>1» I hw« H, H4i Am-O-MECB S«T»wg lahMM rUU, W. & s sj ai Spoits Sparks Bu Sarge W«U. It floslly eam«. Our first piece Of Can maU since we set up business st this standi So with* out further ado and with pardonable pride we present a true extract of this historic document. “Dear Sar^: Seymour Johnson Is a wonderful field, the chow Is grand, the IfP^ are gracious gentlemen and Ot^ds- boro Is an exceptional metropolis, but OH, do I have one fecial pee re! Cenpared to my pet peeve a oUle Mhe eariTiag fun fIcU egolpmewt Is as deUghtfal as an Easter Day streB dewn FifUi Ave* nee. Dlgg^ a fex-hele, even hw my nT»hy*ftve frame Is elilld*s pfay alengslde this, asest nexions ef aethritles. Tea, I would rather engajre In two honra of bayonet drOI than In fIfteeB mlastes of eaUsthealcs! There is only one thing that can put me In a state of miTwi worse than seeing my name posted on the bulletin board for KP, and that Is bearing tbe.xoiDmand ‘position of exercise, MOYBI* I am definitely and irreroeaMy allergic to those words. Just the thought of a physi cal training Instructor blasting them St my senslUve eardrums is enough to oTerahelm me. Now don’t get aw wrong, Sarge. I gavo tho phyaical training d^ partment overy opportunity to wta Biy roapeet and esteem. Bat Bieae supermen on the stand seen proved they asaoeased nrither renaen nar eouL Thinking that my Hrst experience with the phyaical training program bad been a horrible mistake I ae* uiaUy wturaed dag a second try. This time X waa oonvlnBed. It was IttcredlMe but true. The Instructor said ‘men, we're going to bxtlld you up* and then proceeded to desbuy us. Neek. arm, aad body excr^ dees fiBowed eaeh ether tai shat* lertag sneeaaalsn. Breathing ex* ereteea were Intcrpelated along the the rMrte In order to revive'theoe Z have reported the entire mat ter to my first sergeant who la an outstandhdi an** capable non-oom- mlaataned offloer. He said that he has been a Mt too busy In the past two years to take any phydeal trsLlnlng but that be would embrace the first opportunity to ehe^ on these fiendish maneuvers, provided, of course, that I told him where the physical training areas are lo cated Don’t far a ammeni think I’m oppsaed to tho matatMmneo of prspm pbydeal fttnem. Person* aBy, I’ve alwi^ taken pride te asy exeeDcnt phyaical oondKloa. Ifany’s the time back bMO that I hbet fllleon ta tweaty raefa la the bOUard sntpnrtawi. aa mean feat In HaaH. But Ibis eaWathenhw ' e again! A SUFFERING PPC." SOPTBAZX SCHEDULE Monday, Jane tl. IMS goth AYlatkm vs. TMth THH. g97th Q. M. va 12Ui Mess godth Q. If. vs. 11th Academic Tmaday. Jnae tt. IMS 333rd AB vs. Hq. dC Hq. 8q. 791st TBH. vs. 802nd TBA. ifedlos vs. Mh Academic lay. Jvwe SI. IMS NO . Tharoday. J«a 24. IfiS Bq. A Bq. Sq. vs. 8(Kh AvUUon gOeth qTm. vs. 10th Academic TMth THH. vs. noth T.8.8. Friday. Jane 28. 