ro9« c 1». 1943 JUa-O-MECR S«yMw fohnMa rUU. M. C. ilMMa. FJOM YOUR I ^Quaorom I Pinch Hits For 333rd Reporter By CPU LOUIS U PICABIELLO Set. Francis T. Feensy Is on Emergency Furlough snd I have been nominated to carry on for him to the beet of my ability, so here goes: I will begin my reportorlal ca reer oy asking a certain Sgt., up In the ranks, wby la be always biding behind curtains In t'h e '’Oriental Club” in Raleigh » Is be trying to pop the question? Why not see Dave IftBrtde our ••Love Trouble Han.” The vdiole squadron Is wandering what happened In Rocky Mount when Sgt. Herman GalUouet was there on a three day pass. Kow about telling us Sgt. Major Henill K. Riddick, our Co., took a few seconds off to wish our Squadrons Softball Team all t h e luck in the world. Well boys you get that Tr^hey or ese Cpls. Lovaslk ft KaplnsU were seen In Wilson -otw the weekend chasing a couple of Southern Belles watch out Andy, yoo will use all those B sUokera. Harrlage H Olflng Word has been received that. Set. Legglo, ••The Squaldron Lov- er^’ Is considering marrylDg the little college girl from Wilson. Good luck. What FFO to our Sq. Is always looktog to a mirror and complaining bow Mack he Is—could It be that ticket seller to 11>eatre No. 3 — could be. Sgt. Tony Bennett, the millionaire play-boy of our Sq., la looktog for a wife, so oome glrla you can have him —g^ te^ a^ all. M-Sgt. CuitiBS has been eeerf In Wilson, last Sat. with a cute 'Uttle Dove! Sgt. We would appreciate It very mndi If you would conduct a claas to "Bow To H^e Love." Pvt. Sharaben li abswtag all of hk friends bow we 1 the MM halls are feeding hkn. ito la now aM toe. of "Bhtober." PCo. Damon wm 797th Suspicious Of Steve Rooney By CPL. JULIUS TELLER Hey. Steve Rooney, s’about time you were getting out of the hos pital, don’t you think? You’ve been there so long we’re beginning to suspect you have a crush on one (or more) of those beautiful nurs es up there. Since you hall from Brooklyn, we know you'rk up to something. Hurry up and get well. wUl yal. .. Oh to be a civilian — Big Jessa Elam has departed from Johnson Field, Goldsboro, et cetera and Is at present away In Iowa. Jessa was transferred to the En listed Reserve Corps last week, and will henceforth contribute bis fjiare to the vjar -effort by working In a war factory manufacturing tireo for Army trucks and Jeeps. Photos Galore While we ”Keep-Em-Plyln” Jes sa will "Keep-Em-Rolling.” "Shortly” Glenn Bender who looks Uke a grammar school kid, but with college Ideas was showing us a picture of his "Sweetie-pie” from California, and trying to tell us she was his one and ^y. Why, Junior, you’re not even grown up yett (We’re only kiddin’). . . And another guy pestering us with pho ton is Cpl. Edward Rodgers. His subject — the girl friend from Nebraska, and cute, too. Ed, If you 797th OTs are unaware of the fact, Is the one responsible for your moving from barracks to barracks. By the time this copy reaches the linotype. Ed wUl be safely en camp^ at hie parents* ranch to Kanw. Ed’s bera telling us of the TOO-acre ranch, and has us so in-' terested we’re gona suend Our next vacation (whe ntbe war's over, of course) up there. . . A Tank Ctd. Anthony Tankowskl,. the well-known Jersey Bounce. Prom a bare snd lot, soldiers from Squadron have built this rock garden. An arching bridge, fish pond SBd variety of flowers provides a picturesque scene for the camera- man, ih the background, two Gis continue to plant flowers. been spending some time ot late to M finer place that Ultchell, South Dakota. Say, that must be one of your tall stories. Bill, "vnihelm” is our foremost tail-story teller, and wltb his return to the fold has, no doubt, brought back a case full ^ new stories to regale U9*with. . . That smoke screen around tlie 79Tth area last week was the re sult of no military maneuver, we can assure you. The cause of the smoke was the birth of EAttUeen Ann Yowa. And to true tradltlan Pvt John Yowa, the proud and beaming father was passing out the cigars. Ibe bouncing baby girl welj^Ung 8 1-4 lbs la named after her mouM who In turn to named after her mother. . . R. Lather Jordan wbo’d ratoer be called Jedmny Jordan la showing his wife the sii^ts (I) of Goldsboro. Chib qvtie It e Btonde. kH lalely. What is Steve? to. the act of sataong the ptetore on bk deak tiie othsr night Now the qoesthm sriMs — is that e direct order or • taobhy of kk own. We ell agree thet she is deaervtog of