Johnson*s EMs Go Strictly GI Seymour loluuon Field went •trictly GI this past week, «nd the boys were getting in/the groove “or else.” An officer riding in a jeep halted in front of o group of EMs waiting for a bus. crawled out. The EMs snapped a salute and be returned it. “Let me see your dog tags, men/' said the officer. The Gls pulled 'em out—some of them did. Two or three didn't hove any dog tags. Another hod his togs tied together at the bottom of a sring. The officer took their names, rank, serial number and organisation. Delinquency cards were for- worded to the Commanding Officers of the re spective men. But it wasn't all just dog togs, either, al though men were being warned ond warned again that dog tags must be worn on the person at all times except for the neessity of removing them for purposes of personal. sanitation. The tags are to be separotely fastened,, and from two a half to three inches Q>art. Other soldiers were being osked to show their individual poy records—form No. 28. And in the squadrons men were informed that they would also be expected to carry, attached to their pay rcords. their immunisation records, or Form 81. and a half to three inches opart, records, their immunisotion records, or Form 81. Also required on the person—ah yes, one more thing to remember)—is a gos identification card. Thees moy be folded and carried in bill folds. Soa Hclaiets Gls sporting sun helmets without proper pins on the front were also getting in the dog house—and fast. Those caught wearing the sun helmets in off hours—those NOT between 8 and 5, or wearing them during formation, faced quick reprimands and possible penalties. long hair—strictly un-GI. was a target for Officers. And saluting. Gls were also saluting officers and doing it properly. And Officers themselves were subject to proper saluting regulations. There ore a lot of other things to remember, too. For instance; Ca Belts Belts—should be GI, and the extension be yond the buckle should be not more than one and one half inches. Civilian shoes—plain toed. Should not be worn in formations. No Nixfaig Mixed uniforms—Gls caught wearing khaki hats ond fotigues took refuge in the dog house faster than Rover ot the sound of bis irate mos- ter's voice. In the same connection, fatigue hats of the “sombrero*' type were being worn brims down, and that woy only. Pins—Their misuse was to bring punishment Only permanent party memben were to wear per manent party pins. These must be outhentic in type. Gls got onother warning about traffic rules of the field. They were to walk on the left-hand side of the road, the “right" side. , Vol. 1 No. 28 SEYMOUR JOHNSON HELD, N. C. June 26,1943 Only $30,000 Needed to Readi War Stamp Goal Seymour Jt^insoo Field needs MO.OOO to meet its focd of s to- lU wsr bond ssles of $75,00(r, the price of s P-40 pursuit plsoe. Ibe drive wlucb beSsn the first ef May will definitely close July 1. Dumg the pest two months OIs on Seymour Johnson Field have dug deep in their pockets to inveat In the nstkii’s best paying Invest ment In s manner that will warm the' hsaH of Uncle Bam. The drive3which .began 'two fn«v**>** agomhs been cgiducted by Ibo «Alr^Me^ dl>dslon of the Special Service flection on the the ory that Seymour Johnson Field personnel would be more than wlU- mg to' Band together to buy enough war stampa end bonds to equal the price of OHS pursuit plane. Ihe iOlnd. Technical School . at present leads q)l or- os Ja ttie sale of s^a r • with sales amounting to over gt.000.: Beedquarten and Head- qoartem Squadron is second wlth[ approximately glSOO and the -- ■n.Li *. a. a. la third with about $im War atampa and bonda are oh- ^ talMbto at jUl .,_u«lr«. and «-gSSSd SS Poilez Vous?: More Than 400 Gls Study Foreign Languages Here