1P4S Seih TAB. vs. SSSrd AB •Olst THB. vs. 79l8t T.8JS. •IStb Guard Bq. vs. lltb Aesd. POST BASEBALL LEAGUE As Of Jane Id nth Mtss Op. •01 * •m •m w got Igtriisn ^ > - 1 2 2 8 1 1 A t^«ng Hght Is thrown by Pvt. Nick Calderon, but Pvt. Jack- son of the 80th Aviation, steps back Just In time. This bout provided tbrlUs to the crowed Arena whiA sdtnessed the fast moving card. About Baseball And Boxing On the sandlots of Seymour Johnson Plbld, dally baseball wars are being csi^ed on to clinch glory and fame and also for the trophy to be awarded the winners of the respective leagues. Seem as though the OlSth Guard Squadron is lead ing the show In the Softball League by remaining undefeated In the battle of the glove-less game. From the pitching mounds and from the catchers bmc. a real brand ball playing Is being dis played by Individuals. Already several soldiers have walked through the doom of ”baseball gam^ by pitching no hit, no run games. Batters and fielders also have sparkled in uiriioldlng their respective teams. Jseksen And Sfanen PaverHea On the boxing fronts: Already the boxing shows have become' one of the levying sports sttrscUona at the ^Kirts Arena. From the dressing room every otb^ Wednesday night, tile boys who enter the ring with detmtl- nation. spirit and ttte vrUlIngneas to fl^t Uke'belL The crowd has licked favorite performers, as told ly the cbeen and ovation that fol low fights. Pvts. Simon and Jack- son, colored boys from the tOOi AvlatloD are real crowd pleaaers and have fared quite well In their battles to date. Jackson atslkes m Joe Lmils manner vriileh has b(Mdn fans curious In guessing Jus: bow much be really knows. Simon displays an imusual shuffle that really Is a dlUy contrary to orthodox stance,* nevertheless^ can heave a ml^ty punch and shuffle away from one Just as well. I^’s Bematch Teel Pfs- Sam Tocl. who was one of Philadelphia’s leading Goldra Glove fighters, has managed to beat the color^ ace. Jackson, and now It would be a grand Idea to match these boys In a return-bout. Pvt. Frank ZoUexri, who’s story appears In the Ring Magazine this month ha3 fought a few times st the arena. T^ 35 pound ace shows much promise and skill. When ZoUesxl Is on the card, the night Is complete. Lt Eckman la Oveove Incidently. the boys responsible for the management of these re cent boxing shows have been do ing s good Job. Lt. E. P. Eckman heads the program with Pvt. For rest Petray as boxing Instructor ABsther BsMe Beyal. Please It hs* been suggested tbrou^ this department, that another ’’bat- tie royal” be held In the coming attra^ons. But this time, they should not bq bUndpfolded, since It doesn't seem fair to some of the boys wbo are still covered up .wbUe others peek ttuwugh blind folds broke loose by blows. Sports Slants From Other Camps CSxarley Qelbert. Cardinal riiort- stop In 1880 and '21, and Jrimny Rlsio, vrbo patrolled tite outfield In Plttsburrh, Phlladel|dila and BztMklyn, are team ma^ now at the Normkn «^.) Naval^Btatkm. Recently their team won two out of three from the Waco (Texas) Army Air Field team, managed by Lt. Birdie Tebbetta, wbo used to cstch for Detrrit. Eddie Wergeles, son of (Stick Wergeles, hss been promoted to staff sergeant at Ft. Jay, N. T. Eddie's dsd is Besu Jack’s man- the current baseball aea-' SOD ends, Lt Cdr. Mickey Oo^ rane’s powerful great Lakes Train ing Station team win have met 13 of the 18 big league clubs. . PFC Bryan (Bltsy) Grant plnt- slsed Georgia tennis star, recent ly won the men’s singles crown in ^ Texas State tennis tournament Bltsv is stationed st Kelly Field. It’s Citi. Max Baer now. And it's Cpl. Buddy Baer, too. Ttie two big boys have been promoted Max. former world’s heavyweight whMnptnn, and Buddy, wbo fou^t Joe Louis twice, are sUticned at the Sacramento (Cal.) Air Service Command where they’re