my j. fvcs Sajmmm hkmmm IWi* H. CL ms MWKHpar ii publlifaed weekly by end f«r ttw pereaapel at Tlekl, K C., iBder tbe dlrectloo at the Seymour Jobneoa Fleu. N O., imder the dlrectloD at the BpecUl Senriee Offloer. Ml eererec* of the Camp Newspuwr Service la received. All metmal la pawed by dbe Public IMaUaaa Ottlce. All photevrapha, wilaw ofliwwlee eredted* are Army Air Pm’cee photo- grephe. Newa appearinc Id thle p^er la for gtmraj releaae provided proper credit la gtvcii. OOU DONALD B. BKTTR. Oommandhis OfOoer MAJOR J. B. MURR. Special Serrloe Officer BDITOUAI. D. r. Droagw M/Sgt. Rkbard B. TaR OpL Joe Bsiera Pvt. Porter Ward Pvt. Jamea Beane ^ OpL Oeerpe Deoee. artieL Poet Photo Bectlea July 4, 1776-1943' In ao It la better to die, doing, help atamp e«l IB ibis world, than to live and aee tbooe evUa exlat. Bhmt vaorda, par- bape but It repreacote our optoi- tag and chielng theme song. Prom toe atandpolnt at ealider years toe dlffereoM betweea till and IMI lepraaenta IST years. Dnr- tag that time man’s actantlflc prog- -rew has been aetotmdtag — far r ater than aim other IfT years toe worid’s matc^. Otoer wto stieks of pregnwe ta other fields of mdoavur wanM-vary aocordtag to toe tadlvUnal doing tbe rattag. n is oar contention that man's principles —> the n»M— for widen he wUlflgld and toed blood — have not dsaoged one lota tome toe Bell rang In Philadelphia. Ih toat respect, ITN and 1*0 are net even minutes apart. Why We nght We hear a loC of loooe but k'ell- talk these days that the claratta ef Ihdependcnee, bnt that sacred dowient was cooled by dlp- ptag it Into toe blood of meay pa- Moto taom Oeocord to Torwim. And toclr actions were aa elegn«t as Jeffereon’e pen. Let ns giato toat obafehin*B ipneh Ohiartar is not 0obal to oonoept. Lotus0^ that CbnrcblU’s speeto ea to Psrilamsttt are not aB they could bt. Let US grant that Roese- dstailed bhii prinL Reed they hel — eon- cepto notj. to be tound In toe Rata way of me. Ooold It not be eald that the eWton ef 177S wea tight* log for tbse aame four freedomif la fact, he tosured two’e them for ue: Freedom of SpMch and Free* dam of Religion, we have enjoyed them for lf7 years. BO tald not g^ Freedom from Want and Ree* dom from Pear. That le our Job today — to preserve hie tvm and add our two. Tribute To Chaplain The united Btotaa Amm today tangle chal* ♦htutriiiy Bre directly week was earmarked by eongreas onooulte *ef neighbors: rm Umi an«« tha War rwu Iiatrk>ta~ of ITfo knew what toey America la a greater and better were fighting for — homes, ,lnde- nation in which to live than toe pmdeDce ttiat none of toe ores*|Axto^werB because of the first mt world leaders have made cl^ uro needoma. And we wlX be an Just exactly why we are fitartlng.'evea greater and better natiim that President Roosevelt and Prime when we have stamped out of tbe Churchin eaa.4levlae glo* uorld the elementa that stand for bal strategy but have not devised,the negation of the Poor Freed-ims. global aims. ‘ The palrlM of 1TT6 would want it thu-h thinking misses the mark, that way. ClvillsaUoo is not to be measured iSasee Weals la dotom ^ cento. You do not We feel that the aame thmig^ move to a man mathernatlcaJIy t^lplw, ^ i^^e fights as you would e sum flazned to the veins of ITO ta addlti^^At letttthat baa lever cans still extate ta undlmlnlto^ ever offered toe Christian ta- America. Ths young men coming tale mlUtniy service ta ever tncreestng numbers are representative of every WP* of h«ne and oommuntty. These men win earn back to their home# the benefite of clean living undtf rigid military dtadpUne and H to up to tbe chaplains of our