FPaM TH£ CLPSSPOOM.... TO TMC LiN£.... VOL. I Mo. 20 SEYMOUR JOHMSON FIELD. N.C. Max 8, 1943 FIELD-WIDE PROMOTIONS OF EM ANNOUNCED Sales Of War Stamps and Bonds Zoom On Field During First Week Of Gigantic Drive To Raise $7SjOOO POST QUIZ PROeRAM BECOMES^DOCTOR 0.1.” 8«yn'^r Jofanaon Fi«li c.I.t nsm sooe |1A«000 richer la w%r •taapa and bond* aftar tha flrat flTa 4ags at th# AIR-O-MBCH drlra to sail $75«000( tha prica of a P • 40 puraalt plana, la aar stampa. flia sreatar potion of the ftl4, 000 rapraaant* purchaaot by anllftort man aad ergaaltation eomandars. Qv llBtad aan «aro nat telieltad. but voluntarily aatarad tha campaign. At tha tiaa 'want to prasa Tuoaday night, m diraet aolicltat- lona had baaa medp to Officefs and civilian paraonnai. Sofora June 1, however, each offtear and civilian will ba glvan tha ehanca to taka an aetlva port in the drive. Tha eoRpalgs officially opened April 50 whan Colonel Donald n. Smith, Coraaending Officer, paatad a war otanp on the note of tha mock P*40, araetad alongalda of tha AIH- -C-IBCH office at Building T-30.Tha Coflnaadiag Off!ear'a staff was pra- •ent. yajor J.B. *-furr, special sar vice officer, announced that the purpeaa of the drive wee to raise #75,000, which is tiie price of a pursuit plena. The Post '3a)id played under the direction of .Varrant Of - ficer Fraenan P.ussell, To date, Maori.iuartor8 anrt Heari- quarters .S.uedron leads all other organizations in stamp purchases with a total sales of 81757.25. 0- thar squadron sales includai 88th T.S.?., 51400} •■’.SSrrt nir Baca, 51375; O02nd T.S.S., $603. 25, 801st T.S.S., $763.25; 796th T.S.S. See WAS STAia S Pa^e 3 •isAm Is PX MsrsI •mM Is ExtssM Ts IHMb Of Msy Ttai deadline for entries in the eonteet for airale for the Uain Peet iMhaiige Store has been exten ded fM April 28 to May 15, Capt. David A. teperatone, exchange offi cer, annoweed thie week. Capt. Saperetone aald that AO murals had been turned in, and that fiber boarde for 30 more are avail able. Subject of the entries oay be any one consistert with morale up lift, such as would not be of a con- troreraial nature,political, racial nor volgar* Simplicity and humor, rather than symbolisn should be the keyopte. Color, expression,fflood,are dspendsnt on the coapstitors. See PJl. Page 3 First WAACS Report For Duty First rej rosentative of h Women's auxiliary Army Cor^s deta chment, Third Officer iJetty L.Tree- man reported for duty Mojidiy at this station of the army Air Forces Tech niccil Training Con and. In Ctvilii*n life. Third Officer Treeman was em** ployed by Mrs. Doris Duke Cromwell at Duke Fams, Somerville, N. J. The daughter of Mrs. Anna Rod in, 403A W'bstninlster avenue, Phil- See ViVJkCS Page 3 SWtTCH OFFL.SWtreil OH! The weekly Radio Quiz Program which is ^onsered by the Rsdio Dlvu is ion has drawn up a real "mean" bunch of rules which will make the programs more colorful and much to ugher for the contestants. Accordii^ to AIR-O-MECH, the questions asked will be harder aixl penalties will la given for answers that are to far fetched from the correct answer. A high stool will be present for the "unlucky" persons i^o fail to ans wer the questions. A "dunce" hat will be worn until he or she can re See lOST ^UIZ I age 3 M0THtlt,S DAY Since tomorrow — Sunlay — is Mother's Day, this issue of the Air-O-Mach is dedicated in honor of the Mothers of the Men on Sey mour Johnson Field. pay tribute to all Mothers