SCmoUR JOilNSON FIELD, N.C. FAGS 6 CPL. Continued from page 3 Oe Mueller, Frte Haroae Fe Qulter, Benjenln ?• Rebineon* Jr., James A* Schneider. Alphr S^sco, Charles F.Stee::,Alexander S. llUeon, Robert J, Hood, Richard D. Aljian, Charles Fe Brackett, loreneo L« Castillo, Leoc De Cory, John E. Degnal, Irrizg Me Fomecker, Louis C. Graceffa, Murry S. Killer, Alfred Tie Jacobs, Hilton L. Jemigan, *jax Xoreonsky, Charley Hiller, Boyce C. Morrow, John Re Ognlsantl, Craven A. Roberix Robert E. Sehidt, Lawrence A. School Alvin L. Steen, Joseph Walker. ffal« ter If. Brouard. FRY Hooker E. Fry, Willlan E. Chad- well, Wilbert E, Gustafson, Anthony N. Moreno. Janes E. O'Connell, Geo rge E. Williams, Louis J. Aconfrio, Buhl A. Black, Easton B. Cooke, Ri chard C. Henderson, Carl A. Johnson George H. Norton, Charles T. Pappa- gaorge, Carroll Shurkin, William C. Olson, Edmund Leary, Julius Lightnan John ?. Mora, Alphonse A. ‘ioruscl, Leo £. Adams, Herbert 3. Band, Mel vin Re Baumgardner, Morgan brew's, Jr Donald B. McCartney, Robert W. Schuli, lleraan Shapiro, Edwin C. ?eller, SCOTT Ferris L. Scott, George B. Rowe, Jr., Ha.en G. I^'e, William K. Stoess, Antony B. Kaplnski, Robert L. LaRock, Andrew A. Lovasik, James A Webster, Newell R. Percy, Beam J. ■vll, Ashley 0. Wing, Chris K. Sel- . ;rtln, Charles E. Shawyer, Harold Stelt.eni'Ohl, Fred Wolf, Harry Al "eerie. hlNDHAi: Ivey V«, nindham, Heni^r N. 3rat kowski, Berr.ard Bickm&n, Daniel I. Livingston, Herman C. Brown^ Donald F. yyott, Frank V. Hawkins, Robert M. Pierce, Abraham F. Greene, Vine- cent Salvia, Herman J. Mathe, Lugerc F. Sikorski, Edward J. Keatter, Vic tor D. .(alia, Charles J. Schneider, Joseph 5. Rosewski, Anthony P, Cini CO, Irving Harrison, ierino Deve cchi, Charles Azzarelli, Edviard G. Dzialo, Adam Aurlis, Hronislaw J. Baldyga, Carl C. BriRi:s, Stanley L, Cobb, James Shero, Donat A. Leveille Robert E. Carey, Louie LaieUi, Ed ward B. Krebs, Thomas F. Leslie, alter Litwin, Rayrnond D. I'organ, Maurice Flasterstein, Robert 5. Per kins, Arvnrd A. Flchols, Carmine G. 'etti, Guy L. Fleming, Ceo.-e Green FVhncis A. Alteiri, V.’illiam ’. Sen- son, Theodore E, Canright, iVllliam, F, Pedersen, ?'ilton C. Soswell, Euguene Komosinski, Patsy E, Cirelli Edmond J. Fo-garty, Henry I^pin,James E. Suites, .Vilaur A. Todd, Winford L, Summers, Timothy K. Cleary,l^il - ton X. Malrowitz, James A. !.!oses, Norman J. Yewell, Lewis Dube, Jos eph E. LaRreepue, I^ichael J, L:cDor>> aid, Fred R. Russo, './alter Fel and, Jr., James V. Sa»rie, Henrie S. Eck/iardt, Ray C. Rountree, Jr., Albert A. Solomon, Francis E. Hart, George C. Troost, Richard K. '..illis, Ivan A»*anovltch, Charles R, Chaill, Nicholas C. Charles, IXb'rt H. Co]>e land, James T. Crew, III, George P. Denison, Roger *V. French, Jr, , Ben Jamln T. Puller, Joseph D. Galleghx Wiillam J. I.lass, Ernest ./. l!orrow, Michael J. O'Neill, PhilLp F. FeV- son, V/illard G. Fhilbricic, ii'alter L Sanville, Charles H. Seuvor,Julius E. Serafin, Leo J. Franzman, Addrew Konoradh, Joseph Kremer, Felix LefKOVsky. TO 3" CONCLUDED NEXT V.'EEK. lEIE IT GOMES'. Tho wide playing area t'nat .