SRMOOR JOfOBOl TOm, H.C. sBtnci cum acrvitibs May : ^; HIT - • 1500 2000 . 1400 1930 Ertrbodj Slnfl Kttalo At Zta Bast Variatlas On Tha Air 1600 BvaxTbo^r Slnfl lUjr 5— 1400 1930 6— 1500 1600 Uaj 7— 1930 1930 2000 Mualc a* ita Bast Quit - On tha i»lr Auditions Group Singloc Auditions Broodoost Danoa Xa Gla ubo ara so fortunata as to hava jroor squadron honorad lA tha fridajr nits S^iadron Danoa will plf> aaaa r«abar to stay in unifora no ■attar how saarlnx tha ausla cats. I Mulbarry and ffiXllan St.Qoldaboro Itoy 2 - 1600-1800 Sonefast 2000 SloTiaj Boober Bay 3 - Danca, USO* Poat Orchestra Bay 4 - Otn^o. Prir.e of Phone Call. hams. Bay S - Jnforaal dancing* Ganes, Chess May 6 - Movie} Celling Zero May 7 - Games, gals and gaiety May 8 - Dance, ffilllam Street School Gym, Post Orchestra May 9 - 1600-1800 Songfeat ’lOTlst Vlldast )kfrics IHBAm RO. 1 ^arfemanoaa at 0930 1300» 1830 and 2030. 1HSATEB NO. 2 -Parfomahoaa at 1000 1230 and 1930. day 1 - "CABIM IN THE SKI" Bthal NAtara - Bddia "Roch- astar" AndarsM day 2-3 "THIS LAND IS UUC" Gharlaa Laughton - Mauraan O'Hara Hay 4 - "SPRINGTUffi TN TKB R0XIB3" Batty Crabla - John Payna - Xaelar Cugat and Orch. day 5 - "HBRT ALDRICH GETS GUUOUR* Ji^y Lydan - John Lital 'mHITHU OP ‘ Allan Jonas - Jana Praiaa Hay 6-7 "EOGB OP DARKNBSS" Errol Plyim - Ann Sharidan JORMSC: TU) RADIO PROGRAM 3i81. - 1l30 -AiiKHIaoh on tha air Moo. - 1930 -"PLIUIC HIGH" Mad. - 1930 -Quia TIm Pri. - 2000 - Sarvlea Club Danoa Ssjoour JohnaoB Nawa lion. Thru Sun. fPuo 1330 to I4OO AIR-O-MECH m 1.1%3 rug 4 YE OLDE SNACK BAR 60LDSB0R0 ILS.0. To aatia^ that avai^preasat hungar and thirst of a aoldlarf tba Goldsboro 0S0*s Snaek Bar maa ezo> atad* Tha Bar aftan doaa a mshlng busintaa^ but it atiU aervaa up SONG FEST aandwiebaa^ aoft drlnkSf eigareta^ loa eraau and other "naceaaitlas* with tba parsMial touch. Tha aoldiar ■ay "buy* but tha DSO'a hoaa-lika atoaaphara is atlU unehangad. Its thaaa and policy is dbiandbhip. GOLDSBORO U.S.O. A pratty girl is lika a aalody» wbM a pratty girl taalpa aaka ■alody — mil, that's Inrtaad things as it is to thsss ssrrios shown in a typical aong-fast at tbs Qsldrt»oro 080. A oisno and sol- I1T II ■ I ^ ^ m Tha Sswanth aruy Air Porcas Band, lAoaa naw inidgiAs waa raean- tly addad to tba rapraaantatjya gr» oup (Usplayad in tba Sarvloa gava thslr first band ecmoart last •iadnasday assnLng in tba auditorlia of tha club. Tha band, undar tha capabls diraeti'^ of ^arrant Offioar P.L. Ruaaal gawa an ozeallant parfomao- ea and waa wall raeiawad. Harw'a tc ■ora oonoartall MOnCBtl No ara planing a "Si»- ggastion Bos" naar tha Banbox in tha lobby of tba club and all str« cordially invitad to axprasa tbalr Tiawa regarding tbalr eboiea of ao- tiwltisa and antartaixMtnta. Mbit will it ba, Boya,-teldga, ebackara or Ping Pong toumaianta? Any sort of ■ausansot we could try? Please ontaar talent, both Inatruaantal and ▼oeal,proTidas tha atlaalua for real ■laie. Tha young lady to tha right WKj not ba alnging, but any aoldiar will ba quick to tell you that she adds "tbs right kind of ataosphere." halp ua to ha^ yoult ^ HaadiiBartara and Headquar- tars Squadron and tba 333rd Air Baas Squadrons ooabinad to glee a aoat aueoaaafuX dance Prlday night and a uondarful