tt end tost he sboirid receive tbs “Good Ooitottct Medal." Klt- treU asked me to toll sB men to repot to him for e present that be baa been beMhig far a week. Oongratnlattona go to Opl. Fted Wolf lor gtvtag the iWd seme grand mgsie — keep k up ned. Oomplateta have been com _ forth by Barradcs 1ST that Pvt Raad, our new mall elertc, has bssn talkhig to hla gtrl’s ptotare and hasping the men swake all aigbt long. A committee hao been formed and a daefolen reached that hla jlri wUl be bi laiglil hare and have them married ae toere wUl be peeoe to the Barraeka enca afeato. Pfo. Roebock has changed a ahovel for a typewriter — Oood Lock Kid — you wUl need H with our Sgt Ma jor. It k a plaaaure te noto that T. O. OelHm respects hk ekSets to bsrrachs 108— Two msB of Barracks Ilf have J^ oompleted a abort stay to waahtogteB. Aakad bow the trip waa and ako what they saw up there neither of them could U^ton meeting a weather man remember. the other day sikrd htan if H wdi going to ratal — No. wae the answ er — 1-1 boor later I dbser that seme party soaking wet Greensboro, partaking of the city’s finer points, no doubt. To^ re- feired to ss "A. Tank, to The AAF** has a favorite' ezpreaaloo' "Wowl’' No need to explatolhat . Pfc. Jnllen Mclisndoo of Blka. 408 bea been diowtag off hk wife, Mar tha ElUs, to'hk Crienda. Martha k q>endtng a coupla weeks to Golds boro comparing our OaroUna at mosphere to that of oaocgla’s. Yes. Mmlba k a "Gemito Peach" halt ing ffom Baldoata, Ga. Beltove tt or noi, policing the area seems to be a favorite detail these sunny days, that k, if the area to be policed to to the vicinity of the tekgroph otOee. My. how potwlar you are, Caroline; and thanks for waving at us ae_yott gOi to work each morning, intboat your sunny dlaposttkia we Just oouldn’t start our day properto. . . Gkapkln Sfoed Up You hava baard of tha standing up the bride, but have you beard of the bride a^ groom standing up tbs Cbaidatot Wen. Pfc. Bjron WoUe and Mlaa Sylvia Sefaofer can verify that lha ceupk had arranged to be married to the Post Ohapto, but were d^yed In town making airangements. Rath er than continue to toe Field they decided to be httehW to Goldsboro. The Chapkte and toe JUted guests are. prooebly stiO waitteg m toe ceremony. We notice By ron walking arofimd to a daie, so we gatoer that married Hie k OK. Xh. Byron?. . . aek fWm FStleugh Just as black as vrtien hs kR. Sgt. BUI Klenast baa returned from furlough, and declaree there betaig The Moral of this story — all weatoennen should carry umbrti- las and wear hip boots. Johnny's been with us only a few weeks, and Is provtng a welcome addition to toe baeebeu team. Prior to entering toe AAF be waa an aircraft rngine mechanic at Brook- ley Field. Akbams. And so won’t The Uttle toy terrier; amftoo by be a stranger itoen be starts toe AM course here. . . Goldsboro nlte Ufa Dept; Pfo'e Oharlle and nad Yost making toe rounds about town arm to arm with their wives. . . Ita dosing we mustn’t forget to report tM the WTIh k flying toe ■ Banner in front of toe Orderly Room. Male Call Barracks 821 Has Feed Bag Party By F. P. O. JIM BOBKBLU The desire for eomethlng beside O. L ehew finally reached a cli max for all of toe fallows to bar racks Bl. Last week toM got to- gstber at a Uttk place aWit two miko outside of Gokkboro and really put on toe old feed-b^. The menu Included such appetlstng dkbea as even browned potatoes roast chicken or tender Juicy > steaks. There were uko fresh but tered peas and ovenhot butter! buns. Ihrou^MUt the course of toe dinner eeverdl toasia were made to various states represented. There k no dkpttttaig toe fact that all had one wonderful time. Splash Party On Sunday June 6, barracks 8S8 held a splash party. OrlglDal^ toe idea was thought up by Ross Deaboro and Paul nederlck. It all was to show wbo was sup^or to stresigth. The weaker of toe two would end up to the shower. After much stniggung by both men nri- ther one had gained much ground. Their audience became mpatlent and decided to take a in things. Their audience became tm- patlent acid decided to take a hand things. Both Desboro and Pred- etick were taken hands and feet and thrown in the shower together. Man Of The Beur Hollywood has its Clark Gable, 'Tyrone Power or Victor Mature bdt Squadron 791 also had their own super Casanova. Down In the sim ple quarters that barracks 835 of fers, lives our man of toe boor, that radlent personalito, Samuel B. Barker. Out of the uiouaande of MkUers to town every week-end Sam k apparently toe onto one wbo poesMBBs that hiddtf power that juet makes toe women flock i^ter him. Maybe be nsec a fife Uke the Pled Piper dld..