Army well as ear eMUan pastors — to see that the tafluenee and bene* fits of tbe Christian folto are brought hmne as well. The ^rpl^ drafted soldier enter ing the Army Is a bewfldsred hv dividual at best. Bs has been ton from familiar faces and oceopa- tee strange new atmoei' ly foreign to anytotag be hen ex- to run the Army and toe Ww De* lartment for tbe fiscal year whltai >egaD Thursday. More than a third of the sum —tn,d66,4t.000 for toe Air Porces, inehidlito money to procure to.TN planes. The total Is required to su^y an Army of T,* 500.000 men. Of the total sum. five mlUon dta* laze will go books, toclodliig text books. The sum recommended for toe Air Forces for the coming year la approxlmtefo the whole cost of World War X for tbe Army and Air Force during If 17 and ifll. “ Army Tapers Off The else of tiie Armyle expected to level off sonnewbat tills year, vtoen Uttle more than a million man will be Inducted, compared to luctM last perkneed prevtauafo.^ is a uni que example ef When a* Feller Reeds a Prl^.” ITta at thb mo- m aikunoo. at least umv oas .levci |i;w« lMnUi«ArMHcMW»y. Sui^thelyiMttfcB ta IM Omr patriffhr of UTS must have known heritage admlste toit^^her plu^ ^ stamp oat meet .partlcutai^ ftat the Peal SSertteta^’-^S^.U- eh^t^.M^i^ltad Jrffe^^forte a De-'wta ». the., etal. 3£c2f three mllHon men Inductc Goldbrickers Or Americans First at chow, flrdt In pay line one else’s load along with hJs own. and first to get out ef woik —that Ifa fortunate tor toe 0m^ topple dconlpCioa to single out Ices toat Amer^ la cbnck-luO ef a xDidbiicker anywhere. I's a fari‘*poor suckers” who are more than cry from toe dKrfotioo of that , willing to do toeir sham .Id ar- BKMlta Amerlcaa. George Washing- der to help win “^w^ Urn “FIrat to war flntt In peacel Perhaps the goldbrlcker dotont aita first to the bearte of bis coon-reallae that be ^ould not k«'^* ti.iif ■* ** Imltted to-call himseK an Ani^- The soWbrlcker may be Just can. Anyone who te^toeow ifUtih laxy. we feel sony for him. enough to delil^rately dtadge n Burnt be a bad foelmg ziot to when ihelr job, regardleee hw teve encNMb arablUon to want to:ntimrte R ee^, toa w to ^ MQUP own Job when you realise stoeel that win eventually A* tod ttaa vrar la as flherman out victory for the powers, IL Is certatoly not an American. ‘ - goidbrick0 _ taiould Join torwl to carry some- ato to Hitler and TOJo. iOkndtchuL Jinow, way the tailnenos of brotliertieod tadelibly to he mtod. Ltfe b Rugged The soldier’s Itte during the first few weeks after his todnetioo ta, as be says, "nigged.” There is ao much to accomplish to such a abort time. Oonsequoitly die peace and quiet dignity of Smutay sei vices to tne tampel of his faith are doubly welcome to him, and find him to a most receptive atate of mtod. This le DO lees true, naturally, ef the soldier of no folth — who Is, if anythiiig, more coafused' to his mtod than the boy with a church background. It Is among these eol- dleiB who have not experlenoed the benefits of a Christtaa Ufa that t>» chur^K ifUt fi««i aa —*»*•** fertile field ta which to qwead . . gofpel. There la no doubt that this (nfluenoe must be a vary active one, as wrong Influenom are truly active at all ttmee — bang oon- etontly presented tothe eeldler vfiien be ta off tbe Poet ■■and tbe peratatem subject of coovereattoo in tbe barracto. Fun Tiam Jeb There is i» doubt that a. Post Chaplain has a tali time job In . making hfo subject attractive to al! Kot to Catch the at ble station —but that he can succeed goes wlbouC saytag wn uo Dlcture of the year ithutoext day tbe loeal paper dutifully “-issruri* XJ* V tss taken wUh OkUo^I tal b^ta] ^ >«eb-i2S.S5^'i'5S=*2Sl? —and U ^ on a nugaslm Wr/RtaUcltyl^ ■>!