tiaa waa enjoyed all present. lluM.e by the Post Dan- oa Orchestra eas axesUaixt and tba Master of ^raaonias, Cpl. John A. Lindbarg oontrlbutad to a faatiwa awning. Tba Sunday afternoon variety Aow put on fbr tha adifloation of our aan and. Uiair vialtora aeeaa to have a edge over all our other preeantationa in tha aattar of drawing a crowd. Is good ol* So- rvloa dub is alaays fUlsd to cap acity with tha sails aaaaing to st retch outwards like in those Disney Billies wa see lA tte oinau,as tha show gets w^r way on Sundays. BUY STAMPS Several major autartaiawat tivltiea sera held by mm Ihieio and Radio Diviaioa of tha Spaeial Sar vlea Saotion tble weak, Inoludlag a broadoaat by tha Poat Danes Orohaa- tra last Friday night, a varlaty eh ow at tha Sarviea Club Sunday after noon, aa well as anotbar at tha Poet Boepital Monday, a variety bro adcast Monday avanlng, autltlad, "Plying High," and tha quick pro gram, "Battle of tha Squadrons," broadcast over tha Tobacco No^fork Hedoesday night. DZBBCTS PMT GBCHESBA Director of tha Poat Orohaatra was Sgt. Oaear ileCaulay, while tiia announoar was Sgt. Hilliam Kusnita- of. At both tha Sarvioa Club and tha Hospital Pvt. Artla Conroy waa tba master of oeramoniea, at which ti'M performare included Prta. Dava Mil Bill Hays, Dava Martini, Dave ’len and Carmen Sonatora, whl la Margaret Yinson provided a special attraction Sunday. 'ionday's varia^ broadoast , "Fiylog High," was oompoaad mainly of Officer talent, headed by aa ia- tarview of Major John P. lawton, Gsnoral Mass Officer of tha Post. Others included a reading by Lt. TT. B. Moss, sooga by Lt. John Bertrand, several selections by tha Post Danoa Orehaatra. aiONER OP OOBSTIOIIS Coapatitorw on tbim qpda pro gram, "Battle of tha Squadroaa"wwra the S6th and 798th Technical School Squadrons. Master of Caramoniaa waa Pvt. Johnny Grant, announcer was Sgt Alas Karanikas, while tha Raoblara undar the direction of PPG Chester Brandon, furnished tha staio. A sober thou^ to idian tba griping bloaa try to taka hold of yea and your outlet on t)^ Inga takes on a graylki hue—RETR EAT ID THE UBRARTU It la wall bom out that with a good book you oan ba tran^toriad away froa thloga banal into a naw ilorld where you can torgat X.P., Guard Duty, G.I. Parties and even dLsappointMnta in lovat It baccaaa so easy to aharpan up on Bubjacta idkicb aaj hava ata- rtad to slip froa your wind throu^ tha aadiua of a good litarmry woilc. How to write a battar lattar. How to spall. How to apeak Spanish aa tba Spaniards apeak it, How to road blua-prlota. How to gat along with paoplo. How to turn out a good sp eech and other quaationa can ba ao- eurataly answered at tha library itF ieh is in the Service dub. This Library belongs to you, Soldior—USE ITS I lour passage into fhroff lands, diveraifiod topioa md other intor- aating raalaa ooata you nothing. Adaiasion is free. Ttam'a no refr* tal charge and, of oouvaa, no noi se. Naw additions to tha printed stock of The Book Nona* a Mart ara arriving regularly. HEWS ARGUS A oeluui of news and Into hap* pen Inga of Sejaour Johnson field la now being cerried by the Qoldebem, Mewe Argue Dally. The ooluan entitled "Johnsen Field* le prepered by the Publie M etione Qffiee. this etietliwi