-nuet be constantly watched by the catcher In his key position is shown In the above pic. SOFTBALL SONEOILE CAMS TIME 10U Monday May 17th 12th Hess Group vs. Hq-nq Sqda. 36th TSS vs. 10th Academic 791at TSS vs. 9th Academic 793rd TSS vs. Med. Detach. Tuesday May 18th 794th tss ve. 906th QM. 795th TSS ■ vs.- 927th QU. 796th TSS vs. 918th Guard 798th TSS vs. 333rd AB. Wednesday May 19th 799th TSS vs. B02nd TSS 900th TSS vs. SOlst TSS Ilth Academic vs, Hq-FIq Sqdn. 36th TSS vs. 9th Academic Thursday May 20th 791st TSS vs. Med. Detach. 793rd TSS vs. 906th "JJ. 794th TSS V8. 9?nh ^1!. 795th TSS vs. 9I3th Guard Friday May 21st ?96th TSS vs, 80th Avn. 798th TSS vs. 802nd TSS 799th TSS vs, 80th Avn. 10th Academic. vs, Hq-Rq Sqdn, SCOIES High-li^t Nationaj. and Araer- ican League baseball scores .lill be run in the daily sheet pri/ited at Seymour o’ohnson Field called "Today". Through this uean, soliiers .>f this post can keep up with the standings of their favorite teams. The lost Theatres also carry leading team scores on the screen with every showing of the regular STANDTNG OF SOFTBALL LKAGlfE AS OF MAY lOTH TEAMS 3$th TSS TPSrd TSS 906 ^ 798th TSS 912th Guard 800th TSS SSSrd TSS 791st TSS 9th Acad. 794th TSS 10th Acad. Medica 11th lead. 796th TSS 797th ?S? 796th TSS Hq-Hq Sqdn 927th TSS 7P9th TSS 60th Avn. 801st TSS 802nd TSS 12th Moss THERE IT GOES! HARDBALL TEAMS PRE PARE FOR 0PEHIR6 YFith ten exhibition games hav ing already been played at this writing and even more in store for the fans, the hardball niiies on this field are roundini? into fine triti' for tho ojvener on De coration Day, Hay 30th. « game for each shift will ke^ .-lote ;,ne gila tripleheader to be plcayod on tlut day. The contests will be played at various times tii- /‘oughout the day so that all inter ested spectators inay see the strug gles. The bUlst Technical Sdiool bojsts a very strong aggregation of diajaor.d athletes. They have captu red their two exhibition gMmes, so far, including a thriller from tne 79Vth, another powerful contingent, >i-7. Their liergeant Heruan is doing great work in the pitching departm ent and also wields a sturdy hunk of nickory. Scores of the past week inclu de; the 799th’s \.in over the Both Aviution, 6-4; and tneir loss to 601st by an 8-7 score as mentioned a'oove; 801 olsc beat the '(edics, 5- 3; the Medics v/ere also a'Kl losing to tho 8CXJth TSS and 8U2nd Tech. Sch., respectively, 1 F^^a-l^^^broSc^^^ystructor of boxing at the Sports /.rere, left this past Tuesday for a two month period of schooling at H.J.O. sch ool for Ihysic-al Instructors at Miami Beach. Upon successful compl etion of the course, our eloquent professor cf the gloved science wi ll return to us as Staff Sergeant or perhaps a Tech Sergeant, The (rl swinging has Just missed a good strike and this is how the burler sees it as the catcher receives the ball*