“«“ tab te on a cover. PUDiiciiy r^': “'rrtngm, ne wui itna uie enure per- tacking him up _ to . --- tog for e mirage. tal. _ is counting on fooltog tbs doctors Private Prank “Pee ,™«® , and betog up and around to ploy Moute. who Was Harry .tames .^mjy campc to August...Mel Po- manager, bas been appointed niu-i^Q bMo promoted to Corp. steal director of the Newark Air Uq ^ 3 31^ Force. ..Gunner Base. He will have tbe James ®^*Bags wUl gallop _agal^t Gil Soldiers Attend Chapels En Masse ARMY SideUxhts been bom; some good, some bad. some rich, and some poor, some poeueas strength, and some are de prived of (he blesstoff and wriggle throuta* life as weaklings, some are bom srtth wit end some are bom witless, poor crestrures; donbtleee they had no say about their mechanism or they would not have willed U so. Some seem to have been bora with all the brav ery end courege vrtiUe others evl- dratiy were ebsent when these good queUtiee were betog issued out. However, it seems severe en* Uelsm should not be hurled egetost for ttiat detlclendy. elnce were aot taken into council tbe framework at their sa- atonqr wee betog laid. Feepie Are Machines Peo|de are such funny UUle ms- dnes: in some, every bolt sad _jrow ssemto fit exactly; they smile whtie otbers frown; they laugh while ethers weep; they see the apple whQe others see only llw worm; beep to tune while otfaere drawl out the disooid: they martai (o cadenc-e while other poor chmiaie Itoww Ste whole group out of jonit tamply becenee tize/ do not dare; others wondw why tbsw Men, but toelr grsatoat wond er le itaqr Umw are forced to live to soA a world ef eontaeto. Bi oSzere, the mechanic seemed to have reversed the brata as their General MarebaU told a Gover- _ws* cooforeBor at'Columbus,- O., last week that “Ttetory is oeaialn. We have seised the toltiative, the most vital factor to war. Tbe pat- teni for vtetory ta clear.” Be add- dd that UDlfo ef action on a scale ■ ta btoto»?v • has been achieved. tiUen Men Dtoobarged A total of more ttian a men will have been discharged for " caueea from the armed forces by tbs end of tbe year. It was ■B' notoieed ta RSw York. Some 6M,- OOP were dbdiarged up to tbs end of IMS. glf^ Corps Birfh^ The first signal Through the ages peopio have good, sor their eyes evidently 00 focused to tile wrong direction as they see only the objecte that ao one etaa ease: and tbetr aara must have been borrowed from some other fordgn animal because theii bear- tog Is contrary te good enthdatae tie morale: and tbeir tongues, no man under beaven knesre wtaara these peer, aetf-pltied, mistreated, ignored, dejected, sons of some * mothers get tbetr tongues lor Is net tawethav tike It either ta tbe fowls of tile air or ttw beasts of he fleM. Forget Idtaeyaorselei Say. netghbora. why not forget your little IdkMtynemsles. get your tolo up, your chest out, get in tune, azid In step with the reet of tbe good people of the unWersel The world Is net rJl bad. neither are the peeple nearly so much out of Itoe as you may thtak. The march at treng-ie cn tbe road to vlctoiy over many ttzinga. Way not M OB tbe band wagon dnd ezi- Tbe Chaplain Pge 3 Tab MB joy tha fact that yau 0e livtag among peeple ef your own ctaae and ktoy For, at tbe moet part, you win not be compelled to put up with tile aenaeleianem of men for many years, because you will soon be vdiere they are either better or worse. Bari B. L. Lazwtteoop RBUOIODB 8EBV1CB5 Re. 1 of tbe U. Army took ottlce M years age June n. He was M^ Albert J. physteal vmoee gradua- was