teaching AAF ground crews bow to box and wrestle. ^ ^ Frank Carideo, star quarterback ^ Knute Rockne’s last team and backtield coach at the State Unlveral^ of Iowa, has been or dered to report June 38, at the Nav al Avlatioo Training Stattow at Quonset Point, R. I. Carideo al ready has been sown into the Na vy with the rank of Heutenant Ju nior grade. . ^ pn Rlsxuto, SI-c, former Tao- kee ritortatop and now itatloned at the NwloDt Tfaval TratatiiM Bta- tton. aM Core Esselbom of New- ark. N J. wlh be married Jana Softball Standings Baseball War Continues On Medic Plot Sunday It's three games, again tomorrow. The regular triple header in which six baseball teams see aaion every Sunday on the Medic Diamond is becoming one of the most popular events on the post athletic program. Ttie three games on tomorrow’s Medics; 801 vs. Big Boxing Show Wednesday At Arena Another bexlng show wQI be the featare at the Sports Arena this Boming Wedaes^y night. Sol-, dlers sre warned to eocne early In order to get a seat, rinee this •how win he sparkled wllh the Mneet bexers on the peat Some Ilf tho feOows matched are Sfanen 1W. McGehee; ZoUenl ve. SUlge- way and many ether breath- takers. The card wtn get ander way 2880 riiarp. ibr SoftkoS Aa Of Jane U 913th Guard 3«th T.8B. nSrd TBB. 790tb TMB. S8th Students Otb Acad. aoiA 906th Q. M. Medics SSSrd AB 7M T.8B. 706th TJBH. 11th Acad, latb Mess lOtb Acad. Bq A Hq. 8q. 701st TS.S. 80th Avn. 803nd TjSH. 837 G. M. .Dark Calls Tie Contest Coming from briilnd in the fes- ture game of last Sunday’s triply one run each In the fourth and nfth nr>i«^ to even the count 5-5 against the 793rd nine as the game was called by darkness at the end of the fifth. the second game an under dog Medic outnt upset the 602 team 11-6 for Its first victory td the sesson, while In the morning game the TBOth overwhelmed tita 80th Av'n. 8q., 16 to 0. The 793rd struck fast and fu- rhms. Four bits In the flrst taming, tile best blow of vritich was Bob Cou^iUn’8 double, pushed over flve runs- Lefty Lane, the 801 burl- er. settled down to pitching good ball and stopped the TMrd the rest of the way. Meanwhile, the 601 peeked away at Bo 793rd speMballer, and knocked In thTM nmB In the third and one seat hx tha-Jourih and U'"'' tie game left both outfits first vrlth two victories eoeh. Ths 790(h. wtaicb has snapped back into wtautidg 'ways after suf fering one loos, did hard hitting andlook advantage of the l^’s spotty ban to amass UruM While tb^ pitcher Fay DePrlest was shutting out tbs losers. The Medics ttnally came throi^ with a win at the expense of luckless 80ted wbo drmqxad ttixae games in fotir days.^^h ^ms hit bard and often hot the 6 nms the Mwlkw pmJted over In the first frame deekM the boll game. Re lief pitcher WatWni of w struck out thirteen men- tai Oie elx Hmtrigw be chucked. card are: _ 13th Meas Op. 797 vs. 80th. Tba; starting times are 1100. 