.'(■9* S 112.1$43 Am-O-MBCR rM4.li. a mmtrni ^SpMYOUR ^Quaprom f91WS^ Boys in 322 Plant Garden By PVT. BDWABO CTEPCZVA The "homeless boys" frqm Bow* msD Field, qusrtered in S33 have planted com, radishes and^ m'l'Ds around their barracks area.: This Is their bid for a Victory Garden. PFC’s Beseny, Addleman and Vassallo; not for* get tng "Death Head" Thompson invite and arant soldfers to come over and pick out a radish or tim . . .but they get awfufly mad when unthinking soldiers tramp all over the newly planted com and melons. They haven't any objection to men taking the vegetables when it’s ripe. So. men. let’s walk around their garden and not thru It. It Hot Weather Gets Hq. and Hq. By 88GT. DAVE 80BEL Thanks to this ungokUy sreather, all of us "damyankees" walk around srtth slow baiting steps, alnsod of eye. and broken In spirit. Honestly. I feel like a 2k>mbie (no, Louis Ross, not the kind you get in tall glasses, on'y one to a eus* tomer). a few more weeks of calls* thenics in that brolli^ sun and we'll all resemble South Bea 1^ landers. Anyhoo, vitamin D is plenty good for you*all. so soak It up while the soaking is good, y’hear me? Suggestion by Elarry Bumworth, the personality kid that wolks in .u- w. w i” 4.x. - ,_-'the orderly room, viz —that every b.rr.cks .,ulpp« wlth.todlvl? eomo «libK .nd they ve willed their crop to onyoiie in the 5qi^-;„h.a Z’ n'Jto ?“ *!> tt>S. WletortoB heat, one cut: not ruin what's planted. Alongside night Headquarters have a Ustm Bag that seems to be the oasis of the area. Water from it la cold, tasty and refresh ing... .threatens to Interfere with the soft drtDk coocessioos. Credit for keeping the bag filled goes to Sgt. Ro^ and his boys Everybody finds t^ water IrrMlstlble. The chief news ttUs week seems to be the weather...it has moat of us btearyeyed. Where are tbs so - calld "Aalnmakers"? Prom the kwks of the powdered soil we'll all be Mowing awi^ soon. Things have been In quite an uproar wUh the 798th moving fei. But they are acrJlmatlng tbemselv*, es alc^ and things are running smoothly again. Band Members GetStrqiM By CPL. BEN B0EIN80N ITtree mwmhsrs of Ete 7th Army Air Forces baztd effective June 1 received new strtpee. Sgt. Anthony U. Trotto atf William Emit were promoted to staft stfgeants; e^ Howard W.. Biey and Paul P. betf were nremoted to sergeant, awl Fvts. wiUlam C. Moore and Leon T. Padgett were promoted to Pfes. Sgt. Oscar KcOauley. leader of the Post Pence Banda, aays be baa been a victim o( the unforsnem Pearl nuber atta^ or might we eall It the *hld dsidiie eroaa 'or ttm stab Id ttte back.** Ss cancepticn. hs aays, **X waa mortally -woimded on June 1 by >■ laiklenttfled party." simply slide out of bed, take. . bawtb, and drag your drippiu car cass back to b^. Sorry. &TTy, no can do — priorities and all that sort of ttiing. We know it’s a dread fully long trek to the latrine but this Is war and we must all dO' our part, so ihere—. « Don’t we think It’s real neighbor*, like for T-Sgt. JAn Evats to in* ylte a guest to accompany him on bis nightly excursion to you-know* where. In fact Us too dam neigh borly, Evans, and next ttme iroo wake up at three A. M. to get a drink (??) go alone you don’t require company. Strange CUekIng Bssuis Next time Tommy Hawks leaves his rsdk> on all night, there won’t be any radio to play in the morn ing: get me? Must he something wrong with the Mumblng In the latrine ^or aboW a week after every payday there emerges from the aforanentioned laMrw a |e clicking noise. Perhaps d. be a good Idea for someone to borry a tenspot and lh> ▼estigate the source of the weird This "shield of arms’’ stands before the Orderly Room of the 798h Technical School Squsdron and shows an airplane, its en gine and books of learning. Thia squadron sports one of the neat est looking areas on the PMt, 797th’s ‘CHpper On Furlouc^ (thiqaote — if you don’t imder- . stand what we mean, see MoOaul- ey) Two eC our hoys, OpL B. C. Morrow, tlie'boy with mdt . red Plymouth opvertlhle, and Sgt. (Hines sessB to hare become of- flotai nMmbers of acoieCy among the younger generation of Oolds- boro. Some of us