 1400 General Service 1950 Midweek Services UturglMl ^^y COsmunion Wad.0600 Liturgical Roly Comaunion Tbr.lSSO (Chaplaim Orean and Quiek) Chapel Vo. 2 Oeneral Servioe General Servioe General Sarviea General Servlee Ifldwek Service WSKiaeaday (Chaplains Olson and Davis) 0900 '1080 1400 1950 1950 CATBOUe BBSneSB Chapel Wo. 1 Haases 0750 Masses 0900 IbtBsas 1000 Hsasea 1100 Haases 1515 Masaaa 1900 Daily Maae 0750 and 1850 '(Chaplains MoOuira and Tainter) JBWI8H SttnCBS 3hapal Re. Z Sabbath Sarvloea Sat. 0980, 1050 Sabbath Services Sat. 1550 Sabbath Servieaa Sun. 1050 Daily. Uoa. - Fri. 1000, 1980 (Chaplain oaidbarg) HOBPItAL SMtFICM Rad Cross Auditorium Protestaot 0900 ^wish (Annez) 0900 Catholic 1000