More than 400 Midlers on at tachment pay tables. Hey, Goldbriek! COa To Single \Out Hard- Working Ema! - No Incsntlve, beb? Afraid you won't be rewarded, buh Forget n, Ooldbrlekl The Anny Is looking for m^ who are willing to do Just a Uttle bit more, to woric Just a UtUe Mt harder —^ longer. * By order of . Ool. Donald B. flndth. Oommsmdlng Officer, a iiiiiwnatMimw that 'iden tifiable accomplishments of tndl- vldualB” be reported to Eeadquar- ters, this wedc went out to Com- tp^niWThg oCflcers -of all wings, proupe, squsdnnv, and de tachments on Seymour Johnson. “Recognition by appropriate au thority, of outstanding perform ance ot duty of whatever nature or fanportance, Is necessary to the preservation of high Individual mo rale and also constitutes a means W rdMlng 'tbe espliit de corps of the entire command," says the memMwndum. TO Bcpert Oaad Men "It le dliected that Squaadron and Detachment Oommandws re port all casea of IdentiflaUe ac- oompUehmcnts of IndivlduaB. par- tlcirilarly on the part of military perewtnal not in key poaltloos. to Us nsadqpertere M order ' condng we^. Ihe classes, In Spanish and Fresoch, will be augmented Mon day by courses In German, Itallsa Brasilian. One fourth of the men taking language lessons have stodled lan guages before," said f^. Joeepb PlsOnger, bead of the group of m- structors teaching OIs. *‘Fw scwoe ot the men. they Just want to brum up on imat they have previously studied. Others want to leam more.” 'Zhe classes are conducted squadron day rooms and sf ttte Service Club Clsssroom.- With the arrival of aL_ . texts and phonograph records for .Oermsn, Xtallan a»yi . BtssUIsb, Most pt^Mdsr Isngnage,. said the Oorporal, Is ^wtnlsh. "Tbs OIs seem to believe It will be of the greatest he^ to thsm In ‘the lobs mn." Phwlnger added. "They are especially strong for PaD-Amer^ canlsm." Another fact vrtilch has drawn men to the language flaimm Is the College Specialised lin ing Program, where languages msy be needed by some students ~ 1 prerequisites. The classes are without charge, and texts sad pbonogrsift reeords are furnished by the government. The Instructors, Plsringer, and Pvta. Slsear liareau and Paul Bmnnan, on have pry vlded sddltlMial texts which tl^ snroD for • ttie .. Instruotora . Immediately set out to determine how much they slready know of languages, those classes will be added to the and place-them in• su) of three OI curriculum Monday. New class-'student categories: beginner, hi es will be started for nursesr end j termedlate or advanced. All oouzs- otfleers. More than M officers have ea stress tbs spoken word, and already enroUad for the claseet, regular discasslons ta the languag- Plntnger said. 'es ars oarriod on ta die elasarooma 796th Leada Field. |/r Honor Graduatea To the TMth Technical Sdiool Squadron goes the honor of hav^ tag the latest number ol.^hon- -eg gra^uatpsT- dqribg Ita-IUsteriy «t Seymour se- oordliig to a records ta tills made by the AJr-O-Meeh ^reek Toeing all oontctaden, the 796th has sent forward as Its oontrilmtion to the honor roll, a total of S8 students. They werb Meetqd. having - the highest evBnge grades of their chUt'see. Xkunher?up to* tbe 766^ .im thh aOknd Tbtanicel Bbhool Sqai^- -rita. whl^ oQotrtauted 'Sl hqaqr sttMentsl 3SM-liitfe Jtantrtaupiif tb '^.oew tatb^ioilBta’otAlrj' ermlt mechitalfes was~tii6 ‘Mnn Tedtnkdl Sdiocti Squkdiun. It -had 27 htstar students. ' Next In'Itas was the 796th. with U honor graduates, and :tben came the S6th TSA with Id men who had Won honors for thfir talent -ta iean****g Oie mata- tSBsnoe of ammfi. Hie other squadrons wtjh 9 bonpr grad uates eacta were the 79Mh and the 799th. '. An- honor student has the WiyhRwt grade average Rw bis entire class. The next ten high est men-graduate with disttno- to tadlvkhtaTeffOri above^nd be- yond normal expectations new Ideas resulting In Increased effi ciency or substantial econoniics. or tireless and unltmlteA purposeful application to duty inm conunen- surate beneficial resulte to the mil itary service. Matters thus report ed must be taherently superior and not merely above average.