entitled "A Sign Language for Deeaf Mutesi” Mey- er pmeetod the "wig-wag” system of vlouai cemmunlcatloo for the Atony. He also put the totegraph to use during the CIvl] War as a lUttara Item, hre Dependeney AM? Agitation by cengreeemeu for Izi- .jsased aid to dependents of ser vice men was aired to Weantogton last week. Senator Wagner sug gested ttiat 950 might be enourh for a childlees wife, but that the allotment for a wife and child AoukI be tocreesed to 979. with 990 for each addlttonal child. Smoke Mwitilies Tanks OokMod smoke is betog used as . 6711. Cathi^ Servlees: Mae 099h ms. 1990 Protestezit Services 1100. 1415. 9000 DaOy CathoUe ktes 0190 ftroteatant Services 91 Chaplato Tatoter, Cbaplato LazMttroop a means ( by wUeh aircraft can th^ own tazika. Spe.'dal Identify - . smokea of three and four mtoutec, vddeh produce nearly aU the colors of the rainbow, can ba need, for the purpose. The colors may be UB^ alzqly or In comb'natlon ArtfBery ExosBeai American artillery was excel lent in more irnye than one. ac- eordtog to Capt. Jesse MattociLT. A — ..kiJust back from Tunisia. Mattocks ® the Amerltkn ertIUery f're on attendance at religious aer-‘ ^ a. .. wf,—.m Snnlay Protonhmf Services 9999. UU. MpO Holy OonuBunten .. . ins. 1900 Hymn Servlee 9015 Chaplain Mantle, chtatiata Davis Taeadsy Lutbersn»8ervlcea llflO and 1909 Wednesday - Service Men’s Christlsn League U Hvmn Service ... ...... IfM Sabbath Services Friday (Jewtah) ..... 9000 Xn^eoSieta U^. ta.^|^c’"gr7l SUSil?To„.S£ answer to over - .stuffin*; on the|chaplalns spend wi h the GZs andi^l- good things that eome from your mcelvad they are. own garden is home groan... ! a grazid tot^ pt 996 services >.i.rtritgvito of his career...A new meture "We Are the Marlneo” has i-ecentiy been fli^toied.. .not owh M film vraa wasted In the jttlng room.. .Victor Mature's ear taSirSS.'tor'rSJfi?!uS«'^. ^s.rnr,.s ta'm OG8 to Ft. DeruiUig. *m..-saapA» , Another MaiJie Raye has been ill itow yr • J^pgrttog sir. I've served my time from tbe war eones. R's a ** • desk of Admiral Chester *?£2r^v£it reSiW gave a W. Nlznite. Commander - to - ®53f to midewsteralol the to this poto^ town and alter much bowtog bad para^^ S teptaymn encora- Durliq the «P* «»>■ to i«^ooe to tl^ wlthsm' ^Sa Osoar shoulad "got to oatch one to sit wtth^toe War dep^ rSta^=Tut the crawtfdemaz^ onj^ ^ iaSSTho llaany Oaear oWlged. The'-tails we tosel” Cbapel Mo. 4 Sanday Protestant Services Criored Soldiers) Jewish Wukday Jewish. Sabbath Servteas Saturday Dally Mond^ to Friday .... 0991 9000 Protestant tWedziesday) Col ored Sdldiem) .* 991 Ctoapiato Goldben, chs^to Lazuftrnop were given at all parts of tbe Post durtog tbe months of Jan., Feb., Bfardi, AprU. and htey. Tens of thousands of soldiers atreoded these services. Exclusive ef tbe regular services, there were 319 tr^ mad® to the goardbouae. Spartan Barracks azid foe Hosplt- tt. PUrty aevai sex morale Sea- turee were given. 9g manlages buttSBt to gowtnom proof SuU- cative of tbe qdrtt pccvalUug at found themselves back of tbe Ger man lines. Change Beguirfmenta The W0 Department has issued a new rnltog Which will permit oonsdeutiDus objects to attend Officer Oazidldate Schools. Under the OTigtaal regulation, the appU- canto were required to waive their status aa objectors. The chazage permits "oonchtas” to attend tiMse scfaonla where persotmel are armed or tratond In tim of arms. that the chaplata’s Ufo and job to a Chapel Me. 5 Ghtbolte Mens Protestant Services , Oatholto ] Jewish .. CsfooUe Services: Mess IMO Protestazit Secvlcce 1190, Catholte Mam 1709 rviApiAiw MCrrlD. Chaplain MeOrafo