1400 and 1730, respectively. Tbe second encounter promisee to be loaded with dynamite for as of this writing both the 80l8t and the 13tb MO are undefeated. Both clubs are well-balanced and boast good burling, hitting and fielding. Tbe first game pita the 796th against tbe Medics. TOO Is a powers ful aggregation and win be lookhig for its third trlxunph while the Medics will be trying to resume tho winning way it discovered last Sun day. Both 797 and the 80th have aa sret to record their first win sa after the game Is over one or the other wUl have a triumph to tta credit. Ask Me Another A Sperla Qaim Borne sporting figures, like John ny Vender Mber. who once pUdted two consecutive no'hlt ball gamea seem predestined to accomplish tbe iinaccompMahable. Such were tho men wbo hM tbe raoewdq. tastiM below. Wbst were their names? m modem baseball, six pltdi- ers have woo 300 or more games. Who won the most?# ( ) Walter Johnson- ( ) Cy Toung. (. )C3irlsty Mstbewson. ( ) Joe Brown. 3. Who bolda the Olympic raoord for tbe 100-meter dash?. ( ) (%srUe Paddock. ( $ Jens a Owens. ( ) Eddie Tolsn. ( ) Emia LombckTdl. 2. Only one modem fighter hsa held three world tltleo almultan^ eoQsly. Who la hs? baseball league sobedule Sunday, Jane Si 1100—768 va Medics ^ 1400-801 vs. 13th M^^Op. 1720—767 va. 80th AvlatioD Sq. Taaaday, Jane 22 ^ ia0(K-801 vs. 80th Avlstlon Sq. Wedneaday, Jane 22 1800—803 VS. 13th Mess Op. Tbarsdsy, Jane 24 1830—792 vs. 802 Buss Borries. Navy's AU-Amer- les halfback of a few years ago, downed two Jap Zeroes tn his first five minutes of flying In the South PacUlc. He taistnictB now at Pen sacola Air Base. TmSsCT -ISS Oalento. 4. Four big league ball players have hit four benne runs In ona game Who was the last to puU this stunt? ( ) (Snick XMn. ( ) Lou GMulg. ( ) Babe Ruth. ( ) Ooonle Ma^. 8. Only one race horse bah succeeded tax winning tbe ton fouk races for three - year * oUf thopi oQ^breda. What wan bis name? . ( > Whlrlsway. ( > Kan (XWaiv ( > Sir Barton. ( \ Tba Bladi StanUcB. Anewsts la Ask Me Unsther QsM 1. Daoton Tecumaeh (Cy) Toung,' pltchina for Boston. St. Louis and the Odeveland mdlans. won 611 major leaguq games tax 23 years. Walter Joanson was second with 414, all won for Warixlngtcn. 3. Eddie Tolan ran 100 xnsters tax lOJ tax 1622 at Loa Angeles, top mark for Olympic cottpetiten. 2. Hammering Henry Armstrong once held the fMtberweIgbt, Uidit- welgbt and welterwri^ crowrn all at Micd. 4. Chuck Kell, at the Philadel phia PhlUias, was the' last man to hit four home runs in a slngla game. Others to accomplish Sis feat were Lou Oriuig, Bwby Lows and Ed Delahanty 5. In 1919, Sir Barton won tba Kentucky Derby, tbe Preakneae, tbe Withers mii«» tne Stake. No other horse has ever duplicated this feat. Oh. come, come, Dum — why fj g BoxinffTeam jn’t you hurry up and go down ^ tax history? Beats British Pugs Despite the war atmosphere all over tbe world, the U. 8. sarvlca men stationed In carry on with tbelr own- war of pugilism against tbe boxers of EiMland. Recently, the Amerlcsn boys de feated tbe British team 64 tax n close fight that -prorided a grand sbQN for the thousands tixat at tended the card. The only knockout of tbe eleven bouts was scored by JBrttlsb aar- geant-gunner Trad Smith over Frank MlaseUa of clevSland, tax n Utfxt heavyweight class bout. Snx^ flattened nls American rival wffix ihm suuieaalve ri^ta to ttxa Jav tax tbe seoend. In tbe feataire heavywelgM bout. Pvt. yinceni Keaak of uriateex. Pa. on^mbxtad Bombardlar OaeriH Preston at tbS Oommandoa. Tba fights wars brid under American niki and Brttlab spacy taton, moot of Nbom wwa hei familiar wttlx the ^stanx of Jndf* Ins. Mxowatt dlaa^afactldn aSm load booliiE af Euwa dost dael- §iSb. The refowe was Ziaiit OoL Sl^aid Thtear, fermar Ifaw Task