- . Por toe pest few days toere no kBgM hasimp.a gro steps of toe hadk ef Sgt. Kiinbell In Limelight te no longer toere. Kvm day toe beva would put pieces of bresd. meat and gmisw to toeir iriceto at ohow and when put to- S toer they would im toe IS dinner. It seems toe pup Just oooldDt get used to hk army Ufe M Ckd. Donald Sutohea of bar- Anyfaoo. racks 8B8 arruiged w the dog to jMloik Uve to Bmltidkld. N. O, ' n. k a Uttk wonder toe barracks B was receutty awarded tod plaque for bav^ the neatest barracks tai T91. Ttere are many hard workers to tok barracks but pne_^ rsally takes rksaltawet to h^ k AMo "Pete” PletropoU ^ got toe feUewe tageCber snd induced them to chipdn and buy ^ smaU eked^carpeto; one for toe back door and tito otoer for toe front Svery now and toon ooe of toe fellows will eome up wlto a novel Idea. The latest and most tmlque of an, is that of ‘Chief’’ Meetas of barracks 831. Before be received bk O. I. greeting card be was a member of the Navajo Xndkn tribe, where be learned to be an artkt of excqttfonal abUlty. BO k now working on a map of the U. 8. in full color. On toe various states will be placed small tags, on which will be printed toe names of tboae of the barracks wbo were former restoents of that nar- ticttlar state. Berlin, Cologne. Dortmund, X>a- esseldorf, Dnkbezg, Bssen — toen aU toe way down the ahtebet to Wuppertal. It k toe RAF, uncover- lag a nice change of pace. By 8-SGT. DAVID 80BEL I here by propose a vote of thanx to Sgt. Howard Kimball for his sincere efforts In e^eavorlng to keep Barracks 307 spotless. Prior to each Inspection you'll find Rim- baU industriously scrubbing t h e steps or cleaing the window ledg es. Hats off to a real soldier I— Howz about starting a rumor that the N. C. O. Club we expect to have real soon will sport a real outdoor swimming pool? W ho knows, perhaps It may materialize —me thinks Tony DlSante should invest In a sewing machine with all he's been getting from the newly made non-coms. Tony la toe chief strlpe-sswer-oner in oiir squadron. Bates Tee High Rates will have to come down at the Karas Flophouse If they expect to get any buslneas—rumor has It that some of hk best cus tomers havsibeen complaining b^ cause of toe early rlsmg hour — funny about Bairaoks m, things are quiet aQ evening until Ui^ta out at tot. then all hell breaks loose, idllows begin to fly hither and yoo, WUly (Engineer) Beld'rin makes with those corny, very un funny stories which are Usually ac companied ^ gales of lau^kter (hk own), waroiiiig — tt these practices do not 'cease, drastio measures wUl have to be taken, see? Why doesn’t someooe take Howk Bennett in hand and tea^ him toe fundamentals of volley ball?? Hk awkward movements on the vomey ban court are tte talk of the squadron. Or maybe be oouM take hk ealfcthenles white we’re aU at work, toen - toere would be no one around to lan^ All. toe onnqueiing heroes — McCready and Evans are back from toeir enkmgated three day paea. Our days « rem'Md.,.uulet are over until toeir nest pas9. My tt be aeon and kog — Sgt. Jim "FeartesB’ McGee reaBv shouldn’t Bsten to those two O. L's who are '* I to dlasuade him from . O. O. B. Ita not aa rough as toey make it out be, Mac. be- sldea what are yon. man or mouse? Anyfaoo, KuMk and Bobtt are Just JeaMs beeaaee they're afraid of not being aocepted tf toey afaould apply. toddenlalk.your reporter took It tmon bkaaen to taivisttgato tooee cltoktaig nokee in the latrine, men- >ktaig m . . tlooed to last week's cotunm. We’ll It sny fortber. NOW that Ita. parmkaabk to re move tlea white worldly to offioee CtoL MlurTT HOler wank te request permkrion from Post Beadqnartm to work to atoktio tttorta. Kow thats carrying mtnga a btt too far. — Wonder bow Brotoers. Owena and Symanskl ac quired sucti gorgeous cans. Snne* totaig telk ua toat white toe rest of us are akvtaig away tbaae three bssktof to toe sun's raya ^ the eutouttk beakers. Brother's Name Found On Captured Truck Or-™*. lU. (ON8) — Pvt. Sam Bucfalert waa lupsceng a captured Italian truck brought here mmi Africa vtoen bk eyes pc^iped open in On toe side of toe truck waa toe autograph of bk brother, ^I. Pat Bucfaleii. who k servtog to toat by Miltow Caniff, Crnafer of ’Terry And the Pirates* Quite A Battle Sight