I Inly 3. 1943 TiM. W C COLUMNiS!%^i ^NEWSebI fMM YOTO •* ® squadron 333nl 6. Ls On The Beam Br SGT. FKANCIB T. FEESiCll CootrftU to All ttM men oa their receot promottocu to the eext high er grade. The Anted InvAAloa of Bur(^ woen’t Anythhig ooiapAred to the tnvAsioB of Mt. OUoe oa June Id by thooe two esteemed Lochlnvers of BAiTACfen lib. Cpl. “Deed Pen" Welsh delms sleep is good for all soldien. frt Cohen seems to think that he is running this outfit the way be goes out on pwssee aad the passes the "buck" to somebody else. 6gt. PIcA' rtoiio is begtoniog to get oa the beam with his new Job aa detail fier* geest. You had better be careful Sgt. Bennett or you’ll be swinging a pick one of these nJshts. The “brotherhood of murder^’ BS g t.> Murphy. Cpl. Rowe and CpL “Our Don” have given up Rafelgfa as their playground and are iMttng for new leads to conquer. We wood* c why 8-8gt. Pierce doesn't stay in bia barracks once in awhile aft* er wort, we bfen roar company Bgt.. aad we won't tdte yoa. PlaNi Cpl. “Andy" Lovaslk has gone aad treaded that Is^ afile. congratalatlans an yaur marriage, “Ai^. Cpl. Kapinskl got Jealous of “Andy’s” aasnlage. sa he turned around and baesme awNrad to '' ’’■en^'. Oongrats to yoa a Opl. KaoinsU. 0«r 'T>Bn’’ is now and yoaiftsidd see the letters he is eendtog eut. bey oh bey. the mall is rsh^g it M week. CpL “Dog Tags’’ Barite stooe his peesMdloa Is sectoaito tidnklag ef nmatag toe mala P. o. toe way he bw taf hJoat aaitow rank, ’’■toger’' tawcaak now hai pcebtom onhla mlad. toaee Ma areand devaf |Opl. motion he is toiaklng of haw he — r latoe ha'pay. meoad lata I lid. Be mja B*s hscaaae: agto. "Pto” and Leggto waa’t let. _ __ ^ As Im toe Wa ef a to* to toe Ooard Bgaadrim has tostttahjd the otoer taarraoki. honor barracks aWards sgalem to Sfft. Patuchek By CPL. LAPBBUTA A PPC. ( DWTKB Sgt. Patuchek of Ward U has been walking around in a dase for the past two weeks, the Barge arrived borne one fine evenA to find a double addition in the lam* fly. yep twin boys, congratulations Sgt. (what a man) Patuchek. Sgt. (Big Noise) Trout was Seen out auto riding with a'coitpie of WAACS. Things aren’t as bad they used to be. ’Tech 8^. Blimp Eldrldge*Sgt. (Z have ser vice) Martin and Pvt. Larro are now Blvoucing. The bard hitting Officers soft hall club was saved by the rain the other night. At the end of three inidngf* the score was d*l against them and the ezdteted men hadn't even started to bear down. The nest game we are go ing to allow them to use tennis racquets. We are considering swearing out a warrant for Lt. Archer for the way be umpired that game -^ROBBER. Cpl. Gene Fenton a former white collar worker, is now a Whis at first aid. % Yeah, The Domlnatico for the cheapest man is Cpl. Frawely according to Pvt. Rod|^. “He woldn*t give you the right time if he bad two watch- i.” One of the best tttings we have seen yet to Pvt. Bendiner of the Sick and Tired Office nmning for a busi WOO-WOO The answer to the $#4. questton by the Medics daon receive for- loiwfls is because toe Air Corps boys arc aatl and axe always get stok. Or is It Just gahlsbrl^ fcSowsf in the cervioe U. Rlcciy (toe 1 of FFO Jotm O’ *Xtoe hut you ars ugly.*' 794th Welimnes New Qffkeis By SflT. BILL gPBNCEB The squadrop welcsmvs their ■ew Oammaodtog OBIcer Captain Jeune D. MataBe this patt-woek alsug wMh swotoer oew officer Lt. Oeocge O'Brioa Atopg with the of- 1 same several Bon-Oomms and _ mn. We aresme (hey will Ml fhid dm tottli tope sa a ^ - 92S BeginM Honor Bwrrufiko Su«tem ByMGT. B. W. BALI.. JB. Sgt. “Ducky" Clark to zww back from his mauth end Ms asstot- sat Pfc. ^fdoB R*s BOW OpL) *’Oarley“ Free wttl hove to ge t back OB toe beosa. Ffe. Boy “Bal* dy Nuto to SB Ms wi toa hwpy deys to Hew I I to- . tot. Cpt* Alfeaite j It aomt be tore but we Aoubt It tom are afraid a( gilllug out of oach otoers 4i|ld ao toey acust have aoBMtotog up tottr stoovea. Pto. •'■emilme” D^aOb our now MgM OQ osftatoly kui— bow to pomed Ms ear. Qm. ‘Bsmaiy" Shawver haa gtvca up A program sa ”Tbs Art of ktsAg Lov^ud has astttod Sowa to a «At life to too barmeks. At Dsatsl .Zkapeo* tisa toll weak Cpl. laosMIe toced ths Puittot aguasely aad hald A matojs to A rigtal haad. of couroe bo WM Acad m Clam 4. Ibo aaaastt asaa of the week to our “ted Suer’ Opl. “Chet’* WUMoi. he refuses to make the bote aad Mitoe teem lor too mea to ttie .barraeka. B*s yreto poor, what our awn ttork caaH even get aiw man. uaw 1 woader why couidTt be. tout he Is going crasy oowrtlag toe mall, ptoaeo tell as. Praads. Sgt BMare, our sgt Mat* or. Is getog home on a nirloai^ Bsxt meath to get married. Good took..kid. you win need It. _ - 801 toe Post The awards nr toe pate Saturtey’s’ bneottai went to ar- laeks m and Barracks 04. B.Bgt Petonan, Sgt. Cavey, and the bmb of their bararaeks are to he caa* ntalatod oa haM tea Sato to raeetvo thte towr. Ibt wtetetop to aaw: Wfli bo aA to hoU the award? Tte oChw hairaelB laadeia are out to take aaray toa fteques so let’s see aoam veal compeUttocL The winning saftball team ac toe agusdran to new sperttag aaw md* fonxM hi two taiM afleet of brlL Usat gresB and yaOow. What ams to have baao the tueVlb stmtoM same won tms rained* oat. leaviig the nlforwui somoWhat ‘ dra«gl«d. butalBile cant hart too t and the other * of tost green Here’s ao At Esse ares between barradss of the TMtb that rea^ attracts the boys. Sitting in the fooreground is Pfc. Delphln K. Robinson of Norwood, Ohio. Standing by the gate and “gabbing’’ with Urn is Pfc. Odls C. Taylor of Wefnert, Tex. Sgt. BsrfmsB. aad ak mwaberi of toe agaadmo have not aaly been tovttBd halt wgad to try Hew BMri^ Bhw The new baaing xtog hero hi toe - —- New Day Room Plans In 791st By PfC HM BOBBELLI WHhln toe not too far off futare, the Wist Straadron win have an other attractive Pay ftooaa to that In Bttilrttng 441. Plans are underway for the interior decora- ttona and part of the basic work has already started. B w&l be com* plAly furnished with soCt-cusb* mnad tealrs. vaietlaa bUnds. writ* iDg tacUltiea. radto and reoosi' Ayw sad magartofs. Mode pliuaa were made during ttie iiast week by thras M too ieuowa from Barrel ttl under Bw dtracUon of U. Benlg. Tbay have been put up to Pawiteamm * squadraa area gh Sadr af aotfaa I toeoiitlB. m to a a put - I lOT 1 gurpoee of Vumtng ptoma Mudl llcatlaa. Bach one was made ac- ccadhii to a pro ?lwtoirinlaoJ scate.. When vtowad froan a dtofca of 0 teat itm take an the appear- aaea af ulMt Bw actual aaomy oradt weuM tote Uha mt a teilaiu n of 04 yarte. Bate ptone beam a naaiber aa toa uadaraUe of its left wtag. Tbeaa aopiben oainslte wA tbeae on a teaA aa tee wiB whleh gtvaa Bfll tetate ao aate modM. ^ At large Aide “Pate' flcal sent to lA ^tose B to baoeam «. stodott aad-in dae time euBsa out as a frdl ptodgai a. oi. an At about tort graduato. Lately mate teBoim Ttotima A otoar tnm around and fa lu harraoks have been tWKhmtng to wonder If to s(dtoa& leakuo. Tba _wm ctovaa to four aaS eur'he re^y would male a good me- The WWtfraiai M toe Matt dopart* raat BBgt. BIB Denahue aad OpL Can Melvin are planning a ap to A acene of their latest coa- • “ • •** B. C. The ■ ‘ ahead A woadaatel 55!?*«25 Item toa* tear man •tvan.au thte lau Mp A 9hoy caBte B raaS laliow soma what start!* ad (A weak to bahald a new Baau Brummel to A paraun af OpL Oariea Welnstoin.. Who bas tong been known for A enoeas amouBt of cloth to A trousers. Now Char lie Is msttog A nearest thing to a taUor made aaoC site Amy raculattons wM altow. The beWit of iwmoWHng or ste er was reached en Sunday. June when our day zoom a^tendaol. A] Olasser, called A frdber A Father’s Pay and tfaoughtufly re versed A charges. Anyway, we tomgA Papa was glad to hear from bis “mtle*’ bey. ^ Tim toweot thief to A wsrM to ay eathAA to At one wbr .. .. .... uuihtag «f( A . e. If youTe eanteaHil WsB. M year oonsclanee be year guA. ITS a tong drag into