don’t idem to bsve ttw teelmlqne. or Is it that we don’t have a red convertible to ride them Inr Everyone seemed well pleased with tbs band concert given In the Serriee Club last week. Much sp- plause was neelved for the splen did performance ipndered by Pvt. Jamee Dracup. our ploooloist. His sok) was undoubtedly the outstand ing feature of the cntlTe concert, and from the comments received, you’U probably be bearlnc more from him to me near future. TTie eoooert was under the direction of Warrant OIBcer Freeman I*. Rus- Gcsnplalnt by Doe Stone — R’s hard to erork to an ettiee that is overflowing with femtotoe pulchii- tade. Sure is Doe. but Mtow me one office on this yere flMd toat is overfhArlng with. f. p. In fact, show me one office that boasts of one beauteous tfimne and rtl show you 8-8gt. Hollands who to oe a connolseur o f beauty to any form, — animal, /vegetable or min eral. Some people are ftnmy. take Super-Sergeant Karas, frtxample wben cneof tfae boys axed iHqr be wore such tight shoes, be r«i;uled, . (with a wtNhegSDe eipreisloa on his lean tan face) "W^, i ain’t happy here end the onllfst pleas ure I get out of life is when I remove my Mioes st night.” r troth. T*kBow what. 1 ttitnk Sgt. John Paul Martin Is enamoured of a Quidsboro Deb. TMl you why, practically every night Khl Mar tin goee into town srlth a bundle of laundry under his manly arm. ostenslbley to tile cleaners. He probably goes to the "cleaners'' but not the one you might think of. be trades test bundle of Isundry for a bundle of charm. Right, Joon? Well. boys, keep your thoughts cool and clean and vou won’t mind the heat so much, lie, Tm as hot A yardblrd la a goy who would like to drown his troubles — but can’t get the sergeant to go In swimming. —Beach Service Parade By CPL. JULIUS TELLEN Our favorite barber. Sal Tren- ttno, is at this mmnent up in God’s country (Can I help It il I’m a Yankee). Back In 1941 Ba (be fore Goldsboro) "Tren" worked to a Joint on Wall Street, M. Y. Tbavs a barber shop be quickly adds. ’Tren” le the >&d of a bar* ber that can give you a QI hair cut, and it won’t look to bad. Our favorite barber had the honor of giving (Seneral Reed a halzeut. A chow bound If there ever were one Is Edward PolaskL "Folaek’’ eats three meals.a day plus We've given him the honor of be- fatrA' 86 the first In the mesa hall each ~ day. Two of our ktod souls hms the mess ball doors, snd In walks "Ohow n>uDd’’ Polaskl. Not until then do the rest of us walk In. »Tbat smiling face in night Headquarters belongs to BHgt. Ray Krue^r. Ray says he’s come over to give the ptsee some "mach need ed clacB." Prom the new York Dally News comes wor^titot our former Com- Major TTiomas D. Jordon, was reoently married at Kearns Field, Uteh. The beat of tuck to you. Sir. The have added a new marching song to their repertoire. It goes Ukeibls, "ItocharU win wash the car, p^les vous. etc., etc.” TTie Zadiarladn this ease Is that "Baltimore naah" Zacbarla Wheat. Now that we’ve aald all cl that, Zacb will probably have us oon^mm^Ied. ae aald he would. Oome now. friend, you didn’t mean that, did you? To nm eonstitoents: This bodgo-podge of gossip may originate from the Guard House next week. Here’s one man who believes In doing things In a big way. WQllam Roe is the name, and he’s the prowl father of twins. But, that’s not all; once before Bill was the father of twins. Mother and the new additions are doing fine, Pop Is still qxilte Miaky from the or deal. Pfc. Roe, we salute you! Bussell Fttsgeraid has been en tertaining hie wife irtm’B been visit ing our smroxmdtDgs. And Gerald Shaw says his wife Is in town, too Any more, feDas? Our deepest sympabty goes ooi to Pvt Tony Slano on the recen death of bis mother. By Sgta. MORENO * GUSTAPSON A note of aadnees struck the 99th Technical SeboM Squadron last Thursday when the Mth squad- nm reeetveJ word that M-agt Melvin Zuretier waa be^ trans ferred olT the field. We wbdi to m- our appreciation at this - to tiie one and only too kick we’ve had to the 88th since IMl when the organisatien was estab lished at Ohanute PlMd. M-Ogt Zuroher gained tiM reHmct of ev ery enHsted man and ovficev for his hard work aid o^iahle ability to admtnlatw^.the. Biartron’s ad TatrW 86" ITk so Jong, Sergeant. Each and every oocrof w atooerety w^yon an the took to Ibe wor£ squadron won high honors for two weMw to a row>y taktog 36ih Loses Fust Sergeant Keep up gratnlatlons, Shidentsl the good 'work. Our aquadron also won top hoD-i ora for tile inspection and review by teL SasOb laat 8aturday; More credit to the 88tti where credit la dnel Ohr non • commlaataaed ^tloerw are anxkualy await^ the conmle- tkm of the ROO bu^bg. At are- oentiy-held meetliigi aD the non- coma were to favor of the club 100 per cent and are awalttim fia grand ^;>entng. 795th Writes Last Colimm See Sgt MiuqAy On Hair Care By SGT. BILL nB A^y penoD that wants tc learn bow to take care of their hair other than the way "Oabe'' so cleverly advises can go to S-Sgt. Bill Murphy of Newburyport Mass, for free advice. He wUl gladly give you all his secret methods that have worked so well (or him. We have a new Bridegroom In the squadron to Pvt. Frank Gas* iorowsld. It happened while be was on furlough. Best of tuck. Prank. There was quite a ball game to the squadron the other night. Cpl. Carl Melvin and company ebaW lenged the official number one team of the squadron Pvt. Jack- son Armstrong's battling outfit. Needless to say that Pvt. Arm- stroiw had bis team all keyed tm for this game whi£h they took by the score of five to three. Cpl. Ifeivtn CO the losing side played a flawless game aflM, and at bat. Pfc. Gunboat Staslak has a lew pptoters he wants to pass on to Opl. Melvin vrtilch may bring vl^ tory to his team. The pctoiten all summed up slm^ mean timt Pfc. Staalak should have been to the tme. nxMu reliable sources we have been toformed that a oertoln C. O. put his own name down ap AWCX* That my friends Is a great de* vetion to duty. Sgt. Tom Brpphy must bo read ing this issue of the Alr-O-Mech wUting his furlough wasn't over yet. Tom hat boon *»*»^*^ tiw morale ot tbe home front the past ten days. Have you ever seen a dream waDctog? See Sgt a^vey Haddad to hJs bath r^. beimetag back a^ fc^ from the Mwwer room. SiFti'-SW “‘"iV toe Powers Ifedels wffl be getttog Jealone. . ..To ^ Prenk jTRitdso on hli frwdto to Ssigeaut and to Pvt Mike Hrynyk ori his promotion to toe eqoeAA See what being good to Waccy dM Mlfceftt By PVT. HOWAED B * tto.ciJortiil oner tkli wMk. to Uraadl on u mnS h.... ^ »rom eonJortobl*. Jiino, tte aquu^ oxlitod oiKt- The WIb Korn Xobblon.nnoh- Se-ac- tbe end o f their musical craeer .UvaM. As a fitting cli^x to Its acreer the 788th was awarded the honor banner of the 9th School Group during Its final week of ex istence. The boirs all wish the beet oi luck,wish now also intends to hto to Lt Samuel M. Anderson who aocotldon.hMne. was made Commanding OjCfleer of j Stoce this is tbe article to tfae 79etb Technical Bctoooi Squad-lcome from the 796th, this reporter / Iwottld like to wlah toe beet of hick TTie most crowded place to toe to an the officers and men who Squadron these days is tbe Miow- made up the BEST SQUADRON on er room. Stoce the O. L Laundry'ttie field. Male Call by Milton Cwiiff, Creator of 'Terry and the Pirates’ Fever Conwnunicaled By Contact’ •it aenbbteg tSieftr own clotoee. » Is qu^ a sight to ase some of scrub-board. New that a certain young tody no works at WK HoTf, we an wonder who Opl- U^itmaD Is gotog te dron over next The Sgoadron Softball team al- 1 bruuiSit Its aottvtttes to a eloss with a grand and gloiloos finUh. R wotmd ro its season b v defeat- tag tbe aAid.by 1P4, bchtod the strong burltog rf pfo. Neal Aiello. The man* of the 796tb are all tooktag pretty thirsty toese days. Ike boys have bem looking that way stoce to;! J. T. MscDcnald elosed toe &y Rooms with tbs eoke mmoAtnoa Jq tfasm. The nl^ Charge of Quartere to the TMto has plenty to moan about these days. Stoce an tbe ehalrt bave.been moved out tbe O. Q. has this week also. Pfc. David AUm sold hie guitar when be learned of te breaking up of tbe Squadron. Since AUm can no M»ger ac company him. Pvt. Howie Brelt-

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