FROM TM£ CLRSSROOM.... TO THF L/NE... ypi. Mo. 83 SEXMOUR J0HM30M FIELD, N.O. HAY 22, 19'; FRED WARING TO SALDTE SEYMOUR JOHNSON FIELD MAY 26 WARUM AND HIS PENNSYLVANIANS MEIilLS AWARIED G.I.S FOR GOOR COHRICT According to Taric magazim, the VJar Department has amended the re* tnirwents for the Good ConAict Me* dal to include the foUowli^: "It may be awarded by the CO of a unit for "exMq^lary behavior, ef ficient and fidelity" to any (S 1*10 on or after Aug. 27, 1940,had ^ or shall have ecii^>leted three yeas of active military service or who after Dec. 7» 19UI, has or shall 3m» MEDAL pag# 3 IK MCmKIAM There*s a note of sadness arou nd Barracks %0 of the 793rd T.S.S. these days — for the three little kittens are dead. Sgt Augast V. Sanehionl fouxd the tiny animals one day last wedc ehsa be beard th« moeing under Ihs barradcs. Wewfaom, blind and not a hit largerhardly ^than alee, the kittend.' had been abandoned by their mother* I Sanehionl settle the three In a padded box near his bed and fed them earn alik throu^ a medicine dropper* Soon, others were helping The GIs In Barracks 340 were \p aoie than one night with the tiny babies they had adopted* One day the kittens anored ri^t throuj^ ai inspection* then, this week — one by one — sickness claimed the kittens* "Gosh," said one GI, "it was Just like losing throe aeabers of the family." mVIKG COLORS U.S.O. CAMP SHOW SCHCDULED TO PLAY FIELD MAY 28 AMD 29 FLTINC COLdtS, the musical co medy extravaganaa which USO-CAKP SHCNYS presents here at Seyaour John son Field on May 2Bth and 29th, for a two day run, is a big show filled with blg-tlme perforasrs* Frodueed and staged on Groadeay, it*s an eye filler, lavishly eostomed, with songs, dances and socko comedy — rtly interwoven into the "books*" The shows will be held at ITieatre No 1* Time will be annottne>d later* The rubber-legged dancing and comedy routines of Hal SheiyMn, th at kept audiences rolling in the aieles for three years at "Hellza- poppln'," *111 again be on display* Hal has been featured in the f«BO» us ■Vuslc Box Revues" of Irving Be rlin, and has been starred in Lond on's ai(kilght Frolics, as well as at the Casino Da Tarree in New Yoxk Talented Johnny Ifooda, aoe cc^ median and im] ersonator, keepa the tfiow running owothly at a ^et ^mce Johnry haa appeared with such famou- us name bends as Toorty Dorsey's, He- nzy Busse's, Jan Savltt'a and Benny Gootaan*s* See U.3.0* pas* 3 REW TRRRSITIOR SCHOOL ESTABLISHEI HERE FIEE MEMCAL CANE YO SOLIHENS’ lEPENIENTS Frew medical care will be ex tended to wives and dependents of all soldiers at Seymour Johnsca Field in conjunction with a health service offered by the Children's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor,It was announced in Washington this week. Practically all of the atatee will have the plan in operation this month. Army Timea stated. Congress recently appropriated Hi,200,000 for ^e currant year,end ing June 30, to provide medical care of expectant mothers whose husbands are of the prescribed ratiks In the armed serviees. The President has asked for an additional $6,000,000. Any enlisted man's wife in a See MEDICAL page 3 Providing an all-inportant "stepping stone" in the training iwn gram of the Amy Air Forces, a Lock heed Trsuisition School has been es tablished here at Seymour Johnson *i*ld and is scheduled to start op erations Ismedlstely. Filling a long felt need, the newly established school will pro- viie for pilots from advanced flyiJg training schools a month's valuable experience in the. hazxlling of air- pla.ies, twin-engined and heavier tnan those they have met heretofore. Because of its location at a field in th* Army Air Forces Techni cal Training Command, the newly-es tablished school i^ieh is a part of the Air Forces Flying Training Com mand, becomes unique in itself end the first one of iU kind in the United States. Establishment of the school See TRANSITION pas* 3 "VICYORY YINE” BROADCASY YO DE DEDICATED TO FIELD OVEI HOC Fred Waring — msstar of radio sweet awing — next Wednesday ni^t will salute Seymour Johr«son Field on the "Victoiy Tune Frogr«." Not only will the master baton weilder figuratively tip his hat to the Gle of Seymour Johnson, but will also play for then the tunes which they have chosen as their favorites, A poll of soldiers was conduc ted to deteniine the favorite nun* bere. These Included Johnny Zero — Teu'd Be So Nice To Love,and Swing Lew, Sweet Chariot. GIs who want to hear the "Vic tory Tuns Program" should have th eir radios tuned to the NBC critlet See WARING page 3 STAMP DRIVE REARS HALF WAY MARK I'he drive to sell enough war sta-nps and bond's to equal the price of a P-40 pursuit plane was Juat shy of half it's f^oal as the niddle of the month, indicating the half - way mark in the campaign rolled l,y. Over $27,000 in war stamps and bonds have been bought by eniiateH men, officers, and civilians frewj the AIR-O-MBCR division of the Spec ial Service Section, sponsors cf the drive, since the opening of uhe eeapaign on April 30. The drive to raise $7S,ooO,the price of a P-40 pursuit plane w511 clnse June 1. Weekly progress of the drive can be readily determined by the moc-up plane outside the Al't- O-ltrni office in Building T.30. The amount of sales of war stamps ar.? bonds is shown by blocving oi*f p portion of the plane thot the salos todate would purchase. ONE YEAR AGO A year ago, .'=unday, Mgy 2Z,t\w contract to build Seymour Johnson Field was lat. A year ago, a call for 10,000 to 12,000 workers was made. A year ago, the Area -ngin- ears were already busily at work. A year ago, an Army Air Base at Goldsboro became a reality instead of a rumor. A year ago t»ii ■ past Tueartay, May 18, the first enlisted men, a group of ton, arrived from Chanute Field. A small group of officers had already reoorted for duty at this station. A year ago, Seymour Johnson Field was In the making. HO PRYSIGAL HECESSAIT FOR IISIIARCE The Persenai Service Officer disclosed tliat legislation had been passed making every member of the amy eligible for National Service Life Insurance. It will not be necessary to take a physical examination in erdor to obtain a policy, “sjor 'tecDoneld pointed out. S*« IaSURANCE oaee 3