A m ef Obtovton. cbaide or that it would be better If 799th Leges Two Officen By SGT. DON SUTHEBLAND Following close on A depar ture of Captain Stratton, two more officers were transferred out ef A squadron during the past week. Lt. Oarrett J. Abiey and Lt. Fred erick W. Blackwen. The equad- roo's association with these two fine officers was always pleatiuit and Ay have our sincere and hearty wishes for success. Every man is welcome to his own opinion, but A considered de cision of A rest of A squadron is that Bob O’Brien dnlnitely shouldn’t have uteod to front of Harry James and said (auote) {too* oey (unquotej. Just goes to snow what At tint visit to A Bib City does to a guy. The Job our students do alng- A “Mona” and “Allouette” fully nm^lts the Excellency Banner Ay received for Air vocal efforts. The squadron’s Permaneztt Party was depleted considerably last week by the transfer of mveral men to oAr squadrons on t b e field. And we will close oo a tender note of'eme Pvt. Buttte'h Caaa- nova - like qualities. Pemtt us a telapered aside: why don’t you take it easy, BUI? Tlte gal had a system A, aad ywi had to spoil It Ah — I’s PUgM Beoerd A Air rstum flights after de livering pcswmiiei aad material to fighting trim for his first year to Navy ferry planes now bring stra- tagle matertols to America. Not pound of sate ear|m has been to date. Prom Obtoa these pianee are bringinc to cargoes of gstan, toft and A to At order of prlortty. The quartenaaster corps atmdt 4444 to keep A average onbllirr to tltotobw Mm A Mslfrto year to A araiy. Mvee Bari Dowte. A tatoss vie- A. Per A past few msaA be A baco i 0 ate 0 paga totters regtdarly frem a earttei ~ ' af feto female public. But, . _ iai*t A oototatekM vassoa for A being aottced. Tbraa days be was called to A day ■ mU T. A . _ - up A recelvar sad meekly said. “Hel lo.** A weren’t nls to gat A i M It sure A ragiotor with ArL baeauoe be was beaming ao nmte At A earn even Bt up. awute ^ In bo karractahattou went oomettA A this: “Oee, A rm glad to bear from yeul** It teanged to soe loud yell, maid from, a jmriy te> Buffalo V. bB bewUerad* he plebsd i ef fwteng. nSB VgLEME A B-page •valmae on service la- uklte repsedaced A Idaa- WfteaHiine of A Army- Navy Ma- rtae (torpe and Coast Guard and ate naval afrermft, bas baca pre pared by A WaHnnel Oeegrapkic BocMy. Captea atol be gtvea to _ he let howl ami said At he waa -Balebad. Sevnral of A tx^ gathered aroute to taka a Ak. but aoaa to them seemed to baow wbat It weo. ibr maker tafermed Am th** tt was a By net to be bung over A oet. Sinee tbea be has beea sleep lag mute osuader. Lsve Bug Bttm Pnaa A way many to A iel-' lews have bem oazzying on latte' It to ontte aoDavant that tee fBei- ste mneqnAs are not A only sort of Aeets or bugs At have bean bUlng. Dawn to torradai 40 Mole Call bf MHlon CwM. OMtw ‘Varry and *• 1 Auxiliary Power -IME C0k0MELWf»U7 SAT—* THE lOTOHfUb TsuawREP wmeir , toss TO Oli FORCES.'V he were put toto A Quartminaat- | era Corps to do repair work on O. j I. clothmg. Tbe reamn for this Is ] due to A At At a few days ago — - 'SS.^g irtS ‘!5?? Mw yard -awer yard of btaa tope* ^nth teeas. aaedla ate Bread ha , want to work. After aavosal boom . taformad hhn tea. aaM waeb.a Bewllderad Since A SBlddle ef tog "TIS Mi Milia#** liwntor on his ■euB alsBg sMto A pato table in A iwcreatton zwoib. Tbla poor chaw to Bit. Baott *«BtetAU'’ Swing to barracks SO. It all start ed whan Bwtog awte A Ate- nA At be waa an exaert ovol playsr wad would Iqy odds At ne eaud beat any suAoh put up aselnst htoo. Bdward IbaaMiwiirl. alsa to A aams barratea aad la lent ptaaer to A awn right. m tbe teaWenge. As ban after baS dKVped toto A oppenents rack ate point after pokit stacked up, Balat imsnt freling quite so confident. Bended -up oo A abort end. ate stooe then ims mid little of A psevioos atoilevetMOts. It aaast be due o toryoglito. or to

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