*' New Loeationa Seymour Jobnson Plaid offices were being mdved to improved quartere again this week. Among them were the ^leclal Service Of fice, transferred Bum Theater No. 2 to Building T-SO, and Personal Services (war bonds, -emergency irilet snd-lttsttranee) to T-90 from Building T-22. Pubita SteMtisns; vtaldi formerly Occupied the neW Bite of the Special derrice Office, moved to another -wing of the building. Ihe Oadit Boa^ former- located ta the Ares * Boglneer’s Building, and the Rad Oroes, fcv- meriy ta T-M, have moved to tiie newly eonetrueted buUdtag near T-JO. More Stripes Handed Out To Field EM tS to. State Serspabt; 16 to jfeantj and 82 to OocporaL Ot)iir. pronMUona on tae field were not available at the time Air- 0-Meta went to press, taut will be j. Beek,.Reriben ».'So- _ rtar A. InWIsr, Te-jljlirt-v- ' T. OEDhaa, -VtiUaiB O. Oeqirge J. SuQivah. M. ;y. ^ Alonso R. Psiltar.'Bsr-' bert BlBerlanda. To * RoDsnd W. Ayers, BdwsM 8 Oroet,^Mkurlce Holloway, Prank J. K(^i^ Robert K. Monroe, Les J. Pe|rane, Ai^ile T. Stone. Rob ert o. Herglebel. WaQaoe W. Bak er, Bdsry BWnmebdlager. Howard KlmbaU.- James H l^ioet. Jote p. OSites, Leo A. Beboelder, Wll- Uam TjWalsh. IWSgi Merle Agnedo. Hubert A. Bfn> ley, Timothy B. Oamll, Leon ZX Oory. Jr., Oeom B. XOis. Irriai M. Fbmeoker, Thomas W. Hawks, Jr.. Qbarles H. Hughes, Will' N. McKee, Robert J. loaer. , ome P. Qulter, James A. Sofa der, J^ w Stone,' Thomas 8. Tandefotd. Karl P. Weber, Boherk J. Wood. George R. Arthur, John (Continued On Page IhrN) , Jeih Solid Say GI’s tb s t reoagnHtas for snrii duta may be * > .^iiiraixtata authortty- ' I wiu be cooftaed to es- ohw smiirwinniu pnt ofi by the acoempUahmenta -due gtrls. Ada Leonard and her AU-ONl Revue wblob appeared here at Sey mour Johnsan Field, Met wertc, WM enjoyed mere tiiah wei Wtief by the asayVMIsrs who orowdod the Ttwstre to .aee ano' of . the Tbir^ Grakaaie In Finf Special training Glass Supply Officer .. Pearl Harbor Vet • Bonb,' nJned down fran ds* ptasea — the flrat raorderetM raid on Pearl Harbor was mdsrwey. Amid ^ dcvsetation that feOoiwsd to mark qpe^.tfae mostj berpd dafligdlr Amerloen Lt. Bart A.'Stibcker. now t— at Seymour Johneon. Pl^ watchtag and yeiUng.lfaat aome- dey “we’n give It 'ell hack and aome to bebt." Staring ee a book eergeeat a| Wheeler Plaid (or'- '— Men .at- Seymour Johneon Plaid with ■ Jtjptted edi grounde ere being given the chance for speclel tretaittg to thetr scope of knowledge which Mo ohty pseitam them for more effective mttttary.seHlee tati adds enjoiyment to their dally Uvea. The first group of aoMlere rectaved dipksnas this week after noaiftiTfjr pene^ tbe War Department AOI Aefalavament tat Iha i DumbsKid thirty. . ■ .• i .... r' ' • The eompaebeotve * aoademic ^ andspelllnf. , t the TQSCh under .tfae -dlsartloo ef ■ Lu Hairy V-^McIlalfl,-SOD. la con- dusted I-- by- tbs hpeotal- Train- Ing.tBatt, settt^ a.aohool fag grl- UMoy reirltag urittag, sHttsns aiu portanMlai "hi eMUan Ula^ or are durhur 1 taralSDtaath with ittUs knewlsdts mTk isD^j^Hs^ Soma aftte ■1 from Paail- Barttor>. Staokar saw the first wsbs of* Jap ptanes pitas drop 'tiisir aggs r- ' *'id. HP was a t . ttaM'dktat khn to 'iakd picttirss 'dtfttg tbs' htal titaf^^b^lstartad- ^ Aa he Minetirt ’htan. irvud tat Wwatt frOttOotahar «d* 1IS9 up tai^aarly part of IPtt, Ha. ratuf&i^4e tita atataa said aS^ tended dOB. Vpr-

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