», 1343 MB-O-KCH TUtt.m.C. wrnziium SJ yfs si YOUR ^QUADROfi 797th New Fust Sergeant Bf CPL. lULIUg mXXN Aaottier week, uotter eoluznn, end ooe'We^ doatt to tbet loevl- teble* Tlcta^. And that ta^teble won’t be too soon tor tbie GI bom- ble beiae.'Wbat with thle hot weelb er Just shout knocJrtns os down for the count. WHh s soodlr sup ply of salt tablets before os, slow- I7 but surety' our weekly report eommenees. . . Ihe ttrak *hoi” Item eoneerna the namrlrni tadlrld- oal who, dally from 4 to S o’clock SUBS himself on the graas between Barracks 410 and 411. l(y, what a lovelv tanned back he has, the sldn you love to touch. mU someone please tell the sun-tanned “besu- ty” ttot q^tthif time Is si S not 4. let 8(4. Was It's oo long to 1st Set. Bruce Busbre, trandfeired to the 41(Hb Avn. Sq.. and hello to 1st 8^ Bow aM K. Watts frocn the 'MIh. Wel come. Sarge, ni be oyer to see you shoot s three dsy pass very soon. Or would you rater H be a furkuigh. rm open to suigriiilliiiii. you know. In ttdt unooaitoc table heal It Is rKreshlng to see aa ever face. Ffc. ▼cfwsB pasaemcr or that «*«*^*^f oanBe. Owa’t know what he's hapn^ about, bid there mnai be a leeasu. Is it s she. Venim?. . . Zhi^ to Fur- Jock UMoruned. 8ta> er tet r talks jBst like me.** please copy; ■ making the reund tr ete wm fte. wntr Walt’s hapey. TMen. Windy I^A Mess Boasts Good Ball Team By CPL. NAT KANTOB The lath Mess BasebsOl Team trounced the Wtb Avlatian Squad ron to the tune of 7-3. Pfc. James B. Rohertaon twirled masterfully, went the distance, and had the op- poeltion completely bafDed. as the five hits he allowed Indicate. The team la functkmlng like a smooth working machine, and if past per- fc.-man£e8 are to be used a» a critertoo, tUs Field Cbanudonshlp wai be ours. We have all waited patiently for a winniDg team. This is it, men. so don’t let te ^yers down, lei’s aD get out to the dia mond at game time and cheer our boys on to Victory^ 6gt. Carl G. Scbulx tied the knot several days ago. By the way, be fore 1 for^t. congrats and many biMiSiy returns of the day. Qosh. what am I saying? OpI, Pete tallce is a real char acter. He has a milttoa dollar mouth piece and will bend your ears at the sU^test provocattoD. If silence is goldm. then Pete's df the gdd standard. Bgt. Ticlor A. Matita has more charm tea te candy company, and conaaqpewtly. appeals to the oppoette sex. Xvery Uke clockwDrk. two gorgeous yooBt ladies meet bten in trmd ol te «derty Roocn. For a nr who Is ft tnchea tan. he’s every mete a Ffc. Aoseph R. TSsdale Jr., our third bamman gatMas ^ every- Otag hli aromul te sack Be aim does Jmiloe te the goad O. X. taid, No wewder be jpmds all of te time here even teegte he haBa from Ihirham. Be strecte a hawml frSgt. Peter mefaote pW hla ■4 SB te ndl near te i day. and —j ealBte garmmitie la give mtear ten e aaaMn sf a leg. red and wMle atetpia, tenad 08 ■an on a btae fbdd. The I laTIrTtei Is bi gnli inil I over sad take a taA- _ a glass fig aaDIL Smae- one oagbk la get bim a emwpuB aa that ha can get te kiarhin The Aero caete te Iheee Bdlaa Bartte west of te Field. Ffe. Dwtel Bhe- Isn defliiBVly proves ted bniiQ te tftly akin deep. Be’a net the herutenwieet mae te te woeld. but does remarkably weB wttte te wemcB. Wistdi out TTsppyf They have tetgBw tawn here; — Throogh the artistic yen of VPC Benny Tattl. head of tee Art Section, snd his staff, tee Post Service Club wlO have it’s walls covered with murals similar to the one shown in IdApboto. A cotgile of tee murals have already been completed. Tattl^te a professional artist in civilian life and has drawings appearing a nmay art mtse- urns all over the country. 