everywfhere, and especially to you r Mother -- no doubt the most wonder ful Mother in the world. Tfithout such Mothers we would not be fighting for tha things «m hold most dear, includir^ thra. So that your Mother may get a better idea of Seymour John son Field, the Alrmmech urges that you take this issue and mail* it to her. She will enjoy the pic tures, and you may care to tall her where in it she may find news of your squadron or activity You may mail it for only a cent and one-half stao^. C0*JTACTJ This ship, a mock P-40, taade a good take-off last Friday when the war stamp drive,sponsor- •8 by the AIR-OHIECH, te raite 575,000, the amount necessr.ry to purchase s pursuit plane, got underway. After ^Ive days of the drivs, $14,000 in stamps and bonds were sold. This represents nearly one-fifth of the total cost o.f a pursuit plane. Pvt. P. •!. .'ard, at the prop, and Cpl. Joe Sutera, cllobine into the cock-pit. Doth rtembers of the AIR-O-MECH staff, are shown helping the plane to get underway on its flirht to collect the $75,000 by June 1. / £. Sebool Groipt, SISrd Air Biss, 913th Giird, lid Hfi. AdYiBce Mm Fraution. of Enli.t.d U.n of S.3mour Johnson Fiald as announosd this wssk by ths War Dspartnant iit- cludsd thrss tschnlcal sorgaants to ■astsr asrgsanta: John A. Flslds, Richard B.Tait and Robart C. HUahainsr. Othar proootiona war.: to 1st aerKaanti Carl C. Didtay, Jr., Paul E. Sampaon. TO Tsch Sergsant; Wllllau E. Graffiu'a, Uanflaid J Freasey, Raymond A. Uurdaugh, Jamsa L. Uerldath, Roy P. Prsaaian, Jr., La onard K. Bartoa; Edward W. Portnsy, Edgar W. Facelay, Lyla R. Ffladarar, WiUlan F. Bowan, Floyd B. Bowaraan, Andrew S. Ohajman; Uarahall R. Da.- snport, Arthur 0. Flak, Jaroiss J. Dritaj Wiilla* A. Ganarkaj Milan F. Roman and Fred K. Stasban. Bromley to I/sgt Curtis V. Broaaey, Roger F.Bar- klow, Dayld H. KilUaras, Jamas V. Raney. TO staff Sargeanl: Thomas B. Barry, Jwes A. Farr, Frank A. Fittgarald, Laurant Fortin, Harbart S. HerL.nds, Walter C. Kin- ehaloa, alva J, Salsburay, Bruce F, Tbmplin, Edgar R. Burkland, Ekiural ft. Fitzgerald, Thomaa F. Flaherty, Bernard Friadenbarg, N. J. Hurmel, William A. Morrison, David Sobol, Lawrence H. Nhittanors, Curtia F. Garrard, John B. Antczak, William A Olah, Richard F. Kolford, J.inaa T. Kingard, Walter H. Jordan. Kneatrlct to Staff George H. Knsstrict, Robart W Ball, Jr,, Vincent J. Cutrona, Cyril W. Gallagher, Thomas 0. Udiaster, Robert J. Green, Alden U. Stroud, Newell E. Hearn, John A. Gray, Ray mond B. Boeaenberg, Louie B. Ulary, Glenn E. Graer, Allan 0. Riihinen, Robert E. Hughes, Kaliaca L. Deli- laont, Charles E. Dean. DAVIS TO S/SCT Charles L. Davis, Darrell D. McOomao, Matthew Stephens, Clifford T. Wood, Alfred J. Gayo, Howard B. See ADVAK® lags 3 Johnson Field 6. l.’i To See “Arsenic And Old Lace”, May 14, 15 V>ith an array of top-notch oiovie, stare and radio stars playing in one of Broadway's resounding smash hits, the fabulously successful stage comedy, ARSENIC AND OLD LACE, will be presenteA by USO-CAMT SHaiS At Seymour Johnson Field on May 14- 15 with shows starting at 1930 on the 14th and 13OO and 1900 o'clock on the 15th. All shows will be held at theatre No 1. Written by Joseph Xesserlriug and produced by Howard Lloday aad Pussel Crouse, ARSENIC AND OLD UCE has regaled thousands of thoatre goers in all the large oitias of the country where tha several tour ing companies of the show havo play^ ed« See OW LA(S Fags 3