913tii Blossoms Into Pzint ■r M«T. R. W. BALL. Jr. Wtttatete tesue tee tlStb Guard Bneten agafn bows hrto the coL umaa of te Air-O-Mech after an sbswice of several sasutes. in te early days of tee then atfn unnam ed paper we had a cohwnp which died te iBfancT. Toor reporter wffl ‘ envar ta keep te aqnadm a te the paper xccutelJ wUeh be done sf tbemasBbeTS of tee "I cooperate. Crane te te news and it published lor you tedtt he _ TBs nlr bine cwtfR h Ffe. Ttaama & te a iwal arlaloceafc and mate have Tgyal Meed te hte votes. beesBae he calte his favwBe Why dose temifite. khera. Anyway bto ^ootd L def Cnalste dritglit te to get some rm- ““ Bmpasteod. fHend r> hda a boat teWM imddte of a. aartay Ista and teB upset tee boat What ere you tcyiag te da. Tkay give tea — Clomboro. Be beanttfttl baby, bat teak at him . _ te have our tesek bwpectioB iirilaal Oeake of the tMat . . A seal boa- ~ ' te WngQ OfBosr. Lt XA. wyelgm dU seme te ether day te tee line mate to te Mpt te TRth lailnnkviTi. Bmry. sir. e’d rather watte. Say. Johoaea FleU te Jate fafl ol beaidtlDl fenmMB, a’eat te patdSx (tet’a FWBch te you tenftemrii.lgiwet. Jnlor? Officer. Mater BsiiTf D. HIbbs, i _Css te tea aew command 1 rei^ bis haling. 'We welaime te the sqosdran. Oa^lB David B. BenaatalD, en M.. Officer, a B dd him fan eooperai' silHt te xtake Wa the te af te squad- Snake Chaimer is Boast of 794th By SOT. BILL SFBfCKB There te s snake tearmer in te aqaadron. No we wermt drteteg nor were we drearntew. bat sadi a neram extets In Pvt Bsaedtet Jese- lowlcs of ttite aqaadron. 'Pp te te is of 1-4 te where PvL Joae> tea found te snake. AU we know is that tt was a i^te. Ba caned B a Xteg Baske. sad tet it ‘wrap arouad tea arm. Be(±« and body to te MkOBoasaS of a& Brnt saw tt. Be scared ahoat live yearn ■te eat cf a cofata wea^eettaqr NoB-Ooaam who up te ‘ - What d fuwka weted make but that te a matter for the CteaaBIcatlea Qf flee. There te a B*t appHad ter a te bt- m m that mlmteg teir ' herd ef kia awtehTwe i Juet how you fast ladead we, er We weteomsd a aow Lt luadrea 14. Latea L Laiu _ . week. We see mae yea wB tajoy ptehae of tet ] Innkteg ehs9 on the Flat Ber> {gesBlte data te Irinisrit before he of went on hto fuileagli. Who the young lady’s pietttre te > j . has Us wife stn- . - . - . . _ ^ to know vte sae sf ear bate ate aiemd at te Mat Cafeteria. Bet of it te a bit of a mystery. The M to^toora dally-WteL Fat. Cmtete Perry, tbs wtevaaact eertately btamd a tealW utet temaf Pfc. Alfred W. Bb«- leaBy esagreacKe Bare. Ai»aasr|tawever.^ and^yoa can’t hteaw tern ^ uyfrao-new bridegroom stu'ptead to aaamtate utesce his tere* uuia >t that he I amzTted aioee Aprfi. Why te the aanaaBeement tet Us vdaeatlnn tas been ed Or why would be spate neteeet- I aUte s achool teachert What wmdd the re^ bead aaty. newf Oae of the Bqauf^uu leading lothartoa, tet hota of man. Jim* to have ceased te hte sinewous actMttes. The of ■ for keepteg tt a aaeret. Now we have seen ■iwyttilng. Sgt Germain appited for an owe- u The ftrst naaa ateoe be ak Bite fite/ Don’t get _ urn te roasM was tete Ite. Oennate was desn hare te fuete — htea. tegbk ] — The llcte and fioadate fattier Bi free time lately ta te cemyty of the aviadiea to that mnny Bssi. CtertclMhata. who passed out te I'.teis for a baby oil. Mmj ~ boar, bom Jam T te Gtedttvoi Upon seadtag last wetas “ ‘ ' the efieet tet te bean- - - — — Oar doutedy mall Its. te new a a d 1 y Tatendtal. PittSNwgh'a teat lat btapeaed to Mar- be ttpa Medics Praised On nne Spirit By CpL LaFerata A Ffe. Dwyer The same spirit thst carried tee Medical Detachment basketball team to tbs Championship last winter, showed Itaell thte week when two unusual ceremonies arose. Although they occurred late at idgbt. the Uedlesl Detachment responded with a spirit that brought the persratal commendat- loo of the Surgeon for thte fine devotion to duty. Pfc. John Collins Is back In the Sick and Wounded office, after ten days of wedded bliss, and what do you know, the poor boy Is now looking for a ten day convales cent furlough. Sgt. Johnson No. 4 barrack chief nlghly walls when the boys stop to talk after the lights arv out. ’’Touse gxiys diagnose your case some other place”. To Miss Wagner of the Army Nurses Corps: We are s little late. Happy Blrmday to you. Lt. 'Masse the reg ister of the Beepltal to a stamp collector,' tell ns, where are you going to put all these stamps after the War te over? Sortey not In the state you come from, you kpow what I mean, that Uttle dot on the map. R’hode Island.” By Pvt. John J. Jenktes. News FlacCit dpi. uirty Btten was slapped >9' s Waae, hte wife. An- — Bve Oteta to in town wr a kya. Well what do you know, the Medio bnaeball team ftaaUy won a game, eoittd tt be beesnse Sielr “Famed” coach. “Let’s Bus- sle.” Btoci. wasn’t there? We won der. For a teoffr, ana taonld see Pvt “Beer Barrel’’ Jatate ta ae- tlcB at te l&tormatteB Data. y . Browning. DepazitaMBt hsad UtUItteB. te gMng ord- ecB Bmbb tag*, dne to te fact tank hs’a te eagy mm ta Ms de partment One word deecrtotton of KftcheU ef te tek and tte Ffe. Wflttama has snTlItet ooukt tt be becanee be made Cor- penl? 79HhWeleeme*Neu) Commianding Officer m, mt. s«M ronKBLAMD I—kw Ow mn-rnii. « vbleh be bad beB OomBMuaitag Officer jy te paet year. Cttpteki Jota A. Mratte waw trsnsBiiotf te anetb- er Bald teat tmek. Whtte a firat to the - ^ a aettvatad at Oba- onto Field ta teie. MOL Gapteia BIrattfin was prenmted tqbte praa* ent rank teat Deoenter. A sincere a and a fine officer, Btiatlao baa te retaeot and beat wtehes «f every member of te Tgoadiua who was prtvDec* ed to aerve under Mm. •w tttepiy tti Lt Xart B. . amteed to te lA. Oanvtt P. Mebley tam ben eaeeeedad Csi^ aa OD. 14. Bteeber eMtetad ta te Bepiter Mm toam at Oaten. Ohio. Anteteg ta Steed id'lbtaam ** FWdi tor mom tem taswe yvars, batag at te tetter statte whw it wan attacked by te Jua on Tterwmbir T. ptL Be eifiiiMii i| ifto te tStedee teat year te ^boA he Mole Coll by Mtbcm CaniM, Crwtapr of 'Tavry an^ thw Piratws* ta AOCPTINa IMCCBSTttND TWr—(1) 1 AM A SOMER AT ALL T1ME6 '® I MKsr BE -i»v>ceATE /wot j’(D I MUST ee fcuteid/iu. MOTGO AlfrTUtaA DJ PlfU ir ' PCr>Pt c T SSCCT niUETUe» The Boy in Upper 13 N0rGOAMm«N6 M PVBUC TOOtOOKKS »ceMyS£LPCRllEi ARMV.. •>. r 0 A RMA B A PKlVtL£d£wMiP t MAT ■cr arr Alom ONE IF X poffor COIPPCTMISaF BBO^EJOy. ~